Research on non-disk stations

zhaozj2021-02-16  134

This part of the content is provided by netizens, mainly for readers who are preparing to analyze every detail of PXE-free WIN98 started under LITENET. 1, config.sysdos = high, umbDevice = a: /Himem.sys / testmem: Off /VDevice=a:/emm386.exe noems /y=c:/Windows/emm386.exe /VDevice=a: /ifshlp.system The following line is a 64K virtual C disk in memory. Rem This virtual C drive will be in the QUALCNX.EXE or QAUTOLOG.EXEREM call command "NET USE C: // Service Name / Shared Directory Name" in the STARTNET.BAT procedure file. Direct mode network to the protection mode network transition from REM to Windows, because this short period of REM is short, Windows must load a file that is more important to the protection mode network to rebuild. The network of the REM protection mode, no file, the network can reconnect. This file has to find REMs (this time the real mode network is broken, and the network of the protection mode is not connected)? At this point, this virtual disk has played a lot of REM. Because if we put this file on this virtual disk, Windows will find this file to find this file and properly implement the network. A transition role. Rem This file is a network card driver in the protection mode. DeviceHigh = A: /RAMDRIVE.SYS 64 /ESHELL=A:/ A: / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / uTOEXEC.BAT@echo offcd / winbootcall setvars.batrem above SETVARS batch is set-free 98 boot Some environment variables required for time. REMs such as server names, shared directory name, Windows, Windows where the directory, REM real mode, NIC driver file name, etc. The StartNet Batch on the Call StartNet.batRem is to implement the real-mode network and prepare for the disk-free 98.

3, setvars.batset windir = C: / WindowsRem Windows directory name SET DRIVE = C: Rem Windows SET NETCARD = PCIDN.DoSREM Real mode NIC driver name SET Server = ServerRem NT or W2K server name SET Share = WINDISKREM Windows Shared Directory Name Call Tuning.batRem Batch Tuning Implementing Drivers in Protection Mode To Virtual C Disk 4, Tuning.Bat @ echo offif Exist% Windir% / NULL GOTO MD_SYSTEMMD% WINDIR %> NulRem creates a Windows directory in a virtual C drive: md_systemif exist% Windir% / System / NULL GOTO COPY_RPLMD% WINDIR% / System> NulRem Create a system directory in the Windows directory in the virtual C drive: Copt_rplif Exist% Windir% /System/rtl8029.sys goto copy_endcopy a: /winboot/rtl8029.sys% windir% / system> NulRem to copy the driver in the protection mode to the Windows / System: Copy_end @ echo of the virtual C disk from the WinBoot directory of the A disk ON5, startnet.bat @ echo offset comspec = a: /command.comset path =% windir%;% windir% / command;% drive% / litenetrem's% Drive% / LiteNet is copied by all programs in litenet Under the LITENET subdirectory under the server sharing directory, set it to the search path. This way I can only leave QUALCNX.EXE in the WinBoot directory of the floppy disk. SET TEMP = A: / WinBootSet NetBuff = 140REM Set the network buffer size required for the real mode. Note: Taking the QUALCNX.EXE of the run as a standard (too small, running QUALCNX.EXE will crash, but everyone should pay attention, because it caused by the crash generally dying, that is, the keyboard also reacts. LH QALCNX LNGUEST LNGUESTREM This command implements the connection in the real mode. Using the general account LNGUEST (the default password is also lnguest) remotely on the NT or W2K server .Rem, so we must first create the user LNGUEST, the password is set to LNGUEST and The settings are allowed to log in. We notify us to create a global group to create a global group, bring users LNGUEST and the users you want to use (such as Win01, Win02, Win03 ... " This group .qualcnx is a network command NET.EXE that comes with Windows to realize network command NET.EXE in real mode. It is implemented internally by calling the following command: 1, snapshot.exe / s / b: A / M: 140 (Description: This command is a network buffer set in the real mode, where 140 is passed through the environment variable NetBuff of uplink (SET NetBuff = 140), which will set the network buffer size 140K). 2, NET.EXE Start IPX / Y> NUL (Description: This command implements the network service of the IPX protocol on the workstation, which implements the connection between the workstation and the server via the IPX protocol.

