Object-oriented analysis, design and implementation of personnel archives information management system

zhaozj2021-02-16  124

Zhejiang Normal University

Undergraduate graduation design (thesis)


Design Title Personnel Archives Information Management System

Object-oriented analysis, design and implementation


College of Information Science and Engineering


Computer communication technology


Master's 005 class

student ID

No. 14

author name


Yellow silver strong

Jia 泂

Duration time


Design score

table of Contents

























In one

In one





I. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………

1.1 Object-oriented method ................................................................

1.2 Object-oriented main concept ...........................................................

Second, UML overview ...........................................................................

2.1 UML brief history .....................................................................

2.2 UML outline .....................................................................

2.3 UML characteristics ...............................................................

2.4 Analysis and Design of Information Management System Based on UML ..................................

Third, the design ideology of the personnel archives information management system .......................................

3.1 Design background and thoughts ............................................................

3.2 System Modeling Tool Rational Rose .................................................

Fourth, the analysis, design process of personnel file information management system .....................................

4.1 Demand Analysis .....................................................................

4.2 Analysis problem field .....................................................................

4.2.1 Determining System Range and System Boundary ...........................................

4.2.2 Defining Activists ...........................................................

4.2.3 Define Uses Case ...........................................................

4.2.4 Drawing Use Case ...........................................................

4.2.5 Drawing main interaction map ......................................................

4.3 Static structural model ..................................................................

4.3.1 Creating an object class diagram .........................................................

4.3.2 establishing a database model ........................................................

4.3.3 establishment of the package .................................................................

4.4 Dynamic behavior model .................................................................

4.4.1 Establishing sequence diagram ............................................................

4.4.2 Establishing a coordination map ............................................................

4.4.3 Establishing a state diagram ............................................................

4.4.4 Establishment Activation ..............................................................

twenty one

twenty one

twenty one

twenty two

twenty two

twenty two

twenty two

twenty three

twenty four





Physics model


4.5.1 Establishing a component ............................................................

4.5.2 Establishing a configuration diagram .........................................................

Five, the implementation of the personnel archives information management system .................................................

5.1 Physics Realization ...................................................................

5.2 software realization ...................................................................

5.2.1 Window design ............................................................

5.2.2 Database design ..............................................................

5.2.3 front and rear rear and rear-ended operation design ........................................................................................................................................... ........................

references …………………………………………………………………………

Appendix ................................................................

Object-oriented object of personnel file information management system

Analysis, design and implementation

School of Information Science and Engineering, Zhejiang Normal University, counting 005 class Huang Yinqiang

Guiding teacher Jia Wei

Summary: Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a system modeling language for software system development. It uses the visual graphic symbol as a tool for communication and communication between users, system analysts, and developers, and uses it to record analysis and design processes. UML is a comprehensive engineering practical experience in which various modeling tools (such as OMT, Booch, Oose and other methods) are widely used in object-oriented analysis and design. Currently UML has become an industrial standard modeling language for object-oriented analysis and design. Therefore, this paper uses UML to model system modeling of personnel file information management system (PAMIS). First, through the analysis of the system requirements, then use the Rational Rose system modeling tool to complete the analysis and design process of the system, and establish an example example of the system, sequence diagram, object class diagram, state diagram, activity map, etc., Object-Oriented Program Design Language (Delphi) Establishing System Running Interface and Using SQL Server 2000 to establish a background database, implement a personnel archive information management system through the associated design of the front and back operation. At the same time, this paper proposes the idea of ​​using the data class module in the related design of the front and backstage, which is convenient for the system's maintenance.

Keywords: object-oriented; unified modeling language (UML); Rational Rose; use case; personnel file; information management system; data class module;

The Object-Oriented Modeling for Designing and Implementing Personnel Archives Mis

Zhejiang Normal University Information Information College Huang Yinqiang, INFORMATION COLEGE HUANG YINQIANG

Abstract: Unified Modeling Language (UML) is modeling language which is used to help to constructing the software system It provides visual graphical notation as a communication tool among users, system analyzers and software developers At the same time, it can use to record.. the results of the analysis and design in development of the software system. UML is an integrated product which has incorporated many successful experiences in use of other modeling tools (such as OMT, Booch and OOSE etc). Now in the field of object-oriented analysis and design, UML has become the industrial standard modeling language. So in this paper, we will use UML to analyze and design Personnel Archives Management Information System (PAMIS). Firstly, we analyze systems needs, and then use system modeling tool-- Rational Rose to complete the analysis and design in development of the system, and establish systems use-case diagrams, sequence diagrams, class diagrams, state diagrams, active diagrams etc. At las t we use object-oriented programming language (Delphi) to establish the user interface, use SQL server 2000 to establish the data base, design the conjunction between proscenium and background operations, and develop the PAMIS system. In this paper we put forward data class module to achieve the conjunction between proscenium and background operations because it can be easy to vindicate the system.Key word: Object-Oriented; UML; Rational Rose; Use Case; Personnel Archives; Management Information System; Data Class Module;

