Talk about Delphi VS VC ++ (very exciting)

zhaozj2021-02-16  157

This is a very exciting article, inadvertently discovered online.

More professional than the development tools issued by the original "programmer".

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Casually come to find a file, but found that the discussion of VC and Delphi is very intense. I saw some articles written, I feel that some opinions are correct, some are very biased or even mistaken (maybe I don't know? I am sorry I said this :-). I am inadvertently arguing with anyone, and I am willing to see this as a technical discussion. It should be a fair, no prejudice attitude (this does not mean that it is necessary to score autumn, everything should be truthful). I have used all versions other than TP1 Turbo Pascal, all versions of Turbo C / Borland C , all versions of Delphi and C Builder; and MSC 5.0 / 6.0, MSC / C 7.0 and Visual C 4.2 / 5.0. I don't dare to say how high levels, at least have a little experience. Let's talk about my opinion.

1. The compiler should say that Borland's compiler is best. Because Borland has the best compiler development group worldwide (although Anders Hejlsberg leaves). From a technical point of view, Borland leads the competitors for at least 2 to 3 years. In general, Borland's compiler can always generate smaller code and usually (not in any case) faster code.

Zi Yunying, Zengdeng said that VC compiled in the article, which is actually the result of dynamic connection. M $ puts VC runtime (MSVCRT * .DLL, MSVCP * .dll, mfc * .dll, how much is you adding together) When you install Windows, it is placed in the System / System32 directory. Two questions that say "negotiate interface", I am afraid it is an understanding of some English articles. M $ is not willing to run files on other companies in Windows, there is no technical reason.

In fact, Delphi / C Builder must be smaller than VC , regardless of dynamic connection or static connection. For example, MDI examples: Selected new ... | Projects | MDI Application in Delphi / C Builder, in VC , using MDI App Wizard; generated program function is very similar. The following is the comparison result: (Delphi open optimization, C Builder Using the maximum speed optimization, VC 5 Using the smallest code optimization) Delphi 3 Delphi 5 C Builder 5 VC 5Dynamic Link 21k 35k 44k 70kstatic Link 253K 398K 467K 490K

Any program that uses the application class library (regardless of MFC, OWL, VCL, and new CLX frameworks) is much larger than that is not used. This is because the current intelligent connection technology can only be used for global variables / processes without the object structure. Even if you only use an attribute or method of a class (or by this class), this class and all classes it reference are all connected to EXE. All compilers have not solved this problem.

(PS: In fact, the high-level language compiler that can generate the minimum code (really compiled) is Turbo Pascal, do not believe that you write a comparison: Program Test; Begin Writeln ('Hello, World.'); End. Generated EXE is less than 1.5 K. and the same C procedure: #include main () {printf ("Hello, World./N");} The code generated by the most created C / C compiler also has 6K.) So several What is the code quality generated by the compiler? For example, for example, we often use for loop statements when programming: (1) Object Pascal: Procedure foo; var i, j: integer; begin for i: = 0 to 15 do j: = j i; end ; (2) C void foo (void) {INT I, J; for (i = 0; i <16; i ) j = j i;}

Delphi 3 generated code (open optimization): byte clock cycle 00424AA9 33c0 xor Eax, EAX 100424AAB 40 Inc EAX 100424AAC 83F810 CMP EAX, 0x10 100424AAF 75FA jnz -0x06 0 (can be parallel) --------- ------ 8 3C Builder 5 generated code (maximum speed optimization): 00401535 33C0 XOR EAX, EAX 100401537 40 Inc EAX 100401538 83F810 CMP EAX, 0x10 10040153B 7CFA jl -0x06 0 (can be in parallel) --- -------------- 8 3