3, Net.exe Logon LNGUEST LNGUEST / SAVEPW: NO / Y> NUL (Description: This command is used to log in to the server with account LNGUEST) 4, Net.exe Use C: // Server Name / Shared Directory Name / Y Description: This command connects the disk C to the shared directory so that the C drive becomes a network drive. The disk C is passed through the above environment variable drive; the service name here is passed through the above environment variable server The shared directory name here is passed through the above environment variable Share. When the network buffer is set too small, it will have a crash, and this crash is a keyboard and there is a reaction. 5, net.exe Time / / Server Name / SET / YES> NUL (Description: This command will make the clock of the workstation with the server's clock synchronization). 6, NET.EXE config / yes> Temporary file name (Description: Get network formulation information of the workstation). In addition to the network command NET.EXE in real mode, QUALCNX is implemented in real mode, and it is also necessary to read the network card node address of the workstation and by reading NetNames.db (this is in the server In the Windows Directory in Shared Directory) Directory, the file obtains a diskless 98 entry directory to create a batch file for username.bat. The main function of this batch is to set three environment variables: useename (username), HWA (NIC node address) And CHN (no disk 98 entry catalog). QUALCNX is successful is the key to real mode network. It will use the following files: 1, Windows comes with: Net.exe, Protman.dos, Protman.exe, Snapshot.exe and Ndishlp.sys. Please note that these files cannot be brought by Chinese Windows 98, otherwise: or crash (this crash will be very down, even the keyboard does not respond. Most of the use of Chinese Windows 98 Net.exe from Net.exe) or real mode network cannot be done normally. We generally use these files in Windows 97 or English WINDOWS 98, OK, be careful !!! 2, minimum registry file System.dat and Protocol. INI. This two reactive network configuration information, if the network configuration in the real mode is incorrect, the network configuration information they react is not correct, and the real mode network cannot be done normally. But to explain Yes, it will not lead any crash phenomenon. 3, the network card driver in the real mode * .dos (such as the 8029 pcind.dos) .call% TEM P% / username.batRem Batch username.bat's main function is to set three environment variables: useename, HWA (NIC Node Address) and CHN (no disk 98 entry directory) qautolog.exerem Qautolog.exe mainly It is necessary to achieve automatic login. The mechanism of the automatic login is: first use a general account (such as the LNGUEST above) to connect to the real mode through QUALCNX, QUALCNX is read by reading NetNames.db (this is in the Windows directory under the server sharing directory) Document Get a batch file with disk 98 Entry Directory to create a batch file for username.bat Setting Environment Variable CHN (No Disk 98 Entry Directory), QAUTOLOG.EXE is through the environment variable CHN, with its value to use the username and re-landing To the server is implemented.

At the same time, QAUTOLOG.EXE generates two files on a disk: qautolog.bat and qautolog.reg. 1. The function of qautolog.bat is to reset the three environment variables above: UseName (username), HWA (NIC Node Address) and CHN (no disk 98 entry directory). 2, qautolog.reg is a registry information file that contains some registration items that automatically log in to Windows in Windows. Its main role is that the information box that does not appear in Windows will also be automatically logged in in WINDOWS. The function of Call Qautolog.batRem Qautolog.bat is to reset the above three environment variables: UseName, HWA (NIC Node Address) and CHN (no disk 98 entry directory). % Drive% Set Home =% DRIVE% /% UserName% CD% Home% MD% Home% / Temp> Nulset Temp =% Home% / Tempset TMP =% Home% / Tempset COMSPEC =% WINDIR% / Command.comSet WinBootdir = % WINDIR% LH QualReg% Home% Rem qualReg.exe is a DOS Real Mode Manage Registry Tool, which is good: You can let Win9x automatically get started from the registration syntax of the folder in your designated folder: quaLREG [/ r | / a ] [/ S]

/ R: replace; / A: (replace) all; / s: Safety

Path tells Win9X where to find the registry (System.dat, User.dat) after 1, if there is no system.dat in Path, copy a copy from Win9x to Path. 2, QUALREG will not copy USER .Dat to PATH, unless there is no file 3 in the PATH, if you add / r, the system registry in the Win9x directory system.dat will replace the registry system.dat file 4 in the specified path, add / a, qualReg will be simultaneously Replace System.dat and User.dat 5 in PATH, QUALREG records that you cannot fix errors in the registry. Then add / s is a good note 6. QualReg uses environment variable% windir% to find Win9X Registry File 7, when QualReg Sets the registry path and copy it to the specified path, will find a file named LiteNet.Reg, if The file exists, import LITENET.REG into the registry in the path, LITENT.REG is automatically created when installing LITENT, can not modify or delete, but you can add information (Wait for next ...)

