Windows XP Service Terminal Optimization Guide

xiaoxiao2021-04-09  503

Note: In addition to the system default settings, ordinary configuration refers to the usual use; the network configuration refers to the Internet and in the local area network; stand-alone configuration refers to a single machine that does not have any network; extreme configuration refers to the pursuit of as much as possible Multi-machine resource is adjusted.

1, ALERTER Service Name: Alerter Process Name: Services.exe Features Description: This service sends an alert to the administrator when the system fails, or sending an error message to the user. Unless your computer is in a local area network, it is equipped with network administrators, in general, it can be set to "manual" or "disabled". Default setting: Manual Ordinary Configuration: Disabled Network Configuration: Disabled Single Configuration: Disabled Extreme Configuration: Disabled

2, Application Layer Gateway Service Name: ALG Process Name: ALG.EXE Function Description: Support for Internet Sharing and Firewall Third-Party Plugin If you use WindowsXP Internet Sharing and Firewall, then this service must be enabled. It takes up approximately 1.5MB of memory resources. Default setting: Manual Ordinary Configuration: Manual Network Configuration: Auto Single Machine Configuration: Disabled Extreme Configuration: Disabled

3, Application Management Service Name: AppMGMT Process Name: SVCHOST.EXE Function Description: Windows2000 / XP introduces a software management scheme based on MSI file format (application installation information package) - Application Management Component Service, not only The management software is installed, deleted, and you can use this service to modify, repair the existing application, monitor file recovery, and pass the recovery to eliminate basic failures. Default setting: Manual normal configuration: manual network configuration: manual stand-alone configuration: manual extreme configuration: manual

4. Automatic Updates Service Name: Wuauserv Process Name: SVCHOST.EXE Function Description: Windows automatic upgrade service. It should be noted that support for the two services of Background Intelligent Transfer Service and System Event Notification in WINDOWS UPDATE. Default setting: Automatic normal configuration: Automatic network configuration: Auto stand-alone configuration: Disable extreme configuration: Disabled

5, Background Intelligent Service Name: BITS Process Name: SVCHOST.exe Function Description: Used to use the HTTP1.1 server to transfer data, that is, using idle network bandwidth in the background transfer file, Windows Update needs to be used to use this service, thus implementing Upgrade the data breakpoint loophore function. In addition, its automatic update requires this service when using MSN Explorer, Windows Messenger, Windows Media Player, or .NET feature. Default setting: Manual Ordinary Configuration: Disabled Network Configuration: Disabled Single Configuration: Disabled Extreme Configuration: Disabled

6, Transfer Service Service Name: Process Name: SVCHOST.EXE Function Description: Used to transfer data through the HTTP1.1 server, that is, use idle network bandwidth in the background transfer file, Windows Update needs to use this service, so upgrade Data breakpoint resumption function. In addition, its automatic update requires this service when using MSN Explorer, Windows Messenger, Windows Media Player, or .NET feature. Default setting: Manual Ordinary Configuration: Disabled Network Configuration: Disabled Single Configuration: Disabled Extreme Configuration: Disabled 7, CLIPBook Service Name: CLIPSRV Process Name: CLIPSRV.EXE Function Description: This service is available through NetWork DDE and Network DDE DSDM Network Dynamic Data Exchange Services, consult the scrapbook in the remote computer, even if your computer is in the LAN, in order to set it to "manual" in order to be safe, it can set it to ordinary users. "disabled". This saves approximately 1.3MB memory space. Default setting: Manual Ordinary Configuration: Disabled Network Configuration: Disabled Single Configuration: Disabled Extreme Configuration: Disabled

8, COM SYSTEM Application Service Name: COMSYSAPP Process Name: DLLHOST.exe Function Description: Mainly provide hosting for programs that use COM , and the system log also needs it to run, so it is recommended to change to manual. Default Settings: Manual Ordinary Configuration: Manual Network Configuration: Manual Single Configuration: Disabled Extreme Configuration: Disabled

9, COM EVENT SYSTEM Service Name: Eventsystem Process Name: SVCHOST.exe Function Description: To provide system event support with COM programs, or automatically publish to subscription COM components. It is recommended to keep the default settings for Windows. Default setting: Manual Ordinary Configuration: Manual Network Configuration: Manual Single Configuration: Manual Extreme Configuration: Disabled