Visual C 5 generated code (maximum speed optimization): 27: for (i = 0; i <16; i ) 00401205 MOV ECX, Dowrd PTR [J] 100401208 xor Eax, Eax 0 (can be parallel) 28: { 29: J = J i; 0040120A Add ECX, EAX 10040120C Inc EAX 10040120D CMP Eax, 10h 100401210 JL Foo (0x0040120A) 0AH 0 (can be in parallel) 00401212 MOV DWORD PTR [J], ECX 0/1 (depending on Branch prediction of a directive) 30:}; ----------------- 16 4.2 (assuming branch prediction accuracy 80%) VC 5 minimum code optimization generation also has 11 words Section: 27: for (i = 0; i <16; i ) 00401205 xor Eax, Eax 128: {29: j = j i; 00401207 Add dword PTR [J], EAX 10040120A Inc EAX 10040120B CMP EAX, 10h 10040121E JL foo (0x00401207) 7 0 (can be in parallel) 30:}; ----------------- 11 4

Note: (1) The result of Delphi / C Builder is to use Turbo Debugger directly disassembled, and the result of VC 5 is obtained from the source-level debugging of the integrated environment. (2) The number of clock cycles is taken as an example. In fact, the code speed generated by the CPU (such as 386/486 and NX586, etc.) VC 5 is still slower for the CPU without parallel execution units. (3) Branch prediction accuracy derived from Intel's "Pentium Optimization Reference". However, it is closely related to the specific procedure. In general, the closer transfer command in the program is, the lower the branch prediction accuracy.

It can be seen that this program of Delphi / C Builder has an advantage of 1 to 1.2 clock cycles. This is mainly because Delphi / C Builder compiler is more intelligent, and it is not compiled with useless waste statements. (Interestingly, for this program, the maximum speed optimization of VC 5 is not as fast as the code optimized code running speed.) Do not think that 1 ~ 1.2 clock cycle is not, what is fast and slow Such a clock cycle accumulated. And for these instructions, it is very expensive to 25% to 28.6%, which is a very considerable number. I didn't use VC 6 test (I no longer use VC from VC 5 because C Builder 5 can be fully compatible with VC - this compatibility from C Builder 3, but it is not perfect), I don't know if there is improved. If someone is interested, please test it. If you are interested, you can go to Jake's Code Efficiency Challenge ( to see. The code is running performance challenge. At present, Delphi / C Builder maintains 5 leaders in 6 tests. (PS: Delphi 2 defeated VC 4.2 in performance test of PC Week in 1996)

2. Language features first I don't want to evaluate the so-called "Pascal is a toy language". Some of the Basic people use bad people can't evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of other languages. As for "Only with high school students" is more smile: Peter Norton did not go to college, ID Software's John Carmack did not go to college, you don't care? ! Please don't laugh at high school students, most of the programmers may never reach these "high school students". What is the genius needs for creative work? Do you think genius is equivalent to what degree? :-)

(1) Pretreatment, macro, and .h file Object Pascal does not support pre-processing, in fact, it is not necessary. The compiler that cannot be directly compiled is required to support support (for translation / specification source (also included) to facilitate compilation). The preparation of the pretreatment is because the Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie have a large compromise that the C compiler is difficult to implement on the PDP-11 of the 256K memory. Modern C / C products have included the preprocessor in the compiler. (PS: C is also due to this historical reasons because of this historical reasons), it should be said to be garbage characteristics, just because compatibility considerations are reserved. ANSI / ISO C / C specification is clearly suggested: "Do not use macro and .h, you should use the constant definitions and functions in the program." Because Macro and .h are not the language characteristics of C / C (this is true!), There is no clear unified syntax definition. It will also cause the compilation speed to decrease, and the Macro will make the generated code bloated due to MacRo in each place used (not call).

(2) Collection, sub-boundary type C does not support these original types of object pascal (compiler can directly recognize). However, you can use class to simulate, after all, the C object structure is the most complex flexible (except ADA). However, performance has lost.

(3) Enumeration Type Object Pascal does not support each enumerated element to specify a value. For example, C / C can be defined: Enum aweek {sun = 1, mon, tue ...}; Object Pascal can only be defined: aweek = (Sun, MON, TUE ...);

(4) Array C / C does not support the array of subscripts in Object Pascal, and the subscript can only start from 0. (5) Structure Object Pascal does not support bitfield in Struct (called Record in Pascal). Bitfield can store structural members (do not require whole bytes) to reduce the storage space of the structure. However, the access efficiency will be reduced.