% WINDIR% / UserCmd.bat

6, usercmd.bat

Quaserman% Home%

Rem This tool is used to set the NetBIOS computer name. Syntax: QNetName [data file containing computer network cards and name] (file defaults to NetNames.db, of course, you need to specify yourself.) QNetName Find a data file (including NIC ID and name ), Then create a BAT file setting variable chn, and import the name of the computer to the registry. QNetName defaults this data file is% windir% / NetNames.db. QNetName supports the syntax format of the data file: starting or ending at the beginning or end The row, the beginning is # 忽略 标略. The beginning is a non-# 's string, after several spaces, the NIC ID is the confirmation format. If QNetName does not find a NIC ID in a data file, you will hang and ask if you automatically save the network card ID and name for the computer in NetNames.db. QNetName creates a file qNetName.bat in the folder corresponding to the TEMP variable. QnbName.bat must be called after the value of the qNetName returns the variable CHN. The CHN variable can be used in the next BAT file or replaced by the qpathch command in% WINDIR%. qneetname.exe and call% temp% / qnbname.bat in /usercmd.bat must run before Win9x is started. Note: After running QNetName, the Litent PC status is as follows: 1. When Qualcnx runs to connect% Drive % to //% server% /% Share% username and password. 2, if the CHN variable is not set, QNetName is obtained from NetNames.db. 3, QNetName automatically modifies the registry to get the correct computer name after Win9x startup. The name of the workstation computer must be fill in the name of the workstation computer in% windir% / netnames.db, making the remote workstation using the same image file, under the QNetName management, easy to install multiple customers: Managers are in NetNames.db Fill in the Name and NIC ID, REM and build folder name in // server / share (the name of the workstation PC) Note: 1, QNetName does not copy to the startup floppy disk, to make it easy in UserCmd.bat to fill in a line即 即 即:: PATH% PATH%; C: / Windows / LiteNet 2, QNetName must run after the QUALREG.EXE is started, and run before Win9x start (

QsetBD% Drive%

If EXIST% home% / patched.reg goto notchange

Set reg = c: / reg

Rem Because I put some registry REG files all COPY to the REG directory of the server's shared directory. For convenience, the environment variable REG is set.

QPATCH% reg% / chn.reg% Home% / Patchd.Reg

Rem QPatch is an optimized file and registry patch tool used in DOS mode.

REM grammar: QPatch

[Patched file]

REM QPATCH [New File Name]

REM Description: QPATCH can be used in the Win32 environment, but it is subject to restrictions, QPATCH32 can only call environment variables in Win32 in the Win32 environment (Win9x / NT / Win200).

The REM QPATCH and QPATCH32 are text file patches, which are almost the same, except for the above distinction.

Rem qPatch executions All {% environment variable%} in the registry REG file is the value of the environment variable. If {% windir%} will become C: / Windows.

Rem QPATCH requires two parameters: the first for the source file. If there is only one parameter in the command line, the second parameter defaults to the display.

If there is two parameters, the second is the name of the patch file (preferably not the same name already existing (otherwise it will be overwritten).

REM When starting diskless station PC, different PCs correspond to different CHNs, so the computer name displayed with the same registry file is different, the effect is very good!

Rem QPatch is very powerful, making multiple client machines using the same file, while the information displayed by each client is different from each other. REM Note: QPATCH is not copied to the LITENET PC boot floppy disk, in the sharing of Windows

Rem chn.reg is by passing the user information in the registry (mainly is the .default branch in the registry file user.dat), then change all the .default

REM {% chn%}.

REM is unnecessary to this step. Some people say that this step does not have to be done, maybe there may be his reasons. But I think it is necessary to do this step, I have also tried to do this.

Rem diskless Windows 98 can still be started, but it is easy to have some inexplicable issues. Some people can't add files and print sharing in the network configuration of the workstation, I suspect that this is not

REM did. Because I am doing this, I also added files and print sharing in the network configuration of the workstation (I added anything in my network configuration, but I have never been

REM has no problem. Of course, I have to declare that because of his reactionary test (add file and printing in the network configuration of the workstation, this step is not to do) I haven't seriously tested, so I can only

Rem said doubts, and because the hardware preparation of the machine is different, there are a lot of reasons for problems. Since my conditions are not allowed, most conclusions are the theoretical addition, they cannot be confident, but

REM is a discussion, I think everyone can talk about my own look, if there is a place, please point out, correct. If a condition can test a machine from positive, anti-or different hardware

Under the REM, my claim is to get a most essential, most general, most correct conclusion in practice, and then get a correct theoretical system, serving everyone, this is the purpose of my comment.