10, Computer Browser Service Name: Browser Process Name: SVCHOST.EXE Function Description: Maintain the latest list of computers in network neighbors, including Windows-based domains, workgroups, and computers, and other NetBIOS protocol network devices, "online neighbors "The content displayed is from this. And notify the requested program. Ordinary stand-alone users are set to "disabled", and the LAN users are set to "Auto". If you can't see other computers in "Online Neighbors", it is likely that this service is not open. Default setting: Automatic normal configuration: Network configuration has been disabled: Auto stand-alone configuration: Disable extreme configuration: Disabled

11, CRYPTOGRAPHIC SERVICES Service Name: CRYPTSVC Process Name: SVCHOST.exe Function Description: It is primarily used to confirm that Windows file signatures, if you disable it, then you will often encounter the report driver not identified by Microsoft. At the same time, this service is also required when Windows Update is manually or automatically updated. In addition, in upgrading SP1 or SP2, DirectX 9.0 must have this service to run. Windows Media Player and some .NET applications also need this service. It takes approximately 1.9MB memory space. Default setting: Automatic normal configuration: Automatic network configuration: Auto stand-alone configuration: DHCP Client Service Name: DHCP Process Name: SVCHOST.EXE Function Description: Full title Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), the protocol can be automatically Automatically assign an IP address for each computer in the LAN, and complete the TCP / IP protocol configuration of each computer, including IP addresses, subnet masks, gateways, and DNS servers. In this way, in the LAN, in particular a large local area network, the administrator does not have to manually configure the TCP / IP protocol for each computer, and the IP address repeated problem is avoided. As a normal user, if you have been connected to the Internet via DSL, Cable, etc., then keep the auto-state is good because the IP address we have in the Internet is dynamically allocated by ISP. If the system is not applied to any network, you can set it to "Disabled". To enable DHCP protocol in Windows, just set IP addresses to "automatically obtain IP addresses". The specific method is as follows: Take Windows XP as an example, open the Local Connection property, double-click the Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) to open the property window. Next, select "Auto Get IP Address" in the General tab, click "Advanced" in the lower right corner. In the IP Settings tab of the window, you can see "DHCP Enabled". Default setting: Automatic normal configuration: Automatic network configuration: A single-alone configuration: Auto extreme configuration: Disabled

13, Distributed Link Tracking Client Service Name: TRKWKS Process Name: SVCHOST.EXE Function Description: Distributed Connection Tracking Client, which tracks files in NTFS volumes in the network domain, and issues. Ordinary users are set to: "Disabled", the local area network user (hard disk partition file system is NTFS) is set to: "Auto". For example: You created a file on the computer A, then create this file shortcut or link on the computer B. If you move the file location in the computer A, then this service will tell the computer B new file. Location and correctment. For stand-alone users, this service is not large, and it will take up approximately 3.5MB to 4MB memory resources. Default setting: Automatic normal configuration: Manual network configuration: manual stand-alone configuration: Disable extreme configuration: Disabled

14. Distributed Transaction Coordinator Service Name: MSDTC Process Name: MSDTC.exe Function Description: Square transaction is distributed in more than two databases, message queues, file systems, or other transaction protection resource managers. After this service is disabled, the event log reports the relevant error. However, the test found and does not affect the system operation. And some .NET programs will be used. Default Settings: Manual Ordinary Configuration: Manual Network Configuration: Manual Single Configuration: Disabled Extreme Configuration: Disabled 15, DNS Client Service Name: DNSCache Process Name: SVCHOST.exe Features Description: Domain Name System Client, it can resolve the domain name to IP address. Unless you have not connected any network, it should be "automatically". Default setting: Automatic normal configuration: Automatic network configuration: Auto stand-alone configuration: Disable extreme configuration: Disabled

16, ERROR Reporting Service Service Name: ERSVC Process Name: SVCHOST.exe Function Description: This service can submit a relevant report to Microsoft when an application has an error. Because its use is not large, it is still white to occupy memory and system resources, so it is recommended to disable it. Default setting: Automatic normal configuration: Network configuration has been disabled: A single-alone configuration is disabled: extreme configuration has been disabled: Disabled

17, Event Log Service Name: EventLog Process Name: Services.exe Function Description: This service can log the error message sent by the program and system. The log contains information that is helpful for diagnostic issues. Sometimes the service restart system is disabled, it will lead to unable to start with several networks related to several networks, and the phenomenon that cannot be dial-up. So if you have an Internet or LAN connection, it is recommended to set it to "Auto". Default setting: Automatic normal configuration: Automatic network configuration: Auto stand-alone configuration: Auto extreme configuration: Automatic

