Submit a bug and patch of Doxygen1.4.7

xiaoxiao2021-04-09  613

Recently I started using Doxygen to document my own program, which used to use 1.4.4. Later, I downloaded a 1.4.7. When you perform / defgroup and / INGROUP, you can always documentation when you use the properties of the IDL file. Doxygen's documentation does not have any changes to groups anywhere.

So downloaded the DOXYGEN source code for viewing, found that it adds a classification of the properties of the IDL file when 1.4.7, but the corresponding file is not added to the corresponding file in Group. My Test and Patch files can be downloaded at

My sample file is as follows:

interface IControl: IDispatch {/ * / defgroup SinglePropertyGroup IControl Single Property * / / * @ {* / / * / brief Send Control Command / param newVal Control Command / return S_OK:!! Successful / n S_FAIL: Failed / n * / [ PropPut, ID (1), HELPSTRING ("Send Control Command")] HRESULTCOMMAND ([In] Byte NewVal); / *! / brief Get Control Command / Param Pval Control Command / Return S_ok: Successful / N S_Fail: Failed / N * / [Propget, ID (1), Helpstring ("Get Control Command")] HRESULTCOMMAND ([OUT, RETVAL] BYTE * PVAL); / * @} * / / / *! / Defgroup mutiplepropertyGroup icontrol mutiple protection * / / * @ {* / / *! / Brief send Engine State / Param NewVal Engine State / Return S_ok: Successful / N S_Fail: failed / n * / [propput, id (2), Helpstring ("Send Engine State")] HRESULTENGINESTATE ([in] byte newval); / *! / Brief Get Engine State / Param PVAL ENGINE State / Return S_ok: Successful / N S_Fail: Failed / N * / [Propget, ID (2), Helpstring ("Get Control Command"] HRESULTENGINESTATE ([OUT, RETVAL] BYTE * PVAL); / * @} * / / *! / Defgroup singlemethodgroup icontrol single method * / / * @

{* / / *! / Brief start engine / return s_ok: successful / n s_fail: failed / n * / [id (3), HELPSTRING ("start engine")] HRESULT START (); / *! / Brief Stop Engine / RETURN S_OK: SUCCESSFUL / N S_FAIL: FAILED / N * / [ID (4), Helpstring ("stop engine")] HRESULT STOP (); / * @} * /}; btw: The World Cup is really tired, There is no time to send an article.


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