QPATCH% reg% / user.reg% Home% / User.Reg

REM fixes the registry REG file User.reg, user.reg is a REG file I did to automatically log in to Windows without the user login information box.

In front of REM, I have already told that because qautolog.exe generated by the QAUTOLog.reg file that is automatically logged in, I have bug, so I use user.reg to fix.

Regedit% Home% / Patchd.Reg

Regedit% Home% / User.Reg

REM imports the registration information of the repaired PATCHED.REG and User.Reg into the user's registry.

Regedit% reg% / Net.Reg

REM puts some registry information necessary to start diskless 98 by the registry REG file NET.REG to go to the user registry (this is a dynamic method) computer

IF EXIST% WINDIR% / system / tweakui.cpl if exist a: /winboot/qautolog.reg regedit A: /WINBOOT/qautolog.reg

REM imports the registration information in the automatic login registry REG file QAUTOLOG.REG from this software to the user registry.

: Notchange


The role of the REM this command is unknown.

Rem However, it can be known from the comment on the sticks of friends in front. If there is no disk 98 launch, there is not enough in memory or a virus is due to this order.

REM is made by I can guess this stuff may be a repair of DOS memory.

QVMEM S:% server%% UserName%

REM QVMEM. EXE has two:

REM 1, connect the disk S to the server's user directory to make it a network drive.

REM 2, network drive S can provide hard disk space for Windows 98 virtual memory switching files (simulated cost-driven drives). REM, of course, want to make the disk 98 can use virtual memory to use this step with System.ini.

REM must add the following three lines in System.ini's [386ENH] section:

Rem PagingDrive = S

Rem minPagingFileSize = 100

Rem maxpagingfilesize = 200

The drive letter s in "paningDrive = s" is to be from the drive letter in this command.


7, Protocol.ini [Protman $]

Drivername = protman $

Priority = ndishlp $

[ndishlp $]

Drivername = ndishlp $

Bindings = PCIND $


Version = v4.10.1998

NetCards = PCIND $; NIC in real mode

[NWLINK $]; IPX / SPX protocol

DRIVERNAME = NWLINK $; IPX / SPX protocol name

Frame_type = 4; frame type 4 is automatic

Cachesize = 0; buffer size is 0

Bindings = PCIND $; Binding to the NIC driver in real mode

[PCIND $]; NIC driver in real mode

DRIVERNAME = PCIND $; Net card driver in real mode is pcind.dos

8, System.ini


PagingDrive = s:


MaxpagingFileSize = 200

9, mini.reg (reg files for minimum registry)


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion]

"Systemroot" = "c: // windows"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Setup]

"WinBootdir" = "A: // WinBoot"

"WINDIR" = "c: // windows"

"Shareddir" = "c: // windows"

"Sysdir" = "c: // windows // system"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Setup / WinBootdir]

"Devdir" = "a: // WinBoot"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Network / Real Mode Net]

"Transport" = "* NWLINK, * NetBeui, ndishlp.sys"

"Netcard" = "pcind.dos"; NIC driver file name in real mode, to change

"LoadRmdrivers" = HEX: 00, 00, 0000, 00

PreferredRedir "=" "

"Setupnpath" = "c: // windows //" staticDrive "=" c, c "

"Setupn" = HEX: 01

"Transition" = HEX: 01


"Username" = "lnguest"; the username of the default landing network can not change


"Workgroup" = "ldljlzw"; workstation computer's working group name, it is recommended to change to NT or W2K server domain name


"Authenticatingagent" = "ldljlzw"; NT or W2K server domain name (preferably we install server fashion as domain control server), to change


"Authenticatingagent" = "ldljlzw"; NT or W2K server domain name (preferably we install server fashion as domain control server), to change

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / System / CurrentControlset / Control / Computername / ComputerName]

"Computername" = "lzw"; computer name of the workstation computer

10, Net.Reg


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Network / Real Mode Net]

"Transport" = "* NWLINK, * NetBeui, ndishlp.sys"

"Netcard" = "RTSND.DOS"

"LoadRmdrivers" = HEX: 00, 00, 0000, 00

PreferredRedir "=" "

"Setupnpath" = "c: // windows //"

"StaticDrive" = "c, c"

"Setupn" = HEX: 01

"Transition" = HEX: 01


"Workgroup" = "ldljlzw"

"Staticvxd" = "vnetsup.vxd"

"Start" = HEX: 00

"Netclean" = HEX: 01

"MaintainServerList" = "2"

