Pioneering intelligence domain - Alicemond

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Pioneering intelligence domain by Eric S. Raymondapril 1998

This is the sequel after the view of the church and the city. In this paper, I examine the property and ownership in the open raw code culture. Yes, it does have property inheritance - and very exquisite, This reveals the gift culture under the countertop, and the players are friendly competition in the face of mutual respect. This analysis is closely related to anyone who wants to organize a large number of intellectuals.

Here is the Chinese version. (Translation: Press here, here. Let's take a look at the translator's preface before entering)

This article has not been completed, or will never be completed.? Prospecting a theory may never stop discussing until the old days, it is just the beginning.? I am happy to accept resonance, suggestions, and fix it in this article. There are some change records.

This is the second article in our plan, the opening of the original code software ecosystem, the four articles written.? The first article is the `church view and the city." The third article will be `Magic Dafa Pot 'Explore the open original code software economy (some of the content is already in the Open Source Station).? The fourth title will be `knitted Dalo Luo network', focusing on the revolutionary and social roles of large software.

If you like these articles, you may also like how I wrote how to be a player.

Translator's preface: This article describes the scientific culture of the open original code, it is human, non-technology. "There is no computer professional term in the text, even if you don't know a computer noun, you can read it.? If you have a heart, I hope to use or pick ready-made gifts by understanding this culture. So even if you are full of stomach computer technology, it will be difficult to marry the elegance and draw it. This article? It is not easy to read, even if English native speakers read English, I have to spend a lot of time to digest. Read this article No need to swallow your date, please sure you must taste it. If you tell me, read this article I will not be surprised to spend five days.

The supervisor that is interested in serving as any unit should be seen. It is not just a scientific culture in this article. It also expresses the mechanism of modern wisdom operations. What can people operate on the high IQ team, there is a mirror .

People who wish to enter the open original code-based events, and people in them should be seen. Understand their own culture, have improved the role of the self level.

People who open the original code software must see. This article tells you that those people are serving you.

I don't know if the open original code software is, it should be done.? This article tells you that a group of long credit, high IQ, high-Zhicuk, dedication for the sacrifice of society, and you have a lot of actual benefits available Do not waste your own rights.

This article is a considerable degree of English, and the translation is inseparable. The original location of this translation in: The compressed file of the whole article can be downloaded here:

Map will always welcome, please tell me. Ok station, webmaster, brian lin,

The following parts are file records and history, and do not translate.

Commentary and argument

FARE RIDEAU HAS Developed Some Thoughtful criticism of this paper (and the cathedral and the bazaar) from an anti-ipr Point of view. I I Incorporated Some of His Analysis INTO The 1.9 Version of the Paper.

Russ Allbery Has Also Comment Perceptively on The Material.

I Have Written An Essay of Fame, EGO, AND OVERSIMPLIFICATION TO Counter Some Misinterpretations of HTN.? History10 April 1997: Version 1.2 Published on The Web.

? 12 April 1998:... Version 1.3 Typo fixes and responses to first round of public comments First four items in bibliography An anonymously contributed observation about reputation incentives operating even when the craftsman is unaware of them Added instructive contrasts with warez d00dz, material. On The `Software Should Speak for Itself 'Premise, And Observers ON Avoiding Personality Cults. AS A RESULT OF All these Changes, The Section on` The questionm of ego' grew and fissioned.

16 April 1998: Version 1.7. New Section On `Global Implications 'Discusses Historical TENDS in The Colonization of The Noosphere, And Examines The` category-killer' Phenomenon. Added Another Research Question.


26 May 1998: Version 1.9:... Incorporated Fare Rideau's noosphere / ergosphere distinction Incorporated RMS's assertion that he is not anticommercial New section on acculturation and academia (thanks to Ross J. Reedstrom, Eran Tromer, Allen MacInnes, and others) More about Humility, (`Egoless Behavior ') from Jerry Fass and Marsh Ray.

11 July 1998: Version 1.10: Remove Fare Rideau's Reference to `Fame 'At his suggestion.

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ On the "official" ideology defined by the open original code copyright and the active player's behavior Afterwards, I found some contradictions.? Reviewing the culture that truly controls the ownership of the original code.? We have found that hidden a phenomenon of land property rights derived from Locke. We will be with the player culture and `gift culture Assigned, it is aware of the participants to compete with the gifts produced by investment time, energy, and creativity. Next review in culture, migrate the analysis of conflict resolution, and develop some conventional .1. Contradictory Phenomenon 2. Diversity of Players 3. Mattlicity Theory, Practice Practice 4. Open Original Code and Hand 5. Locke and Land Tit (12P) 6. Player Culture is a gift economy 7. Drive Personality 9. Personality and Fame induction 10. Self-issuance 11. Value of human nature 12. Prestige relationship of the famous game model 13. Impact of intelligence nature and territory in animal behavior 14. Conflicts 15. Plan structure and ownership 16. Conflict and conflict resolution 17. Salary mechanism and association with the school 18. Conclusion: Cultural to Cultural Norm 19. Some problems for further research 20. Reference documents, notes, thanks ( Translation) 21. Version history (not translated)

1. Contradictory phenomenon anyone observes busy, online Internet access to the original code software, must not pay attention to a very interesting contradiction, open the original code players, the contradiction between, - That is, open the original code official ideology and its practical practice. Culture is a machine that is good at strain. Open raw code culture is corresponding to a system to refer to the drive and pressure. As usual, cultural adaptation It shows the ideology of an analysis, and implicitly, subconscious, or half awareness of ideology. However, it is not an unusual, and the semi-consciousness of the semi-consciousness is equally important.

In this article, we will kiss this contradictory root and use to discover these drive and stress. We will interpret some interesting things about players' cult customs.? And recommend some ways to subliminate this player culture Knowledge level.

Square brackets are invited to see the reference documents and the end of the article.

2. The ideological network of players' ideology is open to the ideology of the original code culture (the players say what they believe) itself is a quite complicated topic. All members agreed to open the original code (that is, the software can spread free to spread free. It is a good thing to evolve and modify to be a suitable thing. It is worth investing in a large number of power. This consistently defines the qualifications of cultural members.? However, there are many reasons worthy of our consideration, especially It is a variety of individuals and submissions. One is a fanaticism; a kind of convenience of the original code development is just a convenient tool to reach the end point (good tool, interesting toys, and interesting games) or it is the enthusiasm of the end .

The fanatic generation will say that `` Free software is my life! My life is to produce useful, beautiful and information resources, and then give it to people. 'Synflickers will say that `` Open original code is good, I Willing to spend a lot of time to help ''. Low, sincere flow, you will say `` pairs, open original code is sometimes ok. I play with it, and respect people '' '".

The other is the hostility of a business software or an attempt to rule the business software market.

