AIX 5L installs RAC experience

zhaozj2021-02-16  144

AIX 5L Installing RAC's encountered Patch (in two nodes): [M80A] /> Instfix -ik iY28766 all filesets for iY28766 were Found. [M80a] /> instfix -ik iy28949 there is no data for iY28949 in the fix database. [m80a] /> instfix -ik IY29965 All filesets for IY29965 were found. [m80a] /> instfix -ik IY30150 All filesets for IY30150 were found. [m80a] /> instfix -ik IY22854 All filesets for IY22854 were found. [m80a] /> instfix -ik IY26778 All filesets for IY26778 were found. [m80a] /> instfix -ik IY28111 All filesets for IY28111 were found. [m80a] /> instfix -ik IY21047 All filesets for IY21047 were found. [M80A] /> Installing JDK and JRE Patchs If you use http server: IY30886 JRE1.1.8 If you do not use HTTP Server: IY31033 JDK1.3.1 or to IBM Web SiteDownload, there is a special directory after the package installation of the IBM website Download Download. When you install Oracle, you will specify this JDK: [M80B] / usr / java13_64> PWD / USR / JAVA13_64 [M80B] / usr / java13_64> [M80A] />

lslpp -l | grep rsct rsct.basic.hacmp APPLIED RSCT Basic Function (HACMP / ES rsct.basic.rte APPLIED RSCT Basic Function rsct.clients.rte 99.99.999.999 COMMITTED Supersede Entry - Not really rsct. compat.basic.hacmp APPLIED RSCT Event Management Basic rsct.compat.basic.rte APPLIED RSCT Event Management Basic rsct.compat.clients.hacmp rsct.compat.clients.rte APPLIED RSCT Event Management Client rsct.core.auditrm APPLIED RSCT Audit Log Resource rsct.core.errm APPLIED RSCT Event Response Resource rsct.core.fsrm APPLIED RSCT File System Resource rsct.core.gui APPLIED RSCT Graphical User Interface Rsct.core.hostrm Applied Rsct Host Resource Manager Rsct.core.rmc Applied Rsct Resource Monitoring and Rsct.core.Sec APPLIED RSCT Security rsct.core.sensorrm APPLIED RSCT Sensor Resource Manager APPLIED RSCT Registry rsct.core.utils APPLIED RSCT Utilities rsct.msg.EN_US.core.auditrm Rsct.msg.en_us.core.errm Committed Rsct Event Response RM Msgs - rsct.msg.en_us.core.FSRM Committed Rsct File System RM Msgs - rsct.msg.en_us.core.gui COMMITTED RSCT GUI Msgs - US English rsct.msg.EN_US.core.hostrm rsct.msg.EN_US.core.rmc COMMITTED RSCT RMC Msgs - US English rsct.msg.EN_US.core.sec COMMITTED RSCT Security Msgs - US Rsct.msg.en_us.core.Sensorrm Rsct.msg.en_

US.Core.SR Committed Rsct Registry Msgs - US RSCT.MSG.EN_US.CORE.UTILS Committed Rsct Utilities Msgs - US Rsct.msg.en_us.core.AuditRM Rsct.msg.en_us.core.ERRM COMMITTED RSCT Event Response RM Msgs - rsct.msg.en_US.core.fsrm COMMITTED RSCT File System RM Msgs - rsct.msg.en_US.core.gui COMMITTED RSCT GUI Msgs - US English rsct. Msg.en_us.core.hostrm rsct.msg.en_us.core.rmc Committed Rsct RMC Msgs - US English Rsct.msg.en_us.core.sec Committed Rsct Security Msgs - US RSCT.MSG.EN_US. core.sensorrm COMMITTED RSCT Registry Msgs - US rsct.msg.en_US.core.utils COMMITTED RSCT Utilities Msgs - US rsct.basic.rte APPLIED RSCT Basic Function Rsct.comPat.basic.rte Committed Rsct Event Management Basic rsct.core.rmc Applied Rsct Resource Monitoring An D rsct.core.sec Applied Rsct Security Rsct.core.SR Applied Rsct Registry Rsct.core.UTILS Applied Rsct Utilities [M80A] /> [M80A] /> LSLPP -L | GREP - i hacmp cluster.doc.en_US.html APPLIED HACMP Web-based HTML cluster.doc.en_US.pdf APPLIED HACMP PDF Documentation - US COMMITTED HACMP Postscript Documentation rsct. Basic.hacmp Applied Rsct Basic Function (HACMP / ES RSCT.COMPAT.BASIC.HACMP Applied Rsct Event Management Basic Function (HACMP / ES Support) rsct.comPat.Clients.hacmp

