Software implementation: Don't think about it simple

zhaozj2021-02-16  141

Now pay attention to the bookstore manager communication with software companies, and more bookstores hire software companies to "implement" when they go to the Material system or replace the system.

Hiring a software company home implementation means that the bookstore initially recognizes the need to combine software application and management process, and take an important step in concept conversion. However, the understanding of the implementation, many bookstores may have some understanding of the limitations. The implementation of the true sense is much more complicated than the general understanding. Understand the essence and limitations of software implementation, which helps to make and cooperate with the bookstore, thereby improving the efficiency and success rate of software implementation.

First, the software implementation: a few happy family 1. Closely communication: 5 stages of software implementation have different implementation theories and implementations, but in general, basic elements are similar. For example, Guangzhi divides an implementation process (commonly referred to as "a project") to five stages, for users of different sizes, processes, this 5-stage has reduced or decrease, but the main line does not change.

1) Communication training stage

Through communication and training, the user's high-level emphasis and support, especially the concept of "computer applications must be matched to management, talents", understand the basic principles of software implementation.

The focus of this stage is to strive for the maximum support and participation of the leadership, establish a reasonable expected value to find the core supporters.

2) Process confirmation stage

Conversation with a pair of medium and high-level cadres, understand the organization structure and business processes of the enterprise, and determine the critical node. Refer to business processes and business habits, combine computer management needs, re-establish clear processes and specifications.

The focus of this process is to prevent common bottlenecks in advance. For example, after the bookstore applies the computer, the logistics speed is often greatly reduced, and the compensation must be optimized on the receipt, allocation, returns. If the user has secondary development needs, it is also implemented at this stage.

3) Operation training phase

With the assistance of user maintainers, training for different levels, the operators, including the middle-level cadres, and assessment.

The focus of this process is that there is a context exercise, and the operator is easier to make mistakes (such as power-saving operations), and the process of manual operations (such as retail orders) in the past.

4) Gradually online stage

Depending on the user's business needs, set various basic data; implement each link of the receipt, allocation, sales, settlement, and statistics, etc..

The focus of this stage is: Thorough understanding.

5) Inventory enable phase

In accordance with the actual situation of the user, design the inventory process to assist the user for the first time. After the inventory is over, the system is officially enabled, marking the software implementation to tell a paragraph. Since then, the software manufacturers still need to remain communicated with users, and timely solve problems in operations.

The focus of the inventory is to teach "fishing" instead of "fish". To make users familiar with the process and specification of the computer inventory, it is based on the foundation in the future. For example, if the user needs non-stop inventory, it can be trained in the first count, which is not stopped; the chain inventory is the easiest to confuse the future, the user's network management and business manager must participate in the process design.

2. Implementation effect: the same cultivation, different harvest

From the above procedures, we have seen that the essence of implementation is closely combined with the software company and the user's close cooperation. In this process, some companies are easy to succeed, while others have more difficult. The effect of the bookstore software is often the situation in several joyful people.

1) Successful application

The application of computer systems is the process of rising spiral, each with different goals and results. Successful bookstores informatization, with the following features: 1. Data collection is accurate and complete with business processes. Computer inventory is basically accurate, for a small amount of inaccurate parts, can be trained, which is controllable.

2. If the account is received, the account payable is clear, and the upper and downstream credit control is good.

3. The report system for dynamic monitoring and management changes can be established in an instant feedback on the problems existing.

4. Computers have become a tool for various departments management personnel inseparable, and various departments reflect basic satisfaction.

2) Not successful application

The bookstore that is not successful in informationization, usually there is still a significant application benefit, but it is far from the returns of investment compared to the successful bookstore. The status of these bookstores is often:

1. There is a missed or error in data acquisition. Computer inventory is inaccurate, and it is unclear.

2. If you should receive, you can check it on your computer, but it is still domineering.

3. The management is managed according to the original mode, and the computer report is rare.

4. The administrators of various departments use computer systems, but do not trust computer data, and many complaints in the department.