I. Introduction

With a series of SMALLTALK-80s, SMALLTALK-80 has strong description ability, the performance of object-oriented programming languages, marking the object-oriented method and technology began to be practical. At that time, some people had predicted that object-oriented (OO) will become mainstream technology in the 90s computer field, and now this prophecy has become an unpublished fact. People go to object-oriented programming (OOP) to object-oriented programming (OOA and OOD). This paper mainly starts from the object-oriented method, introduces the currently popular unified modeling language (UML), and finally introduces the object-oriented analysis and design process of the Personnel Archives Information Management System to fully introduce UML in software development, especially in information system development. Application of application. 1.1. Object-oriented method

Object-oriented design is the most active one in the current computer research. It is relatively close to objective practical and in line with people's usual ways, making it easy to accept people. It has a significant difference from the traditional process programming. Process programming is functional, usually using functions or processes to implement the functions required, and data is usually transmitted to functions or processes as parameters, which is not conducive to development and maintenance of large and medium-sized software, small partial data or functionality. Change will fluctuate a lot of related procedures. With the continuous expansion of computer application requirements, computer software is increasingly complex, which is not only reflected in scale, but also more complicated between modules. To this end, people put forward the idea of ​​object-oriented programming, and he is an object-oriented programming method. Object-oriented programming proposes a new system design model, and he regards system as a collection of objects of the task through interaction, each object manages data. He allows an abstraction, modular hierarchical structure with polymorphism, inheritance, and encapsulation. Object-oriented programming Considering how to simplify programming by creating objects, increasing the reusability of code.

1.2. Object-oriented main concept

1.2.1. Object (Object)

Objects have different meanings from different angles. From the problem facing the problem, the object refers to a thing in the real world, which is a systematic-to-abstaining thing in the establishment of a system model, which has its own static feature and dynamic characteristics. From the modeling and implementation of the system, an object describing an object of objective things is a basic unit constituting the system, which consists of a set of properties and a set of services (operations). The service function of the system is implemented by a new object's establishment and a message communication between the objects (Message) communication.

1.2.2. Class (Class)

Class (CLASS) is a set of objects with the same properties and the same operation. Category is an abstraction of the object, which gives an abstract definition of all objects that belong to such class, including the properties, services, and other properties of the class. A specific object is just an instance of the class (Instance).

1.2.3. Encapsulation

Encapsulation is an important principle for object-oriented methods. The package refers to the combination of the properties and operations of the object, constitutes a separate object, its internal information is hidden, not allowing the outside world to directly access the object's properties, but can only contact objects through a limited interface. For the outside world of the object, only the external behavior (interface) of the object is needed, and it is not necessary to understand the internal implementation details of the object behavior.

The package reflects the principle of "information hidden and localization" in an object-oriented method.

1.2.4. Inheritance

Inheritance is a finger (specialty, derived class), which can automatically have all the properties and services of the parent class (base class, generalization, and super class).

In the object-oriented method, the subclass can automatically have all the properties and services of the parent class. Inheriting simplifies awareness and description of the real world. When defining a subclass, you don't have to repeat those properties and services that have been defined in the parent class, as long as you declare that you are a subclass of a parent class, focus on defining the properties and services unique to this subclass. on. Inheritment improves software reuse. At the same time, inheritance can also be passed. 1.2.5. Message (Message)

Message refers to the communication information transmitted between the objects. Typically, an object issues a message requesting service to another, an object that accepts a message response message, exciting the required service operation, and returns the result of the operation to the request service. A message should include the following information: message name, accept the identity of the object, the service ID, input information, and answer information. Object-oriented technology packaging mechanisms make the object independently, and all their duties. The objects are connected to each other through messages, social messages, response messages, synergy, and implement various service functions of the system.

1.2.6. Structure and Connection (Structure and Connection)

All things are not isolated, mutual discrimination, but there is also a connection between the objects that express objective things. Connection between objects: Classification relationship (general relationship with special relationships), constitutive relationship (partial relationship with a whole), statically contact between object properties, and dynamic contact of object behavior.

These contacts are usually used in the object-oriented method:

(1) Classification Structure: It is the foundation of an object abstraction. The classification structure is characterized by a general relationship with a special relationship, ie "a Kind of" or "IS A". In the object-oriented terminology, we use the generization and Specialization.

(2) Composition structure: It represents the composition relationship between the object classes, namely: partial relationship with the overall relationship, partially "A Part of" relationship, and the overall part is "HAS A" relationship. At the same time, the assembly structure reflects the aggregation principle of object-oriented methods.

(3) Instance Connection: It expresses static links between objects, which is the dependencies between objects that are expressed by objects. An example connection between the objects is often referred to as a link (LINK) in the object-oriented term, and the association between the object classes of the instance connection is called association. The instance connection is a mapping from an instance to another instance collection. The instance connection can occur between two objects, or between different instances of an object class. In addition, there are also many types of connections: one-to-one connection, a pair of connections, multi-to-many connections, 0 to one connection, 0 to a multi-connection, etc.

(4) Message Connection: It is a communication connection between objects. An object requires another object of another object, which sends a message to which the request service is sent, accepts the object response message of the message, triggers the required service operation. Of course, you can also do not respond, then trigger an operational service that is not responding. The connection between this object is called a message connection, which shows the dynamic connection of the object behavior. So there is a message between the two objects, it must be interaced between the two objects.

