
zhaozj2021-02-16  108

1. Preparation: Check if there is a writable directory: SQL> show parameter UTL

Name Type Value --------------------------------- --------------------- UTL_FILE_DIR STRING

It can be seen that the current parameter file does not specify a writable directory, you need to shutddown Immediate Database, then add the UTL_FILE_DIR = 'c: / temp' parameter in the parameter file, this parameter is a static parameter, so you must turn off the database for modification, if Use the alter system set command to make an error: SQL> ALTER system set UTL_FILE_DIR = 'c: / temp'; alter system set utl_file_dir = 'c: / temp' * error is in Chapter 1: ORA-02095: Unable to modify the designated Initialization parameters

After modifying the parameter file, use Startup Pfile = '% Oracle_home / pfile / init.ora' to launch the database, then start the database in order to start according to the default mode, ie STARTUP, you need to modify the spfile file: create spfile from pfile = '% Oracle_home /pfile/init.ora '; usually need to be a spfile backup: create spfile ='% oracle_home / pfile / spinit.ora '; from pfile ='% oracle_home / pfile / init.ora '; now modify it now It can be seen by the following search: SQL> Show parameter UTL

Name Type Value --------------------------------- ----------------------------- UTL_FILE_DIR STRING C: / TEMPSQL> Show Parameter SPFile

Name Type Value --------------------------------- -------------------------------- SPFILE STRING% Oracle_Home% / Database / SPFILE% ORACLE_SID%. ORA

Below, if you log in with SYS users, check if there is a package below: SQL> DESC SYS.DBMS_LOGMNR_DELEMENT TYPE ------------------------- store_in_flat_file Constant store_indo_logs constant build procedure set_tablespace procedure seems to be existing, generally default installation will have, huh, if not, you need to run $ oracle_home / rdbms / admin / dbmslmd.sql


SQL> It seems that it will exist, generally the default installation will have, huh, if not, you need to run $ oracle_home / rdbms / admin / dbmslm.sql

Then, extract the data dictionary directly to a specified planar file: SQL> EXEC DBMS_LOGMNR_D.BUILD ('data_dicitonary.ora', 'c: / temp', options => dbms_logmnr_d.store_in_flat_file);

PL / SQL Procedure SuccessFully Completed


If not a SYS user, you need to display a user who uses LogMiner to grant a permissions and a role: SQL> Grant Execute on sys.dbms_logmnr to lunar; authorized success.

SQL> Grant Execute_catalog_role to lunar;

Authorized success.


SQL> Conn Lunar / Lunarconnected to Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release Connected As Lunar

SQL> Show useruser is "lunar"

SQL> EXEC SYS.DBMS_LOGMNR_D.BUILD ('data_dicitonary_lunar.ora', 'c: / temp', options => sys.dbms_logmnr_d.store_in_flat_file);

PL / SQL Procedure SuccessFully Completed


Ok, you can analyze it now.

2. Creating an Analysis Log List To create a available re-analyzer day, you need to run dbms_logmnr.add_logfile: sql> execute sys.dbms_logmnr.add_logfile (logfilename => 'E: /oraclename =>' e: /oraclename => ' ', options => sys.dbms_logmnr.new);

PL / SQL Procedure SuccessFully Completed


Test the following, huh, huh: f: /> SQLPlus / NOLOG

SQL * Plus: Release - Production on Sunday December 29 17:14:58 2002

CopyRight (C) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

SQL> Conn Lunar / Lunar is connected. SQL> SELECT * from Tab;

TNAME TABTYPE ClusterID ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Test Table


Logondate UserName -------------------------------------- Aaaaasql> ALTER TABLE TEST Modify logondate varcha2 (30);

The table has been changed.

SQL> INSERT INTO TEST VALUES 2 (To_Char (Sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24: MM: SS'), 'Lunar');

It has created a row.

SQL> commit;



Logondate Username -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ Aaaaa2002-12-29 17:12:12 Lunar


Let's change these changes to these changes, huh, huh (you must log in with sys): SQL> ALTER SYSTEM ARCHIVE LOG CURRENT; the system has changed.