"Lmannounce" = "0"


"Start" = HEX: 00


"Authenticatingagent" = "ldljlzw"

"Logondisconnected" = HEX: 00, 00, 0000, 00

"Name" = "Microsoft Network"

"Providerpath" = "msnp32.dll"

"Description" = "Microsoft Network"

"Netid" = HEX: 00, 00, 01, 00

"CallORDER" = HEX: 00, 00, 00, 40

"Disableereelogin" = hex: 00, 000000, 00


"Groupfcn" = "grouppol.dll, nwgetusergroups"

"Authenticatingagent" = "ldljlzw"

11, User.Reg


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / System / CurrentControlSet / Control]

"Current user" = "{% chn%}"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Winlogon]

"AutoAdminLogon" = "1"

"DefaultUsername" = "{% chn%}"

"Defaultpassword" = "{% chn%}"


"Policyhandler" = "grouppol.dll, processpolicies"

"PrimaryProvider" = "Microsoft Friendly Login"

"Lmlogon" = HEX: 01,00, 0000,

"Logonvalidated" = HEX: 01,00, 0000,

"UserProfiles" = dword: 00000000

"DONTSHOWLASTUSER" = dword: 00000000

"Username" = "{% chn%}"

12, QAutolog.reg


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Winlogon]

"AutoAdminLogon" = "1"

"Defaultusername" = "Win01"

"Defaultpassword" = "win01" [hkey_local_machine / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / RunServices]]]

"Autolog" = "Rundll32.exe Tweakui.cpl, Tweaklogon"


"DONTSHOWLASTUSER" = dword: 00000000

"Username" = "Win01"

PXE diskless WIN98 launch process detailed analysis and failure analysis

Yu Pei Zhong

When the PXE is installed in the PXE, when the negligence of the installation process, the hardware compatibility, causing the free Win98 to start normally, in the face of full screen English tips, beginners may not be suitable, I don't know how to solve it. However, it can only reinstall the system repeatedly, and waste a lot of valuable time. Since the author's open the PXE theme, a month, receiving nearly 600 emails, asking about the PXE installation problem, combined with the PXE network experience and the majority of netizens The materials provided are selected for the most common more than 20 kinds of faults. According to the order of the startup process, they are expressed as follows, if there is something, or if there is any valuable experience, email to: xyyxzh@public1.xyptt.jx. CN (bragie font is a screen prompt)

(1) NIC settings

Press the power switch, the system starts self-test, when the hard disk is passed, after the optical drive, the following tips appear:

Realtek RTL 8139 (A / B / C) / RTL8130 Boot Agent Press Shift-F10 To Configue ......

This information is default for 3 seconds. At this time, press SHIFT - F10 to enter the NIC configuration menu, there are four options:

1. Network boot protocol (PXE RPL) Change the network boot protocol by space

2. Boot ORDER (ROM Disable is prohibited from boot

INT 18H first guides from the order in the BIOS setting

INT19H leads from Boot ROM


Guide from BBS)

3. Shift-F10 is displayed when Show Config Message (Enable Disable) is started

4. Show Message Time (3 Seconds 4seconds 5seconds 8seconds 10seconds) starts the time when Shift-F10 prompts the information.

The Boot ORDER option for the new network card is forbidden boot boot, so all new network cards must enter the setup program, set it to INT18 or INT19, press F4 to save exit.

Fault 1: Some motherboards are not compatible with PXE Bootrom, and does not show Shift-F10 prompts, or E-28 prompts the BIOS structure and Boot ROM. At this time, you cannot guide the diskless WIN98 from the chip.

The solution is to update the Boot ROM version. In addition, such motherboards are mainly AMI versions of BIOS, and the motherboard on the AWORD BIOS version rarely appears.

(2) Workstation IP address

The following message appears:

Intel Undi, PXE-2.0 (Build 082)

Copyright (C) 1977-2000 Intel Corporationby Toplan (email: tel: 0790-6286558) RTL8139

Client Mac Addr: 00 E0 4C 39 41 4F

DHCP ... After the moment, the workstation gets the IP address from the server.

Client IP: Mask: DHCP IP: Automatically acquire IP address

Fault 2: If you do not get the IP address, the following error message appears:

PXE-E61: Media Test Failure, Check Cable


Explanation: There is a problem with the network cable or network settings.

Fault 3: If you appear as follows:

PXE-51: No dhcp or proxy dhcp offers-were received.


Description: DHCP configuration error, if you get an IP address on the disk station, 060 Class ID PXE Client error.

