C # .NET common functions and method sets

zhaozj2021-02-16  135

1, DateTime digital system.datetime currenttime = new system.datetime (); 1.1 Net ago, the month-time time, the second currenttime = system.datetime.now; 1.2 Before the year INT year = currenttime.year; 1.3 take the prior month INT month = CURRENTTIME.MONTH; 1.4 Take Front Day INT Day = CURRENTTIME.DAY; 1.5 Take the current INT = CURRENTTIME.HOUR; 1.6 Take the Prior INT = CURRENTTIME.MINUTE; 1.7 Take the second second = CurrentTime.second; 1.8 Take the current millisecond INT millisecond = currenttime.millisecond; (variable available Chinese) 2, int32.parse (variable) int32.Parse ("constant") character type conversion to 32-bit digital 3, variable .tostring () character type conversion Change to string 12345.toString ("n");

/ / Generate 12, 345.00 12345.toString ("C");

/ / Generate ¥ 12,345.00 12345.toString ("e");

/ / Generate 1.234500E 004 12345.toString ("f4");

/ / Generate 12345.0000 12345.toString ("X");

/ / Generate 3039 (16) 12345.Tostring ("P");

/ / Generate 1,234,500.00% 4, variable .length digital tanker length: such as: string str = "China"; int Len = str.length;

// LEN is a custom variable, Str is a variable name 5 of the string of the test, system.text.encoding.default.getbytes (variable) word conversion to a ratio: Byte [] Bytstr = System.Text .Encoding.default.getbytes (STR); then get a bit length: len = byTStr.length; 6, system.text.StringBuilder (") string is added, ( 号 is not the same?) For example: system .Text.StringBuilder SB = new system.text.StringBuilder (""); sb.append ("China"); sb.append ("People"); Sb.Append (Republic "); 7, Variable. Substring Parameter 1, parameter 2); part of the interception string, parameter 1 is the left start bit number, parameter 2 is intercepted several bits. Such as: string s1 = str.substring (0, 2); 8, string user_ip = request.serverVariables ["remote_addr"]. ToString (); Take a remote user IP address 9, pass the proxy server to take remote user real IP address: if (! Request.ServerVariables [ "HTTP_VIA"] = null) {string user_IP = Request.ServerVariables [ "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"] ToString ();.} else {string user_IP = Request.ServerVariables [ "REMOTE_ADDR"] ToString ().; } 10, session ["Variable"]; Access Session Value; (); Empty: session.removeall (); 11, string str = request.QueryString ["Variable"]; use hyperlink to transfer variables.

If you build a hyperlink in either page: in the Edit.aspx page: string str = request.queryString ["fdid"]; 12, DOC Object .CreateElement ("New Number Name"); Create an XML Document New Node 13, Parent Node .Appendchild (child); add the new child node to the XML document parent node 14, parent node .removechild (node); delete Node 15, Response Response.write ("String"); Response.write; output to the page. Response.Redirect ("URL Address"; jump to the page 16 specified by the URL 16, Char.IsWhitesPCE (string variable, bit) - logical specified position is empty characters; such as: string str = "Chinese people" Response.write (char.iswhitespace (STR, 2)); / / The result is: True, the first character is 0 bits, 2 is the third character. 17. CHAR.ISPUNCTUATION ('character') - logical symbols are punctuation, such as: response.write (char.ispuncture ('a'));

// Return: false 18, (int) 'Characters turn the character into a number, check the code point, pay attention to the single quotes. Such as: Response.write ((int) ");

/ / The result is the code: 20013 19, (char) code converts the number into characters, checks the characters represented by the code. Such as: Response.write ((char) 22269);

// Return to the "National" word. 20, Trim () Clear String String Space 21, String Variable.Replace ("Sub Stroke", "Replace") String Replacement, String Str = "China"; str = str.replace ("Country" , "Central");

// Replace the national word to CCR RESPONSE.WRITE (STR);

// The output result is "central" again: (this very practical) String str = "This is