English grammar

zhaozj2021-02-16  108

Double word Double (twice) / HALF (half) / Three Times (triple) IT IS double the size of my room.a double bed.your desk is triple (Treble) AS BIG AS MINE. Your desk is at least me Three times larger. Your Watermelon Is Three Times Bigger Than Mine.i Bought this Melon At Half The Price.you Are Something, Peter. Pitt, you are really great. Indicates that possible hypothesis if it rains tomorrow, we will stay home. It is assumed that the tone indicates something that may occur now or in the future. Although this sentence refers to the future, it is not available in the IF clause, and it must be used now. If You Will Climb, I Will Climb, Too. You Will in the IF clause in this sentence is not a future, but it means "willing", it is equivalent to Are Willing or Disposed To. Assume that tone indicates something that may happen now or in the future, use hypothesis now. The most common structure is: the verb of the adverbial sentence is generally in general, the verbs of the main clauses are activated by helpers. In such conditional sentences, various currents can now be used in the IF boot words, not just the general time. BUT THEERE IS Nobody Here But You and Me.There Is Nothing But Sand.but Ties Instructions, Meaning "Remove, Open"; synonymous after the phrase is generally used. OK, I have no choice but to let you go.but after receiving, but there is no more than the TO behind the BUT after Nothing. Who But a Fool Would Do Such A Thing. Smuggling? Are you kidding? Smuggling? Are you joking? The pronouns of the Nobody But Me But are generally used. Time-preposition Before and by Report It to Me Before Sunset. Before, it does not include the time referred to in its object. The meaning of Before is Earlier Than. That Means I got to be back by Six.by is not late Before ..., in ..., it means that the time refers to the indicated by its object, and it will be completed before a certain time or at this time. The meaning of BY is Not Later Than. BY indicates that the result of a time is that it indicates the end of the time. BY phrase is not used with continuous things. Assistance words CAN and Could CAN, Could is equivalent to May, Might represents license in spoken language. Could represents a request. CAN, Could represents, which is equivalent to Be Bale Tocan, Could expressed doubt that it is generally used for interrogative or negative clauses. I can't help thinking you are ripping us off. I have to think that you are knocking our bamboo bar. CAN, Could is used for idioms. Can't Help or COULDN'T HELP 动 词 词 表示 表示 不 不.,. Invented nouns: Abstract nouns are named in nature, state, action, concept, etc., such as Time, Hope, Friendship, Knowledge, etc.


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