zhaozj2021-02-16  97


Enterprise Application Integration, EAI

The business process of the company will also involve multiple application systems, so these systems can be collaborative, but the interface and architecture often make these applications that should be tightly integrated into one "information island". Thus, Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) is born, which can be used as an adhesive to connect various business-related heterogeneous systems, applications and data sources inside and outside the enterprise, to meet E-Commerce. ERP, CRM, SCM, OA, database, data warehouse, etc. There are seamless sharing and switching data between important systems, etc. EAI involves a wide range of technologies and is complex. To help you better understand EAI technology and IBM in EAI solutions, the core of EAI is the use of middleware connection enterprises. There are a variety of different types of middleware to provide EAI functionality. Pay attention to the following basic features when selecting the EAI middleware:

Through the middleware, different applications will be connected to ensure the independence of the application, and the data sharing problem is solved without modifying the business logic of the application itself. Process and support for core shared business data models. Implement business process automation. Make sure that each department can do the same job in different systems. Support constant changes in application architecture. It can be easily re-prepared to increase or remove the system without affecting other systems. It is possible to provide real-time interfaces and batch interfaces to provide synchronous and asynchronous interfaces. The security of data must be guaranteed, and only the purpose application can be read. Good performance and data throughput, and have flexible scalability to adapt to the development of the company. The recovery mechanism must be available, and the data can be ensured when an abnormality such as a connection interrupt occurs during the data transfer process. Provide predefined general models and industry models for process management. It is possible to provide real-time interfaces and batch interfaces, and can provide synchronous and asynchronous interfaces. It is possible to provide real-time interfaces and batch interfaces to provide synchronous and asynchronous interfaces.


A complete EAI solution of the five levels should include the following five levels: User interaction: Implement the access and security mechanism for the unified application user interface, and use the portal technology to build. Application connection: Through the HUB or bus architecture, the connection between application and application is implemented, and the relevant data route is converted to data format. Business process integration: To achieve business process management, including two aspects of workflow management and automation processes. Construction integration: This level contains two parts, part of which is a new application compatible with existing applications, and the other part is to reuse existing resources to adapt to the needs of the new environment.

Information Integration: Implementing data integration, direct integration of data layers between heterogeneous data sources. • Related Technology EAI solutions typically involve jca, JMS, Web services, and XML and other enterprise-class technologies. These technologies have become the industry's standard, which can maximize customer investment. These techniques can be included in the related products to be transparently used in the related products, or can be called themselves in their applications. In addition, SOA (service-oriented architecture) becomes hot with the piggyback of major manufacturers. Although SOA itself is not a new concept, SOA has better development conditions due to the maturity of Web services and mesh computing. For EAI, SOA-based enterprise applications can gradually change with the changes in business services, and can achieve "flexible" software system, thereby reducing the cost and risk of implementing EAI, so we can say that SOA has gave it. An new opportunity for EAI vendors.


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