18, FAST User Switching Compatibility Service Name: Fastuserswitc Hing Compatibility Process Name: SVCHOST.EXE Function Description: User fast switching function is provided in Windows XP, allowing you to log in with additional accounts in the case of maintaining the current user login , Implement simultaneous login status. Unless you have multiple people in your computer, you really need this feature, or it will be changed manually or disabled. Default Settings: Manual Ordinary Configuration: Manual Network Configuration: Manual Single Configuration: Disabled Extreme Configuration: Disabled

19. Fax Service Service Name: Fax Process Name: FXSSVC.exe Function Description: Fax Service, the fax function in Windows 95 is re-supported in Windows 2000, and is better to integrate with the system. If you don't need it, set it to "Disabled". Default setting: Manual Ordinary Configuration: Disabled Network Configuration: Disabled Single Configuration: Disabled Extreme Configuration: Disabled

20, Help and Support Service Name: Helpsvc Process Name: SVCHOST.exe Function Description: WindowsXP Search and Help features the service necessary for the function, but we don't use this feature every day, so it is recommended to set it to "Disabled", need Start it again. Default setting: Auto General Configuration: Disabled Network Configuration: Disabled Single Configuration: Disabled Extreme Configuration: Disable 21, Human Interface Device Access Service Name: HIDSERV Process Name: SVCHOST.exe Function Description: Mainly Those Function Button (Fax, copy) scanner, or multimedia keyboard, etc., this service is required, so it is recommended to set it to "Disabled". If you have problems with some devices, set it to Auto. Default setting: Disable normal configuration: Network configuration has been disabled: a single-machine configuration is disabled: extreme configuration has been disabled: Disabled

22, HTTP SSL Service Name: HTTPFILTER Process Name: SVCHOST.exe Function Description: This service implements the HTTP Service Security Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTPS) through Security Sockets (SSL). Default setting: Manual normal configuration: manual network configuration: manual stand-alone configuration: manual extreme configuration: manual

23, IMAPI CD-BURNING COM Service Service Name: IMAPIService Process Name: Imapi.exe Fence Description: This is a service for Windows XP's burning function, allowing you to make CD burn by dragging and dropping, very convenient. At the same time, some software will also use this service, so it is recommended to set it to "Auto". If you have a burning software such as Nero, you can also try to disable it, which can accelerate Nero's running speed. This service takes up 1.6MB of memory resources. Default Settings: Manual Ordinary Configuration: Auto Network Configuration: Auto Single Machine Configuration: Disabled Extreme Configuration: Disabled

24, Indexing Service Service Name: CISVC Process Name: CISVC.EXE Function Description: Index Services can establish an index for document content and attributes on local hard drives or shared network drives, and quickly locate through Windows 2000 / XP-specific document filters The documentation you need, it greatly enhances the search capabilities of Windows 2000 / XP. However, the indexing service will continue to continue, so a large number of system resources will be consumed. Microsoft recommends that this service should be disabled in systems with only 64MB of memory, if the document needs to be indexed more than 100,000. However, in the actual test, we found that even if the number of documents is much lower than 100,000, the consumption of system resources is also very amazing, and the situation is not much in the 128MB system, so we strongly recommend disabling it. In addition, although Microsoft said it only runs when the system is idle, we found that it is often not so rules. If your computer often occurs slowly, try to disable it to see the effect. Default setting: Manual Ordinary Configuration: Disabled Network Configuration: Disabled Single Configuration: Disabled Extreme Configuration: Disabled

25. Internet Connection FireWall / Internet Connection Sharing Service Name: SharedAccess Process Name: SVCHOST.EXE Function Description: Internet Firewall and the Internet Connection Connection for LAN Computers. This service share a dial-up network accessed the Internet for multiple networks to access the Internet, providing shortcuts, which can be set to "disabled" for ordinary users who do not use this feature. Default setting: Automatic normal configuration: Automatic network configuration: Auto stand-alone configuration: Disable extreme configuration: Disabled 26, IPSec Services service name: PolicyAgent process Name: LSAss.exe feature description: IP security policy Agent service, it allows IP security policies Encrypt packets transmitted between the two computers, preventing people who have seen it online from changing and deciphering it. IPSec is an important defense method for protecting internal network, private network, and external network (Internet, EXTRAN) from attack. Before using IPSec, you must first define the way two computers mutual trust and communication security. Please note: "IP Security Policy Agent" is automatically started by default, and the "IP Security Policy" is not launched. In this case, the general user can disable the service. Default setting: Automatic normal configuration: Network configuration has been disabled: A single-alone configuration is disabled: extreme configuration has been disabled: Disabled

27, Logical Disk Manager Service Name: DMServer Process Name: SVCHOST.EXE Function Description: It is an important service for Windows disk management, if you encounter problems with "Control Panel → Management Tools → Computer Management → Disk Management", then It is best to see if this service is started. Default setting: Automatic normal configuration: Manual network configuration: manual stand-alone configuration: Disable extreme configuration: Disabled