Function (HACMP / ES Support) [M80A] />

=============== Verify the DBA user group and the hagsuser group ========================== in nodes 1: [M80A] / Oracle> TAIL / ETC / Group. . . DBA:!: 300: Oracle Hagsuser:!: 301: Oracle, root. . . [M80A] / Oracle> In Node 2: [M80B] / Oracle> TAIL / ETC / Group. . . DBA:!: 300: Oracle Hagsuser:!: 301: root, oracle. . . . [M80B] / oracle> =============== Verify Oracle users =========================== In node 1: [M80A] / Oracle> CAT / etc / passwd | Grep Oracle Oracle:!: 300: 300 :: / Oracle: / usr / bin / ksh [m80a] / oracle> in node 2: [M80B] / Oracle> CAT / etc / passwd | grep oracle oracle:!: 300: 300 :: / oracle: / usr / bin / ksh [m80b] / oracle> ================ == Configure the network ======================= [m80a] /> tail / etc / hosts loopback localhost # loopback (LO0) Name / AddRESS m80a m80a m80a_stb m80a m80b m80b m80b_stb m80b bepone fepone feptwo ibm170 [m80a] /> ========= ========== Using root users and Oracle users authentication communication: =================== 1.

Rlogin at Node 1: [M80A] /> SU - Oracle [M80A] / Oracle> ID UID = 300 (ORACLE) GID = 300 (DBA) Groups = 1 (STAFF), 301 (Hagsuser) [M80A] / Oracle> Rlogin M80b ******************************************************** ***************************** * * * * * Welcome to Aix Version 5.1! * * * * * * Please see the Readme File In / USR / LPP / BOS for Information Pertit To * * This Release of the Aix Operating System. * * * * * ******************************* ************************************************ **************** Last unsuccessful login: Fri Dec 20 09:28:05 Beist 2002 on / dev / dtlogin / _0 last login: fri dec 20 17:00:24 Beist 2002 on 192_168_2_89_0 from [M80B] / Oracle> EXIT Connection Closed. [M80A] / Oracle> In Node 2: [M80B] /> SU - Oracle [M80B] / Oracle> ID UID = 300 (Oracle) GID = 300 (DBA) Groups = 1 (STAFF), 301 (HAGSUSER) [M80B] / Oracle>

Rlogin M80a ******************************************************* ******************************* * * * * * Welcome to AIX Version 5.1! * * * * * * Please See The Readme File In / USR / LPP / BOS for Information Pertinent to * * This Release of The Aix Operating System. * * * * * ***************************** *********************************************************** ******** Last unsuccessful login: Thu Dec 19 17:50:11 Beist 2002 on / dev / dtlogin / _0 last login: fri dec 20 17:01:26 B Eist 2002 on 192_168_2_89_0 from [M80A] / Oracle> EXIT Connection Closed. [M80B] / Oracle> 2. RCP and RSH in Node 1: [M80A] / Oracle> ID UID = 300 (Oracle) GID = 300 (DBA) Groups = 1 (STAFF), 301 (Hagsuser) [M80A] / Oracle> RCP M80b: / TMP [M80A] / Oracle> RSH M80B ls -l / TMP/ -RWXR-XR-X 1 Oracle DBA 6386 DEC 20 17:17 / Tmp/ [M80A] / Oracle> In Node 2: [ M80B] / Oracle> ID UID = 300 (ORACLE) GID = 300 (DBA) Groups = 1 (STAFF), 301 (HAGSUSER) [M80B] / Oracle> RCP m80a: /TMP/ [M80B] / Oracle> RSH M80A LS -L /TMP/ROOT.SH -RWXR-XR-X 1 Oracle DBA 6386 DEC 20 17:18 /TMP/ [M80B] / Oracle>

============ Note When the HA is configured, the node relationship must be a Concurrent mode: ============= CLUSTER CONFIGURATION Cluster Resources Show Cluster Resources Show Resource Information By Resource GROUP . x select resource group Name x x x x Move cursor to desired item and press Enter x x x x rac x x rsg_m80a x x rsg_m80b x selected resource group, I called rac view information: Node Relationship concurrent ====== ================= Open AIO: =============== [M80 A] /> LSDEV-CC AIO AIO0 Available Asynchronous I / O [M80A] /> =============== Start HA: ============= ====== Start HA on both nodes: Startup steps: 1. In the case of not starting HA, do both synchronization first, one is Topology, one is resources; 2.