Very opposition business, people who say that `` commercial software is stealing and gathering. I write free software to end this devil. '' 'The middle-and-business people will say that `` Business software is generally okay.? Program designer needs Revenue, but those who implement inferior products and Hu engangle are demon '' unveiled business people will say `` Business software is okay.? I use or write an open original code software because I like it '' '.

Such attitude combination exhibits nine open original code-coded cultures. It is worth mentioning this that they implies different issues, and different adaptations, and cooperation.

In history, the most striking and organized player culture is very fanatical and very anti-commercial. The Free Software Foundation established by Richard M. Stallman (RMS), strongly supported the opening of the 1980s The development of the original code contains Emacs and GCCs so far, and the Open Original Code World is still the most basic, and it seems that it will continue in the future. For many years, FSF is the only most important open original The focus of the code is aware of a large number of tools that still have important to this culture. The FSF is also a sponsor for the player culture. They effectively define this rhetoric `Free Software ', cautiously define their importance (The newly champion sarce 'should carefully avoid some misunderstandings).

Therefore, the cognition of the player culture internally, the culture is pointed out that the culture is the enthusiasm of FSF and anti-business goals (RMS you deny that he is anti-business, but his program is interpreted by many people, including many Oral guerrilla warfare). FSF's powerful and obvious slogan `` Drive away from the software! '' The center of the player's ideology, and RMS is the status of the leader closest to the player culture.

FSF's copyright, `` General public copyright '' (GPL), expressed FSF attitude. It is widely used in the original code. The North Card's SunSite is the largest and most well-known Software Library of Linux. In 1997 In the month, about half of the SunSite software kit is a copyright statement with GPL.

But FSF is not the only member in the game. There are still some quiet, less intense, and among player culture, more friendly in the market. Practitarian is not like the traditional ideology like early FSF. These Traditionally contains, more important, entangled in Unix Technical Culture and Front Business Internet.

A typical practical attitude is moderately anti-commercial, and its main complaints for business are not "gathering". Instead, the world's resilience of technologies Unix, open standards and open original code software. If practical Theist is hate anything, it is probably not "gathering", but the leading market in the soft market; the past is IBM, now Microsoft.

For practicalists, the importance of GPL is a tool rather than the final goal. Its main value is not used to deal with `Ju Bao ', but used to encourage the sharing of software and growth market model development groups. Practitarians Good tools and toys to measure value, rather than do not like business, and will use high-quality commercial software without ideology, do not have ideological uncomfortable.? At the same time, its open original code experience has taught his technical quality standards, rarely A closed can be achieved.

For many years, pragmatic views have been expressed in the player culture, often refused to express the use of GPL copyright and FSF charters. From the 1980s to the early 1990s, such attitude tends to be related to the fans of Berkeley UNIX Users of BSD copyright, have established open original code unixes based on BSD original code. These payments cannot be established, and there is no segmentation and inefficient.

It has been in Linux in 1993-1994 to start outbreaks, and pragmatic foundation. Although Linus Torvalds never opposed RMS, he set up a good model of business growth in commercial Linux industry, through ensuring business utility software High quality, slightly ridiculed the elements in the sputum and fanatic culture.

Linux's fast-growing side effects introduce many new players into, and Linux is their main interest. The FSF's belief is the interest in history. Although the new wave of Linux players will describe Linux to `` gnu generation ' Most of them will imitate Torvalds instead of stallman.

Many anti-commercial palats have found themselves in a few positions. In February 1998, Netscape has to disclose its Navigator 5.0 original code. This arouses the business world to `free software 'More interest. The consequence is to evoke the player culture to explore the unprecedented opportunity and report its product label, becoming the `free software' as an original code 'to comply with the public's certification license.

In a reinforcement and development, pragmatists have many centers in the 1990s. Other semi-independent groups and their half awareness and magic leaders began sprouting by UNIX / Internet. In Linux Later, the most important thing is the Perl culture led by Larry Wall. It is relatively small, but it is still important, is the Python language of TCL and Guido Van Rossum created by John Osterhout. All these three groups have released their non-GPL copyright The plan is to express its ideology. 3. The theory of mess, the President of the President, however, after all of these changes, there is a wide range of public opinion in what is `Free Soft 'or` Open Original Code'. The expression can be found in all kinds of open original code, there are some important common elements. In 1997, these common elements were combined to Debian Free Software Guidelines, and later turned to open the original code definition. Definition Under the guidance, an open original code copyright must protect unconditionally or groups to modify the right to open the original code software.

Therefore, with the theory of OSD (and OSD-Conformant, such as GPL, BSD, and Perl's Artistic License), anyone can play anything. No one can prevent a ticket from playing any open original code products (such as, With free Software Foundations GCC C Compiler, copy the original code, evolve them in a variety of different directions, but they can be claimed to be the product.

But in fact, such `Difference 'has little happened. The big plan difference is very small, and almost all are completed by re-posing labels and large-scale self-purification. Very clear, in GNU Emacs / Xemacs branch, or GCC / EGCS branch, or a wide variety of BSD branch groups, these distributes feel that they are in confrontational social norms.

In fact (contradicts the public theory of anyone-can-hack-anything) open the original code culture, there is a very complex but general self-timing, and these customs can modify the software, these conditions determine Who can modify,? Who has the power to issue a revised version to the group.

The ban on these cultures clearly specifically standard the benchmark. Therefore, we have some important part of some important parties here will be a bit used in the future.

For planning differences, the social pressure is very much. Unless there is really no such thing, through the public's self-trial. The issuance of the programs that have not been originally agreed to the plan, unless there is a special situation, such as some General correction code. Wipe a person's name from plan history, or maintainer is absolutely unfair, unless the parties agree. In this article, we will detail these banned and owned customs. We will explore them How to operate, and exposed the social power in it and the incentive structure of the open original code group.

4. Open raw code and ownership When property rights are unlimited, the meaning of `ownership ', or Yan Shen, the entire culture does not have a strong high pressure force relationship or a rare material economy? In fact, the original code culture In the example, this is a question that is easy to answer. The owner of the software plan is the version that has unique power and is determined by a large-scale group and can be revised.

(In the section discussed), I use the singles because all plans are owned by a single individual. Sometimes, some plans should be owned by a group of people. We will inspect in this article Such an interior of the ethnic group.)

According to the standard open original code copyright, all participants are equally equally in the evolution game. But in fact, the public is the official 'version, that is, the most recognized version of the maintor, and support the manufacturer's `free 'Patch, there is a significant difference. The free repair version is unusual, and it is generally not trusted [rp].

The public release is the foundation is very easy. The customs encourage individuals to make a repair of the software. The custom is different for those who will send the revised version of the person or the development team. When the version is open, the original code When the group is released, it is used to compete with the original version, and the ownership will become a problem.