According to the survey, whether it is self-developing software or commercial software, many bookstores are not successful enough, data is not allowed, and the situation in vitro cycle is generally existed.

Second, the reason analysis: the external cause

During the informationization of the bookstore, software vendors' products and services are external factors. The user's own management and talent are internal factors, and the external is due to the role. The insufficient internal and external causes, bringing huge obstacles for the smooth operation of the bookstore informationization.

1. Into the same product, the same product, the same implementation process, and even the same implementation personnel, the effect of the bookstore computer application is very different, some bookstores are quite successful, some bookstores have failed, more bookstores are half-painted, barely maintain. Regardless of the company's own self-exploration, the failure rate of such users is higher, why is there aware of the software company's implementation guidance? We believe that this is closely related to the user's own understanding and conditions.

1) Informatization goals lack planning

Bookstore Informationization should be planned in phaedments. For example, the first phase focuses on data accuracy and process curing; the second phase focuses on internal flow optimization and application deepening, and the like. If companies do not work according to their own management level and the status quo of human resources, it is easy to fall into the dilemma of bamboo baskets.

For example, in the start of the informationization of the bookstore, the main attention should be placed on the upper place. The inventory is not allowed in the industry's most common stubborn, so that most exciting software functions become useless. With the existing management and talent foundation of most bookstores, it is not easy to realize inventory. It is necessary for users and software companies to settle together to do a lot of management work, which is also the most important value of "software implementation". The inventory is accurately the foundation of the building, only the foundation of the foundation, and the information of the information can be firm. Regrettably, there are currently many bookstores for the blind greed for information systems. The core needs lack of understanding and planning, flowering, insufficient investment, heavy function and light implementation, and light management, like inventory is not allowed Question, usually unable to get enough attention, making informationized foundations to be very superficial, and the whole application of the east is evenly crashed, it is also a matter of course.

2) Insufficient support in the middle and high-rise cadres

The information system provides significant convenience of ordering, settlement, retail, etc., and significant increase in the delivery, allocation, returning, wholesale, etc.; due to data management needs, many departments have been cumbersome. The specification is replaced, and people's business habits are forced to change. In the early days of the bookstore informationization, many links face workloads, business habits are forced to change the pain, and even someone else has been violated. At this time, the atmosphere of an enterprise and the quality of the middle and high-level cadres are obviously reflected. Enterprises that are successfully launched in the information system, and we often see the overall interest needs of Miginal and high-level cadres, obey the overall arrangement of the overall situation, actively support and cooperate; In the informationization process, the department has more contradictory, the cadre resistance is large, the implementation of process specifications is generally poor, and the data accuracy is often unreasonable. The level of the mid-high-level cadres is very related to the attitude of a hand. If the bookstore manager does not understand, do not pay attention to, do not participate, and focus on light output, simply entrust informationization to subordinates and software companies, not only cause pressure in middle-level cadres, but also the necessary interest coordination and incentive mechanisms Advance, departmental resistance is inevitable. Unfortunately, in the eyes of many bookstores, the introduction of computer systems will introduce a set of anti-theft equipment, think that as long as they train related personnel, they will use it, and the impact of informationization is possible to the middle and high-rise cadres and The resulting resistance is seriously understood.

Middle and high-level cadres are the skeleton of the enterprise, its support and the resistance of insufficient cooperation, even producing or mad or dark, will cause information such as a wheel-hard turn. In this case, we can see in many bookstores.

3) The assessment incentive mechanism is not perfect

The implementation of the information system makes the software accumulation of software companies to fully reflect. These business accumulation of many bookstores experience can help a bookstore to establish processes and norms to cooperate with information technology to significantly improve internal management. At the same time, the process and specification established by the software implementation can be used to exert its role, and it depends to a large extent on the original management level of the bookstore.

