UNIX family and class UNIX system

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UNIX family and class UNIX system



Sun Solarissco Unixdarwinminixlinux

DOS and its successor

DoswindowsOSOOS / 2

Other commercial operating systems

NetWareBeosqnxb-Right / Vplan9 & InferNotsx-32theos

Operating system as a hobby

Amigaos Simulator Skyossyllablereactosmenuetostriangleosvisopsysstorm OS

Operating system in the laboratory



UNIX family and class UNIX system

In 1969, in AT & T's Bell Labs, Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie (they used to be two developers of Multics, Multics, the ultimately did not succeed) for an experimental plan called space tourism, need a operation system. They found an idle PDP-7 machine, wrote a Multics's adaptency, officially released in 1971. This stuff is later unix the world. Multics - Unix, do you see what is it?

In 1973, Dennis Ritchie renovated a UNIX in the C language he was developed, and laid the foundation of UNIX universalization. In 1976, they scattered the sixth edition of UNIX to places other than AT & T. The UC Berkeley is based on UNIX 7.0, which published a system called BSD and developed to version 4.4 in 1992; and AT & T continued to improve their system, published commercial SYSTEM III until System V. The development of UNIX is expanded around the two mainstreams.

UNIX design goals are small and beautiful: I hope to be executed on any small system, and the core is only available to some features, others will be added as needed. This has become a design philosophy of an operating system. Many companies have their own UNIX versions, but their basic characteristics are consistent: openness, multi-user, multitasking, strong function, high efficiency, rich network function. In order to overcome the Division of the Unix version of the Division, 1990 ISO has developed ISO / IEC 9945-1-1990 standard, which is the first part of the entire portable operating system interface (POSIX); system application interface is POSIX.1 . This is the interface standard of the Unix operating system.

Related links: AT & T www.att.com/bell Labs www.bell-labs.com/multics www.multicians.org/uc Berkeley www.berkeley.edu/iso www.iso.ch/posix www.pasc.org/

BSD series current X86 platform BSD system is mostly Berkeley's 4.4 BSD Lite, which is an incomplete system that is published after the code from AT & T. The most famous is FreeBSD (the latest version is FreeBSD 5.2 [JAN-12-2004]), other NetBSD (latest version is NetBSD 1.6.1 [APR-21-2003]), OpenBSD (latest version OpenBSD 3.4 [NOV-1-2003]), etc., are free, you can download it in the appropriate official website. FreeBSD

Written by California Berkeley School, the first version was officially launched in 1993. BSD UNIX and UNIX SYSTEM V are two mainstreams of UNIX operating systems, and later UNIX systems are derived products of these two systems.

FreeBSD is actually an authentic UNIX system, but due to legal reasons, it cannot use "UNIX" as a trademark. It is also a free operating system, and users can get it from the Internet. The advantage of FreeBSD:

1, UNIX compatibility

FreeBSD is free to say that FreeBSD is a toy of your personal user. Since FreeBSD is a branch system in UNIX, it has UNIX features that can be completed by Unix. Since the professional UNIX workstation is very expensive, FreeBSD can use the cheap and low-cost of personal computer hardware and software, and give our own advantages to a certain extent, replace UNIX systems. Many UNIX systems can also operate normally in FreeBSD.

2, extremely stable, reliable

FreeBSD is a real 32-bit operating system, which does not contain any 16-bit code in the core, which makes it the most stable and reliable system in a personal computer operating system. The FreeBSD workstation can work properly and stably for several years without having a problem. It is therefore "Rock-Stable Performance", which means "rock".

