MD5 introduction, algorithm and implementation

xiaoxiao2021-04-10  625

MD5 Introduction:

MD5 is an English "Message-Digest Algorithm Five", in the 1990s by Mit's computer science laboratory and RSA Data Security Inc, the initial MD2, MD3 and MD4 development evolution came. "Message-Digest" generally refers to the "Message" hash transform, which is to convert an arbitrary length byte string into a certain long integer. Please note that I use the word "byte string" instead of "string", because this transformation is only related to the value of the byte, it is independent of the character set or coding method, that is, many friends ask MD5 to confine the Chinese characters. The principle.

MD5 transforms any length of "byte string" into a 128bit large integer, and it is an irreversible string transform algorithm. SOLMINAL is that it is the source code of the MD5 algorithm full, so that anyone can understand The detailed algorithm of MD5 is described, but it is absolutely no one to convert a string of string to the original string from the MD5 algorithm. From the principle of math, it is because the original string has endless, this is a bit Like the math function of the reverse function.

The typical application of MD5 is to generate FingerPrint (fingerprints) for a Message to prevent tampering. For example, you write a word in a readme.txt file, and generate a MD5 value for this readme.txt and record it, then you can spread this file to others, others modify the file Anything, you will find the difference between the two files when you recall MD5, so that the file has been changed early. If there is another third party certification body, use MD5 to prevent "reliability" of the author, this is the so-called digital signature application.

MD5 can also be widely used in encryption and decryption techniques. In many operating systems, the user's password is saved in MD5 values ​​(or similar algorithms). When the user is logged in, the system is to put users. The input password is calculated into an MD5 value, then compares the MD5 value of the initial password saved in the system, and the system is actually not "know" what the user's password is. Some hackers cracked this password method is a method called "running dictionary", that is, the so-called violent cracking method or exhaustive method. The method of obtaining the dictionary has two kinds, one is a list of "mentally mini passwords" to do a password, and the other is the MD5 program, which is generated by the MD5 program. Value, then retrieve in this dictionary with the MD5 value of the target.

Even if the maximum length of the password is assumed to be 8, the password can only be uppercase or lowercase letters and numbers, then "26 26 10" is also 62 valid password characters, so the number of items that are arranged in combination It is p (62, 1) p (62, 2) .... P (62, 8), which is also the same as an astronomical number, store this dictionary, the TB level disk group, and this There is also a premise that the password MD5 value of the target account can be obtained.

Application of MD5 algorithm in crack:

In the encryption protection of the software, MD5 is an encryption algorithm that is often used, but because the MD5 algorithm is an inverse algorithm, all software can only use the MD5 algorithm as an encrypted intermediate step, such as a username MD5 transformation, the result is another reversible encryption transform, the transform results are registration code. When doing registration machines, you must also use MD5 to enlay conversion, then evolve with the inverse algorithm of the second algorithm to derive the original username. Specifically: We set the user name to strRname, the registration code is strRegno, then if the author of the shared software uses the following algorithm as the registration algorithm of his own software: 'IF MD5 = MD5 (strRegno) REGISTER Successful "Else" Register unsuccessful "then can write the registration machine as long as the software adopts the MD5 algorithm, but if the author uses the following algorithm: 'IF MD5 (StrRegno) = MD5 (Strname) THEN" If the Register Successful "else" register unsuccessful "', then I want to connect the Software Author you must find the serial number of the registered user by the authors you must obtain the registered user. Therefore, for the crack, as long as the software's registration algorithm is used, MD5 is enough. The characteristics of MD5 code are also very obvious, and it is easy to discover when tracking. If the software uses an MD5 algorithm, the following four constants will inevitably use when data is initialized:

A = 0x01234567

B = 0x89abcdef

C = 0xfedcba98

D = 0x76543210

If constant is constant, it may be a deformed MD5 algorithm or not an MD5 algorithm. The memory is displayed in memory:

01 23 45 67 89 AB CD EF Fe DC ... 32 10 a total 16 bytes


MD5 algorithm description:

Step 1: Increase the fill

Increase the padding to make the data length (Bit as units) model 512 is 448. If the data length is exactly the mold 512 is 448, it is 1-512, which is 1-512, is 1-512, is 1-512, adding 512 filling bits. The first bit is 1, the rest is 0.

Step 2: Replenishment length

Convert data length to a value of 64bit, if the length of the data that can be represented by more than 64bit, the value retains the last 64bit, which is increased to the previously filled data, so that the last data is 512bit integral times. That is, 16 times the integer multiple of 32bit. In RFC1321, 32bit is called a word.

Step 3: Initialization variables:

Used 4 variables, which are A, B, C, D, all of which are 32 bit long. Initialized to:

A: 01 23 45 67

B: 89 AB CD EF

C: FE DC BA 98

D: 76 54 32 10

Step 4: Data processing:

First define 4 auxiliary functions:

F (x, y, z) = xy v not (x) z

G (x, y, z) = xz v y NOT (z)

H (x, y, z) = x xor y xor

I (x, y, z) = y xor (x v not (z))

Where: XY represents the bit bit and X V y represented a bit position or, NOT (X) represents the bitwise reflusions. XOR represents a bitmap or.

The x, y, z of the function is 32 bit.

Define a number of arrays that need to be used: T (I), I value 1-64, T (i) equal to 4294967296 times of ABS (SiN (I)), i is an arc. Assuming the data length after the first three steps is 32 * 16 * nbit

Step 5: Output:

The last obtained ABCD is the output result, a total of 128bit. A is low, D is a high level.