1.2.7. Polymorphism

Polymorphism refers to behavior that can have different data types or different behaviors that have different data types or differentiated behaviors after their subclass is inherited by their subclass. In a class hierarchy embodying a general relationship, different levels of classes can share a method or operation name, but there are different implementation processes. When an object receives a message request for a service, the class is dynamically selected in this class according to the class of the object. This provides flexibility to system design, reducing information redundancy, and also increases software-reuse and expandability. Second, UML overview

2.1 UML simple history

1994-1996 Software Engineering Experts, Ivar Jacobson, James Rumbaugh, James Rumbaugh, together to work together to work together to work on their respective methods, and absorb other methods such as fusion, shlaer-mellor, coad-yourdon and other methods. The strengths, together proposes a new object-oriented analysis and design language - unified model language UML. It has been modified many times later. Finally, January 1997 Rational has submitted the UML1.0 standard text to the US Industrial Standardization OMG. In November of the same year, OMG announced that UML and the UML1.1 version was used as the official standard text. Thereafter, UML is also expanded and perfect, and is currently UML1.5.

2.2 UML profile

Understand the development of UML, how is the UML to define? According to the definition of Rational Rose. It is defined as follows:

THE Unified Modeling Language (UML) IS The Industry-Standard Language for Specifying, Visualizing, Constructing, and Documenting The Artifacts of Software Systems.

IT Simplifies The Complex Process of Software Design, Making A "BluePrint" for construction. Structure is a software engineering standard like a protocol. Documenting: Indicates a tool for designing development documents.

UML is a standardized language of the preparation of software blueprints, not the development language, mainly the visualization, description and construction system model of various components of the language system, and establish a software document. UML contains 3 aspects: the concept of the model and the representation, the language of public mechanism, and the object of the object.

The concept and representation of the model. UML provides three basic standard construction blocks: things, contacts and graphics. Among them, there are structural things, behavioral sex things, group-in-case things, injuncture things, and four types of interpretation, dependence, association, generalization, and implementation, and 9 types of graphics are defined. System model. These 9 types maps are: class diagrams, object diagrams, use case, sequential diagrams, coordinated diagrams, state diagrams, active diagrams, component diagrams, configuration diagrams. Drawing the UML graphics can be visualized from unless angles.

Language public mechanism. UML specifies the four public mechanisms of the language: explanation, decoration, general division, expansion mechanism.

Object constraint language. The UML Object Constraint Language (OLC) is an expression of a constraint language applied to the model element, and the expression of OLC is attached to the model element in the form of conditions and limitations.

2.3 UML Features

UML is a language for explaining, constructing, visualization modeling, which is a product of a Software-Intensive system in document. First, it is also the most important, UML combines the concept of Booch, OMT, and OOSE, resulting in a single, public and widely used modeling language. Second, UML uses an existing method to package "what". " In particular, the developer of UML is in combination with the modeling of concurrent and distributed systems, which means that elements describing these systems are included in the UML. Third, UML is committed to a standard modeling language rather than standard modeling processes. Although UML must be applied to the process, experience tells us that different institutions and problem domain modeling processes are not the same. Therefore, it should be first dedicated to a generalized meta-model (used to unify semantic), followed by the general symbol representation (symbol representation means a semantic). UML's developers do not have to standardize the development process, although they will continue to improve their development, make it a use-case driven, structure-centric, and can iterate (iTERATIVE) and easy Add (Increment) process. 2.4 Analysis and Design of Information Management System Based on UML

The development process of the MIS system includes demand definition, analysis, design, and achieve several stages. Establish a system's demand model in the demand definition stage, and analyze the analysis model of the system. These two models become the foundation of the back design and implementation.

The establishment of the system requirements model includes the following steps:

1) Problem statement. According to the user's initial demand, with the help of the user, write out the problem statement.

2) Define the participant (actor). Define the participants of the system under user participation.

3) Define the use case. Observe the interaction process of participants and interface prototypes, and export the use case.

Problem statements, participants, GUI interface prototypes and use cases together constitute a system demand model.

Establishing a system analysis model includes the following steps:

1) Static modeling. According to the problem statement and use case, the static structure of the system is modeled, and the static model can be represented by a class diagram, which draws the object class in the problem domain, and also indicates the basic attributes and class between these classes.

2) Dynamic modeling. Dynamic modeling according to the use case and the static model, the dynamic model can be represented by sequential diagrams, cooperative diagrams, and state diagrams. Dynamic characteristics of dynamic model expression systems.

3) Establish a useful document. Use examples, static models, dynamic models to verify, refer to, further modify, refine static, dynamic models, and complete the model documentation.

Static model, dynamic model, model document together constitute a system analysis model.

After using the UML to establish a system model, use a dedicated Case tool, this article has Rational Rose to generate a system framework. When the user confirms the system framework, the system can be reasonably divided and developed. Here, it is possible to select some object-oriented programming language. This system uses Delphi as a development tool. After the development is completed, a variety of tests can be made, and then delivered.