3. Powerful network features FreeBSD is not only used as a workstation used as a personal use, but also by some ISP (Internet Service Providers) as a web server, providing network services for the majority of users. For example, Yahoo's main server is all useless, "Netease", also used freebsd. On the one hand, it is because of FreeBSD's cheap, more importantly, because it has a strong network function and a good stability necessary for network work. FreeBSD also supports the largest anonymous FTP server on the Internet: ftp.cdrom.com. The APP network is implemented using BSD UNIX, so FreeBSD is very mature in terms of network. 4, multi-user, multitasking This is a modern operating system. FreeBSD has a dynamic priority preemptive multitasking function capable of controlling, adjusting. This makes it possible to perform normal switches even when the system is busy, and does not affect the operation of other programs when the individual tasks do not correspond to or crash. FreeBSD is mainly for the Internet, as a server system, so it has a long distance from ordinary users. It lacks support from commercial databases and application software manufacturers, which affects the cause of it into many personal computers.

General computer users can use FreeBSD as the operating system, because although it can run a lot of programs, most of UNIX, the program under Windows cannot run.

Sun Solarissun Microsystems Early OSS version of the SUN OS is BSD based on BSD. In 1993, they worked with AT & T to Unix System V, and released systems called Solaris.System V Release 4, which is a Unix System V and BSD integrals. The Solaris system is mainly used on Sun's own SPARC machine, but they also released the corresponding X86 version and free. The latest test version Software Express for Solaris (12/03) [DEC -? - 2003], there is downloaded in the official website. Http://wwws.sun.com/software/solaris/solaris-express/get.html Related Links: Sun Microsystems www.sun.com/


Santa Cruz Operation (SCO) company UNIX mainly has two sets. On the one hand, in 1980, Microsoft began to develop UNIX PC version Xenix, and later sold to SCO. On this basis, SCO continues to introduce AT & T technology, and later developed into the SCO Open Server series. At present, there are many of our banks, postal systems, and the latest version is SCO Open Server 5.0.7 [FEB-21-2003]. On the other hand, in 1993, AT & T put their entire team of UNIX, including copyright sales to NOWELL, with unixware. In 1995, NOWELL sold this set of Dongdong to SCO, so that SCO became the unix of the unix. The SCO integrates its own technology and released Unixware 7, followed by Caldera M & A. Caldera's sign is not enough, and it is replaced by SCO. The latest version of UNIXWare is Unixware 7.1.3 [NOV-21-2002]. These may find downloads on the ED. Related Links Santa Cruz Operation Sco www.caldera.com/microsoft www.microsoft.com/nowell www.novell.com/ed www.filedonkey.com/

Darwindarwin is the kernel of the operating system Mac OS X of Apple Company Mac OS X, the first version of 1999. It is based on FreeBSD and MACH 3.0 technology, both of which are open source. Apple also adopts the open source policy to Darwin, making the release to make people free download, including X86 versions. The latest version is Darwin 7.0.1 [NOV-14-2003], you can go to the official website for free download. Note that Darwin is not Mac OS X, less beautiful Aqua user interface. There are currently some versions of free GUI, such as GNU-Darwin.

Related Links: Apple www.apple.commach 3.0 www-2.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/project/mach/public/www/mach.htmldarwin 7.0.1 Official Download Developer.Apple.com/darwin/gnu- Darwin gnu-darwin.sourceforge.net/


Due to copyright issues, UNIX's source code is no longer suitable for teaching. In 1987, the famous Dutch computer scientist Andrew Tanenbaum has written a simplified UNIX system Minix (MINI-UNIX mean) to learn from the entry. The latest version is Minix 2.0.4 [NOV-9-2003], you can go to the official website for free download. Related links: Official website www.cs.vu.nl/~ast/minix.html free download www.cs.vu.nl/pub/minix/2.0.4/


In 1991, Finnish Students LINUS Torvalds started using Minix, the features provided by MiniX were dissatisfied. So he wrote a class UNIX operating system (although it was still compiled with Minix) and put it online to let people download freely, name Linux. When Linux just appeared, it was despised by Tanenbaum because it was an integrated kernel, not Minix's microennel adopted by the representative of advanced ideas; but due to the GPL protocol, Linux was still booming. In 1994, Linux's first commercial release SLACKWARE came out. In 1996, NIST's computer system laboratory confirmed that the Linux 1.2.13 version complies with the POSIX standard. The latest stability of Linux is Linux 2.6.1 [JAN-9-2004], you can go to the official website to download. And its distribution is all, well-known red hat, mandrake, lycoris, etc., China also has, etc., the corresponding official website can find these distributions.