Generally speaking, there are three ways to look at the ownership of an open original code program. The first, the most obvious, the planned creator. When planning only one maintainer / creator, the creator is still active, custom Do not allow you to question who is the plans.

The second way is that the ownership of the plan is transferred by the last owner (sometimes called `Turning Command"). In this group, generally recognize, the plan owner is no longer interested or no longer When maintenance, the responsibility will be given to the next successor. This is very important in the big plan. The transfer of control is often accompanied by gorgeous 吟咏. In most open original code groups, everyone doesn't know, it Actually affect the selection of the owner's selection and customs understand the importance of the positive system.

For a small plan, record the changes to the planned owner on history. If the previous owner is not a volunteer transfer control, he can retrieve the control over a group in a period of time. .

The third way to acquire plan has the right to observe the plan to work, and the owner will lose interest or disappear. If you want to do this, you need to find the owner. If you can't find it, you can Relevant local announcements (like news discussions in this field) The plan seems to become an orphan, and you are considering responsibility to recognize.

Customs require you to wait for a while before you announce that you are new. During this time, if someone declares that they have begun to work in this area, then their declaration is better than you. Let the public know you. Interest in this area is very good. Best is to announce in many related discussion districts (related news discussion network, mailing lists); and if you have patient wait for response. Generally, you have more attention, Let the last owner or other declare react, when no one responds, your declaration will be more effective.

If you have passed the process in the planner, no one is objection, you can declare the ownership of the orphan plan, and write a down in the historical file. However, this is not safe than the official traffic You are not considered to be 嫡, unless you have made a lot of improvements in the user group.

I have observed such a custom for 20 years, and I can return to the original FSF to open the original code software history. They have many very interesting features. The most interesting thing,? Most players do not need people I know that I have to do this. Indeed, the above is the summary of the first complete write.

It is worth mentioning, the customary custom is an amazing coordination. I have no exaggeration to observe hundreds of open original code plan evolution, and I can use your fingers to calculate these violations of the traditional example.

The third interesting feature is the evolution of these traditions in time, they work in the direction of coordination. Such a direction encourages more public responsibility, the public pays more attention, and more concerned about the original owner to retain the original owrant Achievements and history.

These features are recommended that these customs are not accidentally occurring, but an implicit provision, or in the production form of open raw code culture, these are completely basic conditions.

An earlier, a resurgent pointed out that there is two kinds of production forms relative to the hacker / pirate culture of player culture (`` Warez D00dz '' focusing on cracking games and pirate BBS). We will be in the article Back to D00DZ later.

(Translation: In the Japanese translation version of this article, there is a explanation of Warez D00dz. If you are interested, I don't want to turn Japanese to Chinese here.)

5. Locke and land title to understand the entire general type, in history, outside the players, some kind of tradition, the same kind of tradition, the same habitat, some historical or political philosophy, or will recognize this The theory of property rights suggests the same concept as the land of land in the theory of British and America! In this theory, there are three ways to confirm the ownership of the land.

In the frontier, the territory can exist without the owner, a person can obtain the ownership through the reclamation, when there is no land, mix with sweat, rack, and resist the title of individuals.

Generally transferring the land is the title transfer, which is to receive the deed from the last owner. In this theory, the concept of `title inheritance 'is very important. The ideal evidence of ownership is the whole deed inheritance and transfer can be used The scale of chasing the land in the earliest is reclaimed.

Finally, the general law theory understands that the land title may be lost or abandoned (for example, if the owner dies without the successor, or the document to establish the title is lost). Non-owned land can be used by AdverSe Possession Record - through the move, improve it, and resist it, it is averaged it.

This theory, as the player's customs are generally organically evaporated in the context of central authority or not in the context. It has evolved in Norway and Germanic tribes for thousands of years. Because it is systematically systemified by the early British political philosopher John Locke, Sometimes it is called `Locke 'Property Theory. The theoretical tendency of similar logic is highly economical or survive, and there is no power to have enough power to force allocation of rare items. In the culturality of hunting goods, everyone thinks there is no property right. Under the idea of ​​ideas, this is even. For example, in the Kalahari desert! Kung San Buchmanns, there is no hunting ownership. But the water or spring has the same property rights with Locke.

The example of Kung San is educated because it shows the timing of the Locke Property Customary Application - when the rewards you can get from this resource are too much excessive to resist the price. Hunting is not property, because hunting can get The return is difficult to predict, and it is not necessary to survive daily. Water hole, on the other hand, it is very important to survival, and small enough to resist.

In this article, `域 h '(` noosphere') is the territory of all ideas, all possible spaces [N]. We saw the Locke Property Theory in the Player Customs in the Player Handling - All Programs Space - hints. That is, this. Pioneering Intelligence Domain ', as everyone's work is doing things in all new open original code plans.

Fare rideau correctly pointing that players are not working in a simple ideological territory. He concluded that the players had a program plan - there is a focus on material labor (development, service, etc. Wait, while connecting with prestige, reliability, etc.. He is therefore concluded that the space extensible by the player plan is not intelligent, but a double intelligent domain property, which expands from the intelligence domain plan. At this consent, the heavenly physicologist agrees that in terms of words, it is correctly called this duplicate space for `ergosphere 'or` works'.)

In fact, the intelligence domain and the working domain are not important in this article. In pure thinking, `intelligent domain 'is really difficult; probably have Platar's philosophers will believe it. And Separate the intelligence domain and the unit, and only in someone wants to break the idea (the element of the intelligence) cannot be owned, but if the plan can be owned, there will be practical functions. This problem leads to a smart property The problem of theory, far exceeding the scope of this article.

To avoid confusion, you should pay attention to the intelligent domain or unit of the unit and the entire virtual electronic media is referred to as `cyberspace '(where most players are camouflage places) is the same. Property standard rules are completely different from the material class. - Basically, with a media or machine belongs to a piece of CyberSpace 'with `CyberSpace'.

The structure of Locke, strongly, it is highly recommended to open the original code player to observe these customs to hold the return on the payment of the payment. These returns must be more important than the development plan - the version history of the maintenance of the inheritance At the price, spend the time cost of the public, and waiting for the orphan plan.

Furthermore, it is inevitably far more than a simple use of software, and is some other things that are tired or diluted by disagreement. If it is as simple as the software, it should not be divergent Forbidden, and open raw code ownership will not be like land yields. In fact, such a world is indeed (ie, the only result) exists in existing open original code.

We can now remove some possible candidates. Because you cannot force the network to connect, find the power there. Similarly, open raw code culture cannot consider any kind of money or internal rare economy Top, so players cannot pursue anything related to material wealth.

In an open raw code activity, there is a way to help people become more affluent. Even, someone who has gained in the player culture can get economic significant benefits in real life. It can make you better Occupational income, or consultant contract, or book approx.