SQL> Conn Lunar / Lunar As Sysdba is connected. SQL> Show useruser is "sys" sql> archive log list database log mode archive mode Auto archive enable archive terminal E: / Oracle / Admin / Test / Arch The earliest Log Sequence 4 Next Archive Log Sequence 5 Current log sequence 5sql> Now, I have just filed days to 4, add the days to 4 to the log analysis list: SQL> Conn Lunar / Lunarconnected to Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release Connected As Lunar

SQL> Show useruser is "lunar"

SQL> SQL> execute sys.dbms_logmnr.add_logfile (logfilename => 'e: /oracle/admin/test/arch/arch4.arc');

PL / SQL Procedure SuccessFully Completed


Check the following, see if it is just two days in the list of log analysis, SQL> SELECT * FROM V $ logmnr_logs;

LOG_ID FILENAME LOW_TIME HIGH_TIME DB_ID DB_NAME RESET_SCN RESET_SCN_TIME THREAD_ID THREAD_SQN LOW_SCN NEXT_SCN DICTIONARY_BEGIN DICTIONARY_END INFO STATUS ---------- ------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- -------------------------------------- ---------------------- ---------- 2 E: /oracle/admin/test/arch/arch2.arc 2002-12 -26 2002-12-29 168338 2002-12-26 22: 1 2 114529 134735 NO NO 8 4 E: /oracle/admin/test/arch/arch4.arc 2002-12-29 2002-12-29 1683316539 TEST 94238 2002-12-26 22: 1 4 142746 142965 NO NO 8SQL>

3. Start analysis Day to first set the date time format: SQL> ALTER SESSION SET NLS_DATE_FORMAT = 'YYYY-MM-DD: HH24: MI: SS;'

Session altered


SQL> execute sys.dbms_logmnr.start_logmnr (DictFileName => 'C: /TEMP/Data_dicitonary_lunar.ora');

PL / SQL Procedure SuccessFully Completed


Now, you can query the V $ logmnr_contents data dictionary and analyze the database system. SQL> DESC V $ logmnr_contents

TimeStamp = SQL Statement execution time username = User seg_name = SQL Statement refer to the segment name Operation = SQL instruction type (start, commit, insert, delete, update, internal) scn = SQL Statement execution SPN (System Change Number) SQL_REDO = SQL Statement SQL_UNDO = Relative to SQL_REDO's reverse SQL Statement (generated by Oracle) can use this following statement to determine anyone: select to_char (TimeStamp, 'YYYY-MM -DD ​​HH24: MM: SS '), OPERATION, SQL_REDO from V $ logmnr_contents where username =' lunar ';

Such as: SQL> SELECT TO_CHAR (TimeStamp, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24: MM: SS'), 2 Operation, 3 SQL_REDO 4 from v $ logmnr_contents 5 where username = 'lunar';

TO_CHAR (TimeStamp, 'YYYY-MM-DDH Operation SQL_REDO ------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---- 2002-12-29 17:12:34 Start Set Transaction Read Write; 2002-12-29 17:12:34 Unsupported unsupported2002-12-29 17:12:35 commit commit; 2002-12-29 17:12:35 : 12: 31 Start Set Transaction Read Write; 2002-12-29 17:12:31 delete delete from "sys". "IDL_UB1 $" Where "obj #" = '6337' and "part" = '0' and " Version2002-12-29 17:12:31 Internal 2002-12-29 17:12:31 delete delete from "sys". "IDL_CHAR $" Where "obj #" = '6337' and "part" = '0' AND "VERSIO2002-12-29 17:12:31 Internal 2002-12-29 17:12:31 delete Delete from "sys". "IDL_UB2 $" Where "obj #" = '6337' and "part" = '0' and "Version2002-12-29 17:12:31 Internal 2002-12-29 17:12:31 Delete delete from "sys". "IDL_UB2 $" Where "obj #" = '6337' and "part" = '0' and "Version2002-12-29 17:12:31 Internal 2002-12-29 17:12: 31 delete delete from "sys". "IDL_SB4 $" Where "obj #"