Third, the design idea of ​​the personnel file information management system and the background

3.1. Design background and ideas

A information management system design should be to successfully realize the needs of information management in information management, especially the needs of various changes to the target system, and the information management system should have good expansion, reconstructed and compatibility. At the same time, with the continuous social life in social life, archival management also requires electronic intervention, and this is continuously improved its own efficiency and work ability. To this end, this system is developed. According to the Zhejiang Massen [2001] No. 3 "Zhejiang Normal University Cadre Personnel Archives Material Collection Archive Regulations" and related personnel management materials, Personnel Archives Information Management System PAMIS design ideas is briefly introduced. The overall concept of PAMIS can be divided into seven modules: file management, information retrieval, archive borrowing, file transfer, statistical report, system maintenance, and help system. The PAMIS system function module is as follows:

1. Archive management: Archive management is mainly able to entrunly entrunly all kinds of personnel file information to construct a file database, and prepare a variety of retrieval directories;

2. Information retrieval: mainly to retrieve the file information of the relevant personnel, mainly through the name retrieval, divided into accurate retrieval and blur retrieval during specific retrieval;

3. Options: This module is mainly managing file borrowing, returning situation, and registration.

4. Archives Transfer: Including the transfer and transfer of personnel files for management, preparation list, after the file transfer is completed, the corresponding deletion and add operations that have changed personnel file information have occurred.

5. Statistics: Mainly used with the actual quantity of personnel files in the statistics database, and the actual number of archives each year, and generates corresponding graphics drawing and report printing. Ability to print official reports, or print informal reports according to personal requirements;

6. System maintenance: Because the personnel file is a very important job, especially its security reliability. Therefore, you will first prompt you to enter your username, the corresponding password, and select the appropriate permissions. At the same time, in order to facilitate the management of the system, this module also includes operator management, permission level settings, system logs, and system initialization four submodules.

7. Help System: This module is mainly to achieve the help topic query, common tools, and introduction to this system.

3.2 System Modeling Tool Rational Rose

Pamis system modeling uses Rational Rose, which is an object-oriented visualization, design modeling tool for Rational. Rational Rose supports integrated modeling languages ​​(UML), and UML is currently a standard language for object-oriented technology. The Rational Rose Design Tool provides a variety of visual block diagrams such as a use case diagram, a sequence graph, a collaboration map, class (Class) diagram.

4. Object-oriented analysis, design process of personnel archives information management system

4.1 Analysis

Personnel Archives Information Management System (hereinafter referred to as Pamis) in higher education institutions is rich in content and has a lot of work. As a simple example, this article describes the application of object-oriented method (UML) in software project development. Only process file management, information retrieval, archive borrowing, file transfer, statistical report, system maintenance, and online help seven modules are handled in the development of PAMIS.

Pamis users are mainly divided into general ordinary users and archive administrators. As a general ordinary user can only query the information of the archived person, print the report and modify the password as well as the help system as required. Archive administrators can use PAMIS to file management, including file management, archival borrowings, and archives, system maintenance, and help systems. The services that should be provided in terms of file management are as follows:

1. Archive management

Archive administrators can increase personnel file information for newcomers, and they can also modify and delete personnel file information.

2. Archive borrowing

By querying, retrieving the file information required by the user, and registering the valid information of the borrower, and the borrower needs to return the personnel file information to return the file room before the specified time, cancel or renew the file. If you exceed the return time, the file administrator notifies the borrower to return the file.

3. File transfer

The file transfer is transferred from two services. The file administrator assigns a number to the transfer person and increases to the database, registers the reasons for transfer, and modify the corresponding information. The file transfer service also queried by the file administrator first, registers the information, and adds the information to the transfer person database while deleting the in-job database.

The services provided in the information query are as follows:

You can query the file information of the person, there is basic situation, work experience, contact information, education, position, performance, contract.

Ordinary users and archive administrators can use the query module, the keywords from the query are: number, name, departmental college, ID number.

The services provided in statistical reports are as follows:

You can printed the file information, basic situation, work experience, contact information, education, position, performance, contract. At the same time, you can print the report as needed. And the statistical situation of the file, the borrowing situation.

Ordinary users and file administrators can find the person information to be printed by query, and print personnel information as required. In addition, file administrators can print file borrowing statistics and archives statistics.

The services provided in system maintenance are as follows:

System maintenance is mainly composed of operator management, password modification, permission setting, system log management, and system initialization of five modules.

Archive administrators can increase, delete ordinary users and archive administrators through operator; can change the operation permission of ordinary users by permission settings; through system log management, you can view system logs and clear system logs; and initialize the system.

Ordinary users and archive administrators can modify their passwords.

The above operational permissions are the system default. In addition, the file administrator can modify the permissions of the normal user to modify the operation permission of the normal user, so that ordinary users get the corresponding operational permissions.

The services provided in the help system are as follows:

This help system is mainly inquiries to achieve help topics, as well as in this system. Ordinary users and archive administrators can operate.

4.2. Analysis problem

4.2.1 Determining System Scope and System Boundary

Personnel Archives Information Management System Pamis is mainly used for file management. In general, everything is the content of this aspect belongs to PAMIS, other content, such as teaching management, financial management, etc., is not a scope of Pamis.

4.2.2 Defining Activists

According to the requirements of the PAMIS system and the responsibility of the system, we can determine that there are 2 actors: ordinary users and archive information administrators (hereinafter referred to as administrators).