The implementation of the MD5 algorithm in programming:

Let's take a look at how to implement MD5 algorithm in C, Delphi, and VB

C language example:


* /

#ifndef prototypes

#define prototypes 0


Typedef unsigned char * pointer;

Typedef unsigned short int uint2;

Typedef unsigned long int uint4;

#if protoypes

#define proto_list (list) List


#define proto_list (list) ()


---------- Md5.h ----------------------------

Typedef struct {

Uint4 state [4];

Uint4 count [2];

UNSIGNED Char Buffer [64];

} MD5_CTX;

Void MD5init Proto_List ((MD5_CTX *));


((MD5_CTX *, Unsigned CHAR *, UNSIGNED INT);

Void MD5Final Proto_List ((unsigned char [16), md5_ctx *));

※※※※※※※※※ ※ ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※

#include "global.h"

#include "md5.h"

#define S11 7

#define s12 12

#define s13 17

#define s14 22

#define s21 5

#define s22 9

#define s23 14

#define s24 20

#define s31 4

#define s32 11

#define s33 16

#define s34 23

#define s41 6

#define s42 10

#define s43 15

#define s44 21

Static void MD5Transform Proto_List ((uint4 [4), unsigned char [64]));

Static void Encode Proto_List

((unsigned char *, uint4 *, unsigned int));

Static Void Decode Proto_List

((Uint4 *, unsigned char *, unsigned int));

Static void MD5_Memcpy Proto_List ((Pointer, Pointer, Unsigned Int);

Static void MD5_MEMSET Proto_List ((Pointer, INT, Unsigned Int);

Static unsigned charphar padding [64] = {

0x80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

/ * Define F g H i to four courses

#define f (x, y, z) ((x) & (y)) | ((~ x) & (z)))))))

#define g (x, y, z) ((x) & (z)) | ((Y) & (~ z))))

#define h (x, y, z) ((x) ^ (y) ^ (z))

#define i (x, y, z) ((y) ^ ((x) | (~ z))))))

#define rotate_left (x, n) (((x) << (n)) | ((x) >> (32- (n)))))))

#define FF (A, B, C, D, X, S, AC) {/

(a) = f ((b), (c), (d)) (x) (UINT4) (AC); /

(a) = rotate_left ((a), (s)); /

(a) = (b); /


#define GG (A, B, C, D, X, S, AC) {/

(a) = g ((b), (c), (d)) (x) (UINT4) (AC); /

(a) = rotate_left ((a), (s)); /

(a) = (b); /


#define HH (A, B, C, D, X, S, AC) {/

(a) = h ((b), (c), (d)) (x) (UINT4) (AC); /

(a) = rotate_left ((a), (s)); /

(a) = (b); /


#define II (A, B, C, D, X, S, AC) {/

(a) = I ((b), (c), (d)) (x) (UINT4) (AC); /

(a) = rotate_left ((a), (s)); /

(a) = (b); /


/ * Start MD5 calculation

Void MD5Init (Context)

MD5_CTX * Context;


CONTEXT-> count [0] = context-> count [1] = 0;

/ * The four constants are defined here, that is, the four characteristics we have just said.

Context-> State [0] = 0x67452301;

Context-> State [1] = 0xEfcdAb89;

CONTEXT-> State [2] = 0x98badcfe;

Context-> State [3] = 0x10325476;


Void Md5Update (Context, Input, Inputlen)

MD5_CTX * Context;

Unsigned char * input;

Unsigned int inputlen;


Unsigned Int I, Index, Partle;

Index = (unsigned int) ((CONTEXT-> COUNT [0] >> 3) & 0x3F);

IF ((context-> count [0] = (uint4) Inputlen << 3)) <((uint4) inputlen << 3))


Context-> count [1] = ((uint4) Inputlen >> 29);

Partlen = 64 - Index; if (Inputlen> = Partle) {


((Pointer) & context-> buffer [index], (Pointer) Input, Partle;

MD5Transform (context-> state, context-> buffer);

For (i = partlen; i 63

MD5Transform (Context-> State, & Input [i]);

INDEX = 0;



i = 0;


(Pointer & Context-> Buffer [Index], (Pointer) & INPUT [i],



Void Md5Final (Digest, Context)

Unsigned char digest [16];

MD5_CTX * Context;


UNSIGNED Char Bits [8];

Unsigned int index, padlen

ENCODE (Bits, Context-> Count, 8);

Index = (unsigned int) ((CONTEXT-> COUNT [0] >> 3) & 0x3F);

Padlen = (INDEX <56)? (56 - INDEX): (120 - index);

MD5UPDATE (Context, Padding, Padlen);

MD5UPDATE (Context, Bits, 8);

ENCODE (Digest, Context-> State, 16);

MD5_MEMSET ((Pointer) Context, 0, SizeOf (* Context));


Static Void Md5Transform (State, Block)

Uint4 state [4];

UNSIGNED Char Block [64];


Uint4 a = state [0], b = state [1], c = state [2], d = state [3], x [16];

Decode (X, Block, 64);

