J2ME development environment configuration (JBUILDER)

zhaozj2021-02-16  100

One. J2ME configuration

1. Install JBuilder9.0, JBuilder9.0 itself comes with J2ME SDK, no need to install mobileSet (Note: If it is a version of JBuilder9.0, MobileSet 3.01)

2. Use as follows:

(1) Click File-> New Project, create a new empty Project

(2) Click Project-> Project Properties, in the PATH tab, modify the JDK settings to J2ME Wireless Toolkit



(3) Click File-> New, select the Micro tab, select the MIDP MIDET

3. Install the J2ME SDK of other mobile phone manufacturers to NOKIA 7210:

(1) Assume that the installation path is D: / nokia / devices / nokia_7210_midp_sdk_v1_0

Click Tools -> Configure JDKS-> New, find the installation path of the Nokia 7210 JDK,

Enter the name of JDK in the input box in Name for This JDK

(2). Click Project-> Project Properties, in the PATH tab, modify the setting of JDK to Nokia_7210

(3). Click File-> New, select the Micro tab, select the MIDP MIDLET

4. Select the simulator (J2ME Wireless Toolkit



(1) Click Run-> Configurations, in the RUN tab, click New

(2). In the Runtime Configuration Properties window, in the RUN tab, modify Type as a MIDlet type

(3). Select Main Class for your J2ME application's MIDlet class

(4). Select the simulator you want to use in Emulator Device

For the first time, please, please, please refer to anything wrong. Thank you.


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