[Linux] kernel compilation and configuration management sporadic pick

zhaozj2021-02-16  115

RPM installation -i rpm -i package-filename.rpm Update -Frpm -f package-filename.rpm Upgrade --URPM -U Package-filename.rpm Delete --ERPM-E Package-name.rpm

Log in to Bash Execute Scripts: / etc / profile $ home / .bash_profile (if not, execute $ HOME / .BASH_LOGIN). When logging out, automate: $ home / .bash_logout. Using redhat's users, landing in addition to these two files, it will also perform $ HOME / .BASHRC, and this file will be executed again / etc / bashrc

Tailor-based core -Make config-make menuconfig-make Xconfig All profiles are placed in the .config file in the / usr / src / linux-version directory.

Unzip .Tar.gz type files need to use command tar -xzvf

Clear temporary files (such as .o .a file): make Clean Check Related Dependent Make Dep Generates Core Mirror Files: Make Bzimage Generating Module: Make MODULES or MAKE MODULES_INTASLL

/etc/lilo.conf About LILO related configuration

Modify kernel parameters at runtime: in the file / proc / sys directory

Automatic loading module when starting: You need to modify /etc/conf.modules management's main commands: lnsmod LSMOD (Display all loaded modules) RMMOD (Intermodard) DEPMOD (Check related information)


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