DUALFACE PFC 3.0 Core Preview Publish

zhaozj2021-02-16  95

This PHP framework written out of this C / C master is not in general, huh, I like it because it comes in the form of comment (PEAR) and comment language (Chinese), take a look, this is the 3.0 version of Just released. Below is the introduction of the author written:

PFC 3.0 Core Preview includes the following

Front Controller implements a single entrance application, initializing session support and module printal. Session Handler's encapsulation for session processing, currently only provides a PHP self-contained session function package implementation. Module Principal Processes the Module Name and Action Name from Front Controller. Includes permission check, specify the validity check of Module and Action, load the Module configuration file, and the like. MemberShip and SqlmembershipProvider MemerbSHIP provide a general interface for operating user information, while MemberShipProvider provides operational implementation with SQL database as a user information storage container. Roles and SqlroleProvider Roles provide a general interface for operating role information, while SqlroleProvider is implemented. A basic public function library some useful global functions.

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