/ * First round cycle * /

FF (A, B, C, D, X [0], S11, 0xD76AA478); / * 1 * /

FF (D, A, B, C, X [1], S12, 0xE8C7B756); / * 2 * /

FF (C, D, A, B, X [2], S13, 0x242070dB); / * 3 * /

FF (B, C, D, A, X [3], S14, 0XC1BDCEEE); / * 4 * /

FF (A, B, C, D, X [4], S11, 0xF57c0FAF); / * 5 * /

FF (D, A, B, C, X [5], S12, 0X4787C62A); / * 6 * /

FF (C, D, A, B, X [6], S13, 0xA8304613); / * 7 * /

FF (B, C, D, A, X [7], S14, 0xFD469501); / * 8 * /

FF (A, B, C, D, X [8], S11, 0x698098D8); / * 9 * /

FF (D, A, B, C, X [9], S12, 0x8B44F7AF); / * 10 * /

FF (C, D, A, B, X [10], S13, 0xFFFFF5BB1); / * 11 * /

FF (B, C, D, A, X [11], S14, 0X895CD7BE); / * 12 * /

FF (A, B, C, D, X [12], S11, 0x6B901122); / * 13 * / ff (D, A, B, C, X [13], S12, 0xFD987193); / * 14 * /

FF (C, D, A, B, X [14], S13, 0XA679438E); / * 15 * /

FF (B, C, D, A, X [15], S14, 0X49B40821); / * 16 * /

/ * Second round cycle * /

GG (A, B, C, D, X [1], S21, 0XF61E2562); / * 17 * /

GG (D, A, B, C, X [6], S22, 0XC040B340); / * 18 * /

GG (C, D, A, B, X [11], S23, 0X265E5A51); / * 19 * /

GG (B, C, D, A, X [0], S24, 0XE9B6C7AA); / * 20 * /

GG (A, B, C, D, X [5], S21, 0XD62F105D); / * 21 * /

GG (D, A, B, C, X [10], S22, 0x2441453); / * 22 * ​​/

GG (C, D, A, B, X [15], S23, 0XD8A1E681); / * 23 * /

GG (B, C, D, A, X [4], S24, 0XE7D3FBC8); / * 24 * /

GG (A, B, C, D, X [9], S21, 0X21E1CDE6); / * 25 * /

GG (D, A, B, C, X [14], S22, 0XC33707D6); / * 26 * /

GG (C, D, A, B, X [3], S23, 0xF4D50D87); / * 27 * /

GG (B, C, D, A, X [8], S24, 0x455A14ED); / * 28 * /

GG (A, B, C, D, X [13], S21, 0XA9E3E905); / * 29 * /

GG (D, A, B, C, X [2], S22, 0XFCEFA3F8); / * 30 * /

GG (C, D, A, B, X [7], S23, 0X676F02D9); / * 31 * /

GG (B, C, D, A, X [12], S24, 0x8D2A4C8A); / * 32 * /

/ * Third round loop * /

HH (A, B, C, D, X [5], S31, 0xFFFA3942); / * 33 * /

HH (D, A, B, C, X [8], S32, 0x8771F681); / * 34 * /

HH (C, D, A, B, X [11], S33, 0x6D9D6122); / * 35 * /

HH (B, C, D, A, X [14], S34, 0xFDE5380C); / * 36 * /

HH (A, B, C, D, X [1], S31, 0XA4BEEA44); / * 37 * /

HH (D, A, B, C, X [4], S32, 0x4BDECFA9); / * 38 * /

HH (C, D, A, B, X [7], S33, 0XF6BB4B60); / * 39 * /

HH (B, C, D, A, X [10], S34, 0XBEBFBC70); / * 40 * /

HH (A, B, C, D, X [13], S31, 0x289B7EC6); / * 41 * /

HH (D, A, B, C, X [0], S32, 0XEAA127FA); / * 42 * /

HH (C, D, A, B, X [3], S33, 0xD4EF3085); / * 43 * /

HH (B, C, D, A, X [6], S34, 0X4881D05); / * 44 * /

HH (A, B, C, D, X [9], S31, 0xD9D4D039); / * 45 * /

HH (D, A, B, C, X [12], S32, 0xE6DB99E5); / * 46 * / hh (C, D, A, B, X [15], S33, 0x1FA27CF8); / * 47 * /

HH (B, C, D, A, X [2], S34, 0XC4AC5665); / * 48 * /

/ * Fourth round cycle * /

II (A, B, C, D, X [0], S41, 0XF4292244); / * 49 * /

II (D, A, B, C, X [7], S42, 0x432AFF97); / * 50 * /

II (C, D, A, B, X [14], S43, 0XAB9423A7); / * 51 * /

II (B, C, D, A, X [5], S44, 0XFC93A039); / * 52 * /

II (A, B, C, D, X [12], S41, 0X655B59C3); / * 53 * /

II (D, A, B, C, X [3], S42, 0x8F0CCC92); / * 54 * /

II (C, D, A, B, X [10], S43, 0xffeff47d); / * 55 * /

II (B, C, D, A, X [1], S44, 0X85845DD1); / * 56 * /

II (A, B, C, D, X [8], S41, 0X6FA87E4F); / * 57 * /

II (D, A, B, C, X [15], S42, 0XFE2CE6E0); / * 58 * /

Ii (C, D, A, B, X [6], S43, 0XA3014314); / * 59 * /

II (B, C, D, A, X [13], S44, 0X4E0811A1); / * 60 * /

II (A, B, C, D, X [4], S41, 0XF7537E82); / * 61 * /

II (D, A, B, C, X [11], S42, 0XBD3AF235); / * 62 * /

II (C, D, A, B, X [2], S43, 0x2AD7D2BB); / * 63 * /

II (B, C, D, A, X [9], S44, 0XEB86D391); / * 64 * /

State [0] = a;

State [1] = B;

State [2] = C;

State [3] = D;

MD5_MEMSET ((Pointer) X, 0, SizeOf (x));


Static void Encode (Output, Input, Len)

Unsigned char * OUTPUT;

Uint4 * input;

Unsigned int Len;



For (i = 0, j = 0; j

Output [j] = (unsigned char) (INPUT [I] & 0xFF);

Output [J 1] = (Unsigned Char) ((INPUT [I] >> 8) & 0xFF);

OUTPUT [J 2] = (unsigned char) ((INPUT [I] >> 16) & 0xFF);

OUTPUT [J 3] = (Unsigned Char) ((INPUT [I] >> 24) & 0xFF);



Static void Decode (Output, Input, Len)

Uint4 * output;

Unsigned char * input;

Unsigned int Len;



For (i = 0, j = 0; j

((UINT4) INPUT [J 2]) << 16) | ((uint4) INPUT [J 3]) << 24);


Static void MD5_Memcpy (Output, Input, LEN)

Pointer Output;

Pointer INPUT;

Unsigned int Len;


Unsigned Int i;

For (i = 0; i


Static void MD5_MEMSET (Output, Value, Len)

Pointer Output;

Int value;

Unsigned int Len;


Unsigned Int i;

For (i = 0; i

(CHAR *) OUTPUT [I] = (char) value;


---------------- C code end ----------

Implement MD5 algorithm in VB


The module source code is as follows:

Private const offset_4 = 4294967296 #

Private const Maxint_4 = 2147483647

Private State (4) As long

Private Bytecounter As Long

Private Bytebuffer (63) as byte





Private const S21 = 5

Private const S22 = 9

Private const S23 = 14

Private const S24 = 20

Private const S31 = 4

Private const S32 = 11

Private const S33 = 16

Private const S34 = 23

Private const S41 = 6

Private const S42 = 10

Private const S43 = 15

Private const S44 = 21

Property Get Registera () AS String

Registera = State (1)