Such side effects are rare to most players; this can be independent as an explanation, which makes us often see players to protest, they are ideal or love, not for money.

No matter how, the economic side effect of mediation is worth testing. The following we will see the power of the open original code culture itself, you can self-explain. 6. Player culture is a gift economy to understand the name of the original code culture The role, we need to move from history to further anthropology and economy, and inspect the difference between exchange culture and gift culture. Human competition in social status has a natural driving force; it is closely related to our evolutionary history. In agriculture Before the development, 90% of history, our ancestors live in the life form of nomadic hunting. The status high is acquired by Kung Kang's partner and take the best food. This way to express my self-driving power is more Aspect, is generally due to the lack of survival goods.

In most ways, the manner's form of organizational approach will acquire rare goods and what they need.

The simplest is the order class. In the command class, the distribution of the rare product is completed by the central authority, and is made back shield with force. The order class is very limited [MAL]; they become more Waiting for the beast and is not efficient. Based on this reason, the order class in the family is often become parasite in different large economic forms. In the order class, social status is mainly achieved by obtaining high pressure.

It is an exchange economy. This is a complex adoption of rare products, unlike ordered mode, it has a high achievement. The distribution of rare products is transaction and volunteer cooperation (in fact, the ambient It is the main effect of collaborative behavior). In the exchange economy, social status is mainly determined by controlling things to trade (not necessarily substance).

Most people have the impact of the above two models and decide how to interact with others. Governments, military, and organizational criminals (for example) are all extensive exchanges called "free market". Ordered class parasites. However, there is still a third mode, which is all different from both, and in addition to humanologists, the average person does not know; that is, gift culture.

The gift culture is not because of rare and enriched. They are excavated in the ethnic groups that have no substances, while the survival must have a rich ethnic group. We can observe the development of gift culture in the original ecosystem of gentle climate and income of food. We can see that they are determined in our social class, especially those who are prosperous.

Richness makes the command relationship structure makes it difficult to maintain, and the exchange relationship is a variable-inclusive game. In a gift culture, the social status is not determined by how much can you control, but what you give you how much you give.

So this is the winter gift dance meeting in Guji Udula. This is a military charity behavior of Millionaire. This is the original quality of the player's long-term production.

Through such a test, open the original code player society is clearly a gift culture. In this, there is no severe `Survival must be a shortage of dears, the network is wide, and the computer is free. This is a situation that has a situation, that is, the only competition is the name of the same.

However, such observations are not enough to completely explain the characteristics of the entire player culture. Cracker D00DZ also has the same qualities of gift culture, but their behavior is large. The intelligence of its ethnic culture is very strong in players. They gathered secrets, not sharing; a person needed a Cracker organization to get cracking software, not how to crack.

(Many people think that there is no obvious boundary between Hacker and Cracker. But in fact, this is a wrong point. Hacker and Cracker can not only be separated, but also to separate the third group - "Pirate" Internet Pirate Generally, the "destroyed part" determined, in fact, this is the third. Hacker and Cracker have a clear definition. Before you publish the review between Hacker and Cracker, it is best to investigate some detailed, otherwise The ethnic groups of the two groups are not even more than enough. "Hacker never claimed to be HACKER; Cracker will claim to Cracker; claiming Hacker is not Hacker; claiming Cracker is Cracker; confirmed as Hacker Hacker, is Hacker; and Richard M. Stallman is Hacker saints; "I believe that everyone should be able to see, why Volkswagen will have the origin of Hacker and Cracker, Pirate uses such loopholes to pollute the entire player culture in the public View. )

What is shown here, it seems not to be obvious, it is not just a way. History and value are very important. I have made a general summary of the entire player culture [hh]; existing behavior status is not Mysterious. Players define their culture through the form of their competition. The next part of this article will test these forms.

7. Driving the rush, the fun is infinite, while the analysis of this, the game is, the way, I am not intentionally destroying or ignoring a simple design wonderful soft body and makes the art of the work. We all have experienced such satisfaction Fall in love with it. These major motives, those who are not so persistent, will not become a player from the beginning, just like people who don't love music will not become a composer. Therefore, we should consider another Player behavior patterns, that is, the skill is a simple main motive. This `skill 'mode should explain the biggest effect of the player's traditional opportunity and the results of the results. This is recommended to conflict with the` famous game' mode or Different results?

(Translation: In computer science, there is a big dispute, "" Software design is an art "and" software design is industrial "dispute. The most famous" soft artist "can be said to be Knuth Master. We are here As seen, it is "Software Art". "Software Industry" can be represented by software engineering.)

Do not see. In the exam, skills, we return to the same problem, the player circle operates like a gift culture. If the quality is not a scale, how do you best • If the quality is not working? What is the measure of the evaluation? This shows that any craft culture is ultimately architecture in the famous game - in fact, we observed this motivation, in the Medieval Association, promoting many historical cultures.

From an important point of view, `skills 'mode is weaker than the gift culture'; it is, it does not help us explain the contradictions mentioned in this article.

Finally, `Skills' motivation itself may be assumed, you will not be too far from the name of the game. Think about it is to be in the drawer, but no longer used. Now I miss it. Many people. Very satisfied with effective use. That dream is more satisfied?

However, we will pay attention to this technicator mode. It intuitively revealed many players and quite perfectly explained many individual behaviors.

After I published the first version of this article, many anonymous responses suggested: `` You can't work with the motivation to get the name, but the name is when you do your work well, and the real return. '' This is a subtle and important point of view. The sense of life can continue to operate, whether or not the craftsman is concerned about them; .

8. Multi-facedness in each gift culture, there are many reasons to show that they are worthy of being worthy: First, the most obvious, the good fame is the basic return. We are living for this This is a revolutionary motivation we have touched in front. (Many people try to drive their motivation, replacing them with other sublimation form, and there is no obvious connection between the same ", such as` `glory ' , `` Building full ethics '', `` beliegle '', etc .; these did not change the mechanism.)

Second, the famous place is (in a simple gift economy, the only way) attracts attention and cooperation with others. If a person has Yam, wisdom, fairness, leadership, and other good products, this will Will persuade others to cooperate together.

Third, if your gift economy is entangled in an exchange of economic or command structures, your name will overflow and give you a higher position.

In addition to these general reasons, the unique status of players has made a more valuable culture than the "real world" gift culture.

The main `special case 'is a handicrafts sent by someone (or, interpreting another way, it is very complicated to see a gift that is a person who is full of energy and time) is very complicated. Value It is clearly different from the material gift or exchange economy. It is more difficult to objectively reach a good gift and the bad gift. Therefore, the success of the gifts is subtle to the sky.