= '6337' and "part" = '0' and "Version2002-12-29 17:12:31 Internal 2002-12-29 17:12:31 delete delete from" sys "." IDL_SB4 $ "Where" obj # "= '6337' and" part "= '0' and" Version2002-12-29 17:12:31 Internal 2002-12-29 17:12:31 DDL ALTER TABLE TEST Modify Logondate Varchar2 (30); 2002-12 -29 17:12:31 Update update "SYS". "Tab $" set "DataObj #" = '6337', "TS #" = '6', "File #" = '6', "Block # 2002- 12-29 17:12:31 Update update "sys". "COL $" set "col #" = '1', "segcol #" = '1', "segcollength" = '30', "T2002-12- 29 17:12:31 Update update "sys". "Obj $" set "obj #" = '6337', "DataObj #" = '6337', "Type #" = '2', "CT

TO_CHAR (TimeStamp, 'YYYY-MM-DDH Operation SQL_REDO ------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---- 2002-12-29 17:12:31 Commit Commital; 2002-12-29 17:12:12. 2002-12-29 17:12:12 INSERT INTO "Lunar". "Test", "UserName") Values ​​(to_date ('5052-48-50: 42002-12-29 17:12:16 Commit Commital; 24 Rows SELECTED


In combination with SQL_REDO and UserName domains who are doing anything. SQL> SELECT SQL_REDO, SQL_UNDO from V $ logMnR_Contents;

SQL_REDO SQL_UNDO ------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ SET Transaction Read Write; Update "SYS". "undo $" set "name" = '_syssmu1 $', "user #" = '1', "file #" = '2', "BL Update" SYS "." Undo $ "set" name "= '_syssmu1 $'," user # "= '1'," file # "= '2'," blcommit; set Transaction Read Write Update "sys". "Undo $" set "name" = '_syssmu2 $', "user #" = '1', "file #" = '2', "BL Update" SYS "." Undo $ "set "Name" = '_SYSSMU2 $', "user #" = '1', "file #" = '2', "blcommit; set transaction read write; Update" SYS "." Undo $ "SE t "name" = '_syssmu3 $', "user #" = '1', "File #" = '2', "BL Update" SYS "." undo $ "set" name "= '_syssmu3 $'," User # "= '1'," File # "= '2'," Blcommit; Set Transaction Read Write

Update "sys". "Undo $" set "name" = '_syssmu4 $', "user #" = '1', "file #" = '2', "BL Update" SYS "." undo $ "set" Name "= '_SYSSMU4 $'," user # "= '1'," file # "= '2'," blcommit; set transaction read write; Update "sys". "Undo $" set "name" = '_syssmu5 $ ', "User #" =' 1 ', "File #" =' 2 ', "BL Update" SYS "." Undo $ "set" name "=' _syssmu5 $", "user #" = '1' , "File #" = '2', "blcommit; set transaction read write; update" sys "." Undo $ "set" name "= '_syssmu6 $'," user # "= '1'," file # " = '2', "SES". "Undo $" set "name" = '_syssmu6 $', "user #" = '1', "file #" = '2', "blcommit; set transaction read Write; Update "SYS". "undo $" set "name" = '_SYSSMU7 $', "User #" = '1', "File #" = '2', "BL Update" SYS "." Undo $ "set" name "= '_syssmu7 $"

, "User #" = '1', "File #" = '2', "BL

SQL_REDO SQL_UNDO ------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ Commit; set transaction read write; Update "sys". "undo $" set "name" = '_syssmu8 $', "user #" = '1', "File # "= '2'," BL Update "SYS". "Undo $" set "name" = '_syssmu8 $', "user #" = '1', "file #" = '2', "blcommit; set transaction Read write; Update "SYS". "Undo $" set "name" = '_syssmu9 $', "user #" = '1', "File #" = '2', "BL Update" SYS "." undo $ "SET" name "= '_syssmu9 $'," user # "= '1'," file # "= '2'," blcommit; set Transaction Read WR ITE; Update "sys". "undo $" set "name" = '_syssmu10 $', "user #" = '1', "file #" = '2', "B Update" sys "." undo $ " Set "name" = '_syssmu10 $', "user #" = '1', "File #" = '2', "bCommit;