The solution is: First delete the DHCP service, reinstall the DHCP, and formulate it in the correct way. Another situation is that there are other DHCP services in the network (example: Wingate or Sysgate, etc.) At this time, they can disable their DHCP.

(3) Download the startup image

Auto-select: Automatically select Start Image


MTFPT ... loading multi-point transfer protocol

BD ... for about ten seconds to find boot servers in broadcast form

Boot Server IP:

Requesting More DHCP Options ...

Downloading DOS Boot Diskette Image ...

In the BootServer Discovery Option of Server Configure Proxydhcp Server, the broadcast mode Brordcast Discovery can make BD ... 10 seconds to eliminate the waiting time, speed up the start speed.

Fault 4: If there is any appearance here:



Description: The workstation does not find the server downloaded the image.

Treatment: Open "PXE Configuration Utility" window-> Right-click ProxyDHCP Server-> Configure ProxyDHCP Server -> Client Options-> To BootServer Discovery List-> Check the Corresponding Type and IP in BootServer Discover (Boot Server Type / IP Address) Whether the address is correct.

Fault 5: If there is:


Description: The server-side MTFTP service is not running. When the server is started, the workstation puts forward the request. At this time, the server will not automatically run MTFTP. At this time, the method must be manually started, the method is: Click "Start" -> "Program" -> "PXE PDK" -> "PXE PDK Configuration Program Opens the PXE configuration interface, right-click the PXE server name, select Star / Stop Service ... In the M / TFTP Service, click the "Start" button. Failure 6: Workstation starts to

Requesting More DHCP Options ...

Downloading DOS Boot Diskette Image ... Crafts when ...

An error occurred while the workstation started starting the image

The main reasons are:

1) CMOS problem, due to different motherboard settings, the setting item is also different. Generally, there is a problem with the setting of time parameters. The above faults occur when the PCI Master 0 WS Write under the PNP / PCI Configuration of some workstations in AWORD is set to EANBLE.

2) Network line problem, since the network transmission speed is between 100m, the network's wiring should follow the 586A or 586B standard. The correct arrangement of the network cable is: orange white, orange, green white, blue, blue and white, green, compatible, comprehensive.

(4) Connection in real mode

After the workstation gets the IP address, after downloading the startup image, after the startup image is loaded into memory, the control permissions go to the virtual A drive of the workstation, and the system starts booting.

1. Execute commands in config.sys


Device = a: /Himem.sys/testmem: OFF / V

Device = A: /IFSHLP.SYS

Shell = a: / A: //p

2. Execute AutoExec.bat

echo off

CD / WinBoot

Call setvars.bat

The content of Seetvers.bat is:

SET WINDIR = C: / Windows Settings

Set Drive = C: Environment

Set Netxard = RTSND.DOS variable

SET Server = PXEFS

SET Share = PXEfiles

Call StartNet.bat


echo off


Rem Qualcnx ...

Rem Login Name and a password ......


Set netBuff = 124


Rem the next .......

Rem to ......


This command implements the network in real mode. Log in to the NT or W2K server remotely with a general account LNGUEST (the default password is also l NGUEST). So we must first create a user LNGUEST in the server, and the password is set to LNGUEST and set up a remote login. We notify usual practice is to build a global group PXEClass to set the user LNGUEST and the users you want to use (such as P01, P02, P03 ..., etc.). QUALCNX is a network command NET.EXE in real mode with Windows to realize networks in real mode. It is implemented internally by calling the following command:

1) Snapshot.exe / S / B: A / M: 140 (Description: This command is the network buffer in the real mode, where 124 is passed through the environment variable NetBuff of uplink (SETBUFF = 124), which will Set the network buffer size of 140K).

2) NET.EXE Start IPX / Y> NUL (Description: This command starts to start using the IPX protocol on the workstation, which enables the connection between the workstation and the server through the IPX protocol.

3) NET.EXE LOGON LNGUEST LNGUEST / SAVEPW: NO / Y> NUL (Description: This command is used to log in to the server with account LNGUEST)

4) NET.EXE USE C: // Server Name / Shared Directory Name / Y (Description: This command connects the disk C to the shared directory so that the C drive becomes a network drive. The disk C is through the above environment. Variable Drive is delivered; the service name here is passed through the above environment variable server; the shared directory name here is passed through the above environment variable share. When running this, if the network buffer is too small, it will crash And this crazy phenomenon is the keyboard and the reaction.