"Ordinary User" actors use Pamis to file information query modules in archival management, and print all kinds of reports, help the system, and modify their login passwords as needed.

"Administrator" actors use Pamis to make file management, system maintenance, and help systems. The file management can include enrollment (increasing), modification, deletion, query, file borrowing, file transfer, and transfer, and print various reports according to the needs; the system maintenance module work mainly includes operations Managing, System Logs, System Initialization, Permissions, and You can also modify the logo password, and use the help system. 4.2.3 Defining Uses Case

Each USE CASE is a sequence of operational transaction in an actor's interaction. Definition according to the actors We can define the Pamis for USE Case.

From the top of the Pamis top USE CASE, you can determine three main USE CASE: File Management, System Maintenance, and Help Systems.

Use Case Management and Use Case "Help System" and 2 actors have interactions; Use Case "System Maintenance" is only interacting with 1 actors, ie "administrators". As shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 top USE CASE diagram

The top layer is now refined.

Use case "Archive Management" can be broken down into USE Case "Archive Information Management", "Archives Borrow", "Archives Transfer", "Archives Query", "Statistics". Among them, USE CASE "Archives", USE Case "file transfer", USE Case "file borrow" only interacts with "admin" activities; and USE Case "Archive Inquiry" and USE Case "Statistics Report" Two actors have an interaction. Appendix a USE Case "Archive Management" diagram.

Use case "System Maintenance" can be broken down into USE Case "Operator Management", "System Log", "System Initialization", and "Permission Management". These four USE CASEs are only interacting with the Administrator. Appendix ISE Case "System Maintenance".

Use case "Help System" can be broken down into Use Case Help, "About System Introduction", "Calendar". These three USE CASE interacts with 2 actors. Appendix SUSE Case "Help System" diagram.

4.2.4 Draw USE Case

By definition of the PAMIS system, we can start from the top abstraction, as shown in Figure 1, then decompose it can draw a fine USE Case diagram, Appendix II Use Case "File Management" Figure, Appendix San Uses " System Maintenance "diagram, Appendix SUSE Case" Help System "diagram. The following is a brief description for the primary USE CASE of the PAMIS system.

Use copy "Archive Query":

When the ordinary users and administrators launched inquiry information, the USE CASE "Archive Query" starts running. According to the requirements (keywords) of the input, the relevant information is displayed by accurate or fuzzy query.

Use case "Archives Management":

When the administrator logs in to the system, and when starting the management file, USE CASE "Archive Management" will start running. It first checks the user's identity and password, verifies the legal identity of the user and the corresponding operational permissions, and then enters, deletes, or modifies the file data, the transfer (transfer and transfer) and the file borrow management (registration and Logout).

Use Case "Statistics Report":

When a regular user and administrator logs in to the system, and when the statistics are launched, the USE Case "Statistics Report" begins to run. It first checks the user's identity and password, and the user legal identity and the corresponding permissions, then takes out the person information from the database, and classifys statistics as required, generates a statistical report, or takes the borrow information from the database, and generates the corresponding report .

Use case "System Maintenance": When the administrator logs in the system and starts system maintenance, the USE CASE "System Maintenance" will start running. It first checks the user's identity and password, and the user's legitimate identity and operation permission, and then you can perform system initialization, system log, operator management, permission settings.

4.2.5 Drawing main interaction map

The interactive diagram can describe how the USE CASE interacts between objects. There are two types of interactions: sequential diagrams and synergies. The specific content will be described at the following dynamic behavior model. Now mainly draw sequence, according to the needs of the system and various USE Case analysis, Pamis mainly has file management sequence diagrams and system maintenance sequence diagrams.

Figure 2 Archive management sequence diagram

The following is a brief description of the interaction of the actor "Admin" and Use Case "Archive Management".

When the "Administrator" logs in the PAMIS system, first require input user ID and password, verify the system's "Registration Form" interface object, and the verification of the user's operation permission, continue next step Interaction, otherwise refuse to enter. Then "administrator" can "query", "add", "delete", "modification", "file borrow registration", "file borrowing logout", "file transfer" and "file transfer", and corresponding "Print" operation. Finally, "Administrator" "Submit" its own data, then "storage" data, finally withdraws from the file management system, completes interaction. As shown in Figure 2 above.

4.3 Static Structure Model

Establish a static structural model of the system, mainly the expression of object class diagrams and object maps. Create a static structural model of the system from three aspects: Object class diagram, database model, and package diagram.

4.3.1 Creating an object class diagram

According to the system analysis of PAMIS, and the use case use case, some classes can be abstract, defined as follows. From the information of personnel file information, there are "personnel information"; from the management of personnel file management, there are mainly "archives borrowing", "file transfer classes"; mainly "system maintenance classes" from system maintenance.

The attributes of "personnel information" include: basic information form, contact information, subject, work experience table, position status, performance table, contract status, specifically in the specific table Part of the database model introduction; services for this information include query, delete, modification, and increase.

The properties of "file loan" are: numbers, borrowed people name, borrowed people, borrowed people name, borrowers, borrowers, borrowing time, return time, etc .; registration registration for this information Log out.