28, Logical Disk Manager Administrative Service Service Name: DmAdmin Process Name: DmAdmin.exe Function Description: System Management Services of Disk Management Requests with the previous service. Default Settings: Manual Ordinary Configuration: Manual Network Configuration: Manual Single Configuration: Disabled Extreme Configuration: Disabled

29, Messenger Service Name: Messenger Process Name: Services.exe Function Description: Send and receive services from the system administrator or by the ALERTER service. Since the ALERTER service needs to depend on this service, if you have disabled, then this can be set to "manual" or "disabled". This service provides the function of transmitting information between servers and clients. It is not used for home users, so it is recommended to set it to "Disabled", which can also be banned from the Internet. In addition, you can also enter "NetSend Hi" in the command prompt to test whether there is a related vulnerability. If you receive the pop-up information "hi", then you should disable this service. If you receive an error prompt "Network can't find this message alias", then your computer is safe. If you really need this service, you can filter information from the Internet through the firewall 135, 137 port and TCP 135, 139, 445 ports. Default setting: Automatic normal configuration: Disabled Network configuration: Disabled stand-alone configuration: Disabled Extreme configuration: Disabled 30, MS Software Shadow Copy Provider Service Name: SWPRV Process Name: DllHost.exe Features Description: And "Volume Shadow Copy" Service joint use, mainly used for backup. In addition, some of the software, such as disk clones, mirrored, etc., you can use this service to run. Default Settings: Manual Ordinary Configuration: Manual Network Configuration: Manual Single Configuration: Disabled Extreme Configuration: Disabled

31. NET LOGON Service Name: Netlogon Process Name: LSASS.EXE Function Description: Simply said that the service of login information is verified on the LAN. General home users can set it to "disabled" or "manual". Sometimes this service will fail to start after the virus. Default setting: Automatic normal configuration: Network configuration has been disabled: A single-alone configuration is disabled: extreme configuration has been disabled: Disabled

32. Netmeeting Remote Desktop Sharing Service Name: MNMSRVC Process Name: mnmsrvc.exe Function Description: Remote Desktop Sharing, the service can access the Windows desktop remotely through NetMeeting users to remotely access the Windows desktop. This feature is not large for general use, and can be set to "disabled". Default Settings: Manual Ordinary Configuration: Disabled Network Configuration: Disabled

33. NetWork Connections Service Name: Netman Process Name: SVCHOST.exe Features Description: Network Connection Manage All objects in the Network and Dial-up folders. If you have any network connection (including the Internet Dial-up connection), you maintain a "manual" state. Otherwise, if you disable it, you will not see anything in the Network and Dial-up Connections folders, let alone new connection and dial-up Internet access. Default Settings: Manual Ordinary Configuration: Manual Network Configuration: Auto Single Machine Configuration: Manual Extreme Configuration: Disabled

34. NetWork DDE Service Name: NetDe Process Name: NetDe.exe Features Description: Network Dynamic Data Exchange Service is a service that provides network transmission and security for DDE dialog. DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) is a form of implementing process communication, which allows two or more program exchange information and commands that support DDE. The general user can be "disabled". Default Settings: Manual Ordinary Configuration: Disabled Network Configuration: Disabled Single Machine Configuration: Disabled Pole Configuration: Disabled 35, Network DDE DSDM Service Name: NetDDE DSDM Process Name: NetDe.exe Features Description: Network Dynamic Data Exchange Service is Provides network transmission and security services for DDE dialogue. DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) is a form of implementing process communication, which allows two or more program exchange information and commands that support DDE. The general user can be "disabled". Default setting: Manual Ordinary Configuration: Disabled Network Configuration: Disabled Single Configuration: Disabled Extreme Configuration: Disabled

36. NetWork Location Awareness (NLA) Service Name: NLA Process Name: SVCHOST.exe Function Description: This service is required for Internet Network Connection Share, but as long as it is on the server. Default setting: Manual Ordinary Configuration: Manual Network Configuration: Auto Single Machine Configuration: Disabled Extreme Configuration: Disabled

37. NT LM Security Support Provider Process Name: LSASS.EXE Function Description: Provides security for remote procedure call (RPC) programs that do not use named pipes. Manage system security information if you start Telnet services, then this service must be opened. Default setting: Manual Ordinary Configuration: Manual Network Configuration: Manual Single Configuration: Manual Extreme Configuration: Disabled

