Enter a string of length N from the keyboard (0 (1) The corresponding prompt information must first be displayed before the input and output; the prompt information must be exclusive; the input must be ended with the carriage return; (2) Transform uppercase letters in characters into lowercase letters and display the transformed string on the screen; (3) Number of non-digital characters in the statistical string (characters other than '0' 9 '), with decimal output; (4) One of the lowercut English characters contained in the output string is the minimum ASCII value; Code: Data segment INPINFO DB 'PLEASE INPUT:', 10, 13, '$' STR DB 512 DUP (?) BTL DB 10, 13, 'After Convert Big To Small They Are:', 10, 13, '$' Numinfo DB 10, 13, 'The Number NOT NUM IS:', 10, 13, '$' WordInfo DB 10, 13, 'The Smallest Word IS:', 10, 13, '$' Worderror DB 10, 13, 'NO Small Word Exist!', 10, 13, '$' Count db 0 Little DW 122; 'Z' 1 Data ends Assume CS: Code, DS: Data Code segment Start: Mov AX, DATA MOV DS, AX MOV Si, 0 ****** Input MOV DX, Offset INPINFO Mov Ah, 09h Int 21h INPUT_T1: MOV AH, 01H Int 21h MOV STR [Si], Al Inc Si CMP Al 13 Je Find JNE INPUT_T1 ***** Find a character in which the ASII code is the smallest Find: Dec Si MOV BX, Si MOV Si, 0 MOV DH, 123 Find_0: MOV CL, STR [Si] CMP CL, 'A' JB Find_1 CMP CL, 'Z' Ja Find_1 CMP CL, DH JB Give Inc Si CMP Si, BX Je Print_It JNE FIND_0 Give: MOV DH, CL Inc Si CMP Si, BX Je Print_It JNE FIND_0 Find_1: Inc Si CMP Si, BX Je Print_It JNE FIND_0 Print_it: CMP DH, 123 Je Fail Push dx Lea DX, WordInfo Mov Ah, 09h Int 21h POP DX MOV DL, DH MOV AH, 02H Int 21h JMP Convert Fail: Lea DX, Worderror Mov Ah, 09h Int 21h JMP Convert ******* Find OK ******* Turn on the uppercase CONVERT: MOV Si, 0 Mov Ah, 09 Lea DX, BTL Int 21h ConVT_1: MOV DL, STR [Si] CMP DL, 'A' JB convt_2 CMP DL, 'Z' JA ConVT_2 Add DL, 20h MOV STR [Si], DL Inc Si CMP Si, BX JNE ConVT_1 JE OUTPUT ConVT_2: Inc Si CMP Si, BX JNE ConVT_1 JE OUTPUT OUTPUT: MOV Si, 0 OUT_1: MOV DL, STR [Si] MOV AH, 02H Int 21h Inc Si CMP BX, Si JNE OUT_1 Je count_no ********** Week to turn lowercase ; ********** Calculate the number of non-numbers Count_no: MOV CL, 0 MOV Si, 0 COUNT_0: MOV Al, STR [Si] CMP Al , '0' JB count_1 CMP Al ,'9' Ja count_1 Inc Si CMP Si, BX JNE COUNT_0 JE OUTPUT_NUM COUNT_1: Add Count, 1 Inc Si CMP Si, BX JNE COUNT_0 JE OUTPUT_NUM OUTPUT_NUM: Lea DX, NumInfo Mov Ah, 09h Int 21h MOV AX, 0 MOV Al COUNT MOV CL, 10 Div Cl Push AX MOV DL, Al MOV AH, 02H OR DL, 30H Int 21h POP AX MOV DL, AH OR DL, 30H MOV AH, 02H Int 21h JMP EXIT00 ************** Statistics Over EXIT00: MOV AX, 4C 00h Int 21h Code ends End Start