(6) String string processing is one of the strengths of Object Pascal. Flexible and efficient string processing can be supported. Strictly speaking, C / C cannot support native string types. CHAR * and CHAR [] is more similar to the user-defined type because the compiler does not support the memory automatic allocation and recycling of the string, requiring users to call Malloc () and Free (). Object Pascal also supports a C / C style string (called PCHAR). However, the String type is more powerful. From the perspective of implementation, the String type of Object Pascal uses the prefix represents the string length (1 byte prefix shortstring and 4-byte prefix Long String, two String is automatically compatible, and long string is also compatible with PCHAR), C / C CHAR * and CHAR [] use the suffix chr (0) to indicate the end of the string. Different representations have great impact on string processing performance: for large, complex string operations, using Object Pascal several times more than C / C faster programs (many PASCAL compilers written by PASCAL, such as Free Pascal, Pascal Pro, etc., although the technical level is general, but the compilation speed is also fast, and to some extent, it also benefits from the string processing efficiency of Pascal). For example, the implementation of the string length function length (), Object Pascal requires only one MOV instruction, and the implementation of C / C needs to perform repeating string scan until the end is found. Object Pascal's String type also has an advantage in supporting Unicode characters. To know that the C / C string has brought a lot of trouble to the modern operating system to support Unicode characters, such as the "ABC 'Unicode" is: 41 00 42 00 43 00, which makes the C / C program at all, this String. Although modifying the compiler can easily solve this problem, the optical modification compiler is not enough, but also modify the operating system, otherwise the previous large number of C / C programs cannot be used on the new operating system (this is a disaster --- You even have Notepad, what should I do? :-). Windows provides two sets of solutions using any API involving string processing. For example, Textout, with TextOuta for processing ASCII characters and TextOutw for processing Unicode characters. And UNIX / Linux uses another way: all APIs involving string processing use UTF8 compression encoding (a coding method similar to RTF: Any ASCII character is stored directly, multi-byte characters are used / transform) Although (reluctant) ensures that compatibility is not small. (String / Ansistring in PS: C is the simulation of class, so performance ...)

(7) Multiple inheritance is undoubtedly, Object Pascal does not support multiple inheritance; and it can also see that Borland has increased this feature (in fact, it is lightly easy). Object Pascal implements multiple inheritances through the interface (Interface). Interface can not only introduce objects implemented with Object Pascal, but also introduce COM / DCOM / CORBA objects implemented in other languages. Do you really need multiple inherits? I think most programmers have never used multiple inheritances like me (even such a strong and flexible architecture of VCLs is not used in multiple inheritances. (PS: Java and Delphi do not support multiple inheritance, but also using Interface to achieve multiple inheritance. In fact, this is not surprising: JDK 1.2 and Java 2 are mainly developed by Borland, Sun only name. Don't believe you, see the Java class library Not very like VCL.: -) (8) Object Template Object Pascal does not support object templates. Because the object template is just a macro language (the macro itself is not the language characteristics of C / C ).

(9) Rebursing the overload of the Object Pascal support function / process and does not support operator overload. C all support. (PS: I personally prefer Object Pascal to increase support for operator overload)

(10) Bit and logic Operation Object Pascal and C / C have no difference in this regard. C / C &, |, ~, ^, >>, <<, &&, ||, is equivalent to Object Pascal And, OR, NOT (OR, NOT, SHR, SHL (AND, OR, NOT, XOR Used for bit operations to be used for logic operations). However, C / C does not support logic XOR (a xor b = a and not b or not a and b, or can be implemented).

(11) The style is actually an important reason I prefer to use Delphi (I often use C and assembly due to work.). Just like some articles said: "Object Pascal and C are the same heavyweight language", it is really difficult to divide, and the difference is mainly in style. C emphasizes flexible, and Object Pascal is more implicit and beautiful. The author of the "programming language: design and implementation" also praised Pascal "a very beautiful language." Some people think that Pascal is "clumsy". In fact, it should be "Avenue to Jane". I think it's good to use C writes or work well, don't sell skills. Only programmers with low levels like selling skills (the level is too low, it can't be found, too high and I don't want to sell it). Just like the chess of Li Changyi, "Plain", but Ma Xiaochun once again "ghost" can only be willing to worship.