38, Performance Logs and alerts Service Name: SMLogsvc.exe Features Description: Collect system performance data according to the schedule, and send information to the log or reminder. General users don't need it at all. Default setting: Manual Ordinary Configuration: Disabled Network Configuration: Disabled Single Configuration: Disabled Extreme Configuration: Disabled

39, Plug and Play Service Name: PLUGPLAY Process Name: Services.exe Function Description: Open Windows Plug and Play Features, it is recommended to set it to: Auto, if it will cause registry confusion. Default setting: Automatic normal configuration: Automatic network configuration: Auto stand-alone configuration: Auto extreme configuration: Automatic

40, Portable Media Serial Number Service Name: WMDMPMSP Process Name: SVCHOST.EXE Function Description: Recovered the digital serial number of the mobile player (MP3 player, etc.) connected to your computer again through the networked computer. Under normal circumstances, it can be disabled. If you are disabled, your Windows Media Player has a problem, and it needs to be turned on. Default setting: Automatic normal configuration: Network configuration has been disabled: A single-alone configuration is disabled: extreme configuration has been disabled: Disabled

41, Print Spooler Service Name: Spooler Process Name: Spoolsv.exe Function Description: Print Background Processing, the role of this service is to save and manage multiple documents that request printing, after the printer is idle, send data to the printer deal with. Users without printing devices are set to "Disabled", otherwise set to "Auto". Please note: If you enable Fax Service, you should remain automatic because the fax service relies on Print Spooler's run. Default setting: Auto Normal Configuration: Auto Network Configuration: Automatic Software Configuration: Auto Extreme Configuration: Disabled 42, Protected Storage Service Name: Protected Storage Process Name: Lsass.exe Features Description: This service is mainly used to save local passwords, such as: Dialing password and Outlook password, etc., or network site username, password, etc. Information (IE automatic completion requires its support). Default setting: Automatic normal configuration: Automatic network configuration: Auto stand-alone configuration: Disable extreme configuration: Disabled

43, QoS RSVP Service Name: RSVP Process Name: RSVP.exe Function Description: QoS is a security mechanism for the network. Under normal circumstances, QoS is not required, but it is necessary for critical applications and multimedia applications. When the network is overloaded or congested, QoS ensures that important traffic is not delayed or discarded while ensuring efficient operation of the network. If you often use Windows Media Player to watch or listen to network TV or broadcast, or use NetMeeting, you have to set it to Auto. Default setting: Manual Ordinary Configuration: Disabled Network Configuration: Disabled Single Configuration: Disabled Extreme Configuration: Disabled

44, Remote Access Auto Connection Manager Service Name: Rasauto Process Name: SVCHOST.EXE Function Description: This service creates a network connection when a program requires a remote address. Sometimes your network connection requires this service. At the same time, some Cable or DSL service providers need this service, you can try to set it to disable and test whether the network connection is normal. If you use the hardware router and gateway, this service is unnecessary. Default setting: Manual Ordinary Configuration: Manual Network Configuration: Auto Single Machine Configuration: Disabled Extreme Configuration: Disabled

45, Remote Access Connection Manager Service Name: Rasman Process Name: SVCHOST.exe Function Description: Used to create a network connection, if you use Internet sharing, then the service is required. In addition, some Cable and DSL connections require this service to run normally. If you use the hardware gateway and router, it doesn't have to be opened. Default setting: Manual Ordinary Configuration: Manual Network Configuration: Auto Single Machine Configuration: Disabled Extreme Configuration: Disabled

46, Remote Desktop Help Session Manager Service Name: RDSESSMGR Process Name: sessmgr.exe Features Description: Manage and Control Remote Assistant. It will occupy 3.4 ~ 4MB memory resources. Default Settings: Manual Ordinary Configuration: Disabled Network Configuration: Disabled Single Configuration: Disabled Extreme Configuration: Disabled 47, Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Service Name: RPCSS Process Name: SVCHOST.exe Features Description: This service is extremely important, Many other services need it to run normally. And if you disable it, it is likely to cause the computer to be unable to start. Default setting: Automatic normal configuration: Automatic network configuration: Auto stand-alone configuration: Auto extreme configuration: Automatic

48, Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator Service Name: RPCLocator Process Name: Locator.exe Function Description: Used to Manage RPC Name Service Database. In general, it can be disabled. If you encounter a network disconnection, it can be set to manually. It will take up approximately 1.2MB of memory space. Default setting: Manual Ordinary Configuration: Manual Network Configuration: Manual Single Configuration: Manual Extreme Configuration: Disabled