Another special product is a relatively pure open original code culture. Most gift culture is composed of these elements - exchanged economic relations, such as exchange luxury, or by order economic relationships, such as family or tribe group In the open raw code culture, there is no way to exist in the same way; thus, in addition to fighting from the same place, there is no way. 9. Hands and famous incentives, we are now ready to put the previous analysis, Become a continuous and complete player ownership. We learned that this is from the intelligence domain; it is a parallel prestance in the player's gift culture, and the side effects that come with it. This is an understanding, we can Analysis of Locke's property customs in the player circle is a maximization of the incentives; this ensures that the name of the name can be obtained by the people who have obtained, and will not leak other places.

The three banned battles observed above, it is very trumed under this analysis. In some situations, some people are engaged, some people's fame will be unfair; these ban (and Related customs) Attempt to avoid these occurrences.

The difference is not good because it puts the past contributors in the dangers of sacrifice, and they have to continue in two cases after their differences. (Generally, this will become very confusing and difficult Practice.) Issue a free repair version will make the owner 's unfair fame crisis. Even if the official version is perfect, the owner will also be emitted by the bugs in these free versions (but please see [rp]) Snoving the names will be removed in the plan, which is a big evil in the cultural provisions. He steals the gift of the victim and turns a thief. These three banned people hurt The entire open original code group and the victim itself. This is also relocated to hurt the entire group, causing potential contributors to receive the possibility of rewarding gifts / products. Very important to other two banners Possible explanation.

First, players will represent dismisions about the differences, and labeze the duplicate work. In the future, they need to pay the price in all several subprints. They also observe that the difference will be separated by the common developer group, causing two subprints. Less groups at less than the original plan at work.

Achievan pointed out that in the differences of work, there are very few people who can have more than one differences to survive, and they have a long-term setup share '. This strengthens the incentives involved in participants, cooperate with each other and avoids Differences, because it is difficult to know in advance, who will stand on the side, and seeing their hard work is not the whole disappearance.

I don't like the free repair. It is usually interpreted as an increase in the complexity of the error tracking, and the maintainer will increase their workload, and they usually have a lot of things you need to do.

These interprets can be considered correct, and they do in the Logic 's rights theory to Downtent. But at the same time, they cannot explain why the violations of the ban on these occasions will lead to such emotional and The dislikes on the territory - not just in the injured, and the bystanders and observers will also react strict. The repetition of cold blood care work and maintenance is not enough to explain the behavior of these observes.

For the third ban. In addition to the analysis of the name of the game, it is difficult to explain. In fact, this ban is rarely analyzed as `` It unfair '' conclusions, and the issue of its own, and we will See it in the next section.

10. Self-issuance of this article, I mentioned that the subconscious adaptation knowledge of culture is usually originated in its ideology. A big fact exemplary is extensive, although in fact, they violate The provisions of the standard copyright. I was observed when I discussed the analysis of the famous game. Many players refused this analysis, and strongly opposed their behavior is from the desire of the same. Motivation, or I am not too accurate here, `Self-satisfaction '.

This shows the interesting side of the player culture. I am very clear that everyone does not trust and despise the motives of self-centers and self-departure; self-rewards are brutal criticism, which makes the group in fact to get a lot of benefits. Very One of the big parts, in fact, the culture of the utensils of the culture is required to be humble and humble, in order to maintain their position. This attitude is almost makes self-emotion to weave the entire incentive structure.

In general, it can be confirmed, which is generally a negative attitude of European Americans 'self'. The entire player circle tells yourself, eager to be self-satisfaction is a bad motivation (at least not mature); self is just right Pursuing the canlerable routine when women, and is often considered a mental condition. Only in the form of sublimation or in the form of the camouflage, such as `` is playing in the famous' ', `` self-esteem', ``, `,` `` `` ` The pride of achievability "" can be accepted. I can write a whole paper to discuss the root of bad sides in this cultural inheritance, can we send it, believe that we have real`, selfless, Evidence of psychology and behavior), will cause self-confused huge injuries. Or I can, if Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche and Ayn Rand have not had the completion of many different individual interests.

I am not here to make moral philosophy or psychology, so I only observe some damage caused by thinking of selfing is evil, it is: It is very difficult to understand the culture in emotions. Social power!

But we didn't have this line investigation. In the player culture, the taboos of self-departure in the player culture is so deep. Players should suspect whether they should use other feasible methods. Of course, such prohibits are in other gifts culture Not so strong, like the same life like the theater or the rich!

11. The value of human nature is built in the center of the player cultural feedback mechanism. We now need to understand why it seems to be important, but it is still semi-embossed and unopened. Comparison is the command of piracy In that culture, the behavior of pursuing position is to expand or show off. These crackers pursue to disclaim "Zero-Day Warez" (in the original software released to crack the software and release) but how to do it. Not mentioned. These magicians don't like to disclose their devices. Therefore, this has led to the Knowledge Base of the Cracker culture slow progress.

(Translation: Social Volkswagen and Eric S. Raymond misunderstand the hacker culture, in the development of the overall knowledge base, the hacker culture evolved through the knot, so the hacker culture is a bit like gang culture. His overall knowledge base Development, the pace is not slow.)

In the player group, in contrast, a person's work represents a man's expression. This is a very strict talent system (the best craftsman victory) and there is a strong sense of consciousness, that is, the quality will speak. The biggest blow is The program `` can run '', and any capable programming designer will see a good thing. Therefore, the knowledge base of the player culture increases.

Board for stimulating self-driven mounting results in increased productivity. But it is a secondary effect; this is protected is the information quality of the group to evaluate the system. That is, self-blown or self-amplification is suppressed, because in creation In the actors of cooperation, it simply messy the wonderful laboratory like noise.

The medium of players cultural communication is invisible. Its communication channel is difficult to express the subtle differences of emotions, while the face-to-face member contact is the only exception. This makes this culture lower tolerance than other gift culture, but needs It takes a lot of time to explain the masses and needs the elders.

Talking to a person who has a sense of success for a successful planning maintenance; he must make the group believe that he has a good judgment, because most of the maintenance is to determine the work of other people. Who is willing to contribute to Those who are unable to judge their quality, or who is willing to contribute to those who will swallow their planning results? Potential contributors hope that the plan leaders have enough humility and taste, when objective is coming, ` `Yes, this is better than my version, I will use it '' - and will make the achievement to charge.

Another reason to open the original code world requires modest behavior, you rarely hope that the public thinks the plan already `completed ', which may lead to potential contributors to see you do not need to contribute. To maximize your work Need to be humble to your program. If you brag your own program, then say `` Nothing value, it is ineffective for x, y, and z, so it is not good '', then quickly sneak X, y, and z.

