Word storage, lookup, replacement and deletion

xiaoxiao2021-04-09  437



Using namespace std;

Void DataInput (char ** a); // data input module

INT Datasearch (char * a, char ** b); // Word Finding Module

Void DataReplace (Char * A, Char * B, Char ** C, INT D); // Word Replacement Module

Void DataShow (char ** a); // Data View Module

INT number; // Total number of words stored

int main ()


Int key; // Control various functions with a digital

INT N; // Replace or delete the number of words

Char * word1 = new char [50]; // Find words

Char * word2 = new char [50]; // Replace the word

COUT << "Please enter the number of words stored:";

CIN >> Number; // ******** This allows letters here to crash ******* Can join the detection input function to improve

Char ** p = new char * [number]; // 2D pointer points to stored data

For (int i = 0; i

p [i] = new char [50]; // The maximum length of each word is

DataInput (p);

While (Key! = 5) // Key to exit the program for 5


Cout << "Please select the action: / n" << "All replacement; (2) All deletion; (3) Find; (4) View the current state; (5) Exit; / n";


IF (Key == 1)


Cout << "needs to be replaced with:";


While (cin.get ()! = '/ n') // Avoid input and jumps that enters multiple spaces


For (int i = 0; i

STRCPY (P [I], Word2);

COUT << "/ n All replacements! / n / n";


ELSE IF (key == 2)


Cout << "Do you want to delete all? Enter y to determine, the other key cancels;



While (cin.get ()! = '/ n')


IF (Temp == 'Y' || TEMP == 'Y')


STRCPY (Word2, ");

For (int i = 0; i

STRCPY (P [I], Word2);

COUT << "/ n All delete completed! / n";


Cout << Endl;


Else IF (key == 3)


WHILE (key == 3) // Find the loop again


Cout << "Please enter the word you want to find:";

CIN >> Word1;

Int result = Datasearch (Word1, P);

COUT << "/ nCrecain found" << result << "one of the same words / N / N";

IF (Result! = 0)


Cout << "Please select an action: / n" << "(1) Replace; (2) delete; (3) lookup; (4) View the current state; (5) Exit; / n";


IF (Key == 1)


Cout << "/ N wants to replace several?"

CIN >> N;

While (n> result)


Cout << "Input error, currently only find" << Result << "alternative words, please re-enter:";

CIN >> N;

While (cin.get ()! = '/ n')



Cout << "/ n To replace:";


While (cin.get ()! = '/ n')


DataReplace (Word1, Word2, P, N);


ELSE IF (key == 2)


Cout << "/ N want to delete a few?"

CIN >> N;

While (n> result)


Cout << "/ N input error, currently only finding" << result << "can delete words, please re-enter:";

CIN >> N;

While (cin.get ()! = '/ n')



STRCPY (Word2, ");

DataReplace (Word1, Word2, P, N);


Else IF (key == 3)

Key = 3; // Continue to find

Else IF (key == 4)


Cout << "/ n The current stored data is as follows: / n";

DataShow (P);


Else IF (key == 5)

Key = 5; // Exit system


ELSE // Find results, jump out of the loop




Else IF (key == 4)


Cout << "/ n The current stored data is as follows: / n";

DataShow (P);


Else IF (key == 5)

Key = 5; // Exit system


Cout << "/ n / n program end, thank you! ^ o ^ / n";

Delete [] Word1;

Delete [] Word2;

Delete [] P;

Return 0;


Void DataInput (char ** a)


Cout << "/ n input word: / n" by one by one;

For (int i = 0; i


COUT << "#" << i 1 << ":"

CIN >> A [I];

While (cin.get ()! = '/ n') // Avoid input and jumps that enters multiple spaces



Cout << "/ n word input is completed! / n / n";


INT Datasearch (char * a, char ** b)


INT count = 0; // Record the number of words that conform to the requirements

For (int i = 0; i


IF (strcmp (a, b [i]) == 0)



Return count;


Void DataReplace (Char * A, Char * B, Char ** C, INT D)


INT TEMP = D; // Statistical replacement number

For (int i = 0; i


IF (strcmp (a, c [i]) == 0)


STRCPY (C [I], B);



IF (Temp == 0)



Cout << "/ n operation complete! / n / N";


Void DataShow (char ** a)


For (int i = 0; i


COUT << a [i] << "

IF ((i 1)% 5 == 0)

Cout << Endl;


Cout << Endl;



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