Set Transaction Read Write; Update "SES". "Undo $" set "name" = '_syssmu1 $', "user #" = '1', "file #" = '2', "BL Update" SYS "." Undo $ "set" name "= '_syssmu1 $'," user # "= '1'," file # "= '2'," blcommit; set transaction read write; Update "SES". "Undo $" set " Name "= '_SYSSMU1 $'," user # "= '1'," file # "= '2'," BL Update "sys". "Undo $" set "name" = '_syssmu1 $', "User # "= '1'," File # "= '2'," BLCommit; set transaction read write; update "sys". "Undo $" set "name" = '_syssmu2 $', "user #" = '1' "File #" = '2', "BL Update" SYS "." Undo $ "set" name "= '_syssmu2 $'," user # "= '1'," file # "= '2'," BLCommit; set transaction read write; Update "SYS". "Undo $" set "name" = '_syssmu2 $ "," user # "=' 1 '," file # "='

2 ', "BL Update" SYS "." Undo $ "set" name "=' _syssmu2 $ '," user # "=' 1 '," file # "=' 2 '," BL

SQL_REDO SQL_UNDO ------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ Commit; set transaction read write; update "sys". "undo $" set "name" = '_syssmu3 $', "user #" = '1', "file # "= '2'," BL Update "SYS". "Undo $" set "name" = '_syssmu3 $', "user #" = '1', "file #" = '2', "blcommit; set transaction Read Write; Undo $ "set" name "= '_syssmu3 $'," user # "= '1'," file # "= '2'," BL Update "SYS". "undo $ "SET" name "= '_sysSmu3 $'," user # "= '1'," file # "= '2'," blcommit; set Transaction Read WR ITE; Update "sys". "undo $" set "name" = '_sysusmu4 $', "user #" = '1', "file #" = '2', "BL Update" SYS "." undo $ " SET "name" = '_syssmu4 $', "user #" = '1', "file #" = '2', "blcommit;

Set Transaction Read Write; Update "SYS". "Undo $" set "name" = '_syssmu4 $', "user #" = '1', "file #" = '2', "BL Update" SYS "." Undo $ "set" name "= '_syssmu4 $'," user # "= '1'," file # "= '2'," blcommit; set transaction read write; Update "SES". "Undo $" set " Name "= '_syssmu5 $'," user # "= '1'," file # "= '2'," bl Update "sys". "Undo $" set "name" = '_syssmu5 $', "User # "= '1'," File # "= '2'," blcommit; set transaction read write; Update "sys". "Undo $" set "name" = '_syssmu5 $ "," user # "=' 1 ' "File #" = '2', "BL Update" SYS "." Undo $ "set" name "= '_syssmu5 $'," user # "= '1'," file # "= '2'," BLCommit; set transaction read write; Update "SYS". "Undo $" set "name" = '_syssmu6 $ "," user # "=' 1 '," file # "='

2 ', "BL Update" SYS "." Undo $ "set" name "=' _syssmu6 $ '," user # "=' 1 '," file # "=' 2 '," BL

SQL_REDO SQL_UNDO ------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ Commit; set transaction read write; Update "sys". "undo $" set "name" = '_syssmu6 $', "user #" = '1', "file # "= '2'," BL Update "SYS". "Undo $" set "name" = '_syssmu6 $', "user #" = '1', "file #" = '2', "blcommit; set transaction Read write; "undo $" set "name" = '_syssmu7 $', "user #" = '1', "file #" = '2', "BL Update" SYS "." Undo $ "SET" name "= '_syssmu7 $'," user # "= '1'," file # "= '2'," blcommit; set Transaction Read WR ITE; Update "SYS". "undo $" set "name" = '_syssmu7 $', "user #" = '1', "file #" = '2', "BL Update" sys "." undo $ " SET "name" = '_syssmu7 $', "user #" = '1', "file #" = '2', "blcommit;

