Unix (AIX) system common command

xiaoxiao2021-04-08  493

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Author: xsb (http://xsb.itpub.net)

Published in: 2006.02.20 10:19

Category: OS

Source: http://xsb.itpub.net/post/419/38581

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20/08/2005 10:19 FP UNIX (AIX) system common command

AIX Command Format: $ Command Option (s) Argument (s) Command: Command Option (s): Command Option, starting with '-' number Argument (s): Parameter Command --------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- Prtconf display system main configuration SVMon -g View Memory (4K) iostat 2 View disk read and write conditions (refresh every 2 second); set -o The VI call buffer K, J, X, H, L is down, and the escsmit enters the management interface CD change path LS list file LS -AF lists the implied file, and the appropriate classification LS -L list file details LS -ltrmore output file content to screen CAT Display text file content / merge file PG paging display file content, enter Next page File Display file attribute (executable / ASCII / etc.) Clear clear screen MKDIR Create a directory RMDIR Delete Directory CP copy File MV file / directory rename, transfer RM delete file / directory, such as rm -fr ora * RMDIR delete directory, such as RMDIR ORACLEDF -K display file system information DU disk usage information summary mount display file system that has been linked Information or Plug-in File System Mount -rv CDRFS / DEV / CD0 / CDROM MOUNT / DEV / LV02 / U01UMOUNT Uninstall a file system umount / cdrom fuser -kxuc / dev / cd0 When the optical drive does not release normal LSATTR -E -L SYS0 -A RealMem See Memory Command ENV Output User Environment Variable to Screen ID See User's Properties Whoami Checking Current User Name WHO View Signed User WHO -R Viewing Current System Run User User Printing User User Each displayed username corresponds to a login session If a user has more than one login session, his username will display the same number of times when each user is displayed, and the process information of each user in the current system and it runs back to search back. WTMP displays the absolute path of the user whereken command to log in since the file. Passwd sets the user password SU change / switch User IDLSUSER ALL Lists all created users LSGroup all list all created group SMITTY USER management. User MKuser creates a new user, creating a user's default value value on file: /usr/lib/security/mkuser.default, can only modify the SMITTY Group Management Group Mkgroup Creating a new group CHFN Change User Details JOBS View Background Task / Process FG Turn the background process to the front BG to transfer the current process to the background Run GREP Find Matching Character / String NetStat -i Display Network Connection Information and Statistics Netstat -InnetStat -RN Displays the core routing table NetStat -i network Setting name port slogan Monitor port situation NetStat -V statistics for device drivers using NetStat -M networks NetStat -m displays the case where the discard package ifconfig -a displays the network configuration information UMASK display file creation mask, that is, new files or Default permissions of the directory, such as #umask 664date system time Find path expression file, Expression values ​​are: -name / -type / -size / -mtime / - perm (permission) / - USR / -O (Or) Uname Display Operating System Information Oslevel System version Man Help File Smitty Clstart | Clstop | Close Hasmitty Hamcpsmitty Chinet Changing NIC Configuration Information Smitty Cluster Configuration Clustersmitty Hacmp Configuring HACMP / USR / SBIN / Cluster / Clstat &