End Property

Property Get Registerb () AS String

Registerb = state (2)

End Property

Property Get Registerc () AS String

Registerc = State (3)

End Property

Property Get Registerd () AS String

Registerd = state (4)

End Property

Public Function MD5_String_Calc (SourceString As String) AS STRING


Md5Update lenb (Str Congest, vbfromunicate), StringtoArray (SourceString) MD5Final



Public Function MD5_FILE_CALC (Infile As String) AS STRING

ON Error Goto Errorhandler

Gosub Begin


DigestFileTohexStr = ""




Fileo = freefile

Call Filelen (Infile)

Open Infile for Binary Access Read As #fileo


Do While Not Eof (Fileo)

Get #fileo, Bytebuffer

IF LOC (Fileo)

Bytecounter = bytecounter 64

MD5Transform Bytebuffer



Bytecounter = bytecounter (Lof (Fileo) MOD 64)

Close #fileo


MD5_FILE_CALC = GetValues


Private function StringtoArray (Instring as string) as byte ()

DIM I as integer, bytbuffer () as Byte

Redim ByTBuffer (Lenb (Strconv (Instring, Vbfromunicode)))

BYTBUFFER = STRCONV (Instring, Vbfromunicode)

StringtoArray = bytbuffer


Public function getValues ​​() AS STRING

GetValues ​​= LongtoString (State (2)) & longtostring (State (3)) & longtoString (State (4))


Private function longtoString (Num as long) AS STRING

Dim A as Byte, B as Byte, C as Byte, D as Byte

A = NUM ​​AND & HFF & HFF &

IF a <16 killing = "0" & ​​hex (a) else longtostring = HEX (a)

B = (Num and & HFF00 &) / 256

IF B <161 LongtoString = LongtoString & "0" & ​​hex (b) else longtostring = longtostring & hex (b)

C = (Num and & HFF0000) / 65536

IF C <16 Then LongtoString = longtostring & "0" & ​​hex (c) else longtostring = longtostring & hex (c)

IF Num <0 THEN D = (Num and & H7f000000) / 16777216) OR & H80 & Else D = (Num and & HFF000000) / 16777216IF D <16 Then LongtoString = LongtoString & "0" & ​​HEX (d) Else LongtoString = LongtoTString & HEX (D)


Public Sub Md5init ()

Bytecounter = 0

State (1) = unsignedtolong (1732584193 #)

State (2) = unsignedtolong (4023233417 #)

State (3) = unsignedtolong (2562383102 #)

State (4) = unsignedtolong (271733878 #)

End Sub

Public Sub Md5Final ()


Padding (0) = & h80



IF lngbytesbuffered <= 56 Then Md5Update 56 - lngbytesbuffered, padding else md5update 120 - Bytecounter, Padding

Padding (0) = unsignedtolong (dblbits) and & HFF & HFF &

Padding (1) = unsignedtolong (dblbits) / 256 and & HFF & HFF &

Padding (2) = unsignedtolong (dblbits) / 65536 and & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF &

Padding (3) = unsignedtolong (dblbits) / 16777216 and & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF & HFF &

Padding (4) = 0

Padding (5) = 0

Padding (6) = 0

Padding (7) = 0


End Sub

Public Sub MD5Update (InputBuffer () AS BYTE)

DIM II AS INTEGER, I AS Integer, J AS Integer, K AS Integer, LNGBufferremaining As Long, LNGREM As Long

lngbufferedBytes = bytecounter mod 64

LNGBufferRemaining = 64 - lngbufferedbytes

Bytecounter = bytecounter Inputlen

IF infutlen> = lngbufferremaining then

For ii = 0 to lngbufferremaining - 1

Bytebuffer (LNGBUFFEREDBYTES II) = InputBuffer (II)

Next II

MD5Transform Bytebuffer

LNGREM = (Inputlen) MOD 64

For i = lngbufferremaining to infutlen - II - LNGREM STEP 64for J = 0 to 63

Bytebuffer (j) = inputbuffer (i j)


MD5Transform Bytebuffer

Next i

lngbufferedBytes = 0


I = 0


Fork = 0 to Inputlen - I - 1

Bytebuffer (LNGBUFFEREDBYTES K) = InputBuffer (i K)

Next K

End Sub

Private Sub MD5Transform (Buffer () AS BYTE

DIM X (16) AS Long, A As Long, B As Long, C As Long, D As Long

A = state (1)

B = state (2)

C = state (3)

D = State (4)