Related links: Linus www.linux.orggpl www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.htmlslackware www.slackware.com/nist www.net.gov/linux 2.6.1 Official Website Download www.kernel.org/red Hat WWW. Redhat.com/mandrake www.linux-mandrake.com/lycoris www.lycoris.com/ Red Flag www.redflag-linux.com/

The advantages of Linux:

The popular Linux is because it has many temptings.

1, completely free

Linux is a free operating system that can be obtained free of charge through a network or other route and can arbitrarily modify its source code. This is what other operating systems cannot do. It is because of this, countless programmers from the world participated in Linux's revision, writing work, programmers can change according to their interests and inspiration. This makes Linux absorbed the essence of countless programmers and constantly grow.

2, fully compatible with POSIX 1.0 standard

This makes it possible to run a common DOS, Windows programs that can be run under Linux through the corresponding simulator. This lays the foundation for users to go from Windows to Linux. Many users think that when using Linux, many users think that the programs that were previously under Windows can run normally, this eliminates their doubts.

3, more users, multitasking

Linux supports multiple users, each user has its own special rights for its own file devices, ensuring that each user does not affect each other. Multiking is the most important feature of the computer now, Linux can run multiple programs simultaneously and independently.

4. Good interface Linux has a character interface and a graphical interface. In the character interface user, you can use the keyboard to enter the corresponding instruction to operate. It also provides an X-Windows system similar to a Windows graphics interface, and users can operate using the mouse. In the X-Windows environment, it is similar to Windows, which can be said to be a Linux version of Windows.

5. The rich network function The Internet is booming on the basis of UNIX, and Linux's network function is of course not inferior. Its network function is closely linked to its kernel, which is better than other operating systems in this regard. In Linux, users can easily implement web browsing, file transfer, remote login and other network work. And can provide WWW, FTP, E-mail, etc. services as a server. 6, reliable security, stable performance Linux has taken many security technical measures, including read, write permission control, audit tracking, core authorization and other technologies, provided safeguards. Linux has a relatively high requirement for stability due to the need to be applied to the web server. It is actually very good in this regard.

7, support a variety of platforms

Linux can run on a variety of hardware platforms such as platforms with processors such as X86, 680x0, SPARC, Alpha. In addition, Linux is still an embedded operating system, which can be run on the handheld computer, a set top box or a game console. The Linux 2.4 kernel released in January 2001 has been fully supported Intel 64-bit chip architecture. At the same time, Linux also supports multiprocessor technology. Multiple processors work simultaneously to improve system performance.

Linux's shortcomings

Due to the current personal computer operating system industry, Microsoft's Windows system still has most of its share, and most of the software companies support Windows. This makes it possible to have the application on Windows, while other operating systems are less. Many users will consider whether the previous software can continue to use when they change the operating system, and it will be inconvenient after changing the operating system. Although Linux has DOS, Windows Simulator, you can run some Windows programs, but the Windows system is extremely complex. The operational environment simulated by the simulator cannot be exactly the same as the real Windows environment, which makes some software not functioning properly.

Many hardware devices are inadequate drivers for Linux, and many hardware vendors have written Linux version after launching a Windows version driver. But some big hardware vendors have done it in this regard, and their Linux drivers are generally launched in time.

DOS and its successor


The full name of DOS is Disk Operation System. In 1973, the technical genius Cary Killdal and two partners have developed the first disk operating system CP / M, which is the most influential 8-bit operating system in the early 1980s. On this basis, the Tim Patterson of Seattle Computer Products (SCP) has started to develop QDos in 1978. Since then, the 16-bit microcomputer experimental operating system 86-DOS has been successfully developed.