Set Transaction Read Write; Update "SYS". "Undo $" set "name" = '_syssmu8 $', "user #" = '1', "file #" = '2', "BL Update" SYS "." Undo $ "set" name "= '_syssmu8 $'," user # "= '1'," file # "= '2'," blcommit; set transaction read write; Update "SES". "Undo $" set " Name "= '_SYSSMU8 $'," user # "= '1'," file # "= '2'," BL Update "sys". "Undo $" set "name" = '_syssmu8 $', "User # "= '1'," File # "= '2'," blcommit; set transaction read write; Update "sys". "Undo $" set "name" = '_syssmu9 $', "user #" = '1' "File #" = '2', "bl update" sys "." Undo $ "set" name "= '_syssmu9 $'," user # "= '1'," file # "= '2'," BLCommit; set transaction read write; Update "sys". "Undo $" set "name" = '_syssmu9 $', "user #" = '1', "file #" = '

2 ', "BL Update" SYS "." Undo $ "set" name "=' _syssmu9 $ '," user # "=' 1 '," File # "=' 2 '," BL

SQL_REDO SQL_UNDO ------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ Commit; set transaction read write; update "sys". "undo $" set "name" = '_syssmu10 $', "user #" = '1', "file # "= '2'," b Update "sys". "Undo $" set "name" = '_syssmu10 $', "user #" = '1', "file #" = '2', "bcommit; set transaction Read Write; "undo $" set "name" = '_syssmu10 $', "user #" = '1', "File #" = '2', "B Update" sys "." undo $ "SET" name "= '_syssmu10 $'," user # "= '1'," file # "= '2'," bcommit; set Transaction Read WR Ite; unsupported unsupportedCommit; Set Transaction Read Write; Commital; SET Transaction Read Write

COMMIT; SET Transaction Read Write; CommIt; Set Transaction Read Write;

SQL_REDO SQL_UNDO ------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ Commit; set Transaction Read Write; commit; set transaction read write; commit; set transaction ion write; commit; set transaction read Write; Update "SYS". "Lob $" set "ing" = '10800' where "obj #" = '173' AND "INTCOL #" Update "SYS". "Lob $" set "recetention" = '10800' WHERE "obj #" = '173' and "intcol #" Update "sys". "LOB $" set "ing" = '10800' where "obj #" = '178' and "intcol #" Update "SYS". "LOB $" set "ing" = '10800' where "obj #" = '178' and "intcol #" Update "SYS". "Lob $" set "ing" = '10800' where "obj #" =

'230' and "intcol #" Update "SES". "LOB $" set "ing" = '10800' where "obj #" = '230' and "intcol #" Update "SYS". "Lob $" set " Retention "= '10800' where" obj # "= '234' and" intcol # "Update" l "." LOB $ "set" ing "= '10800' where" obj # "= '234' and" Intcol # "Update" sys "." LOB $ "set" ing "= '10800' where" obj # "= '240' and" intcol # "Update" SYS "." LOB $ "set" ing "= '10800' Where "OBJ #" = '240' and "intcol #" Update "in". "LOB $" set "ing" = '10800' where "obj #" = '245' and "intcol #" Update "SYS". " LOB $ "set" ing "= '10800' where" obj # "= '245' and" intcol # "Update" SYS "." Lob $ "set" recultion "= '10800' where" obj # "= '249 'and "intcol #" Update "SYS". "Lob $" set "ing" =' 10800 'where "obj #" =' 249 'and "intcol #" Update "SYS". "LOB $" set "ing" = '10800' WHERE "OBJ #" = '253' and "intcol #" Update "SYS". "Lob $" set "ing" = '10800' where "obj #" = '253' and "intcol #" Update "SYS". "LOB $" set "= '10800' where" obj # "= '264'

And "intcol #" Update "SYS". "Lob $" set "= '10800' where" obj # "= '264' and" intcol # "Update" SYS "." LOB $ "set" recultion "= '10800' Where "obj #" = '321' and "intcol #" Update "SYS". "Lob $" set "ing" = '10800' where "obj #" = '321' and "Intcol #" Update " SYS "." LOB $ "set" = '10800' where "obj #" = '326' and "intcol #" Update "sys". "Lob $" set "= '10800' where" OBJ # "= '326' and" Intcol # "