Decode 64, x, buffer

FF A, B, C, D, X (0), S11,-680876936

FF D, A, B, C, X (1), S12, -389564586

FF C, D, A, B, X (2), S13, 606105819

FF B, C, D, A, X (3), S14, -1044525330

FF A, B, C, D, X (4), S11, -176418897

FF D, A, B, C, X (5), S12, 1200080426

FF C, D, A, B, X (6), S13, -1473231341

FF B, C, D, A, X (7), S14, -45705983

FF A, B, C, D, X (8), S11, 1770035416

FF D, A, B, C, X (9), S12, -1958414417

FF C, D, A, B, X (10), S13, -42063

FF B, C, D, A, X (11), S14, -1990404162

FF A, B, C, D, X (12), S11, 1804603682

FF D, A, B, C, X (13), S12, -40341101

FF C, D, A, B, X (14), S13, -1502002290

FF B, C, D, A, X (15), S14, 1236535329

GG A, B, C, D, X (1), S21, -165796510

GG D, A, B, C, X (6), S22, -1069501632

GG C, D, A, B, X (11), S23, 643717713

GG B, C, D, A, X (0), S24,-373897302

GG A, B, C, D, X (5), S21, -701558691

GG D, A, B, C, X (10), S22, 38016083

GG C, D, A, B, X (15), S23,-660478335

GG B, C, D, A, X (4), S24, -405537848

GG A, B, C, D, X (9), S21, 568446438

GG D, A, B, C, X (14), S22, -1019803690

GG C, D, A, B, X (3), S23, -187363961

GG B, C, D, A, X (8), S24, 1163531501

GG A, B, C, D, X (13), S21, -1444681467

GG D, A, B, C, X (2), S22, -51403784

GG C, D, A, B, X (7), S23, 1735328473

GG B, C, D, A, X (12), S24, -1926607734HH A, B, C, D, X (5), S31,-378558

HH D, A, B, C, X (8), S32, -2022574463

HH C, D, A, B, X (11), S33, 1839030562

HH B, C, D, A, X (14), S34, -35309556

HH A, B, C, D, X (1), S31, -1530992060

HH D, A, B, C, X (4), S32, 1272893353

HH C, D, A, B, X (7), S33,-155497632

HH B, C, D, A, X (10), S34, -1094730640

HH A, B, C, D, X (13), S31, 681279174

HH D, A, B, C, X (0), S32, -358537222

HH C, D, A, B, X (3), S33, -722521979

HH B, C, D, A, X (6), S34, 76029189

HH A, B, C, D, X (9), S31,-640364487

HH D, A, B, C, X (12), S32, -421815835

HH C, D, A, B, X (15), S33, 530742520

HH B, C, D, A, X (2), S34, -995338651

II A, B, C, D, X (0), S41, -198630844

II D, A, B, C, X (7), S42, 1126891415

II C, D, A, B, X (14), S43, -1416354905

II B, C, D, A, X (5), S44, -57434055

II A, B, C, D, X (12), S41, 1700485571

II D, A, B, C, X (3), S42, -1894986606

II C, D, A, B, X (10), S43, -1051523

II B, C, D, A, X (1), S44, -2054922799

II A, B, C, D, X (8), S41, 1873313359

II D, A, B, C, X (15), S42, -30611744

II C, D, A, B, X (6), S43, -1560198380

II B, C, D, A, X (13), S44, 1309151649

II A, B, C, D, X (4), S41, -145523070

II D, A, B, C, X (11), S42,-1120210379

II C, D, A, B, X (2), S43, 718787259

II B, C, D, A, X (9), S44, -343485551

State (1) = longoverflowadd (State (1), A)

State (2) = longoverflowadd (State (2), b)

State (3) = longoverflowadd (State (3), C)

State (4) = longoverflowadd (State (4), D)

End Sub

Private sub decode (Length as integer () as long, inputbuffer () as Byte


For intbyteindex = 0 to Length - 1 Step 4

dblSum = InputBuffer (intByteIndex) InputBuffer (intByteIndex 1) * 256 # InputBuffer (intByteIndex 2) * 65536 # InputBuffer (intByteIndex 3) * 16777216 # OutputBuffer (intDblIndex) = UnsignedToLong (dblSum)



End Sub

PRIVATE FUNCTION FF (A AS Long, B AS Long, X As Long, S As Long, AC As Long AS LONG

A = longoverflowadd4 (a, (b and c) OR (NOT (b) and D), X, AC)

A = longleftrotate (a, s)

A = longoverflowadd (a, b)


PRIVATE FUNCTION GG (A As Long, B AS Long, X As Long, S As Long, AC As Long) AS Long

A = longoverflowadd4 (a, (b And d) OR (C and not (d)), X, AC)

A = longleftrotate (a, s)

A = longoverflowadd (a, b)


PRIVATE FUNCTION HH (A As Long, B AS Long, C As Long, S As Long, AC AS Long AS Long

A = longoverflowadd4 (a, b xor c xor d, x, ac)

A = longleftrotate (a, s)

A = longoverflowadd (a, b)


PRIVATE FUNCTION II (A AS Long, B AS Long, X As Long, S As Long, AC As Long) AS Long

A = longoverflowadd4 (a, c xor (b or not (d)), X, AC)

A = longleftrotate (a, s)

A = longoverflowadd (a, b)


Function Longleftrotate (Value As Long, Bits as Long) As long

Dim lngsign as long, LNGI As Long

Bits = BITS MOD 32

IF bits = 0 Then longleftrotate = value: exit function

For LNGI = 1 to Bits

LNGSIGN = Value and & HC0000000

Value = (Value and & H3ffffffff) * 2

Value = value or (LNGSIGN <0) AND 1) OR (CBOOL (LNGSIGN AND & H40000000) And & H80000000)


Longleftrotate = Value


PRIVATE FUNCTION LongoverflowAdd (Val1 As Long, Val2 As Long, LNGLOWORD AS Long, LNGOVERFLOW AS Long

LNGLOWORD = (VAL1 and & HFFFF &) (Val2 and & HFFF &)


LNGHIGHWORD = ((VAL1 and & HFFFF0000) / 65536) ((Val2 and & HFFFF0000) / 65536) LNGOVERFLOW) And & HFFFF &

LongoverflowAdd = unsignedtolong (LNGHighword * 65536 #) (LNGLOWWORD AND & HFFFF &))


PRIVATE FUNCTION LongoverflowAdd4 (Val1 As Long, Val2 As Long, Val4 As Long AS LONG

Dim Lnghighword As Long, LNGLOWORD AS Long, LNGOVERFLOW AS Long

LNGLOWWORD = (VAL1 and & HFFFF &) (VAL3 and & HFFFF &) (VAL4 and & HFFFF &)


LNGHIGHWORD = ((VAL1 and & HFFFF0000) / 65536) (Val2 and & Hfff0000) / 65536) (VAL3 and & HFFF0000) / 65536) ((VAL4 AND & HFFF0000) / 65536) LNGOVERFLOW) and & HFFFF & HFFF &

LongoverflowAdd4 = unsignedtolong ((LNGHIGHWORD * 65536 #) (LNGLOWWORD AND & HFFFF &))


Private function unsignedtolong (Value as double) AS Long

IF value <0 or value> = offset_4 Then Error 6

IF value <= maxint_4 THEN unsignedtolong = value else unsignedtolong = value - offset_4


