Rac handmade library

zhaozj2021-02-16  131

RAC Handmade Library If you have a problem with DBCA, you can solve it by modifying AIO, sometimes the environment is complex, modifying AIO, then you can try the hand construction library (of course, if you connect the library There are also 03113 errors, then it is likely to show that AIO is too small, huh, huh, or other reasons, causing your DBCA to be used, then you can try the hand construction library, then dynamically add the node into, the following is a test process: Two nodes do: Create the required directory (corresponding to the corresponding settings in init.ra): mkdir / oracle / admin / cin / bdump; mkdir / oracle / admin / cin / cdump; mkdir / oracle / admin / cin / create; mkdir / oracle / admin / cin / pfile; mkdir / oracle / admin / cin / udump; check environment variables (mainly seeing SID and instance names in Init.ra): [M80B] / Oracle / DBS> ENV | grep oracle_sid = cin1 oracle_term = xterm ora_nls33 = / oracle / OCOMMON / NLS / Admin / Data Oracle_Home = / Oracle [M80B] / Oracle / DBS> [M80A] / Oracle / DBS> ENV | GREP ORA Oracle_Base = / Oracle Oracle_sid = CIN2 ORACLE_TERM = xterm ORA_NLS33 = / ORACLE / OCOMMON / NLS / Admin / Data Oracle_Home = / Oracle [M80A] / Oracle / DBS> Editing / etc / ORATAB File: Put *: / ORACLE: Y CIN: / ORACLE: Y Create a password file (this step can not be done, if you do not create the password file, you need to use the OS certified connection): [M80A] / Oracle / Bin / ORAPWD File = / Oracle / DBS / ORAPWCIN2 Password = Change_ON_INSTALL [ M80B] / Oracle / bin / orapwd file = / oracle / dbs / orapwcin1 password = change_on_install The following procedures can be made on one machine ================================================================================================================================================================================================= ===== Connect Sys / CHANGE_ON_INSTALL AS SYSDBA SET Echo On Spool /Oracle/admin/create/createdb.log startup nomount pfile = "/ oracle / admin / cin / pfile / infin.ora"; sql>

CREATE DATABASE cin 2 CONTROLFILE REUSE 3 MAXINSTANCES 32 4 MAXLOGHISTORY 100 5 MAXLOGFILES 64 6 MAXLOGMEMBERS 5 7 MAXDATAFILES 1024 8 DATAFILE '/ dev / rsystem' SIZE 300M 9 REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 10240K MAXSIZE UNLIMITED 10 UNDO TABLESPACE "UNDOTBS1" DATAFILE 11 '/ dev / rundotbs1 'SIZE 100M REUSE 12 CHARACTER SET WE8ISO8859P1 13 LOGFILE GROUP 1 (' / dev / rredo1 ') SIZE 102400K REUSE, 14 GROUP 2 (' / dev / rredo2 ') SIZE 102400K REUSE;. Database created SQL> spool off exit; ================ ========================================================================================================================================================================================== ============== / Oracle / bin / sqlplus / nolog @ / oracle / admin / cin / scripts / createdbfiles.sql =============== = SQL> CREATE TABLESPACE "INDX" LOGGING DATAFILE 2 '/ dev / rindx' SIZE 100M REUSE 3 AUTOEXTEND ON 4 NEXT 1280K 5 MAXSIZE UNLIMITED 6 EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL;. Tablespace created SQL> SQL> CREATE TABLESPACE "TOOLS" LOGGING DATAFILE 2 ' / DEV / RTOOLS 'SIZE 100M Reuse 3 AutoExtend O N 4 NEXT 320K 5 MAXSIZE UNLIMITED 6 EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL;. Tablespace created SQL> SQL> CREATE UNDO TABLESPACE "UNDOTBS2" DATAFILE 2 '/ dev / rundotbs2' SIZE 100M REUSE; Tablespace created SQL> SQL> CREATE TEMPORARY TABLESPACE TEMP TEMPFILE 2. '/ dev / rTemp'

