Why is Java development? UML

zhaozj2021-02-16  104

Do you know how the UML causes the situation? What kind of function knows is UML

Is there any but Java does not have? Know why we need another kind of Java

Computer language? UML is not just a replacement of Java or other languages

Product. UML is not just an alternative to Java or any other language. UML is

Object-oriented analysis and design of annotations. UML is independent of those traditional design languages

A language outside. Because UML is not attached to a language, it is used as a link

Systems of communication between Java, C , SmallTalk, and other languages. by using

UML, you can plan the entire system before starting the encoding, and the developer is clear

The role of the module responsible for the entire system. More importantly, UML can help you record the fault from the design.

Mistaken, knowing that bad design will bring a series of trouble. Imagine, in the source code

When you are compiled, you suddenly discovered that the information you need is already exhausted, but you

But there is no way to re-acquire information, because you don't quote Object, even you quote

Object, however, the information is indeed non-public. Obviously, you will spend a few days.

Find the change of the code. UML can help you get rid of some of the troubles: the code is tired with the increase of details

Product, therefore, find which is the basic element of the system, understand the relationship between Objects such as

How to contact between them will become difficult. When a large number of code produces

When you come, do some changes have also become difficult. So determine the function of an object being divided

The settings in collaboration are a major job. Even sometimes just change a method

The name is simple, it is also very likely to cause a long editor - - Compile -

Error loop. High levels of design before the encoding are correct demand analysis and precise

Righteousness, UML automation tools are important, but UML is more in design discussion.

For useful.


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