(LILO configuration file) manual

zhaozj2021-02-16  125

(LILO configuration file) manual

Address: [China Linux Forum] Transfer: http://home.cpcw.com/netschool

Lilo.conf (LILO Profile) Manual Translation: Zeo [China Linux Forum] Document Name: Lilo.conf (LILO Profile) Manual Translation: Zeo Release Date: 28 July, 1995 Translation Date: November 1999 ============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ===============================================================================================================================14 Describe this document, the default location is ETC / LILO.CONF, read by the installer LILO of the boot loader. Its performance may be as follows: Boot = / dev / hda delay = 40 compact vga = Normal root = / dev / hda1 read-only image = / zimage-2.5.99 label = try image = / zimage-1.0.9 label = 1.0. 9 image = / tamu / vmlinuz label = tamu root = / dev / hdba vga = ask = / dev / hda3 label = dos table = / dev / hda This profile specifies that LILO is booting on / dev / hda path recording. (About the use of LILO's different ways to interact with other operating systems, see User.Tex in the LILO document, boot the loader waiting for 4 seconds (40 deciseconds) Let you press the Shift key. If not pressed, the first core image mentioned above (zimage-1.5.99, may be installed before 5 minutes) will be started. If you press the SHIFT key, the boot loader will ask which image you want to start. In case you forgot this choice to start which image, press [Tab] (or [?] If you have a US standard keyboard), there will be a menu to choose from. You can choose or start this new core, or start a reliable kernel, or a kernel on other root file systems (when you do stupid things on your own root file system), Or start a different operating system. The images mentioned in lilo.conf can be up to 16. As can be seen, a configuration file begins with a series of global options (such as the starting line in the example), which is a description of the different image options. The options in the image description will overwrite the content set by the global option. The Global Option section has many possible keywords.

The following description is almost the use of User.Tex (only thumbnail) backup = backup-file copies the original boot sector to the backup file (which may be a device, such as / dev / null) rather than / boot / Boot.nnn boot = boot-device Sets the name of the device that includes the boot sector (such as a partition of a hard disk). If this keyword boot sector is not specified, it will be read from the device installed as a root file system (or may also write). Change-rules defines the change in the number of partitions when boot ('hiding'). For details, please refer to the section of "Partition Type Change Rules" in User.Tex. Compact Attempts to combine multiple read requests of adjacent sectors into one read request. This greatly reduces the read time and makes the system description (MAP) smaller. In particular, the 'Compact' option is used in particular when reading from the floppy drive. DEFAULT = Name uses specially specified images as the default startup image. If the 'defaul' option is not set, the image that appears in this configuration file will be used as the startup image. DELAY = TSECS Specifies how many seconds should be waiting before starting the first image before starting the first image. This is useful for starting the system from the hard disk immediately after the keyboard is available. If the 'Delay' option is not set or set to 0, the boot loader will not wait. DISC = Device-Name Defines non-standard parameters for a particular hard disk. See the hard disk partition structure in User.Text in detail. It is especially useful for definition 'bios =' parameters. If your hard disk's BIOS data is 0x80, 0x81 (sixteen), etc., it will not be able to determine which Linux disk corresponds to which BIOS disk (because this is determined in the BIOS settings and the type of BIOS). So if you use a non-general installation, you need to explain the correspondence between Linux disks and BIOS disks. For example: desk = / dev / sda bios = 0x80 disk = / dev / hda bios = 0x81 will show your SCSI disk is the first BIOS disk, and your (main hard disk) IDE is the second BIOS disk. Disktab = disktab-file Specifies the name of the disk parameter table. If the "DiskTab" option is not specified, the disk description (MAP) loader will look for the / etc / disktab file. Does not advocate the DiskTab options. The Fix-Table This option allows LILO to adjust the 3D address on the partition table. Each partition table entry contains the 3D address of the top and last sector of the partition (sector / head / cylinder, and linear address. If a partition is positioned by the track number, and some other fierce system (eg PC / MS-DOS or OS / 2) is using the same disk, they may cause a change in the 3D address. LILO can save their boot sector when the two address types of the partition are consistent. If set 'FIX -Table 'option, LILO can re-adjust the error 3D address. WARNING: This does not guarantee that other filling systems will not try to reset the address. It is also possible that this change has other unpredictable side effects. Correct The modification is to re-pair the disk drive partition with a program that can be locked the partition. And, for some disk, such as some large EIDE disks that can be converted, in some cases, will inevitable partition tables The phenomenon of conflict in the entrance.