49, Remote Registry Service Service Name: RemoteRegistry Process Name: SVCHOST.exe Function Description: Remote Registry Service allows you to edit your registry on another computer on your machine. Ordinary users don't have to use this service at all. Default setting: Automatic normal configuration: Network configuration has been disabled: A single-alone configuration is disabled: extreme configuration has been disabled: Disabled

50, Removable Storage Service Name: NTMSSVC Process Name: SVCHOST.EXE Function Description: Used to manage removable storage media, such as a tape drive, etc. If you are disabled, your floppy disk, CD or DVD drive has problems (such as: if Auto play, etc.), then set it to Auto. Default setting: Automatic normal configuration: Automatic network configuration: Auto stand-alone configuration: Auto extreme configuration: Automatic

51, Routing and Remote Access Service Name: RemoteAccess Process Name: SVCHOST.EXE Function Description: Provides routing services that connect via Modem (or other device dial) or VPN remotely connected to a local area network. Once enabled, the connection icon for the network connection in the control panel will be activated. Default setting: Manual Ordinary Configuration: Disabled Network Configuration: Disabled Single Configuration: Disabled Extreme Configuration: Disabled

52. Run AS Service Service Name: SECLOGON Process Name: Services.exe Function Description: Services of services as other users, when you log in to the system as a general permissions, and you need to modify only system administrators to modify The service provides a shortcut that does not log in as an administrator when the system setting item is provided. You only need to run the runas command at the command prompt to reach change. It can be set to "Disabled" for the general user before unfamiliar with the RunAs command usage. In addition, after holding down the SHIFT button and right-click the program shortcut, select "Run Mode" to open its window in the pop-up menu. Default Settings: Disabled Configuration: Disabled Network Configuration: Disabled Single Configuration: Disabled Extreme Configuration: Disabled 53, Secondary Logon Service Name: SECLOGON Process Name: SVCHOST.EXE Function Description: It is a secondary service of Run AS service, In Windows XP, there is no longer Run As Service, and this service is used directly to make you use another account launcher under the original account. For example, the current account privilege is low, and some system tools cannot be used, and you can use this service, you can right-click the program file directly, then select "Run As", then you can start the system tool with the administrator account without having to log in. . Default setting: Automatic normal configuration: Network configuration has been disabled: A single-alone configuration is disabled: extreme configuration has been disabled: Disabled

54. SECURITY ACCOUNTS Manager service Name: SAMSS Process Name: LSASS.exe Function Description: Similar to the "Protected Storage" service, some security information for saving local users. If you use a group policy, it is best to set it to Auto. Default setting: Automatic normal configuration: Automatic network configuration: Auto stand-alone configuration: Disable extreme configuration: Disabled

55, Server Service Name: LANMANSERVER Process Name: SVCHOST.exe Function Description: Managed files and print servers in the network, you can set it to: manual, if you are a local area network user, you need to set it to :automatic. Default setting: Automatic normal configuration: Network configuration has been disabled: Auto stand-alone configuration: Disable extreme configuration: Disabled

56, Shell Hardware Detection Service Name: SHELLHWDETECTION Process Name: SVCHOST.EXE Function Description: Used to support automatic playback of the device, such as flash, various memory cards, optical drives, etc. If your laptop is in the dock, there is a problem. If you can't see the DVD drive in "My Computer", you can set it to "Auto" to see if you can resolve it. Default setting: Automatic normal configuration: Automatic network configuration: Auto stand-alone configuration: Auto extreme configuration: Disabled

57, Smart Card / Smart Card Helper Service Name: SCARDSVR Process Name: SCARDSVR.EXE Function Description: These two services provide support for smart card devices. If there is no such card, it should be set to "Disabled". Default setting: Manual Ordinary Configuration: Disabled Network Configuration: Disabled Single Configuration: Disabled Extreme Configuration: Disabled

58, SSDP Discovery Service Name: SSDPSRV Process Name: SVCHOST.EXE Function Description: Used to locate UPnP devices in your home network, depending on the "Universal Plug and Play Device Host service, it can detect and configure your UPnP Equipment, if you don't have such a device, it is best to disable it for security reasons. Also, if you use a NAT firewall or router that supports UPNP, then MSN Messenger needs to use this service. If you are playing DirectX's game, I found that they are very difficult to connect to many people in the game, so it is best to set it to "Auto" and download all Windows security patches. There are still some problems with this service, such as: it will send too many broadcasts to the UDP port 1900, if you find yourself nothing network operation, but the network connection icon in the lower right corner of the system tray always flashes, then it is likely It is caused by this service. Default setting: Manual Ordinary Configuration: Disabled Network Configuration: Disabled Single Configuration: Disabled Extreme Configuration: Disabled