5) NET.EXE TIME // Server Name / SET / YES> NUL (Description: This command will cause the workstation's clock to synchronize the clock of the server).

6) NET.EXE CONFIG / YES> Temporary file name (Description: Get network formulation information of the workstation).

7) QUALCNX In addition to the network command NET.EXE in real mode via Windows, it is also necessary to read the network card node address of the workstation, and by reading NetNames.db (this is In the Windows Directory under the server sharing directory) The file gets the batch file for the disk 98 entry directory to create username.bat, the main function of this batch is to set three environment variables: useename (username), HWA (NIC node) Address) and CHN (no disk 98 entry directory). Whether QUALCNX is successful is the key to the real mode network. It will use some of the following files:

a) Net.exe, Protman.dos, Protman.exe, Snapshot.exe and ndishlp.sys. Note that these files cannot be brought by Chinese Windows 98, otherwise they will crash or real mode networks cannot be done normally. Generally used these files in Windows 97 or English WINDOWS 98,

b) minimum registry file System.dat and Protocol.ini. These two reflective network configuration information in real mode, if the network configuration in real mode is incorrect, the network configuration information they react is not correct, and the real mode network cannot be completed normally. However, it is to be explained that it will not lead any crash phenomenon.

c) NIC drivers in real mode * .dos (such as RTSND.DOS).

The following information appears:

Using 124KB Net Work Buffer Using Network 124K Working 绶 区

Loading Network Layers ... loading network layers

Loading Network Client .... Loading Network Customers

Fault 7: If the crash or report 7361 error prompt

Note The driver in the real mode is not bound to the network card.

You can download the same name files in this site, replace the same name file in the disk Windows directory, and ensure that there is no read property: and then run the NIC installation wizard "Start -> Program -> Qualystem-> NetWord Card Real Mode Components Install ... "-> Select the correct NIC Type -> Press" Install "-> Press FINSH to complete. To verify that it is correct, it should restart the disk station. And press F8 to enter DOS, enter the following command:

(1) NEE START IPX appears network card addresses,

(2) Nee Start WorkStation Tips Enter the username, then explain the normal

Look at whether it is correct. If it is incorrect, you will indicate that your Win98 version may not support PXE (some random Win98 will have this phenomenon) If the command is normal, re-install the LiteNet on the disk, and regenerate the boot disk, re-on Generate an image file.

Fault 8: If the password is required when Connecting c: to file: // pxefs / pxefiles, the password is required to enter the password, Error 5 error prompt appears (PXEFS is the server name, PXEfies is the shared directory)

Description: The LNGUEST user does not exist, or the LNGUEST password. Not "LNGUEST"

At this point, this user can be reset on the server side and emphasizes the permissions that should be, and the diskless station can be restarted.

Call A: /WINBOOT /USERNAME.BAT Sets the user environment variable

Perform username.bat

Set username = LNGUEST

SET HWA = 00E0 4C39414F


QAUTOLOG.EXE is an automatic login program

QAUTOLOG.EXE is mainly necessary for automatic login. The mechanism of the automatic login is: first use a general account (such as the LNGUEST above) to connect to the real mode through QUALCNX, QUALCNX is read by reading NetNames.db (this is in the Windows directory under the server sharing directory) Document Get a batch file with disk 98 Entry Directory to create a batch file for username.bat Setting Environment Variable CHN (No Disk 98 Entry Directory), QAUTOLOG.EXE is through the environment variable CHN, with its value to use the username and re-landing To the server is implemented. At the same time, QAUTOLOG.EXE generates two files on a disk: qautolog.bat and qautolog.reg. 1) QAUTOLOG.BAT function is to reset the three environment variables above: UseName (username), HWA (NIC address) and CHN (no disk 98 entry directory). 2) QAUTOLOG.REG is a registry information file that contains some registration items that automatically log in to Windows in Windows. Its main role is that the information box that does not appear in Windows will also be automatically logged in in WINDOWS.

Fault 9: If you perform the following steps:

Connecting c: to file: // pxefs / pxefiles with p01 / p01 user name / password ......

Request to enter the user password and cannot be automatically logged in.

The password of the P01 is not P01, it cannot be automatically logged in.

Pressing the password of the P01 to enter Win98 normally. At this time, the password of the P01 is changed to P01 on the server, it can be automatically logged in. Call QAutolog.bat Reset User Environment Variable Execution QAUTOLOG.BAT



SET HWA = 0014c39414F


SET QATH = C: / Windows; ......