It is actually C vs Object Pascal. But it also applies to VC VS Delphi. (PS: VC does not implement the features of all ANSI / ISO C 95 specifications (currently the latest standards) (So some people are called C ). And C Builder is fully compatible with ANSI / ISO C 95 specification and supports AT & T (C The birthplace) and all C extended features of UNIX V. Some people call "M $ adhere to industrial standards, Borland will modify", this is not right. Delphi is also fully compatible with ANSI / ISO Pascal 1983/92 specification, and Apple Object Pascal It should be aware of Apple's Object Pascal.) 3. Features and Other (1) Easy to use, there is no doubt that Delphi has a huge advantage, this doesn't have to say more. (PS: The truly great greatness of Delphi is not because it is easy to use, the technical level is reduced. You need complexity, you need flexibility, you need to be flexible; you don't have visualize the same written program (visualization is just Object Pascal object) On the other side of the structure, write programs without VCL)

(2) Applicable range VC can make any hardware allowed work. Delphi can also. ("No !!!", I know that you will say this, you will mention vxd.:-)Delphi can't write VXD (in fact if you generate OBJ with Delphi, then use M $ LINK connection, yes) is Reasons for (you have seen non-M $ can generate vxd? Watcom? Symantec? Gnu? ...), but not technical reasons. VXD's Le (Linear Executable) file format first appears in Windows 3.0, the format is simple (simple than NE and PE format), basically a memory image file. But M $ don't know what to do is not allowed to generate this (patent) format of other companies. Delphi is a SYS and a new WDM (Windows Driver Model) driver that can be written for Windows NT, which uses a normal DLL format. (PS: From the legal perspective, you write a program yourself, you don't have MS Word files without M $) (PS: Play "Miracle Age" (Age of Wonders, )? It is written in Delphi 3. The picture and speed are better than the "Empire Age" of M $. But I don't like to play the strategy game, I like the Duke3D and Quake series, and Tomb Raider series.: - )

(3) Integrated development environment Delphi's IDE is more concise / easy to use.

(4) The database support In this regard, in this regard, in addition to the Delphi's brothers C Builder / JBuilder I am afraid that only Power Builder can (barely) compared to Delphi. However, the performance and scope of use of PB are too far (not how to call POOR Builder? :-). (PS: My Impression is that most network-based / large databases of C / S and multi-layer structures are developed by Delphi / JBuilder)

(5) Network function Delphi also has a certain advantage. Especially in the development of Internet.

(6) Components Support Delphi, in addition to Object Pascal-based VCL / CLX, also supports COM / DCOM-based components (such as ActiveX), and CORBA support. VC only supports components based on COM / DCOM.

(7) Application framework / design idea VCL is at least one generation than MFC, which is not much. The amount of MFC is almost imposed on OWL (a less successful), it is not as good as OWL from design ideas. As a basic class library (regardless of visual or not), you should focus on your eyes, strike a simple and effective, maintain certain elasticity and abstraction (abstract means from function, such as Tcanvas in the VCL is in Windows. A very good abstraction of DC (Device Context) is less than a little bit of the design of the MFC. Not, it's not an face, move the API (unfortunately, M $ programmer has been doing this work for many years). Take a look at some of the MFCs, it is horrible: in addition to the parameters such as HWND and DC (already saved as a private data as a class), the method is simply the Windows API. What is the meaning of this? Will the Windows API are you? For example, using the thread class in the MFC is not as possible to call the CreateThread / Exitthread / ResumeThread / SetthreadPriority, which is more convenient and fast. (PS: Have used Delphix ( Hori/)? DirectX This complicated structure can be encapsulated with Object Pascal to prove the powerful VCL architecture (8 The debugging is different. VC source-level debugging more user friendly, while Delphi / C Builder is better to support multi-threaded program. (PS: It is more than a separate debugging tool, Borland's Turbo Debugger is much better than the codeview of M $)

(9) Running environment / system requirements should be similar. The startup speed of VC is indeed faster than Delphi (which is mainly relative to Delphi 4 , the startup of Delphi 3 is still very fast). This is largely due to a fact: VC is mainly a traditional development environment based on a text editor. Code Warrior Professional is not a faster startup? As for the "A database program to bring 3 ~ 5MB BDE Run File", this may be due to the use of "all BDE installation" (default) instead of "in the installation production tool (INSTALLSHEILD, WISE) installation". If you only use the desktop databases such as Access, DBASE, FoxPro, Paradox, just a few hundred k run files. The database program developed with M $ tool also takes a lot of ODBC, DAO, JET, ADO, MSDE, and other run files. In Delphi 5, if you use AdoExpress, Interbase Express to access the database, you may not take BDE. (PS: No matter what to say, Borland has to work hard in the start of Delphi / C Builder!)

