Beginology ASP.NET, learn an example of analog dialog effect, there is a TextBox and a button on the main page, click the button to pop up a modal page, enter the text, click OK to return to the main page, and return it back Text value.
Very simple Dongdong, let everyone laugh
main page:
@? Page? Language = "c #"?
= "Server"
???????????????? {???????? {???????? {???????? {???????????? btnopen ??? .Attributes.Add ( "onclick", @ "var strReturn; strReturn = window.showModalDialog ( 'DialogForm.aspx', null, 'status: no; dialogWidth: 250px; dialogHeight: 125px; dialogHide: true; help: NO; Scroll: no '); if? (strreturn?! =? null)? Document.getlementByid (' txtvalue '). value = strreturn; "); ????}