Where is our elite?

xiaoxiao2021-04-09  511

I think I need to write something for China.

Although I have always marked away from politics, there is a kind of disappointment for the so-called world. But a lot of things recently, still let me think that there is something like a strip, not spit is not spit.

I am disgusted, because the critics are mostly the good hands of sitting, once they work, they are stretched. Standing and talking, no backache, although very comfortable. I know that one day I may play my mouth because I said. But I still decided to say, just like Lu Xun said, if a person in a house is bored, you will be awake, it is very cruel, but if you call all people, how can I not wake up? Tell the house a hole to breathable?

I know, maybe I can't build this house better, but I hope that I can say some inspiration or thinking, these revelations or thinking, maybe there is a master of building a house.

What I am going to say today is to abandon China?

This problem looks too big, almost no coming. I still start from the fine.

Yesterday, I saw a post on Netease Business Report, the content is like this.

The room change is hollowed out your pockets, and the teaching reform is to force you two old, the medical reform is to give you the end in advance.

Very fun, but very real reflects a reality of our reform. Where is China's future? Do we want to go to the United States or become a next Latin American?

We can often hear such a sentence, the US is now our future. This sentence gives us a lot of beautiful delusions. It seems that we really have to work hard for many years, and you will be able to catch a superior beauty, passing the happiness of the European and American people. But now, in our opinion, perhaps, the ultra-US beauty is just a beautiful delusion, maybe China seems to have a strong economic appearance, maybe the song and dancing have a crisis.

Why do you want to mention?

I have never been Latin America in our mainstream, in our concept, the noun in Latin America is not higher than Africa. We are disdainful in Law America, where all capitalist cancer, rich and poor differentiation, social turmoil, political dictatorship, economic deformity development, Latin Americans have been independent, and they are tossing for more than 200 years, or in the third world. How can we take yourself and Latin America?

Latin Americans entered our line of sight, probably last year, when we talk about the future trend of the Chinese auto industry, the first mention this word, and then Latin America. Some people have entered China in China, and the melon market puts forward their own worries. If the Chinese car can't take the road of independent development, it is attempted to change technology in the market, and finally can only be like the car market with Latin America. For the processing plant of the world car giant, in the bottom of the food, grab a little disabled. Never can't drive with them in the world market. More importantly, investments exchanged in low labor will not last long, because there is a lower labor cost, the multinational giant will immediately carry out industrial transfer. At that time, the Chinese auto industry will be taken off. Today, Latin America is China's future.

This concern is not reasonable.

And I have to say today is not only China's automotive industry, but China's whole future. Where is we going to go?

Is it developed Europe and the United States or a chaotic Latin American?

When Lang Xianping said in Hua Industry (I don't know if it is the university's abbreviation), I said to college students. "When you write to your daughter after 30 years, you may write, you can write in other countries. "" If the trust system is lacking, the reform will bring us to the Philippines instead of the United States. "

College students under the stage are inexplicable. In fact, I feel that there is nothing to be shocked. This truth can even think that our elite class, drinking osko, reading Harvard sword bridge, who can not know what? But I am willing to tell it, tell us the public and young students who know, it is estimated that only Lang Xianping is alone.

Some things are much more about tolerance. God gives us a head, not to let us ponder the colleagues all day, why do you make more wages or neighbors? I remember that when I was in the modern history of the world, I had always thought about it. Why is the independence of Latin American countries and the United States, and the gap between the final development is so big? Historical book tells us that it is because of empire. I have always thought that that is a dog, if a little brother grows together, one day brother said to your brother, starting today, you are attributable, you earn money, you are willing to be your brother? It is said that after Latin America has independently, it will become a backyard of the United States. However, this is the result, but it is not the reason. The reason why the United States can put them later, not because of decades, when the brother is strong than the younger brother, dare to say that your brother, what you earn, you don't want you.

Of course, I didn't understand at the time. I am facing such an answer, but it is to say a shit in my heart. In addition, it is clearly imposed. But now, I dare to say that perhaps the real answer has been discovered, and he is plaguing our China.