Start HA (just enough to start Startup Cluster Information Daemon) (the most taboo to HA is the two nodes, especially when you synchronize, it is best to finish another node, do another node, otherwise HA easy to chaos) Start Cluster Services Type or select values ​​in entry fields. Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes. [entry Fields] * Start now, on system restart or both now BROADCAST message at startup? false Startup Cluster Lock Services? False Startup Cluster Information Daemon? True Reacquire Resources After FORCED DOWN? FALSE =================== Verify HA: =========== ======== [M80A] /> tail -f /tmp/hacmp.out end and Time: Fri Dec 20 17:12:26 2002 Action: Resource: Script name: --------- ------------------------- ------------------------------------------ Resource Group Online: Rac Node_up_local_complete search on ON : Fri.Dec.20.17: 12: 24.BEIST.2002.node_up_local_complete.rac.ref Resource group online: rsg_m80a node_up_local_complete Search on: Fri.Dec.20.17: 12: 25.BEIST.2002.node_up_local_complete.rsg_m80a.ref - -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ [M80A] /> [M80A] /> [M80A] /> [M80A] /> ====== ============= or:

=================== [M80a] /> LSVG -O VGA ORAVG ROOTVG [M80A] /> =============== ========================= [M80A] /> LSSRC -G Clster Subsystem Group Pid Status CLSTRMGRES Cluster 770276 Active Clsmuxpdes Cluster 794858 Active Clinfoes Cluster 762110 ACTIVE [M80a] /> ========================================== [M80A] /> lssrc -a | egrep 'svcs | ES' topsvcs topsvcs 385190 active grpsvcs grpsvcs 680170 active grpglsm grpsvcs 786632 active emsvcs emsvcs 720966 active clstrmgrES cluster 770276 active clsmuxpdES cluster 794858 active clinfoES cluster 762110 active emaixos emsvcs inoperative [m80a] /> ==== =========== Verify the Cluster user =========================================================================================================================================================

lssrc -ls grpsvcs Subsystem Group PID Status grpsvcs grpsvcs 704520 active 4 locally-connected clients Their PIDs:. 803028 (hagsglsmd) 778476 (haemd) 745688 (clstrmgr) 827604 (gsclvmd) HA Group Services domain information: Domain established by node 2 Number of groups known locally: 6 Number of Number of local Group name providers providers / subscribers s001IGKU0009G000000U6SUEB74 2 1 0 hagsglsm_cfg 2 1 0 ha_em_peers 2 1 0 CLRESMGRD_60 2 1 0 CLSTRMGR_60 2 1 0 d001IGKU0009G000000U6SUEB74 2 1 0 [m80a] />

========== Before running, do ROOT: ============= [M80A] / CDROM> ./ Configuring Asynchronous I / O ... asynchronous I / o is already defined adding r / w perms for group hagsuser to /var/ha/soc/grpsvcsdsocket.test...success [M80A] / CDROM> If there is a problem, see the part of the following manual ( Configuring hags) =================== Established installation directory ========================= = Follow the prompts / TMP/ [M80A] / TMP> ./ Creat.Loc) Changing Groupname of / Oracle / ORAINVENTORY TO DBA. [M80A ] / TMP> If there is a problem, you can manually do, or refer to the check information before the creation of the database is =============== before creating the database (in two Node must be confirmed): ========================== [M80A] / Oracle> LS -L / DEV / RSRVCONFIG CRW-RW-R - 1 Oracle DBA 45, 21 DEC 17 20:59 / dev / rrvconfig [m80a] / oracle> ls -l /etc/srvconfig.loc -rw-r - r - 1 Oracle DBA 30 DEC 20 14:35 /etc/srvconfig.loc [M80A] / Oracle> CAT /ETC/SRVCONFIG.LOC SRVCONFIG_LOC = / dev / rrvconfig [M80A] / Oracle> [M80A] / Oracle> LS -L / ETC / ORATAB -RW-RW-R - 1 Oracle DBA 68 8 Dec 20 15:25 / etc / oratab [m80a] / oracle> tail / etc / oratab # # The first and second fields are the system identifier and home # directory of the database respectively. The third filed indicates # to the dbstart utility That the database shouth, "

Y ", or shop not, #" n ", be bruff at system boot time. # # Multiple Entries with the same $ oracle_sid area not allowed. # *: / Oracle: n [m80a] / oracle> LS -L /etc/orainst.loc -rw-r - r - 1 Oracle DBA 50 DEC 20 14:35 /etc/orainst.loc [m80a] / oracle> cat /etc/orainst.loc inventory_loc = / oracle / ORAINVENTORY INST_GROUP = DBA [M80A] / Oracle> [M80A] / Oracle> LS -L /VAR/opt/oracle/srvconfig.loc -rw-rw-r - 1 Oracle DBA 30 DEC 20 14:12 / VAR / OPT / ORACLE /srvconfig.loc [m80a] / oracle> cat /var/opt/oracle/srvconfig.loc srvconfig_loc = / dev / rsrvconfig [m80a] / oracle> Do not worry, manually perform the following commands (in two nodes): ( Configuring HAGS, see MetaLink: 2064876.102) CHMOD A X / USR / Sbin / Cluster / Utilities / CLDOMAIN ChGRP HAGSUSER / VAR / HA / SOC / GrpsvcsdsDsDsDsDsDsDsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsd.` CHMOD G W / VAR / HA / SOC / GrpsvcsdsDsocket.` / usr / sbin / cluster / utilities / cldomain` test HAGS: [M80A] />