Finally, I have seen some of the behavior of some players leaders who reflect the premiere of being scared to become worship. The behavior of both linus Torvalds and Larry Wall clearly wants to avoid such an object. One time with Larry Wall I have dinner together, I am joking `` You are the top player present - you choose the restaurant ''. He is awkward. This is right; you can't distinguish the sharing value of them will be a good group, this is a good group. He and Linus are unable to neglect. On the other hand, most players like Larry questions, if they have a way to self-recognize this. 12. Famous game models on the overall relationship of the famous game analysis is not Obviously other related. Many are from establishing a successful plan to get a bigger hope than working with existing plans. If there are many innovations, many of the names, the opposite of `ME, Too 'continued to improve the existing plan. In other sources, only the author understands the software or needs non-door, in the famous game, usually contributes an existing plan to establish a person who has been contemplated than yourself. Finally, it is necessary to compete with existing successful plans than to fill a lot of difficult walls. Therefore, there is a best distance to neighbors (competition between schedules). One of them is too close to there. The product will become `` me, Too! '' Cable value, a poor gift (one of which may be best to give up). Almost, no one has the ability to use, understand, or notice another payment Relationship (same, poor gift). This creates a type in the intersection of intelligence, such as pioneers spread on the body frontier - is not scattered, but it is like a scattered fragmented wave. Planned tendency begins Filling vacancies in the border.

Some successful plans become `catalog killers'; no one is willing to compete with those plans that have been established, because it is too difficult to play the players. Everyone is to find themselves, and in these successful plans Add additional function. Typical `catalog killer 'example is GNU Emacs; starting from the 1980s, its diversified function has filled the entire program editor catalog, no one try to write a new out Thus, people only write Emacs Modes.

Overall, these two tendencies (gap filling and catalog killers) can be used to predict future tendencies. In the 1970s, most open raw codes are toys or examples. In the 1980s, it is Development Tools and Internet Tools.? In the 1990s, this action moved to the work system. In each case, a new and more complex problem hierarchy is started when the current problem is proximally processed.

This tendency is a bit interesting in the near future. In the early 1998, Linux appeared very like the Killer of the Open Raw Code Work System 'Directory - all the operating systems for other competition, now it has started for Linux Device. Drivers and Extensions Writing. And most of this cultural low-level tools have existed. Is there anything?

Applying software. When it is in 2000, it seems that the ability to predict the development of open original code will gradually move towards the last virgin - a program designed to non-technical personnel - but a few early indicators is GIMP development, Photoshop -like image handling software, this is the first interface software that opens the original code for End-User-Friendly GUI, and can be considered for application software compared to commercial software over the past decade. Another one The application software tool KDE and GNOME for the speech quad.

Finally, the famous game analysis explains the number of repeated references, that is, you can't use the player to become a player - when other players say that you are players, you are players. `Players', take this point of view, is Someone showed (through contributing gift) he or her had a technical ability and understanding the operation of the name of the game. Most of this is a perception and inheritance, and only the generations of people will only be in the culture.

13. Impact of intelligent domain traits and territories influences to understand the customs of property rights will help us see it from another perspective; ie animal behavior, especially territory. Property is an abstraction of animal territories The evolution is to reduce violence between the same species. Through the liner line, and respect other boundary lines, the wolf can cause it to be injured or lethal, and reduce survival opportunity.

That is, property rights in human society are to avoid interpersonal conflicts, through the establishment of the behavior of the territory and aggression. Sometimes everyone likes to regard human property rights as an abstract social tradition, but this It is completely wrong. Anyone who has appointed that when the dog is approaching when the stranger is close to the stranger, it is a continuity between animal territory and human property rights. Our local wolf brothers instinct It is more clear than many human political aurators. Declaration of the territory (just like manufacturing territories) is a behavior that achieves the desire, a kind of boundary will defense underworking. Social support property rights are a reduced resistance and promotion Cooperative behavior. These than railings or dog bark more abstract `` declaration property '' is still effective, even make it just a simple description of the plan maintainer in the ReadMe file. It is still an abstraction. The territory, and (like other property rights) Our instance of property rights model is used by the territorial evolution to resolve conflicts.

This animal behavior analysis, the first look is very abstract, it is difficult to close with the behavior of the real player. But it has some important results. The general result of the world's information network, especially explained why The original code plan has an open website that it seems to be more important than no website.

Objectively imaginating, this seems difficult to explain. With the power paid in original and maintenance, a web page is simple, so it is difficult to imagine a web page is an important or extraordinary pay.

The website's own function is not enough to explain everything. The communication function of the web page can be mixed with the FTP station, Mailing List, and usenet. In fact, a planned weekday communication is very small to communicate completely through the website, but mailing list or newsgroup is more important. So why is the public website becomes a planned center?

`home page 'This metaphor provides an important clue. When the open original code plan is established, it is a behavior in the Territory of the Territory (and the tradition is also recognized as this), it is not enough in the psychological level. After all, the soft body does not have the nature of the location, and it can be copied immediately. It is possible in our instinct's' Territory 'and `Property Rights' marks, but it is necessary to pay a little consideration.

A planned web page shows an abstract station space, express its kingdom's `local 'field through the global information network. Dropping from the intelligence to` cyberss' does not let us dry and dog bark through the real world However, it does guarantee the power of our announcement of property rights and make us feel more secure to the territory. And this is also a plan to appear to look more. True '.

The analysis of this animal behavior also encourages us to test more detailed inspections, in the open raw syndiotactization, this mechanism for dealing with conflicts. He led us expectations, in addition to maximizing the inducement of the name, the ownership tradition will avoid conflicts and Resolve the conflict plays a role.

14. The cause of conflicts is roughly the following major issues in the conflict of the original code software: Who will do the planned decision? Who will accept glory or condemnation, how to reduce the burden, especially in complex Avoid inferiority version in error tracking? Technical, what is the right thing? If we look at the `` what is the right thing '' topic second eye, it will have to disappear.? For any such problem, See if there is an objective way to let everyone accept it. If there is, the game ends everyone will win. If not, then become `` Who will decide? ''. So, the conflict of these three issues resolved the theory The three major problems that can solve a plan: (a) When you decide, when you decide, when you are designed, (b) How to determine how the contributors accept glory and how to teach, and (c) How to keep a team not becoming multiple Difference.

The role of ownership is clear in solving (a) and (c). The practice ensures that the plan owner can do decision-making. We have seen it before, the practice will put pressure on the division and dilute their ownership value.

Note that these conventions are reasonable, even for those who don't care about the name of the game. We can see from the player culture of the pure "craftsman" model. Under this point of view, these practices are very It is relatively related to dilution, while comparing the protection of the artisan in the eyes of the eye.

