Apache1.3.31 + resin3.0.8

zhaozj2021-02-16  124

Always the impression of RESIN is not very good. It is always accumulated that the memory causes the performance to decline, and it is necessary to restart regularly. Still support it, after all, don't need money like tomcat ^ _ ^. Below I will list the configuration I am doing load balancing in RESIN. Because many of the online articles are the configuration of Resin2.x. The configuration of RESIN3 is relatively large. As far as my experience:

There is a profile app-default.xml. Its situation is similar to the Apache configuration, you can write all in a file. Of course, you can also use the default in the main configuration file. Resin.conf

Specify. The configuration files have a significant difference. Most options have a little change, you need to pay attention to the documentation of RESIN.

The following is a brief list of how to configure Load Balance:


1. Compile Apache: ./ Configure --Nable-Module = so --prefix = / usr / local / apache& make && make install

2. Installing RESIN: Unempolize the RESIN to the / usr / lcoal / resin directory, then integrate resin into apache (./configure --with-apxs = / usr / local / apache / bin / apxs && make && make Install)

3. Define environment variables:

You can put the following content in / etc / profile or user's .profile, or put it directly in /usr/local/resin/bin/httpd.sh.

Java_home = / usr / javaexport java_home

Resin_HOME = / usr / local / resinport resin_home

Classpath = / usr / java / libexport classpath

4. Configure Apache:

You need to configure DocumentRoot and the load balancing configuration of the back RESIN. Before this, you need to assume that I opened 4 Cluster, IP is,,, After the network card is set, if you do it on the do it written above, there is already 3 words in httpd.conf:

LoadModule Caucho_Module /usr/local/apache-mysql/libexec/mod_caucho.soreSinConfigServer Localhost 6802cauchostatus YES

Simply change the second sentence:

Resinconfigserver 6802resinconfigserver 6802.3 6802RESInConfigServer 6802

The configuration and resin2.x in this regard is also different. OK! Apache is basically configured.

5. RESIN configuration:

Other configuration according to your needs!

6. Starting Resin and Apache: Since load balancing technology is used, starting is not just a http.sh. You can write a script:


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