/ Usr / sbin / cluster / utilities / cllsif Adapter Type Network Net Type Attribute Node IP Address Hardware Address Interface Name Global Name Netmask m80a service ether_net ether public m80a en0 m80a_stb standby ether_net ether public m80a en1 255.255 .255.0 m80a_tty0 service rs232_net rs232 serial m80a / dev / tty0 m80b service ether_net ether public m80b en0 m80b_stb standby ether_net ether public m80b en1 m80b_tty0 service rs 232_NET RS232 Serial M80B / DEV / TTY0 [M80A] /> =========== In the Oracle Code installation complete (2 nodes), execution /oracle/ ======== ====== [m80b] / oracle> ./ Running Oracle9 script ... The following environment variables are set as: ORACLE_OWNER = oracle ORACLE_HOME = / oracle Enter the full pathname of the local bin directory : [/ usr / local / bin]: The file "dbhome" already exists in / usr / local / bin. OVERWRITE IT? (Y / N) [N]: y COPYING DBHOME TO / USR / local / bin ... The File "Orac"

Already EXISTS IN / USR / local / bin. OVERWRITE IT? (Y / N) [N]: y COPYING ORAENV TO / USR / local / bin ... The file "Coraenv" Already EXISTS IN / USR / local / bin. OVERWRITE IT? (Y / N) [N]: y COPYING CORENV TO / USR / local / bin ... CREANG / ETC / ORATAB FILE ... Adding entry to / etc / oracab file ... Entries Will Be Added To the / etc / oratab file as needed by Database Configuration Assistant when a database is created Finished running generic part of script. Now product-specific root actions will be performed. [m80b] / oracle> If a problem occurs, also done manually can

Reply: The encounter of the installation of RAC on AIX 5L If the above problem is solved, there should be no problem during the installation software, if any, there is a problem with the possibility of: 1. Solve PRKR-1023: Do $ ln -sf /etc/srvconfig.loc /oracle/srvm/config/srvconfig.loc 2 in both nodes. Solve PRKR-1064: Do $ su root's password: # mkdir / var / opt / oracle # chown oracle: dba / var / opt / oracle # chmod -r 777 / var / opt / oracle # ln -sf /etc/srvconfig.loc /var/opt/oracle/srvconfig.loc # ls -l /var/opt/oracle/srvconfig.loc lrwxrwxrwx 1 root system 18 Nov 27 15:18 /var/opt/oracle/srvconfig.loc -> /etc/srvconfig.loc # # more /var/opt/oracle/srvconfig.loc srvconfig_loc = / dev / rrvconfig # ls -l / dev / rrvconfig crw-rw-r - 1 Oracle DBA 45, 21 NOV 25 14:52 / dev / rsrvconfig # # dd if = / dev / rrvconfig of = / dev / null BS = 8192 16384 0 Records in 16384 0 Records Out # 3. News JRE WORKY> SRVCONFIG -INIT -F JRE: 2520-014 Provider token 0 Does NOT EXIST. JRE: 2520-014 Provider token 0 Does Not Exist. [M80A] / Oracle> Solution: Install JDK And JRE ERROR AT LINE 1: OROR AT LINE 1: ORA-03113: ORROR AT line 1: ORA-03113: ORA-03113: ORA-03113: ORA-03113: ORA-03113: ORA-03113: ORA-03113: ORA-03113: ORA-03113: ORA-03113: ORA-03113: ORA-03113: ORA-03113: ORA-03113: ORA-03113: ORA-03113: ORA-03113: ORA-03113: ORA-03113: ORA-03113: ORA-03113: ORA-03113: ORA-03113: ORA-03113: ORA-03113: ORA-03113: ORA-03113 End-of-file on Communication Channel Pick AIO, AIX 5L's default is 1-100, when you pick, you can be accumulated in 10 units, pay attention: 1. Two nodes should be consistent 2. Reboot after picking the AIO, then get HA until it does not report.

(Installed on my machine the informix, not installed before the MINIMUM number of servers = 10 on it, it seems a 20, huh) Change / Show Characteristics of Asynchronous I / O Type or select values ​​in entry fields. Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes. [Entry Fields] MINIMUM number of servers [20] # MAXIMUM number of servers [100] # Maximum number of REQUESTS [8192] # Server PRIORITY [39] # STATE to be configured at system restart available State of Fast path enable TID = 259 & highlight =% 2blunar*


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