JGuru: EXERCISES: Enterprise Javabeans Technology Fundamentals

zhaozj2021-02-16  135

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By Welcome to the jGuru exercises for the Enterprise JavaBeans Technology Fundamentals short course. These exercises demonstrate how to use Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) application servers, as well as how to design, implement, and deploy Enterprise JavaBeans technology-based solutions. The exercises include stand-alone clients that create, remove, and use existing server-resident beans. When you finish these exercises, you will know the basic steps for designing, compiling, and deploying Enterprise JavaBeans technology-based servers and clients. About exercises A jGuru exercise is a flexible exercise that provides varying levels of help according to the student's needs some students may complete the exercise using only the information and the task list in the exercise body;. some may want a few hints (Help); while others may want a Step-by-step guide to successful completion (solution). Since Complete Solutions Are Provided In Addition To Help, StudentS Can Skip An Exercise and Still be able to complete later exercises that required the skipped one (s). The Anatomy of an Exercise Each exercise includes a list of any prerequisite exercises, a list of skeleton code for you to start with, links to necessary API pages, and a text Description of the Exercise's Education, Buttons Link You To The Following Information:

Help: Gives you help or hints on the current exercise, an annotated solution For ease of use, the task information is duplicated on the help page with the actual help information indented beneath it Solution:.. The tag and Java source resulting in the expected behavior API Documentation:. A link directly to any necessary online API documentation Exercise Design Goals There are three fundamental exercise types that you may encounter:. "Blank screen"

You are confronted with a "blank screen" and you create the entire desired functionality yourself.


You Extend The FunctionAlity of An EXISTING, CORRECTLY-WORKING Program.


You REPAIR Undesirable Behavior in an existing program.

To make learning easier, exercises, where possible, address only the specific technique being taught in that exercise. Irrelevant, unrelated, and overly complex materials are avoided. Where possible, exercises execute using on the web. However, exercises that must access Java features Or Library Elements That CALD CAUSE SECURITY VIOLATIONS Are Not Executed on The Web. Enterprise JavaBeans Technology Fundamentals Exercises

Installing and Configuring Sun's J2EE Reference Implementation This exercise steps you through the process of downloading and installing the J2EE Reference Implemetation application server on your machine This application server will be used in the subsequent exercises Educational goal (s)..:

Install Sun's J2EE RI application server Configure your machine properly for compiling and deploying EJBs Creating an Entity Bean In this exercise you will implement the MusicCD entity bean Educational goal (s).:

Learn how to write an entity bean with container-managed persistence To become familiar with Enterprise JavaBean component development and with deployment environments Creating a Stateless Session Bean In this exercise you will implement the Inventory session bean Educational goal (s):. Learn how to define and implement a stateless session bean To become familiar with Enterprise JavaBean component development and with deployment environments To become familiar with enterprise beans that employ other enterprise beans in the same middle-tier EJB server environment Deploying Enterprise Beans in Sun's J2EE Reference Implementation This exercise takes you THROUGH The Process of Deploying The Musiccd Entity Bean and Inventory Session Bean Into The Reference Implence CONTAINER. Educational Goal (s):

Learn how to deploy enterprise beans in the J2EE Reference Implementation Setting up the Database This exercise creates and fills a database table for use in the following exercise. It includes a pre-built Cloudscape database, as well as programs for building and filling the needed table USING Any Vendor's Database. Educational Goal (S):

To set up the data necessary for the laboratory sessions Creating EJB Clients In this exercise, you will write client applications which test the deployment and functionality of the entity and session beans you wrote in previous exercises Educational goal (s).:

Write an application That Uses a session bean write an application That Uses an entity bean copyright 1996-2000 jguru.com. All Rights Reserved.


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