HP-UX learning notes

zhaozj2021-02-16  111

1. Set the full path in front of the prompt

Edit in / usr / lt / under .profile

Increase the following two lines

PS1 = '$ {PWD}> EXPORT PS1

If you want to support the input in Chinese

Add a line

Stty -istrip -Parity CS8

2. Execute .profile

/ usr / lu>. .profile Configuring Apache on the HP-UX platform to pay attention to questions

Apache is configured on the HP-UX platform and different on other platforms. You need to set up users and groups, and pay attention to the following paragraphs in httpd.conf:


# If you wish httpd to run as a different user or group, you must run

# httpd as root initially and it will switch.


# User / group: The name (or #Number) of the user / group to run httpd as.

#. On sco (odt 3) Use "user Nouser" and "group nogroup".

#. On HPUX You May Not Be Able To Use Shared Memory As Nody, And The

# SuggeSted ​​Workaround Is To create a user www and use..

# Note That Some Kernels Refuse To Setgid (Group) Or SemCTL (IPC_SET)

#Hen the value of (unsigned) Group is Above 60000;

# Don't use group # -1 on these systems!


User Nobody

GROUP # -1

It is necessary to modify the user / group to the actual user and the group name where the user is located. For example: User wwwgroup ost

Otherwise, Apache will not be able to start normally. 4. Add / usr / local / bin to join the path environment variable, join / etc / path

Installing Apache and MySQL and PHP on HP-UX Download Mysql-Max-4.0.20-HP-HPUX11.11-HPPA2.0W-64bit.Tar.gzhttpd-2.0.50.tar.gzphp-4.3. 8.Tar.gz first decompressed Gzip -d * gz release TAR file TAR XVF * TAR enters HTTPD-2.0.50 and php-4.3.8./configuremakemake install Note in httpd.conf there is a place #. On HPUX you may not be able to use shared memory as nobody, and the # suggested workaround is to create a user www and use that user. # NOTE that some kernels refuse to setgid (Group) or semctl (IPC_SET) # when the value of ( Unsigned) Group is Above 60000; # don't use group # -1 on these systems! # To change to the following USER WWGROUP Other HTTPD Can't start httpd -k start Note We don't have a module to compile PHP must be in httpd.conf Join Scriptalias / PHP / "/ USR / local / bin /" AddType Application / X-httpd-php .php .phtml action application / x-httpd-php "/ php / php" Notice if PHP can identify .php file The properties of the .php file must be changed to chmod 755 * .php Enter mysql-max-4.0.20-HP-HPUX11.11-HPPA2.0W-64bit to do in install-binary

Shell> GroupAdd MySQL Shell> UserAdd -g mysql mysql shell> cd / usr / local shell> gunzip ln -s full-path-to -mysql-version-os mysql shell> cd mysql shell> scripts / mysql_install_db --user = mysql shell> chown -r root. shell> chn-r mysql data shell> chgrp -r mysql. shell> bin / mysqld_safe --user = mysql &

Pay attention to the mysql-max-4.0.20-hp-hpux11.11-hppa2.0w-64bit directory directly MV / usr / local, don't do the fourth line

A useful order If you built a directory name containing "!", The usual CP cannot be copied can be so find. -INum 1324 - Exec Cp -R {} Disczu


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