The properties of "file transfer classes" are: number, name, gender, office department, ID number, note (reasons), etc .; and the services are registered, logout, etc.

The properties of the System Maintenance Class are: system logs, administrators, permissions; services on these data information include system initialization, clear system logs, modification permissions, increase administrators, delete administrators.

In addition to defining the above general classes, there is a need for a user interface. The following user interface classes can be available for the PAMIS system. As shown in Figure 3:

Figure 3 User interface package diagram

Among them, the interface "Archive Management Form" provides the function of the file management, mainly filed addition, deletion, modification, file transfer, and archive borrowing.

Interface "Report Printing Table" is mainly to provide file statistics for ordinary users and administrators.

Interface "System Maintenance Form" is mainly to provide administrators with maintenance management functions for the PAMIS system, including: system initialization, system log, permission setting, and operator management. Interface "Registration Form" provides normal users and administrators with authentication functions of authentication and corresponding operation permissions when they enter the system.

Query "File Management Form" provides the functionality of the file query for ordinary users and administrators.

In defining an object class and a user interface, the relationship between some classes is now defined. Specific relationships with each other are related to joint, polymerization, generalization and dependencies. According to this, the file management object class map is drawn, as shown in Figure 4:

Figure 4 Archive management object class diagram

You can also draw system maintenance object class diagrams, Appendix 4 System Maintenance Object Class.

4.3.2 establishing a database model

The PAMIS system uses a relational data set and manages database. Data analysis and database design are required when analyzing and designing the static structural model of the system.

The main data of the PAMIS system requires management and the corresponding operational operations. That is: personnel information data, system operator data. According to the analysis of the above object, the PAMIS system requires 10 database tables. The specific data sheet is defined as follows:

Basic information sheet (person number, name, name, gender, birthday month, origin, nation, department, cultural degree, degree, political look, party time, health status, marital status, photo)

Contact information (person number, office, office phone, mobile phone, email address, home address, zip code, home phone)

Educational status (person number, professional 1, graduation school 1, graduation time 1, professional 2, graduation school 2, graduation time 2, highest degree, foreign language, foreign language level)

Work experience table (person number, start time, termination time, position, unit, title, department)

Position status (person number, entering unit time, technical title, administrative title, participating working hours, employment, personal special, working age, state)

Performance table (person number, assessment time, performance, performance reward, processing, assessment unit)

Contract table (person number, start time, termination time, contract number, employment department, contract period, signing time)

Borrowing list (received by the borrower number, name, department, borrower name, borrower), borrowing time, return time, return, borrowers

Operator table (user name, name, password, operation permission, level)

Transfer personnel table (person number, name, gender, departments, ID number, transfer / transfer, remark)

4.3.3 Creating a package diagram

The PAMIS system package diagram is shown in Figure 5, there are 5 packages "Personnel Archive Management" package, "Database" package, "User Interface" package, "MFC" package, "Error handling" package.

The "User Interface" package is all interface object classes. Yes: Registration form, file management form, system maintenance form, report printing form, query file form. The "MFC class" package contains the necessary library function object classes for support system dynamic connection libraries.

The "Error Processing" package contains all object classes that implement the database service function.

The Database package contains all object classes that implement the database service function.

"Personnel Archives Management" package includes file management, system maintenance, authentication, and help system.

Figure 5 Pack diagram of the PAMIS system

Appendix Five Personnel Archives Management Packap.

4.4 Dynamic Behavior Model

The dynamic behavior model of the system is expressed by interactive diagram (sequential diagram and coordinated map), state diagram, activity chart.

4.4.1 Establishing a sequence diagram

The sequence diagram of establishing a PAMIS system is based on the use of the USE Case view and the system: the actor "Administrator" interacts with the use of Use Case "Archives" and USE Case "System Maintenance" and the actor "Ordinary User" Case "Information Retrieval" interaction.

For the actor "Administrator" "Administrator" and "Login Registration Form" object interface, "User Window" interface object, "User Window" interface object, "User Window" interface object, "Operator Registration Form" object interacts.

When the Activator "Administrator" logs in to the "System Maintenance" system, the authentication of the user's identity and the user's operational permissions is first, determine the correct user to perform the next step, otherwise refuse to log in or use the "System Maintenance" system. After the verification is correct, the user can perform, "View" or "Clear" system log, the administrator's "Add" or "Delete", "System Initialization", and the Operator's "Permissions", the final administrator will modify Information "Submit" Database, "Storage" The corresponding data, and "exits" system, complete this interaction. The sequence diagram of the specific "system maintenance" see the appendix system maintenance sequence diagram.

Figure 6 is the interaction process of the actor "normal user" on the U SE Case "Information Retrieval". First, the active person login system, then "log in to the registration form" interface verifies the legal identity and operation permission of the user. If it is a legal user, continue the next step, otherwise the login system will be refused. The user can then search the information, and the result can be selected according to each need to select the print type, then exit the system, complete the interaction process.

Figure 6 Ordinary users' sequence diagram for USE Case "Information Retrieval"

Also we can also draw a system maintenance sequence diagram, see Appendix Six System Maintenance Sequence.