SQL_REDO SQL_UNDO ------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ Update "SYS". "LOB $" set "ing" = '10800' where "obj #" = '331' AND "INTCOL #" Update "SYS". "LOB $ "set" ing "= '10800' where" obj # "= '331' and" intcol # "Update" sys "." Lob $ "set" recultion "= '10800' where" obj # "= '336' And "intcol #" Update "SES". "Lob $" set "ing" = '10800' where "obj #" = '336' and "intcol #" Update "SES". "LOB $" set "ing" = '10800' WHERE "OBJ #" = '341' AND "INTCOL #" Update "SYS". "Lob $" set "ing" = '10800' where "obj #" = '341' AND "INTCOL #" Update " SYS "." LOB $ "set" ing "= '10800' where" obj # "= '346' and" intcol # "Update" SYS "." Lob $ "set" ing "= '10800' where" Obj # "= '346' and" intcol # "Update" SYS "." LOB $ "set" ing "= '10800' where" obj # "= '460' and" intcol # "Update" SYS "." LOB $ " SET " Retention "= '10800' Where" obj # "= '460' and" intcol # "Update" SYS "." Lob $ "set"

Retention "= '10800' where" obj # "= '463' and" intcol # "update" in "." LOB $ "set" ing "= '10800' where" obj # "= '463' and" Intcol # "Update" SYS "." LOB $ "set" rurmtion "= '10800' where" obj # "= '463' and" intcol # "Update" SYS "." LOB $ "set" ing "= '10800' Where "OBJ #" = '463' and "intcol #" Update "SYS". "Lob $" set "ing" = '10800' where "obj #" = '496' and "Intcol #" Update "SYS". " Lob $ "set" ing "= '10800' where" obj # "= '496' and" intcol # "Update" SYS "." LOB $ "set" ing "= '10800' where" obj # = '507 'and "intcol #" Update "SYS". "LOB $" set "ing" =' 10800 'where "obj #" =' 507 'and "intcol #" Update "SYS". "LOB $" set "ing" = '10800' Where "obj #" = '519' and "intcol #" Update "sys". "Lob $" set "ing" = '10800' where "obj #" = '519' and "intcol #" UPDATE "SYS". "LOB $" set "= '10800' where" obj # "= '555' and" intcol # "Update" SYS "." LOB $ "set" rue "= '10800' where" OBJ # "= '555' AND" INTCOL # "Update" SYS "." Lob $ "Set" Retention "

= '10800' Where "obj #" = '555' and "intcol #" Update "SYS". "Lob $" set "= '10800' where" obj # "= '555' and" intcol # "Update "SYS". "LOB $" set "= '10800' where" obj # "= '555' and" intcol # "Update" SYS "." LOB $ "set" rue "= '10800' where" OBJ # "= '555' and" intcol # "Update" SYS "." LOB $ "set" ing "= '10800' where" obj # "= '2941' and" Intcol # update "sys". "LOB $" SET "RETENTION" = '10800' where "obj #" = '2941' and "intcol # update" sys "." LOB $ "set" ing "= '10800' where" obj # = '2948' and "Intcol # Update "SYS". "Lob $" set "ing" = '10800' where "obj #" = '2948' and "intcol # update" sys "." LOB $ "set" ing "= '10800' where" Obj # "= '3477' and" INTCOL # Update "SYS". "LOB $" set "ing" = '10800' where "obj #" = '3477' and "intcol # update" sys "." LOB $ ". Set "ing" = '10800' where "obj #" = '3517' and "intcol # update" sys "." LOB $ "set" ing "= '10800' where" obj # "= '3517' and" Intcol #update "sys". "LOB $" set "ing" = '10800' where "obj #" =