The gap between Latin America and the United States is that it does not form a good wealth regeneration system, and set a more mainstream, it lacks a sustainable development capacity of wealth accumulation.

Lift a simple example to illustrate this difference.

The first case:

Suppose it has found gold mine in one place, and it has been investing a mine, hired one hundred workers to give him gold, profit of 10 million, and the mine owner has made 50% of workers' salary, each Workers have incorporated 50,000 a year, they take 10,000 to rent a house, and the remaining 40,000 can get married, have a child, family business, and 5 million in the mine owner, you can do investment. Because the workers have money in their hands, they want to settle in the house, so the house needs. So the mine owner covered the house, rented the worker, or sold to workers. Workers should eat to drink, so, open the restaurant, earn the money in the hands of the workers. Workers who have to hire in the restaurant, so workers' wife have employment opportunities and have income. A family's consumer demand is bigger. In this way, 100 families have appeared in this place. Children have to study, with education needs, so some people come to school, workers want to date, to consume, do something else, so there is a cinema, there is a store, so, after 50 years, when the mine When I was excavated, it has become a prosperous city of about 100,000 people.

The second situation is like this:

Suppose the gold mine is also discovered, and some people have to invest in mining, and they also employ 100 workers. They also profit for 10 million every year, but the mine owner puts it as a salary, each worker is 10,000 a year. These money is only enough for them to fill their stomach, no money to rent a house, no money to discuss our wife, can only live in the shed. The mine owner earned 9 million a year, but it is a poor person to see it, and there will be no need to invest in local reinforcements. So he turned money to abroad, because it was not safe locally, he covered several luxury villas, hired several workers as bodyguards, workers did not have future, in addition to desperate work, there is no other need. The only thing that may have a play is to find a wife, have a beautiful daughter, perhaps you can marry the mine owner to be a wife. After 50 years, this place has no other industries in addition to the luxury villa. When the mine was dug, the mine owner left with a huge sum, the workers either exiled, or the man is theft, the woman is 娼. A simple example, in fact, Latin America and the United States different development trajectories. Maybe today's Americans should say, thank Washington, he created the most modern and most scientific political system for the United States, thanks Henry Ford, and he created the US middle class in the United States. The Latin American countries are not so lucky, their big dictators have created a plunder economic system, with a kind of gesture crazy melon, and make the entire economy, and no longer develop.

Here we need to mention Henry Ford. In all commercial figures in ancient and modern China and abroad, Henry Ford's impact on the socio-economic economy is unmanned. It is precisely with his T-car handle created the original middle class and introduced the first American society into a modern society, (Europe in this point is less than the US late). Henry Ford said that I would like my worker to buy my T-car, so he gave the workers to high salary, he also created the production method of the pipeline, so that the car was significantly reduced, so Ford became the biggest Motor company, so a worker with money can buy a car, you can buy a house, you can do other consumption, so the middle class is born. So completed the dilation of the western region, the United States who had no returning room on the territory found another gold mine, rapidly growing the middle class to drive huge demand, supporting the huge domestic market, and continued to drive high-speed growth. The United States has always been a country that rely on domestic demand to achieve economic growth, and China has a population of 1.2 billion, but it actually has insufficient domestic demand, and has to drive economic growth in foreign trade. You said that this is not a strange thing. Do you think you are the country of the country? Can you grace meal fertilizer? 1.2 billion people, who can feed China? In addition to yourself. It is also no wonder that the whole world is pointing at you, saying that you dumped with people.

Speaking here, it should be said that our China's problem, why we will have insufficient domestic demand, why don't we have a powerful middle class? What is our wealth? How much continuous growth will we continue.

China has completed its own capital original accumulation in a progressive way. This is aunt and not saying any weight trading, system vulnerability, and work harvest. Capital accumulation of no country is clean. But the key is that after the accumulation is completed, what should we do, is it to continue to be a poorer differentiation? Or create our own modern society, create a social structure of the square cone.