59. STILL Image Service Service Name: StISVC Process Name: Stisvc.exe Function Description: Mainly used to control the scanner and digital camera connected to your computer. If this service is deactivated, then most of the scanners and digital cameras may not work. Because their drivers are often closely combined with this service. Some netizens reporting the HP scanner driver causes the STISVC process to take up 99% of the CPU resource, so if you use the HP scanner to scan, the system suddenly becomes very slow, it is best to download, install its latest driver . If this still does not solve the problem, you have to uninstall the driver, then stop this service, then restart your computer and reload the driver. Of course, if you do not often use a scanner or digital camera, you can set it as "manual" or "disabled". Default setting: Automatic normal configuration: manual network configuration: manual stand-alone configuration: manual extreme configuration: Disabled

60, System Event Notification Service Name: SENS Process Name: SVCHOST.EXE Function Description: And "COM Event System" is dependent, the system log is mainly used to log in and power events. Default setting: Automatic normal configuration: Automatic network configuration: Auto stand-alone configuration: Disable extreme configuration: Disabled

61. System Restore Service Name: SRSERVICE Process Name: SVCHOST.exe Features Description: This service is used to support Windows XP system restore services, which takes up a lot of system resources. If this service is disabled, then the original created restore point will be deleted. Default setting: Automatic normal configuration: Network configuration has been disabled: A single-alone configuration is disabled: extreme configuration has been disabled: Disabled

62. Task Scheduler Service Name: SCHEDULE Process Name: SVCHOST.EXE Function Description: Manage Plan Tasks, such as tanning the disk on time. If you don't use Windows planning tasks, you can set it to: Disabled. Default setting: Auto General Configuration: Disabled Network Configuration: Disabled Single Machine Configuration: Disable Extreme Configuration: Disabled 63, TCP / IP NetBIOS Helper Service Service Name: Lmhosts Process Name: SVCHOST.EXE Function Description: TCP / IP NetBIOS Support Services, the service can provide NetBIOS support on TCP / IP. Since NetBIOS is based on a local area network, a general user who is accessing the Internet resource can disable it unless your system is in a local area network. Default setting: Automatic normal configuration: Network configuration has been disabled: A single-alone configuration is disabled: extreme configuration has been disabled: Disabled

64. Telephony Service Name: Tapism Process Name: Svchost.exe briefly said that this service can provide telephone dialing for your computer. If you connect to the Internet or connect to other computers by phone line, you should set it to "manual". Default setting: Manual Ordinary Configuration: Manual Network Configuration: Auto Single Machine Configuration: Disabled Extreme Configuration: Disabled

65, Telnet Service Name: TLNTSVR Process Name: TLNTSVR.EXE Function Description: This service allows you to log in from the remote computer in this system and use the command line mode to operate this computer. For general stand-alone users, the service is not important, can be set to "manual" or "disabled". Default setting: Manual Ordinary Configuration: Disabled Network Configuration: Disabled Single Configuration: Disabled Extreme Configuration: Disabled

66, Terminal Services Service Name: TermService Process Name: SVCHOST.exe Function Description: Remote login local computer, fast user switching, and remote desktop feature require this service. Default Settings: Manual Ordinary Configuration: Manual Network Configuration: Manual Single Configuration: Disabled Extreme Configuration: Disabled

67, Themes Service Name: Themes Process Name: SVCHOST.exe Function Description: Windows XP Desktop Theme Service, one topic will take up approximately 4 ~ 12MB. Default setting: Automatic normal configuration: Automatic network configuration: manual stand-alone configuration: manual extreme configuration: Disabled

68, Uninterruptible Power Supply Service Name: UPS Process Name: UPS.exe Function Description: This service is used to manage your UPS. If you don't have UPS, set it to: "Manual" or "Disabled". Default setting: Manual Ordinary Configuration: Disabled Network Configuration: Disabled Single Configuration: Disabled Extreme Configuration: Disabled

69. Universal PLUG AND PLAY Device Host Service Name: UPNPHOST Process Name: SVCHOST.EXE Function Description: For the "SSDP Discovery Service" service, see "SSDP Discovery Service". Default setting: Manual Ordinary Configuration: Disabled Network Configuration: Disabled Single Configuration: Disabled Extreme Configuration: Disabled 70, UPLoad Manager Service Name: UploadMgr Process Name: SVCHOST.EXE Function Description: Used to send hardware driver information to Microsoft , Make it able to track the availability of driving information. This service is not necessary for simple files and print sharing services. It can therefore be disabled. Default setting: Automatic normal configuration: Network configuration has been disabled: A single-alone configuration is disabled: extreme configuration has been disabled: Disabled