'3517' and "Intcol # update" sys "." Lob $ "set" ing "= '10800' where" obj # "= '3517' and" intcol # update "sys". "LOB $" set "ing" = '10800' WHERE "OBJ #" = '3637' and "INTCOL # Update" SYS "." LOB $ "set" ing "= '10800' Where" obj # "= '3637' and" intcol # update "SYS "" LOB $ "set" ing "= '10800' where" obj # "= '3803' and" intcol # update "sys". "LOB $" set "recet1" = '10800' where "obj #" = '3803' and "Intcol # update" SYS "." LOB $ "set" ing "= '10800' where" obj # "= '3861' and" intcol # update "sys". "LOB $" set "recultion" = '10800' Where "obj #" = '3861' and "intcol #

SQL_REDO SQL_UNDO ------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ Update "SYS". "LOB $" set "ing" = '10800' where "obj #" = '3871' and "intcol # update" sys "." LOB $ "set" runtion "= '10800' where" obj # "= '3871' and" intcol # update "sys". "LOB $" set "recultion" = '10800' where "obj #" = '3889' and " INTCOL # Update "SYS". "LOB $" set "ing" = '10800' where "obj #" = '3889' and "intcol # update" sys "." LOB $ "set" recetention "= '10800' Where "Obj #" = '3889' and "intcol # update" sys "." LOB $ "set" ing "= '10800' where" obj # "= '3889' and" intcol # update "sys". "LOB $ "SET" RETENTION "= '10800' Where" obj # "= '3889' and" intcol # update "sys". "Lob $" set "recultion" = '10800' where "obj #" = '3889' and " INTCOL # Update "SYS". "LOB $" set "ing" = '10800' where "obj #" = '3898' and "Intcol # update" sys "." Lob $ "set" Retention "= '10800' where" obj # "= '3898' and" intcol # update "sys". "Lob $" set "recultion" = '10800' where "

Obj # "= '3898' and" intcol # update "sys". "LOB $" set "ing" = '10800' where "obj #" = '3898' and "intcol # update" sys "." LOB $ " Set "ing" = '10800' where "obj #" = '3898' and "Intcol # update" sys "." Lob $ "set" recultion "= '10800' where" obj # "= '3898' and" Intcol #update "SYS". "Lob $" set "ing" = '10800' where "obj #" = '4438' and "Intcol # update" sys "." Lob $ "set" recetention "= '10800' Where" Obj # "= '4438' and" intcol # update "sys". "LOB $" set "ing" = '10800' where "obj #" = '4442' and "Intcol # update" sys "." LOB $ ". Set "ing" = '10800' where "obj #" = '4442' and "intcol # update" sys "." Lob $ "set" ing "= '10800' where" obj # "= '4446' and" Intcol # Update "SYS". "Lob $" set "ing" = '10800' where "obj #" = '4446' AND "INTCOL # Update" SYS "." LOB $ "set" ing "= '10800' where" Obj # "= '4450' and" intcol # update "sys". "LOB $" set "ing" = '10800' where "obj #" = '4450' and "Intcol # update" sys "." LOB $ " Set "ing" = '10800' where "obj #" = '5435' and "INTCOL # Update "

SYS "." LOB $ "set" = '10800' where "obj #" = '5435' AND "INTCOL # Update" SYS "." LOB $ "set" ing "= '10800' Where" obj # " = '5448' AND "INTCOL # Update" SYS "." LOB $ "set" ing "= '10800' where" obj # "= '5448' AND" INTCOL # Update "SYS". "LOB $" set "Retention "= '10800' WHERE" OBJ # "= '5463' and" INTCOL # Update "SYS". "Lob $" set "= '10800' where" obj # "= '5463' and" intcol # Update " SYS "." LOB $ "SET" RETENTION "= '10800' Where" obj # "= '5489' and" INTCOL # Update "SYS". "LOB $" set "ing" = '10800' where "obj #" = '5489' AND "INTCOL # update" sys "." Lob $ "set" ing "= '10800' where" obj # "= '5500' and" intcol # update "sys". "Lob $" set "Retention "= '10800' WHERE" OBJ # "= '5500' and" INTCOL # Update "SYS". "LOB $" set "ing" = '10800' where "obj #" = '5507' and "intcol # update" SYS "." LOB $ "set" = '10800' where "obj #" = '5507' and "intcol # update" sys "." LOB $ "set" ing "= '10800' where" obj # " = '6004' AND "INTCOL # Update" SYS "." LOB $ "set" ing "= '

