C # 2.0 Learning - generics

xiaoxiao2021-04-08  449

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Using system.collections; usner; using system.text;

Namespace generics_csharp {// type parameter t in Angle Brackets. Public class mylist : ienumerable {protected node head; protected node current = NULL;

// nested type is also generic on t protected class node {public node next; // t as private mer; // t used in non-generic constructor. Public node (t t) {next = null; Data = T;} public node next {get {return next;}} // t as return type} // t as return type} // T Data {Get {Return Data;} set {data = value;}}} }

Public mylist () {head = null;

// t as method parameter type. Public void addhead (t) {node n = new node (t); n.next = head; Head = n;}

// Implement GetEnumerator to return IEnumerator to enable // foreach iteration of our list. Note that in C # 2.0 // you are not required to implement Current and MoveNext. // The compiler will create a class that implements IEnumerator . Public ienumerator getenumerator () {node current = head;

while (current = null!) {yield return current.Data; current = current.Next;}} // We must implement this method because // IEnumerable inherits IEnumerable IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () {return GetEnumerator (); }

Public class sortedlist : mylist Where t: iComparable {// a Simple, unoptimized sort algorithm That // ORDERS LIST Elements from lowest to highers: public void bubblesort () {ix (null == head || null == Head.next) Return;

Bool swapped; do {node previous = null; node current = head; swapped = false;

While (current.next! = null) {// Because We need to call this method, the sortedlist // Class IS constrained on inumerable if (current.data.compareto (current.next.data)> 0) { Node tmp = current.next; current.next = current.next.next; tmp.next = current;

IF (previous == null) {head = tmp;} else {previous.next = TMP;} previous = tmp; swapped = true;

Else {previous = current; current = current.next;}} // end while} while (swapped);}}

// A simple class that implements IComparable // using itself as the type argument This is a // common design pattern in objects that are // stored in generic lists public class Person:.. IComparable {string name INT AGE;

Public Person (String S, INT I) {Name = S; AGE = I;

// this will cause list elements // to be sorted on age value. Public int compareto (Person P) {RETURN AGE - P.AGE;}

Public override string toString () {return name ":" AGE;

// Must Implement Equals. Public Bool Equals (Person P) {Return (this.age == P.AGE);}}

Class generics {static void main (string [] args) {// declare and instantiate a new generic sortedlist class. // Person is the Type Argument. sortedlist list = new sortedlist ();

// Create name and age value to initialize Person Objects. String [] names = new string [] {"Franscoise", "Bill", "Li", "Sandra", "Gunnar", "Alok", "Hiroyuki", "Maria", "Alessandro", "raul"}; int [] Ages = new int [] {45, 19, 28, 23, 18, 9, 108, 72, 30, 35};

// Populate the list. For (int x = 0; x

// sort the list. List.bubblesort ();

Console.Writeline ("{0} sorted list:", environment.newline)); //print out sorted list. Foreach (Person P in list) {console.writeline (p.tostring ());}

Console.writeline ("DONE");}}


CSC generics.cs



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