SET TEMP = C: / P01

SET TMP = C: / P01

Set Home = C: / P01


CD C: / p01

Set Comspec = C: /Windows/



To manage the Registry Tool for the DOS Real Mode, let Win9x automatically find the launch registry in the specified folder.

Grammar: qulreg

[/ r] [/ a] [/ s]

/ r Replace system .dat

/ a Replace all registry simultaneous SYSTEM.DAT and User.dat Replace

/ s security

Path Specifies the launch registry path. If you do not have a copy of the shared Win9x directory if you specify a path.

MD C: / P01 / TEM> NUL

Directory Already EXISTS

SET TEMP = C: / P01 / TEMP

SET TMP = C: / P01 / TEMP

Set Comspec = C: /Windows/

Set WinBootdir = C: / Widows

Call C: /Windows/Usercmd.bat

Perform usercmd.bat

Path C: / Windows; C: / Windows / CommMand; ......

C: / Windows / Litentt

Rem Put ... nam.exe



Fault 10: Performance to this step

Copying Reference Registry (System.dat) from C: / Windows To C: / P01

Error (Destination File): After Permisino Denied, the crash.

Explain that the workstation has no "fully control" permissions to your own directory.

The workstation user can be attached to the server with the security permission to use this directory to completely control the authority.

Call C: /P01/temp/qnbname.bat

Execute qnbname.bat


SET HWA = 0014c39414F

Rem plcase read ...


Qset BD


Boo T Drive Was A

Bootdrive is now c

Rem .......


.regedit a: /winboot/qautolog.reg

Rem ......... ..


CHOICE / C: YN / T: Y, 03 Hit ....

QVMEM S: PXEfiles P01 establishes a virtual directory S: used to store exchange files Win386.swp

C: /Windows/

A Blue Sky White Cloud Interface is added again, and the real mode is switched to the protection mode, enter the Win98 interface.





C: /Windows/system/vrtwd.386

C: /windows/system/vfixd.vxd










After that, enter the WIN98 graphical interface, complete the diskless startup process

Fault 11: If you appear after, the following tips appear: *** shell ***

Connet Find or Load Requied File Krnl386.exe The Path Was Not Found

Cause: (1) A drive is not prohibited.

(2) The second version is adjusted.

There are two modctions: replace the first edition of NDIS.VXD to replace the same name file under Windows / System under the shared directory; or use the "Startup Fan Put Patch" (FTUNER) provided by QUALYSTEM, adjust the launch floppy disk and regenerate the startup Icon.

(3) If this machine can run normally, check whether each hardware setting is replaced, or change the slot.

(5) After entering Win98, the fault may occur.

1. Fault 12: When booting, a "performance warning" appears: The content is: the computer may have a virus, the computer's main boot record has been modified, see if you refer to this question? Select "No" to enter the system and can use it normally. How to get this prompt?

A: There are two ways:

1) As long as you remove the REM before the Qrestall command in UserCmd.bat.

2) Start a diskless workstation, such as P01, delete the hard disk controller with the Control Panel, and then copy the system.dat under the P01 directory to the Windows directory on the server side. At this point, all workstations do not have a virus warning.

2, fault 13: After the workstation is started, after two minutes, "the fake crane" phenomenon.

A: The so-called "fake machine" phenomenon is: the system is in a busy state, at this time, the mouse can move, but do not open any windows, then all four, five minutes after everything is normal. This situation is generally a registry problem, a simple solution is: Do not select "File and Printer Sharing" when installing

3, fault 14: There is insufficient memory when running larger software.

A: No virtual memory is set, modify the corresponding file, add a certain virtual memory.

4, fault 15: Office2000 cannot be used normally. Tip You reinstall, log in to the diskless station with a username (for example, P01), and attach the full control permission of the shared directory to this user, running a program in Office, press the prompt to reinstall, after installation, try each component No normal operation, if you can normal, turn off the workstation. On the server, copy the two registry files System.dat and user.dat under the P01 directory to Windows under the shared directory, at which time other workstations can be used.

5, fault 16: Only one workstation can only open a workstation, prompt win386.swp can not be deleted, prompting it is using, press A, can enter Win98, when the software is prompted, the memory is insufficient, the virtual memory setting error, For example: Setting the virtual memory in C: or put all the user's virtual memory on the same path.

Note: QVMEM's correct syntax is: qvmem s:% server%% UserName%

% Server% and% username% are variables and cannot be changed to actual server names and usernames.

6, fault 17: After startup, the Explorer error cannot be used normally.

Delete the Applecation Date directory of the workstation personal directory.


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