The technicians model is not enough to explain the players of (b). Who is doing what glory (because of a pure craftsman, do not care about the play game, so there is no other motive). To analyze this One point, we need to bring the Locke theory to another, and inspect the power of conflict and operations between the plans and the plan. 15. Planning structure and ownership general cases are a plan to have a single ownership Person / maintenance. There is no conflict in this situation. The owner can do all the decisions, have all the benefits, and all condemnation. The only conflict may be the successor - when the old The owner lost interest or disappeared, who came to be a new owner. The group also is also interested in avoiding differences. These interests are expressed by the cultural norm, that is, when an owner / maintor is no longer Interest, the title should be made to the next position. Non-general simple example is a common maintainer working together under a `kind descent. Customed in this model; we are The big plan is like Linux Kernel or Emacs, and solves the problem of `` by who will determine '', this doesn't look bad more than other ways.

Typically, a kind-owned dictator organization is organized by an owner-defender, and the establisher attracts contributors to evolve. Even if the owner is still in place, it also has the context of the privilege of the program.

In this case, the custom is obliged to handle contributors fairly by the owner / dictator (for example, through the README or historical file). In the Locke's property model terminology, this means Contribute a plan to get some of the name (front or negative).

The logic of chasing, we see the `kindly leader 'is not really have the entire program. Although he has the power to do decision-making, he is in fact, through the trading prestige. This kind is like a farmer farming. It is very difficult to resist, in addition to sometimes a contributor is no longer active, his name still continues to benefit.

A kinderian program plans to add many participants, they tend to develop two tribute contributors; general contributors and common developers. A typical way to become a common developer, get a larger part of the plan. The other is the role of `Lord High Fixer ', specializing in the revision of many bugs. In this way or other types, common developers are those contributions through investment time and have significant contributions By.

The secondary system owner role is especially important in our analysis and requires a further test. Players like to say that the authority should be responsible. 'The common author of the service responsibility can obtain a sub-system control and all relevant parties. It is only revised by the planned leader (can be said to be an architect). We observed this law to effectively log property rights for the Locke model, and there are other property rights lines to avoid conflicts.

Traditionally, `dictators' or planned leaders and common authors are expected to negotiate with the common author in key decisions. In particular, the decision is related to the sub-system owned by the common author (that is, there is investment Time and responsibility). A leader with wisdom, recognize the role of planned internal property rights lines, and is not undefined or reversed by the sub-system owner's decision.

Some big plans don't eat the set of cheerful dictators'. A method is to turn the same author to become a voting member (like apache). Another way to rotate the dictator, that is, the control is rotated to another A senior member (used for Perl organization).

Such complex arrangements are often considered as unstable and complicated. It is clearly awareness of these difficulties to understand these committees and designers themselves; these issues are in player culture, everyone knows.? No matter how, I think some players are uncomfortable to organize the committee or rotary dictator, because it is very different from the thinking of the past Locke model. In these complex tissue, whether it is the right to have the right to return, there is a problem. It is difficult to see that its internal boundaries are there, unless highly coordinated and trust, it is difficult to avoid conflicts.

16. Conflict and conflict solve that we have seen it in the plan, the increase in role complexity is manifested by the distribution of design authority and partial property rights. This is an effective way to disperse incentives, and also dilute the authority of the plan leader. Sexually - More importantly, it dilutes the authority of leadership on potential conflict suppression. When designing technical disputes seem to cause conflicts with each other, they are rarely caused by quarrel. These usually The authority of individual fields is responsible for solving.

Another way to resolve conflicts is "Senior" - If the two contributors or contributes have a dispute, the dispute cannot be objectively solved, and all the fields of the dispute have been paid, and they have paid more for this plan. Victory (ie, in the plan, there are a victory of more property rights). These rules are usually sufficient to solve most of the plans. When these do not take effect, the plan leaders' order usually can solve. Controversial through these two There is still a rare.

The conflict unless two key points point to different directions ("When you are responsible" and "elder victory") will not become serious, and the authority of the plan leader is very weak or not This situation is most obvious to the inheritance dispute, and the leader is not there. I have seen such a battle. Very ugly, painful, torture, only when all participants become exhausted, will pay it Treat out the outside, I hope that I would like to see any disputes anywhere.

Finally, when all conflict resolution mechanisms are invalid in all players' associations. The only remaining mechanism only quarrels and avoids the public trial of people who refuse to cooperate and destroy the traditional people.

17. The salary mechanism and the association with the academic circle have proposed a research problem in this article: How is this group to inform and guide members in conformity?? Is these customs in a semi-knowledge? Organizes whether it is guided by the example? Is it proven by a well-known dogma? It is very rare by the dogma, because only a few of the cultural norms have been proposed ..

Most of the specifications are guided by examples. In a very simple example, in the specification in all software issuings, there should be a README or READ.ME file to illustrate a schematic description of this software. This tradition has been established at least from 1980, but it has not yet been written under this article. This is from observing many software.

On the other hand, some players customs are self-tissue, especially once they have their parties to understand this basic (or unconsciously) famous game. Most players don't need to be taught in the third quarter. Three taboos, or can be said to be self-evident. This phenomenon exports a further analysis - and we may be able to find explanations in the process of exploring the player in the process of exploring the cultural wiskin.

Most cultures have been salariective through hints (more accurate, mysterious ", through religious or mystery methods). These secrets are not revealed by foreign people, but they can be expected to be sincere newbies. The found or understanding. To be accepted inside, he needs to show his mysterious understanding and learning degree of this culture to accept recognition.

Player culture is unforgettable, and uses these hints and tests a lot. We can find in the process of at least three levels:

It's like a cipher mystery. Take an example, there is a clear secret in the USENET news discussion group; you can't ask questions before you don't know, and you know that the secret will be permitted. Enter. The olders have a strict taboos for revealing this secret. Basic requirements for specific technical secrets. A person must absorb a lot of technical knowledge before sending a gift (for example, you must at least understand at least one main computer language This hidden clue is active by the big place to the sub-segment, just as the function of quality filtering (such as abstract thinking, persistence, and spiritual power) to play the power of this culture. Mysterious society. To move with this culture Even the relationship must participate in a specific plan. Each plan is a living player's social and cultural example, that is, contributors must investigate and understand the society and technology of the group to be effective to participate. (Specifically, the general way is Through these plans, you can experience the social behavior of experienced old players through these program groups. In the process of exploring these secrets, this future player learned a wealth of knowledge, but makes These banned and other customs are self-evident. Some people may argue in the Chinese version of the Chinese gift culture structure. A person is in the heart of the custom, the custom, the custom, the doctor, taboo and use, is not before It is considered to be inherited. But this is not important; all cultures have such a request for its future participants. Furthermore, the player culture shows that there is no ambition of its participants - or, at least, no one because I Convear these and quarrel with me!

A large number of people responded to this article that the players have the right to look very close (and it is likely to directly stem from) the academic business, especially the scientific research group. The research group has a similar problem, especially in mining potential possible Thinking the field, and showing very similar solutions to problems, using the same lookout and pregnan.

