Start using SQLServer2005, have not used MSDE, I don't know how to start at the beginning, huh, huh.

zhaozj2021-02-16  84

Press as follows (found on the Internet):

So ONTO The Command Prompt! (Wooohooo)

Sqlcmd.exe will be your friends to expedition the beta 1 build of sql express. Here's how:

- Open A Command Prompt

- Sqlcmd -e -s Servername / InstanceName (E.G. Sqlcmd -e -s Guntherb01 / SqleXpress)

- Select Name from sys.databases

- Go

You'll Find A List of the Default Databases in your SQL Express Installation (Master, Tempdb, Model, MSDB). However, No Sample Databases - Nothing!

So Here's An (Unofficial) Tip to Get Some Sample Data In SQL Express (Finally, this Post is Way to LONG) :-) - Download and Install Pubs & Nwind T-SQL Scripts: Downloads / DETAILS.ASPX? FamilyId = 06616212-0356-46A0-8DA2-EEBC53A68034 & DISPLAYLANG = EN

- Sqlcmd -s Servername / Instance -e (OR -U SA-PASSWORD)

-: R "C: / Program Files / Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Sample Database Scripts / Instpubs.sql"

-: R "C: / Program Files / Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Sample Database Scripts / InstnWnd.sql"

To verify you have successfully loaded the db's: - select name from sys.databases- go- Use pubs- select * from authors- go Note that these T-SQL scripts were designed for SQL2000 (hence unsupported), but hey, they seemed to Run Perfectly on My SQL Express Machine. Now Start Enjoying SQL Express 2005 Beta 1 !!! This version of SQLServer2005 Express does not include Full-Text INDEX


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