Lost recovery of a normal user data file A (online recovery)

zhaozj2021-02-16  140

* Recovery of a normal user data file A (online recovery) database backup and recovery is a relatively common problem, our system discussions, how do I come first: D * only lost a regular user data file recovery A (Online Recovery) (for example, lost D: /backupdb/users01.dbf) Preparing to work through the following work, if fully recovered, you should be able to see; Insert Into Test1 Values ​​(2); SQL> Conn Lunar / Lunar is connected. SQL> Select * from Tab; testbackup3 table has selected 1 line. SQL> CREATE TABLE TEST1 2 (a number); the table has been created. SQL> INSERT INTO TEST1 VALUES (1); 1 line has been created. SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH logfile; the system has changed. SQL> Commit; submit completion. SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH logfile; the system has changed. SQL> INSERT INTO TEST1 VALUES (2); 1 line has been created. SQL> Commit; submit completion. SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH logfile; the system has changed. SQL> CONN INTERNAL is connected. SQL> Archive Log List Database Log Mode Archive Mode Auto Archive Enable Archive Earlier D: / Backupdb / Archive Earl Early Summary Information Log Sequence 3 Next Archive Log Sequence 5 Current Log Sequence 5 SQL> Shutdown Abort Close routine, analog data file loss SQL> ShutDown Abort Oracle routines have been turned off. Mount Database SQL> Startup Mount Oracle routines have been started. Total System Global Area 25856028 Bytes Fixed Size 75804 Bytes Variable Size Buffers 16777216 Bytes Redo buffers 77824 BYTES Database loaded. Offline the damaged data file offline SQL> ALTABASE DATAFILE 'D: /BACKUPDB /USERS01.DBF' OFFLINE; the database has changed. Open the database SQL> ALTER DATABASE OPEN; the database has changed. SQL> Copy Just Hot Square Data File (UserS01.dbf) Restoring Damaged Data File SQL> Recover DataFile 'D: /backUpdb/USERS01.DBF'; ORA-00279: ?? 424116 (? 10/20/2002 20: 42:04 ??) ???? 1 ???? ora-00289: ??: d: /backupdb/archive/backupt001s00001.arc ora-00280: ?? 424116 ???? 1 ???? # 1 ??? Specify log: {

= SuggeSted ​​| FileName | Auto | Cancel}


ORA-00279: ?? 424125 (? 10/20/2002 20:44:14 ??) ???? 1 ???? ora-00289: ??: d: /backupdb/archive/backupt001s00002.arc

ORA-00280: ?? 424125 ???? 1 ???? # 2???

ORA-00278: ??????????? 'd: /backupdb/archive/backupt001s00001.arc'

ORA-00279: ?? 424135 (? 10/20/2002 21:55:35 ??) ???? 1 ????

ORA-00289: ??: d: /backupdb/archive/backupt001s00003.arc

ORA-00280: ?? 424135 ???? 1 ???? # 3???

ORA-00278: ??????????? 'd: /backupdb/archive/backupt001s00002.arc'

Applicable logs.

Complete media recovery.


Bring the recovered data file online


Database altered.

Verify the results of recovery: completely restore

SQL> SELECT * from Tab;

TName Tabtype ClusterID


Test1 table

TestBackup3 Table

SQL> SELECT * from Test1;






1. SHUTDOWN ABORT closing routine, the analog data file is lost

2. MOUNT database

3. Offline the damaged data file

4. Open the database

5. Copy the data file (userS01.dbf)

6. Restore damaged data files

7. Enable the recovered data file online



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