[Repost]: Recommend some good websites and documents to learn XML! If DOTNET is another revolution in the web, then XML is the p

zhaozj2021-02-16  128

http://www.mscenter.edu.cn/forum/xml/board/xml/xmlall/parse/2003-11-10 08-47-44-3.Xml?temp=0.496797553960605 Topic: Recommend some learning XML Good website and documentation! If DOTNET is another revolution in the web, then XML is the power of this revolution! Score: 0 Author: mercuryking (moderator)

I. The XML's large-scale XML is responsible for developing and developing standards by the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) International organization. About XML is the most authoritative, the latest news is from W3C. The URL is: http://w3c.org/xml/ Another pre-famous SGML research organization named OASIS is also promoting XML development, the URL is: http://www.oasis-open.org/ II. XML guide http://www.w3.org/tr/REC-XML W3C About the XML specification detailed, complete instructions. Don't say more, absolutely authority. http://www.xml.com/axml/testaxml.htm This is the XML specification manual written by TIM BARY, very detailed and strict, is a good helper to learn XML specification.

III. XML FAQ's XML FAQ http://www.ucc.ie/xml/ contains a lot of detailed information, frequently updated, maintained by the W3C Association XML group maintenance. Lisa Rein's FinetUning XML FAQS http://www.finetuning.com/faq.html This FAQ list has a side focus, mainly including XSLT FAQ, XPath FAQ, and IE5 XSL FAQ. Dave Pawson's XSL FAQ http://www.dpawson.co.uk/xsl/idx.html provides the best FAQ on XSL, founded in 1999. JGuru's Extensible Markup Language (XML) FAQ http://www.jguru.com/jguru/faq/faqpage.jsp?name=xml This FAQ list is a typical "old hundred", any problem, from ordinary to very Details of XML problems can be found here. Ronald Bourret's XML Namespaces FAQ http://www.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/dvs1/staff/bourret/xml/namespacesfaq.htm is created in 2000, which is the FAQ for the Namespaces profile.

IV. XML Theme Website http://www.xml.com/ A rich website with XML-theme http://www.xml-zone.com/ Another well-known XML website provides XML news and News. Http://www.xmlinfo.com/ Website Created by James Tauber's is one of the members of the W3C organization XML development group, and his website provides a lot of connection and examples. Http://www.simonstl.com/ Website Created by SIMON St. Laurent is also a member of the XML development group. He is the author of XML primary entry tutorial in W3C, and his site mainly provides information about XML. http://msdn.microsoft.com/xml/c-frame.htm#/xml/default.asp Microsoft's MSDN About XML's topic website. Microsoft has spared no effort in promoting XML applications. Http://www.xmlsoftware.com/ is the sister website of XML INFO, including XML / DTD / XSL editing software, XML API software, etc. Http://xmlhack.com/ The large XML news site established in September 1999, and provides XML talent information. Http://xml.apache.org/ Apache Software Foundation (ASF) provides a large number of Open Source XML and XSL tool software. http://www.biztalk.org/ BizTalk is a Microsoft's organization that targets XML commercial applications. BizTalk is not a standard organization. V. XML editing software The editing software of the XML document is still very small. Although we can write it manually, if there is a good software (similar to writing HTML with DW / FP), you can reduce errors and improve efficiency. Here is some of the existing editing software. Http://www.macromedia.com/software/dreamweaver/ Macromedia The latest Dreamweaver 4.0 has supported the writing of XML documents. Recommended Use. http://www.microsoft.com/xml/notepad/intro.asp Microsoft is not backward in this area, and its XML NotePad is a very small and flexible XML document editor. Recommended Use. http://www.adobe.com/prodindex/framemaker/prodinfosgml.html Adobe's FrameMaker Plus is currently better XML editing software. Http://www.arbortext.com/ Arbortext is a company that focuses on the development of XML games. Http://www.inso.com/ INSO, as if it is used to handle large SGML or XML documents. http://www.softquad.com/ Softquad is the developer of HTML and SGML software, which will not be released naturally to XML.

6. Support XML browser http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/ IE 5.x is the only popular browser to support XML, it can be downloaded free of charge in Microsoft's website. http://developer.netscape.com/software/communicator/ngl/index.html?cp=dev09fg01 Gecko is another browser that supports XML, but is just a beta version.

7. XML Parser Parser is a software that checks whether the XML document syntax complies with DTD definitions and parsed.

Online Parser http://validator.w3.org/ W3C organizations are available online. You can verify and find out the XML document URL submitted online. http://www.stg.brown.edu/service/xmlvalid/ A Brown University Technical Team provides Parser, which is very convenient and easy to understand. . Downloadable Parser has a lot of Parser, which can be downloaded to this machine, list some of the main: http://www.jclark.com/xml/expat.html James CLARK is the endow in the SGML / XML field, he Written Parser is widely used. Http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/xml A Parser written in Java language from IBM. http://www.microsoft.com/xml/parser/cparser.asp Microsoft XML Parser, written with C . Http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=0CDD34BF-50EA-4238-846B-243C58FF224A&DisPlayLANG=EN

Parser written with Python. http://www.jeremie.com/dev/xml/ Write the Parser written by JavaScript, only to check the syntax, not to solve the solution. http://w3c.org/rdf/implementations/sirpac/

Sirpac from W3C, full name is Simple Rdf Parser and Compiler.

Eight. Schema Editing Software Schema We have introduced, DTD is a kind of schema, we can write DTD manually, but now there are some Schema editing software to help we build DTD more convenient. Http://www.extensibility.com/ Extensibility This software is called XML authority. SCHEMA can be established and edited in a graphical manner, including DTD files.

Nine. Domestic XML resources http://www.xml.net.cn/ XML China Forum is a non-profit academic website. It is founded by Peking University Computer Science and Technology, and Northern Dasheng Group has sponsored. Http://www.xml.org.cn:8188 China XML Alliance will be established to China's first open network standard organization, providing XML technical certification, consulting and communication. Sponsored by Shanghai Yi Found. Http://www.xml.com.cn/Cn/Chinaasp.com's sub-station, providing XML articles and technical exchanges. Http://www.egroups.com/group/china_xml_list/info.html China XML mailing group includes Chinese XML resources, XML's latest information, peers of communication space. The China XML Alliance is responsible for maintenance by non-profit organization. http://weblab.crema.Unimi.it/xmlzh/xml_faq.htm


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