Displaying Cluster Information DBAssist Start Oracle Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA -9i can start a database to start a database) Netasst launched the Oracle Database Listener Configuration Assistant (-9i OEMApp is a package, followed by parameters, different tools) VI file editor action character: a Add text after the current character; X deletes a single character; A finally adding text in the current row; DW deletes to the current word; I add a text before the current character; D $ delete to the current row; i Add to the current row Text; D0 deletes to the current list; o Add new row after the current line; DD deletes the current line; o Add new row before the current row; 20, 40D delete 20 rows to 40 lines; / text backward query? Text The forward query r modifies the current character r overlay character until [ESC] s deletes the current character, and add characters to delete the current row until [ESC] S deletes the current line, and add characters to press [ESC] YY to currently Incoming buffer DD PPERRPT | PG Creating / Display Error File Errclear 0 Clear Error Log File Content LSVG -O Display Volume Group Information LSVG -L Rootvg Instfix -iv | GREP AIX_ML Installation File Set Smitty TCPIP TCP / IP Configuration LSDEV-CC Disk System Equipment Information (Disk) LSPV Display By Physical Volume Information LSDEV-CC PDisk Display Disk Remove Error LoglSPS -A Display Switch Swing Space CHPS -A PAGING01 Delete Switching Space RMPS for Swapon / DEV / PAGING01 Paging01 Deleting Inactive Space SMIT MKPS Increase Space SMIT Chps Modify Space Varyonvg Activation Bar Group Such as: VaryonVG DataVG To activate VaryOffvg Close Volume Group / ECT / Services View Port / etc / Hosts Machine Name IP Comparison Table / ETC / INITTAB is equivalent to DOS's autoexec.bat file / etc / filesystems record all file system settings to increase and configure port delete port ftp: //root@ Login AIX (IE) LSCFG LSDEV ROUTE ADD 0 10.188 .12.1Route Add Default Setting the gateway ( Or add the gateway address in / etc / default file, restart machine, then log in to root; SMITTY LV Additive Logic LN -S Source Target Directory Link LS -L View Permissions ./fielName Run FileName File Smitty ClStart Start HASMITTY CLSTOP Stop ha.filename to indicate the filename file (directory) to hide; Cat file1 >> File2 merge File1 to File2 Smit Integrated Management Tool # Represents root users; $ Represents general users; Shutdown -fr quickly restart; Smitty CRJFS creates node ; Mount / U05 Chown -R Oracle.dbs U05 CHMOD -R 777 U05 plus a file system steps: plus file system / chmod / chown / mount file system name Smitty JFS SMITTY LV SMITTY LVM management logic volume SMITTY VG management volume group Smitty ChVG drwxrwxrwx D represents a directory, indicating normal files, R represents link; D421421421 777 All permissions - RWXRWXRWX 2-4: Home users, 5-7: Group User, 8-10 All User Date 0217142590 this sets the date and Time to Sat Feb 17 14:25:00 CST 1990. When root cannot modify the / etc / hosts file when logging in on its terminal, check the host name corresponding to its IP address; remove the user when other users cannot log in on their terminals And delete the corresponding directory, rebuild under / home;

Smitty AIO Adjusts AIOSERVERS # Pstat -a | GREP AIOS | WC -L Viewing AIO's value is often reached Max, if any user does not log in to the graphical interface, it is possible to be full, in the login window Log in with characters, increase the root node space; PS-EF | GREP Cluster lookup more / etc / passwd | grep zhxx lookup static character "zhxx" PE -F process View, such as: # ps -FUID PID PPID C Stime Tty Time Cmdroot 43626 45014 0 20:38:58 PTS / 1 0:00 - Kshroot 47710 43626 2 21:08:03 PTS / 1 0:00 PS -F User ID Process ID Parent Process ID CPU Utilization start time console runtime command kill -9 **** *** is the process number, available PS to get ping -l 17000 -t to create a plan task with 17000 Bytes / Pack PING CRONTAB (crontab -L View existing tasks, crontab -e editing or increase, delete task) 0 2 * * /u05/dmpbak/auto.sh Representation: Two points per day /u05/dmpbak/auto.sh file LSFS lists all file system LSVG -l rootvg Lists Rootvg LSVG -P RootVG Lists Physical Volume LSVG DataVG Query Idle Physical Partitions Smit Reogvg Restructive Volume Group Smit Importvg Export volume group, the volume group must be inactive; LSPV HDisk0 Displays Physical Volume LSPV -l hdisk0 logical volume map LSPV -P HDisk0 physical volume mapping DEFRAGFS -Q / U01 Report file system's current state defragfs -r / u01 After the debris continuous operation and the front and rear comparison case DEFRAGFS / U01 Perform a debris continuous operation FSCK / U05 Check the U05 file system XCLOCK clock, which can be used to check if the environment is normal CHMOD 777 / U02 R 2 = 3 corresponds to: ChMOD 777 / U03 RSH zzyc2_sev logs in to a host DGMGRL on other machines Similar SVRMGRL (9i) PS-EF | GREP ORACLE | PG View all processes of Oracle users KILL-9 14206 Kill 14206 # process Kill -l Displaying the number of signals that kill commands KILLALL SIGNAL delete all other processes except all processes / usr / sbin / cluster / clstat & display dual-machine heat State Diagram EXIT or LOGOUT Exit Login QPRT FileName1, FileName2 ... Print file QCHK View the print queue QCAN Cancel the print job LSPS -A query swap space, such as more than 70%, add set to view the defined variable; echo $ Name View a variable value; xxx = value Delete Variables Unset XXX Delete Variables `` Put the content between `` as a command, return to command results; such as $ now = `Date` $ Echo $ now 'direct display' 'The content of the "" Explanation "between" "Explanation" "is not explained;" The special meaning of the special characters after ignore; $$ Indication ID $ 0 Current shell program name $ 0 # 传 给 s s s 参; 参 个 个 参 参 参 参 参 值 参 参 参 值 值 值 值 值 回 值 值 回 回 值 回 回 回 回 回 回 回 回 回 回 回 回 回 回 回 回;; 回 回;;;;;;;; A background number of a background process;