Private Function Longtounsigned (Value As Long) AS DOUBLE

IF value <0 Then Longtounsigned = value offset_4 else longtounsigned = value


Module code end

Call the MD5_String_Calc () implementation calculation in the form

------------------ VB code end --------------------------

Delphi code example:

----------------------- Md5.pas ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- Unit Md5Unit;


Uses Cryptcon, Sysutils, Classes, Controls;


Ulong32 = record

Loword16: Word;

HiWord16: Word;


Pulong32 = ^ Ulong32;

Plong = ^ longint;

Hashdigest = Record

A: longint;

B: longint;

C: longint;

D: longint;

End; {Hasharray}

PTR_HASH = ^ hashdigest;

TMD5 = Class (Tcomponent)


{Private Declarations}

FTYPE: TSOUREPE; {Source Type, WHETER ITS A File or ByteArray, OR


FinputFilePath: String; {Full Path to Input File}

FinputArray: Pbyte; {Point to Input Array}

FinputString: String; {INPUT STRING}

FoutputDigest: PTR_HASH; {Output MD5 Digest}

FsourceLength: longint; {INPUT Length in Bytes}

FactiveBlock: Array [0..15] of longint; {The 64byte block being transformed}

FA, FB, FC, FD, FAA, FBB, FCC, FDD: Longint

{Fa..fdd area used during step 4, The Transform. I Made the part of the

Object to cut down on time used to pass variables.

FPA, FPB, FPC, FPD: Plong;

{FixMe! Do we need these, or just use the '@' Operator?}

{PUT IN for readability}

{FF, GG, HH, II Are Used in Step 4, The Transform}

Procedure FF (A, B, C, D, X: Pointer; S: Byte; AC: Longint);

Procedure GG (A, B, C, D, X: Pointer; S: Byte; AC: longint);

Procedure HH (A, B, C, D, X: Pointer; s: Byte; AC: longint);

Procedure II (A, B, C, D, X: Pointer; s: Byte; AC: longint);


{Protected Declarations}


{Public declarations}

{Initialize IS Used in Step 3, This Fills Fa..fd with init. Values

And points fpa..fpd to fa .fd}


{this is where all the magic happens} procated md5_transform;

Procedure MD5_FINISH;

Procedure MD5_HASH_BYTES;

{Procedure MD5_HASH_STRING; (Pascal Style Strings ???)}

Procedure MD5_HASH_FILE;

{This procedure sends the data 64bytes at a time to md5_transform}

Procedure MD5_HASH;

Property PINPUTARRAY: PBYTE Read FinputArray Write FinputArray;

Property PoutputArray: PTR_HASH ReadputDigest Write Foutputdigest; {!! See FoutputArray}



Property InputFilePath: String Read FinputFilePath Write FinputFilePath;

Property InputString: String Read FinputString Write FinputString;

Property INPUTLENGTH: Longint Read FsourceLength Write FsourceLength;

End; {TMD5}

Procedure register; {register the component to the delphi Toolbar}


{Constants for MD5Transform Routine.}

S11 = 7;

S12 = 12;

S13 = 17;

S14 = 22;

S21 = 5;

S22 = 9;

S23 = 14;

S24 = 20;

S31 = 4;

S32 = 11;

S33 = 16;

S34 = 23;

S41 = 6;

S42 = 10;

S43 = 15;

S44 = 21;


Function Rol (A: longint; amount: byte): longint; assembler;



ROL Eax, Cl


PROCEDURE register;

{Registers the component to the tool, on the tab named 'crypto'}

{Now all a delphi programer Needs to do is Drag n drop to have

Blowfish encryption}


RegisterComponents ('Crypto', [TMD5]);


Procedure tmd5.md5_initialize;


A, B, C, D: longint;


A: = $ 67452301; b: = $ EFCDAB89; C: = $ 98badcfe; D: = $ 10325476;

Move (A, FA, 4); FPA: = @fa;

Move (B, FB, 4); FPB: = @fb;

Move (C, FC, 4); FPC: = @fc;

Move (D, FD, 4); fpd: = @fd;

End; {md5_initialize} Procedure TMD5.FF (A, B, C, D, x: Pointer; S: Byte; AC: longint);

{Purpose: Round 1 of the transform.

Equivalent to a = b ((A F (B, C, D) X AC) <<< S)

WHERE F (B, C, D) = b and c or not (b) and d



Fret: longint;


Fret: = ((Plong (B) ^) OR ((NOT (Plong (B) ^)) and (Plong (d) ^);

Plong (a) ^: = Plong (a) ^ Fret Plong (x) ^ ac;

{Now do the rotate left}

Longint (a ^): = rol (longint (a ^), s);

{Longint (A ^): = (longint (a ^) SHL S) or (longint (a ^) SHR (32- (s)));}

INC (Plong (a) ^, plong (b) ^);

End; {ff}

Procedure TMD5.GG (A, B, C, D, X: Pointer; S: Byte; AC: longint);

{Purpose: Round 2 of the transform.

Equivalent to a = b ((A G (B, C, D) X AC) <<< S)

WHERE G (B, C, D) = b And D or C Not d



Gret: longint;


Gret: = (Plong (b) ^ and plong (d) ^) or (Plong (c) ^ and (not plong (d) ^);

Plong (a) ^: = Plong (a) ^ Gret Plong (x) ^ AC;

Longint (a ^): = rol (longint (a ^), s);

{Longint (A ^): = (longint (a ^) SHL S) or (longint (a ^) SHR (32- (s)));}

INC (Plong (a) ^, plong (b) ^);

End; {gg}

Procedure TMD5.HH (A, B, C, D, X: Pointer; s: Byte; AC: longint);

{Purpose: Round 3 of the transform.

