ANT Chinese Manual - Download and Installation

zhaozj2021-02-16  112

Getting Ant

Get Ant

Binary Edition

Binary version

The Latest Stable Version of Ant Web Page http://ant web http://ant web / ANT / NIGHTLY /.

You can get the latest ANT version from the Ant homepage, if you are in the edge, you can get the latest version from this address: Nightly /

Source Edition

Source code version

If you prefer the source edition, you can download the source for the latest Ant release from Again, if you prefer the edge, you can access the code as it is being developed via CVS. The Jakarta website has details on accessing CVS. Please checkout the ant module. See the section Building Ant on how to build Ant from the source code. You can also access the Ant CVS repository on-line.

If you are more likely to get the source version, you can get the latest release version from this address:, then once, if you live in the edge, you can get the source code in the CVS method. Version, Jakarta homepage has details: Accessing CVS. You can get the CHECK OUT ANT project method, please refer to how to build the source code through this website, you can also get the source code through this website ANT CVS Repository.

System Requirements

System Requirements

Ant Has Been Used SuccessFully On Many Platforms, Including Linux, Commercial Flavours of Unix Such As Solaris and HP-UX, Windows 9x and NT, OS / 2 WARP, NOVELL NetWare 6 and Macos X.

Ant successfully applies to multiple platforms, including Linux, business UNIX, such as: Solaris and HP-UX, Windows 9X, and NT, OS / 2, Novell NetWare 6, and Macos X.

To Build and Use Ant, You Must Have A Jaxp-Compliant XML Parser Installed and Available On Your ClassPath.

To compile and build code in order to use Ant, you must have an XML interpreter that follows JAXP standards, which should be included in your classpath.

The binary distribution of Ant includes the latest version of the Apache Xerces2 XML parser. Please see for more information about JAXP. If you wish to use a different JAXP-compliant parser, you should remove xercesImpl.jar and xml-apis.jar from Ant's lib directory. You can then either put the jars from your preferred parser into Ant's lib directory or put the jars on the system classpath. binary releases which contains an Apache Xerces2 of XML interpreter, you can get more JAXP information at, if you want to use a different XML interpreter, you have to remove XercesImpl.jar from the LIB directory of Ant. And XML-Apis.jar, and you must put your XML interpreter's lib or in the ClassPath of the LIB or system of the ANT.

For The Current Version of Ant, You Will Also Need A JDK Installed On Your System, Version 1.2 or Later.

Now the Ant version, you have to install JDK 1.2 or higher

NOTE: The Microsoft JVM / JDK IS Not Supported.

Note: Microsoft's JVM / JDK is not supported

Note # 2: IF a JDK Is Not Present, Only The JRE Runtime, The Many Tasks Will Not Work.

Note 2: If you are just just the JRE running environment, many Ant's tasks will not work properly.

Installing Ant

Install ANT

The Binary Distribution of Ant Consts of The Following Directory Layout:


--- bin // Contains Launcher Scripts


- LIB // Contains Ant Jars Plus Necessary Dependencies


- DOCS // Contains Documentation

| - Ant2 // a brief description of ant2 requests

| | |

| - images // Various logos for HTML Documentation

| | |

| - manual // ant Documentation (a must read ;-)


- etc // contains xsl goodies to:

// - Create An Enhanced Report from XML Output of Various Tasks.

// - migrate your build files and get rid of 'Deprecated' Warning

// - ... and more ;-)

Binary Ant consists of a directory:


--- bin // Contains some start commands


--- LIB // Some JAR files required to run in Ant |

--- DOCS / / Contains documents

| -- Ant2 // A outline description

| | |

| -- images // HTML inside the logo

| | |

| - manual // Ant document (must read :)


--- ETC

Only the bin and lib Directories Are Required To Run Ant. To Install Ant, Choose A Directory and Copy The Distribution File The Directory Will Be Known As Ant_home.

Only bin and lib directory are required to run Ant, select a directory, copy all published files, and set this directory to ant_home.

WINDOWS 95, Windows 98 & Windows Me Note: Windows 95, Windows 98 & Windows ME Precautions

On these systems, the script used to launch Ant will have problems if ANT_HOME is a long filename (ie a filename which is not of the format known as "8.3"). This is due to limitations in the OS's handling of the "for" Batch-file statement. it is recommented, there.................

These operating systems, when using a shortcut to run Ant, it may fail to fail for a long text name, so try to install it in the 8.3 standard directory: icon C: / Ant

On these systems you will also need to configure more environment space to cater for the environment variables used in the Ant lauch script. To do this, you will need to add or update the following line in the config.sys file these operating systems may require Set more environment variables to run Ant shortcuts, you may have to join a line in the config.sys file: shell = c: / C: / / p / E: 32768



Before You Can Run Ant There IS Some Additional Set Up You Will Need To DO:

There are some additional settings to do before you can run Ant:

Add the bin directory to your path. Increase ant bin directory to your path inside Set the ANT_HOME environment variable to the directory where you installed Ant. On some operating systems the ant wrapper scripts can guess ANT_HOME (Unix dialects and Windows NT / 2000) - But it is better to not Rely on this behavior. Set the Ant installation directory to an Ant_home environment variable, in some operating systems, Ant can estimate ant_home, but do not rely on his optionally, set the java_home environment variable (see the advanced section below ). This SHOULD be set to the directory where your jdk is installed. As an option, you must set the Java_Home environment variable to set your JDK installation directory to java_home. Note:. Do not install Ant's ant.jar file into the lib / ext directory of the JDK / JRE Ant is an application, whilst the extension directory is intended for JDK extensions In particular there are security restrictions on the classes which may be loaded. By an extension.

Note: Do not install Ant's Ant.ja into the JDK lib / ext, Ant is an application. The JDK extension directory is used to extend JDK, and when Ant is used as an extension, there will be secure limitations.


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