Force-backup = backup-file is similar to 'backup', but if an old backup file exists, it will overwrite it. Ignore-Table Inform Lilo Ignore Ignored partition tables. Install = boot-file will install the specified file as a new boot sector. If the 'Install' option is not set, boot / boot.b is used as the default default value. LINEAR generates a linear sector address rather than a "sector / head / cylindrical" address. The linear address does not rely on the partition structure of the disk, and is translated during runtime. Note If the 'linear' option may make the boot disk cannot be transplanted, this is because the role of the service to determine the disk partition structure in the BIOS is unstable. When using the 'linear' option for the big hard drive, since the 3D sector address is unknown before starting, / SBIN / LILO may generate a reference to the unacceptable disk area. The LOCK allows the automatic recording of the boot command line as the default default value that is started later. This way, LILO will lock an option before manual cancellation. Map = MAP-FILE Location Disk Description (MAP) file. If the 'Map' option is not specified, the / boot / map file will be used. Message = message-file Specifies a file that contains information displayed before running the startup prompt. There will be no information display in the time of the "LILO 'after the button is displayed. In the information, the local display is emptied with FF characters ([Ctrl L]). The size of the information file is limited to 65535 bytes. If the information file is changed or canceled, you must rebuild the Disk Description (MAP) file. NOWARN makes a warning that may happen later. Optional makes a single image option 'Optional' (see) Applying to all images. Password = password makes a single image option 'password = ...' (see) applies to all images. PROMPT Forces Don't wait for any button events to enter the launch prompt mode directly. If the 'PROMP' option is set without setting the 'Timeout' option, you cannot start itself. RESTRICTED is applied to all images for a single image option 'restrictage (see). Serial = parameters allows controls from serial ports to be used. The specified serial port will be initialized and the boot loader accepts input from the serial port and PC keyboard. The effect of sending a pause (BREAK) instruction and the SHIFT button on the keyboard is consistent, and the attention of the boot loader will be caused. If the serial line is more unsafe than the keyboard input, if the line is connected to the Modem, all startup images should be protected. The format of the parameter string is as follows: [[[[]]]: Table of the number of string ports, minimum is 0. 0 corresponds to COM1 and designated as / dev / ttys0, and so on. All four ports are available (if you can use). : The bit rate of the serial port. The following bit rate can be supported: 110, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, and 9600 bps. The default is 2400 bps. The parity test is used on the serial port. The boot loader ignores the input parity bit and removes the eighth place. The following characters can be used to describe the parity: n means that the e means the same, O represents the same number.

: The number of bits in a character. Only 7 or 8 bits are supported. If the parity test is 'none', the default is 8. If the parity test is 'Even' or 'odd', the default is 7. If the 'serial' option is set, 'Delay' is automatically up to 20. For example: serial = 0, 2400n8 will use the default value parameter to install COM1. Timeout = Tsecs Sets a timeout option (in 10 minutes) for the keyboard input. If there is no button in the specified time, the first image will be automatically started. Similarly, if the user pauses too long, the password input will be canceled. The default timeout value is unlimited. Verbose = Level is used to open a lot of process report. The greater the number, the more the lengthy output given. If you add parameters -V in the LILO command line, the lengthy standard is also increased accordingly. The maximum length of length is 5. In addition, both kernel configuration parameters append, ramdisk, read-only, read-write, root and VGA can be set in global options. If it is not specified in the configuration bar of the corresponding core image, this setting value will be used to do the default default. Single Image Some a single image or starts with a row image = pathname (to prompt the file or device with a Linux kernel, or to start other independent systems with a row other = pathname to prompt to start other independent systems. In the preamline, if a mapping row is specified from a device, you must use the Range = Start-End to prompt the sector range described. In the latter case, there are three options to choose from. Laoder = chain-loader This parameter specifies the chain loader that will be used. Use the default default /boot/chain.b. If it is from other devices instead of the first hard disk or floppy disk, you must specify a chain loader. Table = Device It specifies devices containing partition tables. If this parameter is not specified, the boot loader does not transfer the partition information to the start-up system. (Some otherwise do other ways to determine which partition is started. For example, MS-DOS saves its boot disk partition structure or partition to the boot sector). Note that if a partition table that has been positioned and references the 'Table' option is modified, you must re-run the / sbin / lilo file program. S Unsafe Do not access the start sector when creating a disk description (MAP). This will cancel some correctness checks, including partition table checks. If the start sector is on a fixed formatted floppy drive, you do not need to insert the readable disk to the drive when running the positioning loader. The following options can be used in these two cases. The Label = NAME boot loader uses the main file name (without path) of each image description (not included). Different names can be used by setting variable 'label'. Alias ​​= Name can use the second name to the same directory by specifying an individual name. Lock (see before) Optional is deleted an image that is unavailable when the disk descriptor is created. This is useful for the tested cores that are not always available. Password = password with password protection image. Restricted If the parameters are specified at the command line, only the image is entered only if the image is started. The kernel option section If the started image is a Linux kernel, you can transfer the command line parameters to the kernel. Append = string increases the specified options to the parameter line transmitted to the kernel. Its typical use to designate parameters that cannot be completely self-test or thoroughly investigating it.


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