The four operations under the expr shell: * Multiply; / dividend;% 余 数; ,,,,,, Command; Command1 || Command2 If the first command is executed, run the second command; TEST expression test condition expression, mainly: -f filename file exists; -d Dirctory directory exists; -r filename file Existence, can be read by the current process; the -w filename file exists, and can be written by the current process; the -x filename file exists, and can be run by the current process; -N String character string length is not zero;-string character string length Zero; string1 = String2 two strings are the same; Integer1-Eq Integer2 two variables are equal; (NE: inequality GT: greater than lt: less than le: less than or equal to GE: greater than or equal) if .. Then .. else ... Fi Read XXX is read from the standard input, assigned the XXX variable; read x echo $ xfor i in .... do ... Done While ExpressionDo ... DONE KSH Scriptname ScriptNamePathname / Scriptname Shell Script three implementation methods # Command Front Process #command & Background Process Nice / Renice Add / add NICE value to reduce process priority; Nohup Command & User's background process is still running in user exiting #alias alias = String assignment alias unaalias aliasname cancel Command Alias ​​History Displays the last 16 command CAL 2003 / CAL 2 2003 Calendar Finger [Oracle] Display User Information Mail Receive, Send Bytes Head filename Display File Head Tail FileName Display File Tail Tail -f /TMP/HACMP.OUT Shows HACMP Start [^ C] / [^ D] / [^ S] / [^ Q] / [^ U] Termination / End File Transport / Pause Screen Output / Continue Screen Output / Delete Current Enter SMI T (System Management Interface Tool) Its Log File / Script file is saved in each user directory; an alog--t 查看 查看 引 日 c c 设置 设置新 新 时 / 设置 设置The main file; LSUSER -A ID Home ALL lists the information displayed when all user / etc / motd users login, but can be edited directly, but if the user's home directory $ home / .hushlogin exists, MOTD does not display; Wall *** ** Send ***** messages to each login user, the user terminal will immediately display; / var / adm / sulog su command execute record / var / adm / wtmp, / etc / utmp, use the who command to view login record Last root | PG root user login record Last Reboot | PG Restart Record; / etc / passwd legal user (excluding password) / etc / group / etc / security] Security file directory LSDEV -P lists all devices, LSDEV-PC Disksmitty Devices Device Manage Lsattr-E -L SYS0 lists three file systems supported by JFS / CDRFS / NFS AIX-configured device / VAR/ADM/WTMP/VAR/spool/*//smit.log/ ETC / securibty / failedlogin / var / adm / sulog These files have grown very fast, to be cleaned up regularly, available CAT / dev / null>


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