In 1980, IBM introduced new model IBM PC, using Intel 8086 CPU, requiring a 16-bit operating system. They and Killdal discussed the CP / M operating system uncomfortable, so Microsoft organically multiplied. Time is urgent, if Microsoft is unrealistic, if it is unrealistic, find the right to use the SCP to buy DOS. Finally, MS-DOS defeated CP / M, in 1981, which speps the MS-DOS 1.0 and IBM PC prepared in half a year at the IT interface, but its compatibility is still suspected in the industry. In 1987, MS-DOS 3.3 was released, and its popularization established the dominant status of MS-DOS. The last version of MS-DOS is MS-DOS 6.22 [May-31-1994], which is a quite mature system. Later DOS integrated into Windows 9x, you can see its shadow in Windows command line mode. After Microsoft gradually alienates DOS, IBM continues to develop their own PC-DOS, the final version is PC-DOS 2000 [May-29-1998].

In addition, some people developed to be compatible with MS-DOS, such as FREEDOS. It uses the DOS-C kernel developed from 1988, the latest version is Freedos Beta9 Pre-Release 3 [SEP-28-2003], you can download from the official website. Related links: IBM www.ibm.comintel www.intel.comdos-c server.opensourceDepot.com/dos/dos-c.htmlfreedos Beta9 pre-release 3 download www.freedos.org/freedos/files/files/files/files/files/files/free


In 1970, Xerox Company established a famous research institute Palo ALTO Research Center. One of the founders of Apple, Steve Jobs visited the research center, I saw the ALTO prototype that supported the GRAPHICAL User Interfaces and the three-way mouse, which sets their own GUI system research and development. In 1983, the first GUI system Apple Lisa has been developed. The second year's Apple Macintosh is the world's first successful commercial GUI system. At that time, Apple only developed the GUI system on the microcomputer, so I provided opportunities for Microsoft Development Windows.

Microsoft announced the development of Windows in the spring of 1983, hoping that it is a standard GUI operating system based on Intel X86 micro-processing chip computers. Due to various reasons, Windows's delivery time is postponed, and it has become a laughter. Until November 20, 1985, window system Windows 1.0 that can be implemented at the same time can be officially launched.

The monopoly of Microsoft in the operating system was launched in May 1990. WINDOWS 3.0. A more stable Windows 3.1 was a year later. In May 1993, Microsoft released Windows NT, mainly for the network and server market. The new generation of operating systems in August 1995 is the first version that does not require users to pre-installed MS-DOS. This is a milestone in the history of Microsoft development, and a milestone in the history of operating system development.

Based on Windows 9X kernel for Windows Millennium Edition [SEP-14-2000], Windows Latest Edition based on Windows NT kernel is Windows Server 2003 [APR-14-2003], and next-generation product Windows Longhorn.

Related links: Xerox www.xerox.com

OS / 2

Early OS / 2 derived from multitasking DOS version, Microsoft began researching multitasking DOS versions in 1983. However, due to the problem of 80286 CPU design, OS / 2 cannot support DOS programs from 286 protection mode. This problem is almost made OS / 2 fetal dead belly, and then the study of OS / 2 has been relatively slow. This system has also been known for a few degrees until April 1987 is OS / 2. In 1991, Microsoft announced the research and development of OS / 2 due to its huge success in Windows. OS / 2 2.0 is therefore extended, despite the performance of performance, the sales volume is still not as good as Windows 3.1, the light of OS / 2 has been masked by Windows. In 1996, IBM released OS / 2 WARP 4, and then announced not to continue to develop. OS / 2 enthusiasts are reluctant to see such a good operating system, after a effort, Selenity Systems has obtained IBM's authorization to continue to develop OS / 2, and new products are named eComstation. The latest version is eComstation 1.1 [May-23-2003], you can find downloads on the ED. Related links: serenity systems www.serenity-systems.com/ecomstation www.ecomstation.com/