Equivalent to a = b ((A H (B, C, D) X AC) <<< s)

WHERE H (B, C, D) = b xor c xor d



Hret: longint;


Hret: = plong (b) ^ xor plong (c) ^ xor plong (d) ^;

Plong (a) ^: = Plong (a) ^ hret plong (x) ^ ac;

Longint (a ^): = rol (longint (a ^), s);

{Longint (A ^): = (longint (a ^) SHL S) or (longint (a ^) SHR (32- (s)));}

Plong (a) ^: = plong (b) ^ plong (a) ^;

End; {hh}

Procedure TMD5.II (A, B, C, D, x: Pointer; s: byte; ac: longint); {purpose: Round 4 of the transform.

Equivalent to a = b ((A I (B, C, D) X AC) <<< S)

WHERE I (B, C, D) = c xor (b or not (d))



IRET: longint;


IRET: = (Plong (c) ^ ^ (Plong (b) ^ or (Not Plong (D) ^)))))

Plong (a) ^: = Plong (a) ^ IRET PLONG (X) ^ AC;

Longint (A ^): = rol (Plong (a) ^, s);

{Longint (A ^): = (longint (a ^) SHL S) or (longint (a ^) SHR (32- (s)));}

Plong (a) ^: = plong (b) ^ plong (a) ^;

End; {II}


{Purpose: Perform Step 4 of the algorithm. This is where all the importantant

Stuff happens. this Performs The Rounds on a 64byte block. this

Procedure Should Be Called In a Loop Until All Input Data Has Been




FAA: = FA;

FBB: = FB;

FCC: = Fc;

FDD: = fd;


FF (FPA, FPB, FPC, FPD, @FACTIVEBLOCK [0], S11, $ D76AA478); {1}

FF (FPD, FPA, FPB, FPC, @FACTIVEBLOCK [1], S12, $ E8C7B756); {2}

FF (FPC, FPD, FPA, FPB, @FACTIVEBLOCK [2], S13, $ 242070db); {3}


FF (FPA, FPB, FPC, FPD, @FACTIVEBLOCK [4], S11, $ F57C0FAF); {5}

FF (FPD, FPA, FPB, FPC, @FACTIVEBLOCK [5], S12, $ 4787C62A); {6}

FF (FPC, FPD, FPA, FPB, @FACTIVEBLOCK [6], S13, $ A8304613); {7}

FF (FPB, FPC, FPD, FPA, @FACTIVEBLOCK [7], S14, $ FD469501); {8}

FF (FPA, FPB, FPC, FPD, @FACTIVEBLOCK [8], S11, $ 698098D8); {9}

FF (FPD, FPA, FPB, FPC, @FACTIVEBLOCK [9], S12, $ 8B44F7AF); {10}

FF (FPC, FPD, FPA, FPB, @FACTIVEBLOCK [10], S13, $ FFFF5BB1); {11}

FF (FPB, FPC, FPD, FPA, @FACTIVEBLOCK [11], S14, $ 895CD7BE); {12} FF (FPA, FPB, FPC, FPD, @FACTIVEBLOCK [12], S11, $ 6b901122); {13}