(10) Product quality / stability has article "VC quality, high stability". Is it really? Is the service pack of Visual Studio not going to 4? What is a service pack? Is it mainly bug fix patch? ! Borland's tool is not perfect, and the "memory vulnerability" does exist in the VCL of Delphi 3, which will result in programs developed with D3 sometimes (not always) and cannot release allocated memory. VC has a lot of problems: IE is written with VC , start more, start the Internet, open the customs, finally closed, see how much your system resources are left? Always lead to "General Protection Error". Ultra edit is written with VC , and the same problem. In fact, it is good to say that the program quality is good, and the operation is stable and unstable, mainly on the level of developers / responsibility. For example, Tomb Raider Series and Quake Series games are developed with VC , but the picture quality and running speed obviously the Quake series is more better. Other Banks (RSA), Russian Aerospace (RSA), Bank of America (Bankof America, more than $ 500 billion in big banks), such as American Airlines, AT & T, BMW, Compaq, BBC Television, British Telecom, etc. Universities / companies are developing complex, enterprise-level (comic, "some people actually referred to as" using VC development enterprise-class desktop applications ", so I don't know if the enterprise application and desktop applications are relatively Http:// (Borland Community Site) There is a product introduction developed by Delphi and C Builder). If someone else wants to say "... stability and reliable are the hard truth, I have to endure love", Then he is afraid to have the homemade development tool (take the outer operating system). : -) (PS: About Delphi and some graphics drive conflicts, is due to some graphics cards (such as S3 Virge GX) old version drivers do not correctly handle the image of ImageList in Windows public control, in this In the case of all the programs that use multiple images in ImageList (PS: As for "I have a sad anomalus who has seen a lot of excellent sharing software to have Delphi characteristics, I suggest that this person can figure out The "Error Exception" message you see is that these software itself error, or is running an exception handling message (such as "" Did not find a specified file "or" index beyond range ") and say that there is a perfect exception handling in Delphi. So many programmers do not write error handles, and let go of the compiler to deal with. I think this is not a good habit, at least the pop-up message dialog may not match the language / style used by your program. Let people misunderstood? :-)

(11) Help / Document VC help and documentation is indeed more rich than Delphi / C Builder. However, this should not include MSDN because MSDN is a separate product, which is not prepared for VC , and includes considerable Windows technical information. As a programmer, no matter what development tool, you can (should also) have a set of MSDNs. Windows Data Structure / APIS is a slight inconvenience that uses a C style, but most conversion has been included in Delphi; in addition, if a programmer conversion. H file is simple work If you can't do it, he (she) may not do what is like development. A volunteer organization ( has also done a lot of work in this regard, with almost all useful C / C libraries on their site. Object pascal translation. (PS: Delphi / C Builder Why can't you buy a MSDN? After all, we are still using M $ operating system, you will not even connect Windows technical information) (PS: Look at M $ MSDN from MSDN) The technical data is mainly stored in compiled html (.chm), but M $ puts all .CHM in Disc # 1, and puts index files (.chi) separately in DISC # 2. This will not See these files directly from the CD. Either install, or copy the corresponding .chm and .chi. I don't have any technical reason (who knows please tell me) Don't put half .CHM and .chi On a disc, and the other half is placed in the second disk. This at least reflects the dark psychology of some people in M ​​$) (12) International Support VC has included RTL resources in more than a doxy, Delphi Need yourself to do resource localization. Although Franch, German is also included in the ENGLISH resource. : - <