Other commercial operating systems

NetWare 1981, hardware company Novell Data Systems boss Jack Messman saw three college graduates playing a game called "snipes" in different machines, is playing with the same game on different machines, get Today is a online game. His keen business mind allowed him to hire these three people immediately, developed a system called NetWare to achieve information between different machine information. At that time, there were also similar actions, and Novell's success benefited from their product and IBM PC. NetWare has been brilliant in the 1980s, and now is now under the Windows NT Server series in the downhill road. The latest version is a NetWare 6.5 [AUG-15-2003] with some open source software.


Beos first appeared in the 1996 computer show, it was created by some departing Apple engineers based on the "media operating system" design concept, and was then transplanted to the X86 platform. Due to the operation of the operation, Beos announced the development of BEOS. In 2001, the BEOS development team was acquired by Palm, the official version of BeOS was over, and the final release was a 2000 BEOS 5, including commercial Pro version and free Personal version.

Thereafter, many people made a free development version on the basis of Beos 5 Personal Edition, such as Beos Max Edition, Beos Developer Edition, can go to the corresponding official website to download. The BEOS 5.1 in the development of the development is called Dano. YELLOWTAB also issued the subsequent version of the BEOS 1.0 RC-1 [NOV-3-2003] on this basis. In addition, there are enthusiasts to develop Openbeos, trying to write and the BEOS similar system.

BEOS is known for its excellent multimedia features, it behaves superior in multimedia production, editing, and playback, so in multimedia areas, multimedia enthusiasts like to use it.

The advantages and disadvantages of BeOS look back about Beos related elaboration, the previously said BEOS is incomplete in terms of network, thank you Treo's finger.

1. The core of the full graphic structure BEOS is graphical, which makes the BEOS a real-graphical interface operating system. Windows, etc. are based on the character interface, so that the structure is more complicated and there will be some instability factors during the run. It is helpful with full graphic structure to increase stability and operational efficiency. 2. With many multimedia software as an operating system for many major media enthusiasts, Beos has a lot of powerful multimedia software, from making playbacks, and many software are built into the system. Among them, MediaPlayer, CD Burner, CDPlayer, MIDIPlayer, etc. Of course, there are some professional multimedia software to run in the BEOS environment.

3. Advanced file system Beos uses 64-bit file system, which is the first attempt on PC. Due to the multimedia production, large-scale data exchange is required, while 64-bit file systems make it run more efficient.

4, multiprocessor support and Linux, WINDOWS NT, BEOS can also support multiprocessors. Since multimedia production is a large test for system storage devices and processor capabilities, multiprocessors can undoubtedly improve work efficiency, complete high load work for multimedia production.

5, network function In addition to excellent in multimedia, the network function of BeOS is not despised. Its network function is very complete, and the BEOS server provides network services such as WWW, FTP, E-mail, Telnet. But BEOS's multimedia is special, but the network must not. The reason is very simple, BEOS is not UNIX. TCP / IP, Internet is developed on the basis of UNIX. It can be said that UNIX has accumulated many years in terms of network, because BEOS is because it is not UNIX, it is impossible to inherit the wisdom and labor of these years. Look at the development of BeOS, why did the Apache Port in the past, in addition to management's decision-making mistakes, in addition to management's decision-making mistakes, in addition to management decision-making mistakes, in addition to management decision-making mistakes, BEOS Not UNIX.

BEOS is in short and Linux, FreeBSD, like a Windows operating system, and the shortcomings of BEOS are also expressed in the application of general users. Although these operating systems can operate more, most of them are not practical for general families, but they cannot be accepted by mass users. Windows has a large number of applications, except for software facing the professional field, most of them can fit the needs of general users, and many software have been deeply rooted. This is one of the main reasons why Windows has a huge share of ordinary families and office users.

