This is not a layout, it is a structure. This is a semantic description of the content block. When you understand your structure, you can add the corresponding ID on the DIV. Any content block can be included in the DIV container, or another DIV can also be nested. The content block can contain any HTML element - title, paragraph, pictures, forms, lists, and more.
According to the above story, you already know how to structure HTML, now you can define the layout and style. Each content block can be placed anywhere on the page, then specify the color, font, border, background, and alignment property of this block.
Using the selector is the name of the wonderful thing ID is the means of controlling a block, by adding the DIV to this content block, you can use the CSS selector to accurately define each page element. Appearance performance, including title, list, picture, link, or paragraph, etc. For example, you can write a CSS rule for #header, you can completely different from the image rules in #content. Another example is: You can define link styles in different content blocks through different rules. Similar to this: #globalnav A: Link or #Subnav A: Link or #content A: Link. You can also define the style of the same element in different content blocks. For example, define the style of the P in #Content and #footer, respectively, by #content p and #footer p, respectively. Structurally, your page is composed of pictures, links, lists, paragraphs, etc., these elements do not have an impact on what network device displayed (PDA or mobile phone or network TV), they can be defined as Any performance appearance.
A careful structured HTML page is very simple, each element is used for structural purposes. When you want to indent a paragraph, you don't need to use the BlockQuote tag, just use the P tag, and the MARGIN rules for P add a CSS can achieve indentation purposes. P is structured tag, margin is a performance attribute, and the former belongs to HTML, which belongs to CSS. (This is the phase separation of the structure in the performance.)
There is almost no label for properties in the HTML page of a good structure. The code is very clean and simple. For example, the original code