Since many players have rolled in the academic circle (usually in the university, I learned to play computer). After learning the player culture, I will not be very unsurified by the player culture and the school. Players 'gift culture' is obviously The school is parallel to class. Once the researchers have achieved life, he no longer needs to worry about the problem of survival (indeed, the concept of life can be traced back to the early gift culture, namely `` Natural philosophers '' is basically rich gentleman, Time is full of research.) After the emergence of the crisis of survival, the name is a driving goal, which is on the journal or media, encourages the sharing of new ideas and research results. This causes objective and positive functions because science Research, just like the player culture, it is very dependent on the shoulder of the giant ', but does not need to re-discover some very basic principles.

Some people further inferior that player culture is only a reflection of group outcomes, and has almost reached a considerable degree. This may have been speaking, because the player culture seems to be in high school education!

There are still some interesting possibilities. I doubt the same type of geography and player culture, but because of its origin class, it is also because of their own things, under the continuous system of natural laws, human instinct. The most ideal social organization is evolved. The history of history seems to conclude that the free market capitalism is the best way to economic benefits; or, in the same way, the famous game gift culture is produced (and Test) the best way to work with high quality creativity.

If this is true, it is more meaningful than academic interests. Because this puts forward a little different from the church view and the city's concentration; that is, finally, the end of the software of the software products is coming, and The competition will be discharged from capitalism to generate a large amount of remaining wealth, and the moment that caused a large number of designers under the cultural culture after the hunger culture. (Translation: In other words, it is the big software company to exploit the cemetery. Any consequences of arbitrarily monopulating the software market, causing software designers to survive, triggering large-scale investment-based gift cultures, enhances the backing of players culture. We can discover many classes in the development of science and technology .)

18. Conclusion: We have viewed custom customs to control and standardize open original code software property rights. We have seen how this is the relationship between the rights and Land Property of Land Property with Locke. We have connected players culture with `gift culture ', that is, participants compete through the investment time, energy, and creativity, we have inspected the related conflict resolution analysis in culture. Next reasonable The problem should be "why these is so important?" The players did not agree to develop these customs, and until today, abide by these customs. These conscious analysis did not immediately have any practicality - unless, Perhaps, we can further promote these descriptions as a prescription and perform methods for improving these practical functions.

Under the traditional British American General Law, in the player culture and land production theory, we have found a fairly reasonable ratio. In history [Miller], European racial culture invented this tradition to solve their dispute resolution system, That is, the custom system that is not written, the next awareness is understood by the conventioncript of the ethnicity - and then wrote under black and white.

Or, since our population is gradually rising, it is increasingly difficult to pass the salary of all members, and it is time to do a classmate for the player culture - the development of a set of practical "program code" to solve various disputes (Written Code) can increase the strength of the open original code plan, and a set of arbitration traditions, that is, senior members in the group can do some dispute mediation.

The analysis in this article has been drawn out such a "program code" outline, and the past hints will become written. Will not appear in the above; they need to build a founder or owner volunteer Not completely harsh, because the pressure in this culture changes over time. Finally, such a "program" is implemented, they must reflect the extensive acceptance of the player tribe.

I have started such a "program code", which may be called "Malvern Protocol", named the name I live. If these analytics in this article, I will make the public to get Malvern. Protocol is used to resolve the dispute example "program". Interested criticism and develop this "program" group, or hope to provide some of their ideas, all welcome to contact me. 19. Some questions about further research Culture (also my own culture) learned that the model does not follow a kind dictator is fragile. This plan has failed. Some are amazing success (Perl, Apache, KDE). No one Really understand where the difference is true. (Each plan is related to the organizational power of the participant, is a quite a point of view, is there a strategy that can be repeatedly implemented?) In fact, we really found that successful plans, gain more famous than the workload of the same workload and assisting successfully planned. Is this a rational value to the same reason?? Or it is The secondary effect caused by the territorial model of the latent sinister?

20. Bibliography, Notes, and Acknowledgements [Miller] Miller, William Ian; Bloodtaking and Peacemaking: Feud, Law, and Society in Saga Iceland; University of Chicago Press 1990, ISBN 0-226-52680-1 A fascinating study of Icelandic. .

[Mal] Malaclypse the Younger; Principia Discordia, or How I Found Goddess and What I Did To Her When I Found Her;. Loompanics, ISBN 1-55950-040-9 Amidst much enlightening silliness, the `SNAFU principle 'provides a rather Trenchant Analysis of Why Command Hierarchies Don't scale Well. There's a browseable html version.

[BCT] J. Barkow, L. Cosmides, and J. Tooby (Eds.); The adapted mind:.. Evolutionary psychology and the generation of culture New York: Oxford University Press 1992. An excellent introduction to evolutionary psychology Some of the PAPERS Bear Directly on The Three Cultural Types I Discuss (Command / Exchange / Gift), Suggesting That The Patterns Are Wired INTO The Human Psyche Fairly Deep.

[MHG] Goldhaber, Michael K .; The Attention Economy and the Net. I discovered this paper after my version 1.7. It has obvious flaws (Goldhaber's argument for the inapplicability of economic reasoning to attention does not bear close examination), but Goldhaber nevertheless has funny and perceptive things to say about the role of attention-seeking in organizing behavior. The prestige or peer repute I have discussed can fruitfully be viewed as a particular case of attention in his sense. [HH] I have summarized the history of hackerdom At The Book That Will Explain It Really Well Remains To Be Written, Probably Not By ME.

[N] The Term `Noosphere 'Is An Obscure Term of Art in Philosophy Derived from The Greek` Nous' Meaning `Mind',` Spirit ', or `BREATH'. It is pronounced Know-UH-SFEER (Two O-Sounds ., one long and stressed, one short and unstressed tending towards schwa) If one is being excruciatingly correct about one's orthography, it is properly spelled with a diaresis over one `o '- just do not ask me which one.

[RP] There are some subtleties about rogue patches. One can divide them into `friendly 'and` unfriendly' types. A `friendly 'patch is designed to be merged back into the project's main-line sources under the maintainer's control (whether or not that merge actually happens);. an `unfriendly 'one is intended to yank the project in a direction the maintainer does not approve Some projects (notably the Linux kernel itself) are pretty relaxed about friendly patches and even encourage independent distribution of them as part of their beta-test phase. An unfriendly patch, on the other hand, represents a decision to compete with the original and is a serious matter. Maintaining a whole raft of unfriendly patches tends to lead to forking.I am indebted to Michael Funk for pointing out how instructive a contrast with hackers the pirate culture are. Robert Lanphier contributed much to the discussion of egoless behavior. Eric Kidd h ighlighted the role of valuing humility in preventing cults of personality. The section on global effects was inspired by comments from Daniel Burn . Mike Whitaker inspired The main trread in the section.



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