In the BEOS application, multimedia software has mostly, and it is not satisfactory to some hardware support.

Related Links: Beos Max Edition www.beosmax.org/beos Developer Edition www.beosonline.com/yellowtab www.yellowtab.com/openbeos www.openbeos.org/


Two Canadian Gordon Bell and Dan Dodge have established Quantum Software Systems in 1980, which is based on some of the university's idea to write an Qunix (Quick UNIX) system that is running on the IBM PC until AT & T The lawyer's letter changed the name to QNX. QNX has successfully implemented multitasking in the officially released version 1.0, and the Middle-year MICROSOFT annually announced that their new version of DOS will be the true multitasking system, QNX has been opened in major companies. . After POSIX appears, the QNX has been rewritten, on the one hand, avoiding the embarrassment of being accused of user interface and Unix, on the other hand, has made some improvements while maintaining characteristics, making it better. In order to compete with Microsoft, the company named QNX Software Systems has also launched NEUTRINO versions based on micro-kernel technology, which makes QNX have broad prospects in embedded applications. QNX's latest version is QNX Neutrino RTOS VERSION 6.2.1 [APR-7-2003], the domestic official website has a non-commercial version of download. Related links: QNX Software Systems www.qnx.com/qnx official website www.qnx.com.cn/ non-commercial version download www.qnx.com.cn/download/default.htm


B-Right / V is an operating system based on the architecture called TRON. In 1984, the relevant departments of Japan officially launched TRON projects to meet the needs of real-time processing capabilities in computers. Btron is a sub-structure in Tron's interactive interaction, which involves design specifications for multi-tasking real-time operating systems related to Personal Computers, Workstations, and Handheld Computer. The earliest Btron concept-based machine was posted in 1985. Personal Media issued a 16-bit operating system 1B / V1, 1998, who was running on the X86 platform, issued 32-bit B-Right / V. The latest version of this series is B-Right / V R4.101 [JAN-7-2004], also known as Super Chinese characters 4.

Related links: tron ​​www.tron.org/personal media www.personal-media.co.jp/ Super Chinese Characters 4 www.chokanji.com/

Plan9 & Infernoplan 9 and Inferno These two operating systems are from the UNIX's home Bell Labs, which is currently issued by Vita Nuova. Bell Labs saw a fundamental defect in Unix, it was difficult to adapt to the new idea that appeared after it was born, and the PLAN 9 was started in the late 1980s. Such a system has many innovations for distributed applications while absorbing the strengths of UNIX design ideas. PLAN 9 is currently issued in 1993, which is still mainly used for research purposes, the latest version of Plan 9 Fourth Edition [APR-27-2002], can be downloaded from its official website. Inferno is the distributed operating system developed in the late 1990s. It is different from PLAN 9 that it can not only operate independently, but also act as an application to run on many other platforms. Inferno is a commercial software, the latest version is Infeildno 4th Edition [Jun-14-2003].

Related Links: Vita Nuova www.vitanuova.com/ Official Website www.cs.bell-labs.com/plan9dist/index.htmlplan 9 Four Edition Free Download www.cs.bell-labs.com/plan9dist/download.html

TSX-32TSX-32 is a historic operating system. In 1975, S & H Computer Systems developed multi-user and multitasking TSX operating systems for PDP-11 machines; updated to TSX-Plus a few years later, it has gains huge success. In 1989, the series of 32-bit version TSX-32 began to support the X86 platform, and now it is TSX-32 Version 6.30 [Jun -? - 2003], S & H provides its trial version download. Related Links: & H Computer Systems www.sandh.com/ Trial Download Www.sandh.com/tsxdist.htm


Since 1977, theos Software has been developed by Theos Software is one of the earliest multi-task operating systems on a personal computer. The latest version of theos Corona 5.0140 [APR-18-2003] can be downloaded from the Internet, but the authorization code needs before installation .