10800 'where "obj #" =' 6004 'and "intcol # update" sys "." LOB $ "set" ing "=' 10800 'where" obj # "=' 6030 'and" intcol # update "sys". "LOB $" set "ing" = '10800' where "obj #" = '6030' AND "INTCOL # Update" SYS "." LOB $ "set" recetention "= '10800' where" obj # "= '6288 'and "Intcol # update" SYS "." LOB $ "set" rs "=' 10800 'where" obj # "=' 6288 'AND" INTCOL # Update "SYS". "Lob $" set "ing" =' 10800 'Where "obj #" =' 6288 'and "intcol # update" sys "." Lob $ "set" ing "=' 10800 'where" obj # "=' 6288 'and" Intcol #

SQL_REDO SQL_UNDO ------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ Update "SYS". "LOB $" set "ing" = '10800' where "obj #" = '6293' and "intcol # update" sys "." LOB $ "SET" RETENTION "= '10800' WHERE" OBJ # "= '6293' and" INTCOL # commit; set transaction r; alter; set transaction read write; unsupported unsupportedCommit; set transac TION Read Write; Unsupported Read Write; unsupported unsupportedCommit; set transaction read write; delete from "sys". "IDL_UB1 $"

WHERE "obj #" = '6337' and "part" = '0' and "Version Insert INTO" SYS "." Idl_ub1 $ "(" Obj # "," Part "," Version "," Piece # "," Length "," piece ") delete from" sys "." ID1 "= '6337' and" part "= '0' and" VERSIO INSERT INTO "SYS". "IDL_CHAR $" ("Obj # "," Part "," version "," piece # "," length ") delete from" sys "." IDL_UB2 $ "Where" obj # "= '6337' and" part "= '0 'and "Version Insert Into" Sys "." Idl_ub2 $ "(" Obj # "," Part "," Version "," Piece # "," Length "," PIECE ")

SQL_REDO SQL_UNDO ------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ Delete from "sys". "IDL_UB2 $" Where "obj #" = '6337' and "part" = '0' AND "version INSERT INTO" SYS "." IDL_UB2 $ "(" Obj # "," part "," words "," piece # "," length "," piece ") delete from" sys "." IDL_SB4 $ "where" obj # "= '6337' and" Part "= '0' AND" Version Insert INTO "SYS". "Idl_sb4 $" ("Obj #", "Part", "Version", "Piece #", "Length", "Piece") delete from "SYS "Idl_sb4 $" where "obj #" = '6337' and "part" = '0' and "version insert INTO" sys "." Idl_sb4 $ "(" Obj # "," Part "," Version ", "Piece #", "Length", "Piece") ALTER TABLE TEST Modify Logondate Varchar2 (30); Update "SYS". "Tab $" set "DataObj #" = '6337', "TS #" = '6' , "File #" = '6', "block # update" sys "." Tab $ "set" DataObj # "= '6337'," TS # "= '6'," File # "= '6', "Block # Update" SYS "." COL $ "set" col # "= '1'," segcol # "= '1'," segcollength "= '30'," t Update "sys". "COL $" set "col #" = '1', "

Segcol # "= '1'," segcollength "= '7'," TyUpdate "sys". "Obj $" set "obj #" = '6337', "DataObj #" = '6337', "Type #" = '2', "ct update" sys "." Obj $ "set" obj # "= '6337'," DataObj # "= '6337'," Type # "= '2'," ctcommit; set Transaction Read Write Insert Into "Lunar". "Test", "Username") Values ​​(to_date ('5052-48-50: 4 delete from "lunar". "TEST" where "logondate" = to_date (' 5052- 48-50: 44: 48: 49; ',' Commit; Set Transaction Read Write; Unsupported UnsupportedCommit; 205 Rows SELECTED


End analysis: SQL> Execute dbms_logmnr.end_logmnr This time v $ logmnr_logs and v $ logmnr_contents are all emptied.


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