4.4.2 Establishing a cooperative map

Synergistic diagram is used to describe how the system is implemented by the components of the system. A collaborative map for USE Case "Archive Management" is shown in Figure 7. The object role in the figure has the "Registration Form" interface object, "File Management Form" interface object, "Personnel Information" object, "Archive Management" object, "Archive Borrow" object, "File Transfer" object. They work together to achieve the management of the file.

Figure 7 Archive management cooperative map

There are still many interactions in the PAMIS system. There are also actors "Administrators" USE Case "System Maintenance", Uses "Archives Borrow", Use Case "Archive Transfer", Use Case "Information Retrieval", and Activator "USE Case" information Search "etc. Interaction.

Appendix Seven Archives Borrowing Cooperation.

Appendix Eight Archive Transfer Association.

Appendix Nine Information Retrieval Association.

4.4.3 Establishing a status map

The system status chart shows the life history of an object class. For the archive borrowing state diagram of the PAMIS system, as shown in Figure 8. It has the following states and actions.

Figure 8 Archive Borrowing Status Map

"Initialization" Status: When entering the system for the first time, the system enters the "initialization" state. Clear the database table.

"Archive Borrow" Status: Once the "Archive Borrow" object is created, enter the "Archive Borrow" state.

"Borrow Registration" Status: When the Borrow Registration object is created, enter the "Borrow Registration" state. The action of this state is to record the borrow information, when exiting, the relationship message is sent to the "off" state. "Borrowing Logout" Status: When "Borrowing Logout" object is created, enter the "Borrow logout" state. The action of this state is to record the logout information. When you exit, send a message to the "Close" state.

"Cancel" Status: The action of the cancellation of the object is mainly to undo the action that has just happened and ends the operation of this object. When the "Borrow Registration" state, "Borrow Registration" status, "Cancel" is "canceled" event, and is transferred to this state. The action of this state is to the undo actions prompt information and the prompt information that ends the object runs, and transferred to the exit of the status map.

"Close" Status: "Archives Borrow" status, "Borrow Registration" status, "Borrow logout" status is transferred to this status when the "Close" event occurs. The action of this state is to store the changed data and end the operation of this object. Transfer to the exit of the status map.

Similarly, there can be other status maps: file management status map, file transfer status diagram, system maintenance state diagram.

Appendix Ten Archive Management State Map.

Appendix Eleven Archives Transfer State Map.

Appendix 12 System Maintenance State Map.

4.4.4 Establishment

The main role of the activity map is to represent the business workflow and concurrent process of the system. Activity diagram is now drawn on the file management of the PAMIS system. In Figure 9, participating in the active object has the "Registration Form" interface object, "File Management Form" interface object, "File Management" object, "Personnel Information" object. The operating status has "Login", "Management Archives", "Take Personnel Information", "Add / Delete / Modify File Information". The actual line is indicated.

Figure 9 File management of the PAMIS system

Similarly, there is an active diagram of the file borrowing of the PAMIS system, the active diagram of the file transfer, the archive query activity diagram, system maintenance map.

Appendix 13 Archive Borrowing Activist.


Appendix 15 system maintenance map.

4.5 Physical Model

4.5.1 Establishing a component map

The operation software of the PAMIS system can constitute a component diagram. As shown in Figure 10. Among them, there are "Pamis" systems, "Archives Management", "Personnel Information", "System Maintenance", "Archives Borrow", "File Transfer", "Permission Settings", "System Initialization", "Operator Management", " System Log "Component Composition.

Figure 10 Component diagram of the PAMIS system

4.5.2 Creating a configuration diagram

The PAMIS system is an application system based on local network and databases, which can be configured on different nodes to communicate with each other via the network. As shown in Figure 11, the corresponding components maintained by the database server, the application server, the file management, and the system maintained are configured on different nodes. The application server communicates with the database server, and the database server provides database services to the application server. Application Server and Archive Management and System Maintenance Mutual communication, the application server provides users with file management and system maintenance services. Archives Management and System Maintenance Nodes The specific completion of file management and system maintenance, is the background of the application database, which does not directly contact the database, but to request access to the database server through the application server.

Figure 11 PAMIS system configuration diagram

V. Implementation of Personnel Archives Information Management System

5.1 Physical Implementation

The PAMIS system development tool uses Delphi6.0, mainly because Delphi has an unusual advantage in the development of databases and design application interfaces: the development is simple, easy to design, help the system perfect. And provide a large number of controls, which can be used to design interfaces and implement various functions, more main reasons to support object-oriented main concepts. Developing tools in the database selection SQL Server 2000 because it provides powerful queries, storage and other functions, and easy to operate. Running the operating system generally selects Windows 2000 and above, and is equipped with printers, or network sharing printers. 5.2 software implementation

5.2.1 Window Design

Delphi's window itself is a class, and each form class creates a default global object and is packaged in the .pas module. According to the object model and analysis model, one window completes a function and places some text box in the window to enter information itself, and the combo box can provide users to choose the corresponding information, and some buttons to implement various functions. By clicking the button, it is equivalent to implementation of the passing of the message, and then triggers the Click event of the corresponding button, completes this feature. This makes the entire operation, and there is an orderly manner under the control of the message. When an incident does not get a message, it will not trigger the event and in sleep. Figure 12 is a window design for registering personnel file information. Also register all kinds of information in paging form. The window design of the database is also displayed by using the text box, the corresponding record is displayed, and the "first", "the last", "Next", "the last" to select the required person information. And through various windows, complete the increase, delete, modification of records, etc. In addition, since the PAMIS information system needs frequent access to records, create a data module separately, when other windows need to access database data, it is possible to reference the module.