Related links: Theos Software www.theos-software.com/theos Corona 5.0140 Download www.theos-software.com/download/corona.htm

=== Appendix A ===

Operating system list

Early operating system (patent protection)

TRS-DOS, ROM OS's TI99-4 Commodore PET, 64, and VIC-20, First Set IBM-PC Apple Sinclair Micro and QX, etc.

Non-Unix business operating system CPM operating system


UNIX and similar system

Unix Microsoft Xenix Cromix Uniflex OS-9 IBM AIX BSD FreeBSD NetBSD OpenBSD Digital Unix, HP-UX GNU / HURD SGI IRIX Linux (or GNU / Linux) Macos X OSF / 1 SCO SCO UNIX Sun Sunos, the subsequent Solaris System v Ultrix Unicos Lindowsos OS / 390 z / OS Syllable


Acornriscos Arthur


Atari Sttos Multitos Mint

Apple Computer (Apple / Macintosh)

Apple dos prodos mac OS Mac OS X

Bebeos Beia

Digital / Compaq

AIS OS-8 RSTS / E RSX-11 RT-11 TOPS-10 TOPS-20 VMS (Named OpenVMS)


OS / 2 AIX OS / 400 OS / 390 VM / CMS DOS / VSE OS / 360 MFT MVT SVS MVS TPF ALCS Z / OS


MS-DOS Xenix Windows 1.0 Windows 3.1 Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows Me Windows Longhorn Windows NT Windows 3.5 Windows 4 Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows Server 2003




Nextstep (ie Mac OS X) Plan 9 Inferno

Prime Computerprimos



Personal Electronics Assistant (PDA) operating system

Palm OS Pocket PC EPOC Microsoft Windows CE

=== Appendix B ===

Operating system time list

Source: http: //www.encyclopedia4u.com/This article presents a timeline of events in the history of computer operating systems from 1960 to 2003. For a narrative explaining the overall developments, see the related History of computing.

1961 CTSS 1964 OS / 360 (Announced) 1965 Multics (Announced) OS / 360 (SHIPPED) TAPE OPERATING SYSTEM (TOS) 1966 MS / 8 1967 CP / CMS ITS WAITS 1969 ACP (IBM) Tenex Unix 1970 DOS / BATCH 11 (PDP -11)

1972 MFT MVT RDOS SVS VM / CMS 1973 Alto OS RSX-11D RT-11 VME 1974 MVS (MVS / XA) ​​1976 TOPS-201978 Apple DOS 3.1 (First Apple OS) Tripos VMS 1979 Apple DOS 3.2 1980 Apple DOS 3.3 OS-9 QDOS SOS XDE (Tajo) (Xerox Development Environment) Xenix 1981 MS-DOS 1982 SunOS (1.0) Ultrix 1983 Lisa OS Coherent ProDOS 1984 Macintosh OS (System 1.0) QNX UniCOS 1985 AmigaOS Atari TOS MIPS OS Microsoft Windows 1.0 1986 GS-OS HP -UX 1987 Arthur Irix (3.0) Microsoft Windows 2.01988 A / UX (Apple Computer) Lynxos MVS / ESA OS / 400 1989 Aix Nextstep (1.0) Risc OS Sco Unix (Release 3) 1990 Beos v1) 1991 Linux 1992 Solaris (2.0 is first not called SunOS) Windows 3.1 1993 Plan 9 FreeBSD NetBSD Windows NT 3.1 (First version of NT) 1995 Digital Unix (aka Tru64) OpenBSD OS / 390 Windows 95 1997 Mac OS 7.6 (first officially -named mac OS) 1998 Windows 98 1999 Mac OS 8 2000 ATHEOS MAC OS 9 Windows 2000 Windows Me 2001 Mac OS X Windows XP Z / OS 2002 Syllable 2003 Windows Server 2003

Source: Blue Ideal http://www.blueidea.com/compute/system/2006/3167.asp Editor: moby


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