71, VOLUME SHADOW COPY Service Name: VSS Process Name: vssvc.exe Feature Description: With "MS Software Shadow Copy Provider Service", the Microsoft backup function also needs to use this service. Take account for about 3.0 MB of memory resources. Default Settings: Manual Ordinary Configuration: Manual Network Configuration: Manual Single Configuration: Disabled Extreme Configuration: Disabled

72. WebClient service name: WebClient process Name: svchost.exe function Description: It may be associated with later .NET software, but generally disabled. If some Microsoft products have problems, such as: MSN Explorer, Media Player, NetMeeting, Messenger, etc., you can set it automatically. Default setting: Automatic normal configuration: Network configuration has been disabled: A single-alone configuration is disabled: extreme configuration has been disabled: Disabled

73, Windows Audio Service Name: AUDIOSRV Process Name: SVCHOST.EXE Function Description: Control Sound. Default setting: Automatic normal configuration: Auto stand-alone configuration: Auto extreme configuration: Automatic

74, Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) Service Name: STISVC Process Name: SVCHOST.EXE Function Description: Windows Image Get Service, this is a new feature of Windows XP to join, mainly including support for image devices and image information Processing editing and other functions. From the end of the end user, the WIA main role is to support image devices such as scanners, digital cameras, video cameras, etc .; processing images, including transfer image information from mobile devices to desktop computers, editing the image Until the printing is a series of operations. The WIA system has an operational wizard. Under the guidance guidance, you can easily complete the various work above. Some scanners, cameras, digital cameras need this service. Default Settings: Manual Ordinary Configuration: Manual Network Configuration: Manual Single Configuration: Disabled Extreme Configuration: Disabled

75, Windows Installer Service Name: MSIEXEC Process Name: MSIExec.exe Function Description: This service is required for software installed using the MSI file (Windows installer). Now more and more software is installed using a Windows installer, so it is best to set it to "manual". It takes up approximately 3.4 MB of memory resources. Default setting: Manual normal configuration: manual network configuration: manual stand-alone configuration: Manual extreme configuration: Manual 76, Windows Management Instrumentation service name: WinMGMT process Name: SVCHOST.EXE function Description: Windows management specification and Windows management specification driver extension, WMI It is the basic management structure in Windows 2000, which controls and monitors the system through a set of common interfaces (such as views and changes to the system properties, setting user permissions, etc.). To speed up the system startup speed, we can set these two services to "manual", and automatically use them when needed after the system starts. Default setting: Automatic normal configuration: Automatic network configuration: Auto stand-alone configuration: Auto extreme configuration: Automatic

77, Windows Management Name: WMI Process Name: SVCHOST.EXE Function Description: Windows Management Specification and Windows Management Specification Driver Extensions, WMI is the basic management structure in Windows 2000, which controls and monitors in a set of common interfaces. System (such as views and changes to system properties, setting user rights, etc.). To speed up the system startup speed, we can set these two services to "manual", and automatically use them when needed after the system starts. Default setting: Manual Ordinary Configuration: Manual Network Configuration: Manual Single Configuration: Manual Extreme Configuration: Disabled

78, Windows Time Service Name: W32Time Process Name: SVCHOST.EXE Function Description: Automatically connect to the server of the Internet (or LAN) to your system time. It is generally automatic every seven days, and the non-network server feels unclear. Default setting: Automatic normal configuration: Network configuration has been disabled: A single-alone configuration is disabled: extreme configuration has been disabled: Disabled

79, Wireless Zero Configuration Service Name: WZCSVC Process Name: SVCHOST.EXE Function Description: Used to automatically configure wireless network device and connection quality feedback. If you don't have a wireless network, set it to disable. Default setting: Automatic normal configuration: manual network configuration: manual stand-alone configuration: manual extreme configuration: Disabled

80, WMI Performance Adapter Service Name: WMIAPSRV Process Name: WMIAPSRV.EXE Function Description: WMI performance adapter. General users do not need it, disable it can save about 2.5 to 6MB memory resources. Default Settings: Manual Ordinary Configuration: Disabled Network Configuration: Disabled Single Machine Configuration: Disable Extreme Configuration: Disabled 81, Workstation Service Name: Lanmanworkst Ation

Process Name: SVCHOST.EXE

Function Description: It is used to manage other network functions, if your computer is online, then you should choose: Auto. Default setting: Automatic

Ordinary configuration: automatic

Network configuration: automatic

Single-machine configuration: Automatic

Extreme configuration: automatic


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