Business processes and norms cannot be strictly abolished, the most important reason for the failure of the information system. The information system is a set of activity frameworks through software to cure the processes and specifications between departments, but the process and norms cannot guarantee that they have been complied with, they must work with the corresponding assessment and incentive mechanisms. Enterprises with improved assessment and incentive mechanisms, new processes and norms have long been implemented without leaving, and the application of information systems is easy to succeed; in turn, "people" taste is strong, or companies that are not concerned with employees unless they encountered Powerful promoters, otherwise information applications will tend to be a mess.

There is a saying in the software industry: informationization is a browning, not a charcoal in the snow. The more management level, the product is good, the worse the informationization, the more obvious effect; the management level, low quality, and the information application often has a good effect, the failure rate is high.

The above mentioned above is only the most commonly encountered internal problems in the implementation of the bookstore software, and the problems encountered in practice are far more than this. These issues remind us that internal factors are key reasons for the failure of bookstores.

2. Externalization analysis

It is not only an internal factor in informationization, but also the impact of software company's product and service on bookstore informationization.

In many elements involving software companies, software companies are most important. The information of users and software companies is asymmetrical, and if software companies are in order to strive for transactions, deliberately concealed or fade the difficulties or failures that may encounter in the implementation process, exaggerating the easiness of implementation, and use the user without opportunity to make reasonable judgment or Adequate preparation is blindly horses, is an irresponsible attitude. Before the software company is in order, it is necessary to understand the internal management and talent status of the bookstore, and it is estimated that the implementation may have the limitations or difficulties, and the user is developed to meet the actual situation. "Don't have anything to do," for users who are not suitable for basic conditions, or users who are uncomfortable with software companies, software companies should not barely undertake, resulting in user loss. From the real situation, due to the competition between the software company and the "God's mentality" of the bookstore itself, many salespersons are engaged in the order stage, and they are impulsive, exaggerating their words, those that are easy to urge, pay attention to "God feelings" The bookstore is often easier to make the choice to regret it. Before the Shuhua Information System or Hiring Software Company, the bookstore cannot be listened, and it is necessary to pay attention to the heart of the objective and calm, cautious, don't hesitate, love at first sight.

Another point is worthy of paying attention to the objective subject matter. Software companies are impossible for many years of bookstores management and business experience, and it is impossible to replace and design the bookstore. Implementors often have been well theoretical training, is very familiar with the company's products, and see how many books, participate or understand the implementation process of many bookstores - only, the implementation personnel mainly acts as a management process and software Communicate bridge effects, as well as the role of the staff, in the case of individual circumstances, in the bookstore reform, it can also play an external force to promote and transfer pressure. The real thinking and operator of the software should still be a bookstore.

For the implementation personnel must vigorously rely on the help, and in the start of cooperation, the bookstore should pay close attention to whether the implement person is competent. Different software companies, implementation effects may be large, and different implementation personnel of the same software company may also have considerable differences. When you work with the software company, if you feel that the implementation personnel is insufficient, the way is wrong, the state is not good or there are other problems, and should be put forward to the other party, solve it in time to avoid self-destruction.

Third, improvement: How to improve success rate under existing conditions

Many bookstore managers know that the existing management level and talent conditions limit the development of the company, actively seek improvement, "practice internal work" is the universal demand for book industry operators. Informationization relies on the results of practicing internal work, but also a way to practice internal work. How to improve the efficiency of informationization as much as possible under existing management and talent conditions, and with the process of informationization, what is the situation in improving management and talent? Here are some of our suggestions:

1. Shortcut: Improve the management attribute of system administrators to ignore the management of information systems, most companies only pay attention to system administrators' "technical properties", and we found that the "management properties" of system administrators is more important: there is strong Self-driving force, good at promoting others, is the most suitable system administrator for those who operate and manage. System administrators are best able to have ambition and potential to the development of high-level managers.

Many successful bookstores have such a "management attribute" and a strong system administrator. They can keenly detect the problem in the process execution. They promote other departments through various channels to actively support the necessary support from the bookstore leaders. . Through the efforts of the system administrator, companies can effectively perform established processes and specifications, ensuring considerable use benefits.