When I saw the netizen, I really took a breath, what are we doing? Is our reform not to go to a back, and the social wealth is not much social wealth in the madness of ordinary public to continue to exchange the evidence. See an article as soon as possible, comparing the top ten gaps in China and Singapore, the specific does not say, because the small country is better to manage than China's big country. However, let me think about the equal thinking of the Singapore's system, that is the care of the Popolion. And we have seen which substantial things we have seen in addition to the officials who have made a show. China has never been equal. There is no in the past, there is no, it is difficult to say in the future. We only have so-called elites and people. When all the people who have received good educational youth can only buy a safe place, when a family of a family is going to school, when you go to school, you will take a holiday in your home. When you invest in the stock market, it is equivalent to During the donation, when the owner of the state-owned owner is full of private sunshine, when a farmer's hard a year is not as good as a large amount of rice, you count, you don't want to save you, crazy save money ? Do you expect to translate into huge demand? Do you expect a consumer product market to continue? Do you expect someone who is a little money to do more useful investment rather than a hot money? Do you expect that there is not much social wealth that will flow faster and more reasonable? We are very poor, because our money is not much, but it is installed in a very small person's pocket. We will not be rich, but press a piece of bank, press a piece of house, in the stock market, NND , My money looks a lot, but I can't turn, I'm dead money. So, the money in a few people can only buy LV, Cartier, Swarovski, because in addition to this, they have nothing to buy. Some people also jump out of the purpleness, saying for extravagant China, shit! Which country's economy can drive up with a few luxury brands, and then say that luxury is related to you? What is you excited? If you have a few top luxury brands in China, you can also follow it. That is just to make a lot of money in France, Italy. This is our China. Our farmers have not yet rumored, they have spit blood for their children's education, and our middle class has not been born, and we have to find domestic demand? In addition to export, we let the world to support us, what is the way? Therefore, all the world say you dumped. Yes, 1.2 billion people, who is supporting you? Why is this, why do our reforms have entered such a kind of situation? Educational charges, housing prices, stock circles, God, this is a decision-making. The country that has been rich in oil is can't wait until you have made money from your own people.

Where is our elite? Why do you want to understand the problem of this toe, they don't understand?

Where is the elite class?

This problem is very interesting.

I think, the elite class has two go to go, one has been brought, one is killed.

Lang Gu is already disappointed with all the people in the mainland economists. Why is the economist in the entire mainland will be defeated in a Hong Kong people who are called Lang Xianping? There is only one problem - conscience, it is not too stupid, but they have been purchased, conscience, except for the master, there is no other role. So our bureaucrats, capital, and people in the fields, formulated the alliance, formulated further planning of wealth. So our Princians lost the words, even if they were screaming, they won't be heard. This is bought, and it is stifled.

It is youth.

Thinking of Mr. Lu Xun said, the most promising is our youth. However, TNND, China's education, education, TMD Chinese education, China education held by these dogs, on the one hand, in your own money bag, on the other hand, let you accept filling skills, in addition to meeting a few shit In addition to words, almost any ability to think about any independent thinking. Ok, this trick is really good, it is really sorrow. Lang Xianping said to college students: "Our generation does not understand the legal system, and there is no conscience." "Our generation is going to be eliminated early, hand it over to you, you are the future." Hey, Mr. Lang is really I know the mainland of China. He doesn't know the weak shoulders of college students, maybe you can't afford this burden.

What should you do in such a world? Protect yourself. This is the answer that everyone thinks, either leave it, or makes it strong, because don't expect the government to protect you. I remember five years ago, I said that China is entering a sharp differentiation, we can do it only before it is finished, it is exhausted into the upper layer.

Now I still say this.

It is powerful, only becomes strong, you can protect yourself, protect people you want to protect, you can make your voice recognize more people.

Finally, think of a sentence, if a country does not love his own people, what power do you have to ask your people to love his country.

Hope, we don't say this.


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