Eclipse3.0 + Struts Studio6.08 Developing Struts

zhaozj2021-02-16  96

It has been developing Struts-based applications with Eclipse2.12 Easy Struts0.64 Lomboz. But recently Eclipse3.0 released. Can't help it, it is itchy. all is well. It is the only version of Easy Struts that is not released. To be honest, the Struts-Config.xml is directly modified to do development, I am really not used to it. Later found the Struts Studio alternative. Just install Eclipse3 and Struts Studio, you don't have to install Lomboz, Struts Studio is a strong visual development tool.

Prepare before installation: Eclipse3.0 http://www.eclipse.orggef for eclipse studio 6.08 for eclipse (will be received after registration) To download address) Struts Studio Hack For struts studio6.08

Installation: 1. Install Eclipse 3.02. Install GEF3. Install struts Studio 6.08 for Eclipse4. Crack. Decompress two directories. Cover $ strutsstudio dir / eclipse / plugins / com.exadel.struts.ui_6.0.10 / strutsui.jar, com.exadel.jar override StrutsStudio Dir / Eclipse / Plugins / Com.exadel.struts_6.0.10 / Struts.jar. Crack is successful.

Regret: struts studio is not free.: (~~~ I always feel uneasy with the pirated version.

I am also just installed, but I can finally make a record in the Eclipse3 Struts. Everyone is in the installation and use process, I hope to share it.


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