Each company has its own historical restrictions and resource restrictions, and it is unrealistic to improve corporate management levels and talent levels in a short period of time. During the informationization process of bookstores, selection, and cultivate system administrators with high management attributes, is the shortcut of "short". 2. Planning: Reasonable design phase objectives For general bookstores, the first time implemented in the information system is not suitable for the establishment of high application goals, but should focus on the following three points: basic accurate stock information, clear and reliable receivables System, dynamic monitoring of reporting systems. At this stage, the process specification can be strictly arranged in accordance with the idea of ​​"first delighted", for example, "inventory is not allowed to sell", "inventory is not allowed to exchange data" rules forced the store to check the stock, which can design different departments. Between reports of the reports of each other, the acceptance system, and so on. At this stage, you should avoid decentralization and minimize secondary development.

After the above objective is basically implemented, the bookstore can deepen application as the second phase of the second stage, and the software company can be invited to carry out secondary implementation: optimize the internal supply chain, improve the inventory structure, customer value mining. At this stage, the process specifications can be relatively flexible, mainly focusing on software functions, bookstores can work with software companies to conduct in-depth development.

When the application deepens, a certain result is obtained, and the bookstore is suitable for the development of the information system, for example: management output or information system output, supply chain information, and so on.

Of course, different bookstores have different operations. The above example is merely a reference.

3. Leverage: For medium-reward cadres design flow

The implementation of the software system is to manage improved catalysts. The medium and high-rise cadres are improved real subjects, and all reforms must first act in medium and high-level cadres, and then convey to corporate body. In the pre-implementation phase, the support of middle and high-level cadres should be stronger as much as possible, as far as possible to their characteristics and demand design processes. The smaller the resistance from the middle and high-rise cadres, the more easy the implementation of the process specification, and the strength is concentrated in the high-level cadres, and there are four two-two-two thousand pounds of leverage.

It is especially pointed out that the existing process of the bookstore is constrained by its personnel. When adjusting the process, it should be stabilized, combined with computer management requirements, and avoid separation of reality, mechanical set, and human creation. After gradually walking into the employee habitualization, the process standardized information is continuously proposed, and the software application will naturally be gradually deepened.

4. Supporting: Improve the assessment incentive mechanism

Improve the assessment and incentive mechanism, the purpose is to ensure the strict implementation of process and norms, which is an important guarantee for effective operation of information systems, and is also a powerful guarantee for implementation results. Unlike business process specifications, software companies' implement persons are often unsuitable in developing and improving assessment and incentive mechanisms. Changing a company's assessment and incentive mechanism involves many aspects such as business philosophy, interest balance, business history, person state, and must have a strong determination and appropriate hosting of bookstore, which can promote relevant work.

For example, after introducing the information system, the receiving distribution link has become the first bottleneck affecting data accuracy and logistics speed. It is necessary to introduce a workload assessment, aging assessment, accuracy assessment and other assessment indicators; in order to improve the inventory structure, it is necessary to purchase The number of people responsible for the personnel or class introduced a number of assessment indicators such as turnaround rate, return rate, sales growth rate. The assessment system and awards and punishment measures were closely related to the interests of various departments. If there is no support and participation of the bookstore leaders, it is not only difficult to propose, but also unable to implement. Software companies can only provide some suggestions (especially those lessons of other enterprises), in the side of the store, for reference.

to sum up

"Three-point software seven-point", for commercial software, software company's business accumulation must be fully embodied by software implementation, software implementation is an effective way to improve computer application levels. However, the bookstore must recognize that the external cause is through the internal operation, the effect of software implementation is largely dependent on the original management and talent level of the bookstore; the real operator implemented by the software is the bookstore, if the bookstore does not have enough psychology Preparing and earnestly coordinated, only entrust everything to the software company with "I pay your work", and the implementation results are likely to be disappointing. In a word, from preparatory software to implement the entire process, bookstores and software companies have to take very objective attitudes.

This is also the attitude we should take in the book industry informationization process.


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