(13) Application Field VC Driven Development (after all, M $ Windows) and some desktop applications (such as game) are used. Delphi more applied in terms of database / multi-layer structure, multimedia and Internet development. (PS: VC is used in game development. I look at the price factor, the game uses a private interface, usually does not involve the database and the Internet (even if the Internet Play is just a simple TCP connection, and this feature is included in DirectPlay ), Expensive Delphi and C Builder displays no advantage. Just $ 79 VC standard version, DirectX SDK (free), OpenGL document (also free), then add a set of MSDNs. For example, Quake, All handwritten C code, even C features rarely use. Orland also recognizes this problem, so release free C compiler)

(14) The price M $ develops the utility is really inexpensive (relatively), but whether it is worthwhile, you can only see what you do. (PS: Don't expect you to buy Toyota can have Ferrari's performance. :-)

(15) Some people think that M $ is constricted, Borland is difficult to confront. I can't see this simple conclusion. M $ has its own problems: legal proceedings, talent loss, resource scatter, four-sided attack (M $ is now connected to the mouse, the keyboard, the joystick, toys are produced). Borland / Inprise concentrates on development tools, medium parts, Visibroker and Application Server, and corporate application / management environments, should be great. Moreover, Borland and M $ are not pure competitive relationships, Borland Development Tools give M $ Windows more than a loss of competing in M ​​$ developing tools. After all, for M $, the development tool only accounts for a few parts of its income, even if it is not engaged in development, it is just a face problem, and M $ is not damaged. M $ is facing a monopoly / improper competition allegation, because of the long-term infringing of intellectual property, it will compensate for Borland's $ 100 billion (called "authorization fee"), which can also be seen as a reconciliation. Another common argument is "M $ product market share, can Borland live?", This actually has many problems. Given that M $ is out of competition, often falsely numbers, affecting the market (M $ lawyer admits M $ exaggerates the market share of its IE and Office); M $ ourselves have propaganda's market possession The rate is also worthy of doubt. M $ also has a problem of repeating calculations, such as selling a set of Visual Studio, calculating the sales quantity of VB, VC, VJ, etc. In fact, many people / company buy Visual Studio only one of them. In fact, the sales volume of Borland products is still very large, especially in Europe, North America and Australia, in Asia ... (because D version is too much). In addition, each company has its own product / market positioning, you can say Ferrari, Macraaren, Benz can't be sold because of Toyota, Ford, Volkswagen to say Ferrari, Macrareen, benz can't work? 4. Conclusion Delphi (in fact, Borland products should be said) is technically advantageous, and VC (in fact, M $ product should be said) also has a considerable market share. (PS: Half a day is equal to not saying.: -) (PS: M $ C # (Read C Sharp) Can you make a breakthrough? I can't see it. Because M $ products usually do not meet the performance of the propaganda; and one It is difficult for products that do not comply with standards (C # is not compatible with any language standard, although allegedly allegedly closer C) is difficult to succeed. J is an example)

5. Attachment: The story I know (1) Bill Gates In 1979, TIM PATERSON wrote the original DOS and sold to Digital Reserch with $ 1000. At that time, Apple's Apple i and Apple II were very well, so IBM also decided to engage in PC in 1980. After Bill Gates, he thought it was a chance to buy DOS from Digital Reserch, and forced people in a small black house without air conditioning. M $ is a small company, only more than a dozen people, called Micro-Soft. So although the price of DOS ($ 20000 plus $ 30 authorization fee) is cheaper than CP / M-86 (referring to the INTEL8086 / 8088 version, it is not an annual) price ($ 100000 plus $ 70 authorized fee) is quaternuous, IBM The person still tends to use CP / M-86. According to the author of Bill Gates 'Secrets, the author of Bill Gates' Secrets said that BILL is anxious to turn, and he has to help his mother. Bill's mother, the principal of Washington, the IBM chairman John Opal at the time is a college classmate (it is said to ...). This trick is really effective. It didn't take the IBM orders, and from this DOS became the preferred operating system on IBM PC. (2) Borland's name and history Borland sounds not like a company's name, like a country's name. In 1982, Philippe Kahn took $ 3,000 from Paris to the United States, and there was no number of tickets for ticket money. He had to live in the garage of the rents. Kahn took a while in Silicon Valley and took a company in Mit (Market In Time, the same as the abbreviation from MIT). In 1983, Kahn and Anders Hejlsberg collaborated with Turbo Pascal, and credited a color page advertisement in the "News Weekly". Turbo Pascal is a milestone product in the PC development tool, which shortens the compilation time from the division to seconds, and its $ 49 price is also recorded at the time (a compiler at the time), thousands of dollars, It is also a cheaper, there is a hundred dollars, it is not easy to use). Turbo Pascal sold more than 1.3 million sets in less than two years (considering the number of PCs at the time, this is a very amazing number), Borland founded again. Kahn explained why it was named when Borland named "We have to start a different name, and other companies are called this micro, and that Soft is". " However, it is believed that this name is related to certain places of Germany or Nordic (Kahn's father is a German, and many of Borland's developers are Nordic people).

