Using a single business pattern with the rup -part5 (end)

xiaoxiao2021-04-07  425

Using Patterns for e-business during constructionDuring the construction phase, we develop the design and implementation in linewith the work carried out during the elaboration phase. Patterns for e-businesswill further support the activities undertaken at this stage, insofar as newrequirements and changes to the architecture are still possible. Typically, suchchanges should be minor, and the need for reevaluation of these patterns will beminimal.While the emphasis during the elaboration phase was on determining the keyrequirements influencing the overall architecture, we now concentrate oncreating more detailed implementations, interactively incorporating AdditionAl ENABLE US TO: - Make Better Estimates for The Follow-on Items.- Detail The Overalll Specification for The Structure and Topology of Tore System.

Using Patterns for e-business during transitionThe selection or creation of installation and system management tools typicallycomes earlier than the transition phase so that these capabilities can be usedinternally. However, they must be finalized before release to the customer, whichoccurs in the transition phase.Several of the Patterns for e-business Redbooks have a chapter on systemmanagement guidelines that provide information for: - Selecting system management tools- Selecting systems management processes- Selecting and defining job descriptions, based on identified roles, to supportthe IT systemThe Patterns for e-business Series Redbooks Can Also Further Support BuildingThe Production Environment By Referring To The Product Installation Instructionchapters.


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