Figure 12 Registering Personnel Archives Information Window

5.2.2 Database Design

The design of the database is mainly considered according to the object of personnel file information. According to the individual properties of personnel file information, we use one person to register and save various information. And the redundancy of the database is minimized, and this article designs the database in accordance with the third paradigm. Spread complex relationship into several simpler relationships. Finally, it is divided into seven tables, basic information forms, work experience tables, contact information, education, job status, performance form, contract status (see 4.3.2), minimize data redundancy The rest, save the workload of the library and the storage space of the disk.

The user can be obtained after two or more databases in the form of data structures using the PAMIS system. This aspect can achieve the association between the table by designing the SQL query statement, obtain the record set of the required query. On the other hand, you can use the SQL Server2000 system through the database management system to achieve the association of data. Through the design of the design, the relationship between the tables is designed, "cascaded update" and "cascaded deletion related fields" can be selected to achieve database reference integrity.

5.2.3 front and back operation related design

While the window design and database design, let's consider the association design of the front and back operations, which is how to contact the data in the database with the window.

First, in the implementation of the PAMIS system, the database tools available from the Delphi development system can be run, mainly using the Data Source control of the Query and Data Access of BDE. In addition, the Delphi system also has a database access control (DB Navigator) control, you can add, delete, modify the records in the database. This method is easy to implement, is convenient, but the flexibility is relatively poor, and the interface is not more difficult, and this system does not use the control provided by the Delphi system. Write your code to implement the records of the record of the database. The association of the front and back operation can then be implemented using a common data variable method. By defining array variables, the data record is first established according to a given condition, the data record is established, and the record is assigned to the array variable, and then the value of the array is assigned to the corresponding form (text box), the design window The body interface and corresponding data variables are added, modified, deleted, query browsing, etc., and finally convert the data into the format that meets the data table structure, stored in the data table. In the PAMIS system implementation process, basically use the common variable to implement data conversion, although the flexibility is better, it is easy to implement complex data table design, but its design work is relatively large, and the data structure is more complicated. After completing the design of the system, I have thought that it can be implemented using a public data class module. This improves the reuse of the code.

The design basis for class modules is also the model established in object analysis. Its design ideas are: based on object models, select the attributes in the class module, according to the dynamic behavior model, the service of the design class, is a method, and events. Attributes in the PAMIS system are the properties of the personnel file information class, and there is also a need to join: Database's workspace (dynamic array), establish a string of SQL queries and three records after returning the query. The service added, because mainly established the required code record set, to move the pointer to the specified location, implement the conversion between the data, so the Move First, Move Last, Move Next, Move Previous required by the mobile record And Move N, and Add, Delete, Update, etc. This makes it possible to make the design more simplified.

However, when the system uses this class module, as long as an instance name of its instance is explained in the corresponding program, it can be directly referenced. This is a good idea of ​​object-oriented package, just know what it has, without having to know the specific implementation process. To increase attributes or methods, you can make appropriate modifications for class modules, making it easy for the entire system.

Sixth, conclude

This article introduces the basic knowledge of object-oriented and UML, and after the analysis and design of the system's static structural model and dynamic behavior model, and in the mind, it has been initially formed in the mind. The overall model of the system, as well as the intermediate process, can be said to complete the "concept" system. This is an unparalleled advantage compared to the previous analysis of the previous structure. Finally, the entire system is implemented through Delphi programming. The system can be applied to enterprises and institutions, which can improve the level of electronics, improve service quality, and improve work efficiency and economic benefits. Since one hand this system is just a software design model, the specific function has not been realized. On the other hand, you can use the data class module to design the system, so that the system is easier to maintain and enhances the program readability and portability. Therefore, in terms of the perfectness of the system, there is still a further study.

In addition, after this graduation design, I feel that I have learned a lot. Learn how to check the information and use the tool book, how to draw a variety of diagrams using the Rational Rose software. At the same time, when you need some things that have never been learned during the design, you have to look for information, then absorb the use, to improve your self-study ability, but also grow your own knowledge, and add the latest Professional knowledge. references

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Appendix 1: Use Case "Archive Management" Figure:

Appendix II: Use Case "System Maintenance":

Appendix III: USE Case "Help System" Figure:

Appendix 4: System Maintenance Object Class Map:

Appendix 5: Personnel Archive Management Packap:

Appendix 6: System maintenance sequence diagram:

Appendix 7: Archives Borrowing Cooperation.

Appendix 8: File Transfer Association.

Appendix Nine: Information Retrieval Association.

Appendix 10: Archive management status map

Appendix 11: File Transfer Status Map:

Appendix 12: System maintenance status map:

Appendix 13: Active map of the file borrowing.

Appendix 14: Active map of the file transfer.

Appendix 15: Active map of system maintenance.


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