(3) Anders Hejlsberg why I went to M $ 1996, Anders Hejlsberg left Borland to M $. Prior to this, M $ had tried to dig away Anders many times, but they did not succeed. It is believed that Anders go to M $ (main) is not a problem, although the price of M $ is also quite attractive: $ 1.3 million annual salary plus stock options and dividends, totaling more than $ 3 million. The main reason is that other members of Anders and Delphi development groups have a dispute on the issue of modifying the compiler; as well, according to the inside of Borland, Anders believes that they are no longer "indispensable person." Although Anders Hejlsberg went to M $, I still respect him is a genius, the main author of Turbo Pascal, the founder of Delphi. (PS: Anders is not in J group in early 1999, and to do COM development. The person who is in M ​​$) (4) Secret of M $ Product <1> MSC is originally authorized from AT & T; <2> The VB's 1, 2, 3 is actually not developed, but Cooper Software developed. John Cooper did not be reused when M is, after leaving M, spend money, please develop products, really a little black humorous taste; <3> MS SQL Server originally bought SYBASE products, 6.5 previous MS SQL Server and Sybase is just a matter; <4> The main technical person in charge of Windows 95 (I don't remember the name, but I may still find the article on Dejanews ( In 1990, Jumping to M from Borland to M in 1990 $, But he has left M $ in 1998, opened his own company; <5> The entire development group of Windows NT is dug from DEC, which is the person who did DEC VMS before. Therefore, there are many traces of VMS on the Win32 platform, such as the COFF target file format.

(5) What is .NET, Bill Gates, I don't know, please see the interview with Bill Gates: Reporter: Now, the market is still confused .NET. What is the essence of .NET? Gates: .NET is our ideas for the next generation of Internet. ... Lifting a simple example, .net not only allows you to view your favorite baseball team, but also further use this time schedule. (??? What is "further use"? Why don't you say? Is it now "further use"?)

6. Note: This article is completely written by the author himself, all technical data mentioned in this article is verified or indicated by himself or indicated, please keep intact when reprint.

Best regards

Herman Wolfenswicz

Comment on this article Superfir (2000-12-11 18:34:38)

Good! I am a rookie! But I am also ready to learn VC6. hit me!

LiXiaolei (2000-12-6 13:31:34)

[] Why do I progress?

Yunn (2000-12-1 22:15:29)

I agree that the author's opinion is also used for a long time. The feeling of VC is that there is no Delphi, saying, the tool is the tool, just see what you are suitable.

GUXL (2000-12-1 15:50:17) VC & Delphi is just a tool

Of course, the tools should also be used, and the time to train people to the trainer to adapt to tools.

Dogbear2000 (2000-12-1 11:41:08)

I really like your article, if reproduced, do you need to pay?

R3000 (2000-12-1 10:38:24)

I am tribute to you, saying very well, but there is a fact that Delphi is really stronger than VC, but VCL is indeed stronger than MFC, but most commercial software is still using VC development, and There are many simply developed by API, so a so-called advanced technology, such as C , such as object-oriented, does not mean that the development is advanced, may just be fashionable.

So I said, or not, it is two things. Delphi may be rock and roll, VB may be popular, VC may be serious music, can't deny any one because of personal and evil.

I often listen to beginners asking: What kind of development tool is better? My answer is: I am not in the tool, people don't do good health!


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