SIZE 90M REUSE; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLESPACE TEMP TEMPFILE * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01119: error in creating database file '/ dev / rtemp' ORA-27042: not enough space on raw partition to fullfill request Additional information: 2 (Do not know This is why, sigh .., clear space has 128m, but I can only use 100M) SQL> CREATE TEMPORY TABLESPACE TEMP TEMPFILE 2 '/ DEV / RTEMP' SIZE 40M Reuse; TableSpace Created. SQL> SQL> Create TABLESPACE "User" Logging DataFile 2 '/ dev / rusers' size 100m Reuse 3 AutoExtend on 4 Next 1280k 5 MaxSize Unlimited 6 Extent Management Local; TableSpace Created. SQL> ================ = ================ / Oracle / bin / sqlplus / nolog @ / oracle / admin / cin / scripts / createdbcatalog.sql ============= ==== spool /oracle/admin/create/createdbcatalog.log @ / oracle / rdbms / admin / catalog.sql; @ / oracle / rdbms / admin / catexp7.sql; @ / oracle / rdbms / admin / catblock . SQL; @ / oracle / rdbms / admin / catproc.sql; (Time special long) @ / oracle / rdbms / admin / catOctk.sql; @ / oracle / rdbms / admin / owminst.plb; (time is also very Long) Connect System / Manager @ / Oracle / Sqlplus / Admin / Pupbld.sql; @ / Oracle / Sqlplus / Admin / Help / HLPBLD.SQL Helpus.sql; =============== = ================ / oracle / bin / sqlplus / nolog @ / oracle / admin / cin / scripts / createclustdbviews.sql ============ ==

== Connect Sys / CHANGE_ON_INSTALL AS SYSDBA @ / Oracle / Rdbms / Admin / Catclust.sql; ============================== == / Oracle / bin / sqlplus / nolog @ / oracle / admin / cin / scripts / postdbcreation.sql ================= @ / oracle / rdbms / admin / utslrp.sql ; ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '/ dev / rindx' AUTOEXTEND OFF; ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '/ dev / rsystem' AUTOEXTEND OFF; ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '/ dev / rtools' AUTOEXTEND OFF; ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '/ dev / rundotbs1' AUTOEXTEND OFF; ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '/ dev / rundotbs2' AUTOEXTEND OFF; ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '/ dev / rusers' AUTOEXTEND OFF; ALTER DATABASE TEMPFILE '/ dev / rtemp' AUTOEXTEND OFF;.. SQL> shutdown Database closed Database dismounted ORACLE instance shut down SQL. > conn / as sysdba connect to an idle instance. sql> host ls /oracle/admin/cin/pfile/initcin.ora /oracle/admin/cin/pfile/initcin.ora SQL> Create SPFILE = '/ dev / rspfile' From pfile = '/ oracle / admin / cin / pfile / initcin.ora'; file created. SQL> SQL> Host LS /Oracle/dbs/initcin1.ora /oracle/dbs/initcin1.ora SQL> startup pfile = "/ oracle / dbs / initcin1.ora";. ORACLE instance started Total System Global Area 202866576 bytes Fixed Size 741264 bytes Variable Size 167772160 bytes Database Buffers 33554432 bytes Redo Buffers 798720 bytes Database mounted. SQL> SQL> ALTABASE ADD LOGFILE 2 Thread 2 Group 3 ('

/ Dev / rredo3 ') SIZE 102400K REUSE, 3 GROUP 4 (' / dev / rredo4 ') SIZE 102400K REUSE;. Database altered SQL> SQL> ALTER DATABASE ENABLE PUBLIC THREAD 2;. Database altered SQL> SQL> shutdown; Database closed . Database dismounted ORACLE instance shut down SQL> well, see if we can start: SQL> exit Disconnected from Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning and Real Application Clusters options JServer Release 9.2... 0.1.0 - Production [M80B] / Oracle> SQLPLUS / NOLOG SQL * PLUS: Release - Production On Sat Dec 21 20:04:03 2002 Copyright (C) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved . SQL> conn / as sysdba Connected to an idle instance. SQL> startup ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 202866576 bytes Fixed Size 741264 bytes Variable Size 167772160 bytes Database Buffers 33554432 bytes Redo Buffers 798720 bytes Database mounted. Database opened. SQL> OK , Success, you can join the 2nd node: do it on another machine: SQL> Host LS /Oracle/admin/cin/pfile/initcin.ora /oracle/admin/cin/pfile/initcin.ora SQL> Create SPFILE = '/ dev / rspfile' from pfile = '/ oracle / admin / cin / pfile / initcin.ora'; file created. sql> host ls/oracle/dbs/initcin2.ora /oracle/dbs/initcin2.ora SQL > SQL> startup ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 202866576 bytes Fixed Size 741264 bytes Variable Size 167772160 bytes Database Buffers 33554432 bytes Redo Buffers 798720 bytes Database mounted. Database opened. SQL> ok success.


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