FF (FPD, FPA, FPB, FPC, @FACTIVEBLOCK [13], S12, $ FD987193); {14}

FF (FPC, FPD, FPA, FPB, @FACTIVEBLOCK [14], S13, $ A679438E); {15}

FF (FPB, FPC, FPD, FPA, @FACTIVEBLOCK [15], S14, $ 49B40821); {16}


GG (FPA, FPB, FPC, FPD, @FACTIVEBLOCK [1], S21, $ F61E2562); {17}

GG (FPD, FPA, FPB, FPC, @FACTIVEBLOCK [6], S22, $ C040B340); {18}

GG (FPC, FPD, FPA, FPB, @FACTIVEBLOCK [11], S23, $ 265E5A51); {19}

GG (FPB, FPC, FPD, FPA, @FACTIVEBLOCK [0], S24, $ E9B6C7AA); {20}

GG (FPA, FPB, FPC, FPD, @FACTIVEBLOCK [5], S21, $ D62F105D); {21}

GG (FPD, FPA, FPB, FPC, @FACTIVEBLOCK [10], S22, $ 2441453); {22}

GG (FPC, FPD, FPA, FPB, @FACTIVEBLOCK [15], S23, $ D8A1E681); {23}

GG (FPB, FPC, FPD, FPA, @FACTIVEBLOCK [4], S24, $ E7D3FBC8); {24}

GG (FPA, FPB, FPC, FPD, @FACTIVEBLOCK [9], S21, $ 21e1cde6); {25}

GG (FPD, FPA, FPB, FPC, @FACTIVEBLOCK [14], S22, $ C33707D6); {26}

GG (FPC, FPD, FPA, FPB, @FACTIVEBLOCK [3], S23, $ F4D50D87); {27}

GG (FPB, FPC, FPD, FPA, @FACTIVEBLOCK [8], S24, $ 455A14ED); {28}

GG (FPA, FPB, FPC, FPD, @FACTIVEBLOCK [13], S21, $ A9E3E905); {29}


GG (FPC, FPD, FPA, FPB, @FACTIVEBLOCK [7], S23, $ 676F02D9); {31}

GG (FPB, FPC, FPD, FPA, @FACTIVEBLOCK [12], S24, $ 8D2A4C8A); {32}


HH (FPA, FPB, FPC, FPD, @FACTIVEBLOCK [5], S31, $ FFFA3942); {33}

HH (FPD, FPA, FPB, FPC, @FACTIVEBLOCK [8], S32, $ 8771F681); {34}

HH (FPC, FPD, FPA, FPB, @FACTIVEBLOCK [11], S33, $ 6D9D6122); {35}

HH (FPB, FPC, FPD, FPA, @FACTIVEBLOCK [14], S34, $ FDE5380C); {36}

HH (FPA, FPB, FPC, FPD, @FACTIVEBLOCK [1], S31, $ A4BEEA44); {37}


HH (FPC, FPD, FPA, FPB, @FACTIVEBLOCK [7], S33, $ F6BB4B60); {39}

HH (FPB, FPC, FPD, FPA, @FACTIVEBLOCK [10], S34, $ Bebfbc70); {40}

HH (FPA, FPB, FPC, FPD, @FACTIVEBLOCK [13], S31, $ 289B7EC6); {41}

HH (FPD, FPA, FPB, FPC, @FACTIVEBLOCK [0], S32, $ EAA127FA); {42}

HH (FPC, FPD, FPA, FPB, @FACTIVEBLOCK [3], S33, $ D4EF3085); {43}

HH (FPB, FPC, FPD, FPA, @FACTIVEBLOCK [6], S34, $ 4881D05); {44}

HH (FPA, FPB, FPC, FPD, @FACTIVEBLOCK [9], S31, $ D9D4D039); {45}

HH (FPD, FPA, FPB, FPC, @FACTIVEBLOCK [12], S32, $ E6DB99E5); {46}

HH (FPC, FPD, FPA, FPB, @FACTIVEBLOCK [15], S33, $ 1FA27CF8); {47}

HH (FPB, FPC, FPD, FPA, @FACTIVEBLOCK [2], S34, $ C4AC5665); {48}

{Round 4}

II (FPA, FPB, FPC, FPD, @FACTIVEBLOCK [0], S41, $ F4292244); {49}

II (FPD, FPA, FPB, FPC, @FACTIVEBLOCK [7], S42, $ 432AFF97); {50}

II (FPC, FPD, FPA, FPB, @FACTIVEBLOCK [14], S43, $ AB9423A7); {51}

II (FPB, FPC, FPD, FPA, @FACTIVEBLOCK [5], S44, $ FC93A039); {52}

II (FPA, FPB, FPC, FPD, @FACTIVEBLOCK [12], S41, $ 655B59C3); {53}

II (FPD, FPA, FPB, FPC, @FACTIVEBLOCK [3], S42, $ 8F0CCC92); {54}

II (FPC, FPD, FPA, FPB, @FACTIVEBLOCK [10], S43, $ FFEFF47D); {55}

II (FPB, FPC, FPD, FPA, @FACTIVEBLOCK [1], S44, $ 85845DD1); {56}

II (FPA, FPB, FPC, FPD, @FACTIVEBLOCK [8], S41, $ 6FA87E4F); {57}

II (FPD, FPA, FPB, FPC, @FACTIVEBLOCK [15], S42, $ Fe2Ce6e0); {58}

II (FPC, FPD, FPA, FPB, @FACTIVEBLOCK [6], S43, $ A3014314); {59}

II (FPB, FPC, FPD, FPA, @FACTIVEBLOCK [13], S44, $ 4E0811A1); {60} II (FPA, FPB, FPC, FPD, @FACTIVEBLOCK [4], S41, $ F7537E82); {61}

II (FPD, FPA, FPB, FPC, @FACTIVEBLOCK [11], S42, $ BD3AF235); {62}

II (FPC, FPD, FPA, FPB, @FACTIVEBLOCK [2], S43, $ 2AD7D2BB); {63}

II (FPB, FPC, FPD, FPA, @FACTIVEBLOCK [9], S44, $ EB86D391); {64}






Fillchar (FactiveBlock, Sizeof (FactiveBlock), # 0);


Procedure tmd5.md5_hash;





Case fType of




End; {sourcefile}




End; {sourcebyteaRray}



{Convert Pascal String to byte Array}

PSTR: = STRALLOC (Length (FinputString) 1);

Try {Protect Dyanmic Memory Allocation}


FsourceLength: = Length (FinputString);

FinputArray: = POINTER (PSTR);





End; {sourceString}

End; {cas}


End; {tmd5.md5_hash}

Procedure TMD5.md5_hash_bytes;


Buffer: array [0..4159] of byte;

Count64: Comp;

Index: longint;


Move (FinputArray ^, Buffer, Fsourcelength);

Count64: = fsourceLength * 8; {Save the length (in bits) Before padding}

Buffer [fsourcelength]: = $ 80; {Must Always Pad with at Least A '1'}

Inc (fsourceLength);

While (FsourceLength Mod 64) <> 56 do begin

Buffer [fsourceLength]: = 0;

Inc (fsourceLength);


Move (count64, buffer [fsourcelength], sizeof (count64) {this better be 64bits});

INDEX: = 0;

INC (FSourceLength, 8);


Move (Buffer [INDEX], FactiveBlock, 64);

{FLIP BYTES here on mac ??} MD5_TRANSFORM;

INC (INDEX, 64);

Until index = fsourcelength;

End; {tmd5.hash_bytes}

Procedure tmd5.md5_hash_file;


Buffer: array [0..4159] of byte;


Count64: Comp;


Index: longint;

NumRead: integer;



AssignFile (InputFile, FinputFilePath);

Reset (InputFile, 1);

Count64: = 0;


Blockread (InputFile, Buffer, 4096, NumRead);

Count64: = count64 Numread;

IF NumRead <> 4096 {reached end of file}

Then Begin

Buffer [NumRead]: = $ 80;

Inc (NumRead);

While (Numread MOD 64) <> 56

Do Begin

Buffer [NumRead]: = 0;

Inc (NumRead);


Count64: = count64 * 8;

Move (count64, buffer [numread], 8);

INC (Numread, 8);



INDEX: = 0;


Move (Buffer [INDEX], FactiveBlock, 64);

{Flip Bytes Here on a Mac (I thisk)}


INC (INDEX, 64);

Until index = Numread;

Until Donefile;

Closefile (InputFile);


Procedure tmd5.md5_finish;


Foutputdigest ^ .a: = longint (fpa ^);

FoutPutdigest ^ .b: = longint (fpb ^);

Foutputdigest ^ .c: = longint (fpc ^);

FoutPutdigest ^ .d: = longint (fpd ^);



------------------------ Delphi code end ---------------------- -


A large piece of the ocean sprinkled, but I found a lot of information to write it, probably as the Computer Assign in our school.

^ _ ^ Thank you for your patience, finally give everyone a question, you can try your luck, "51E5D4BD3323A02CCCCDD0472AE2DC20B" This group is the result of encrypting a set of strings by MD5 algorithm Everyone guess what is my encrypted initial string? Prompt - the original string plus a total of 20 in space.


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