Basic shape development (2)

zhaozj2021-02-08  318

Vertical alignment text

On the Format menu, click Text, and then click Text Block. By default, "home" is "hidden", which makes the text beyond the shape of the shape, extends to the top and bottom ends. Select "Back" to align the top of the text with the shape, extends only to the bottom end, which looks more distinct. Select "Dress" to align the text bottom line with the bottom border.

Horizontal alignment text

On the Format menu, click Text, and then click Different. Now you can choose to "Left", "Centenn", "Right", "Align" or "Forced Alignment". If you want the text to cover the width of the shape, use the Text Block tool to make the width of the text block greater than the width of the shape.


Each shape is stored in a shapesheet. The shape is different from which Shapesheet is the same information. Each change in the shape on the drawing page will be reflected in the "Properties" cell of Shapesheet. Similarly, enter anything in ShapeSheet will change the shape on the plot page immediately.

The Shapesheet window can be displayed in any of the following methods:

Select the shape and click "Show Shapesheet" in the Window menu. This will open and activate another window for viewing and editing shapesheet. To view the Shapesheet and shape at the same time, click Table "in the Window menu. In the Tools menu, click Options, select the Advanced tab, and select the "Take the Developer Mode" box. For each shape selected, click Right-click and select "Show Shapesheet". In the View menu, click Toolbar and select Developers. Once you have selected a shape, you can click the "Show Shapesheet" button on the Developer toolbar. Tip: The menu bar will change according to the drawing page or Shapesheet, depending on the drawing page. Figure 4 illustrates a rectangular shapesheet. Figure 4. "Shapesheet" window There are several parts for tissue shapes. The easiest view is: Click "section in the View menu, and then click" All ", then click" OK " . Next, click the title bar of each part to open or hide them. The "Shape Conversion" section contains the size, angle, and rotation center of the shape, and the "geometric" portion lists the coordinates of the lines and arc valves constituting the object geometry. If the object has multiple trajectories, each trajectory has a corresponding "geometric" section. "Protection" section specifies which parts to lock the shape, and users cannot make changes. Changed 0 to 1 to indicate the lock function. If you type 1 in the "Lockwidth" cell, the shape of the control gauge will become a small padlock and will not be able to change the shape. The shape of the appearance is stored in the format section.

Attributes can use formulas

Shapesheet layout is similar to Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. When you select a cell for input, a "formula" column is displayed under the toolbar. These cells also accept formulas, using syntax similar to the syntax in Excel, starting with the equal sign (=). The formula also references other cells in Shapesheet, and the name of the cell is placed on the left of the value of the name. The reason why SmartShape becomes such a smart tool is that the new value can be calculated to a certain attribute according to another attribute.

The following steps explain how to use a shapesheet formula to change a shape color.

Change a shape color in Shapesheet

Turn off all open shapesheets and draw a rectangular shape. Select this shape. In the Window menu, click Showesheet and click Tiles on the Same menu. Click Shapesheet's title bar. Click "Some" in the View menu, click All, and then click OK. Click all open part of the title bar to hide them. In the Filled Format section, click FillForeground cell, type 4, then press ENTER, which will find a rectangle to become blue. You can also try other numbers. Type formula = if (Width> HEIGHT, 4, 6) in the cell, then change the size of the rectangle, depending on its aspect ratio, the rectangular color will become pink from the blue. To learn more about Shapesheet, click Developer References on the Help menu, select the Directory tab, and then click Shapesheet Developer Basic Knowledge.

Custom attribute

In addition to data stored in ShapeSheet, you can add your own custom properties to store information related to the use of shapes. For example, in order to study bidding processes, you may need to store the cost and duration of each step in this process with related shapes.

Associating data with shapes is the first step in building a solution using Visio as a graphics component. You can generate digital reports and inventory reports directly according to the shape data in Visio, or these reports can be generated as results integrated with a database.

The Custom Properties field is used to associate data with the Visio shape. The following steps explain how to create a "Custom Properties" field to store costs and duration data.

To store data on the shape of the bidding process step

Draw a rectangle and display its shapesheet. Click this shapesheet, then click "Some" in the Insert menu, select "Custom Properties", and then click OK. Click the line title displayed as prop.row_1 to change it to "cost". Insert another row and name it "duration". Enter the following:

The tag prompt type value is inquiry cost, the dollar 2250 true duration duration, the day 23 really drags the shape on a template, then put it back on the drawing. "Inquiry = true" means that the Visio will prompt the value as long as one shape is dragged and dropped into the drawing or draws an identical shape.

You can insert any multiple custom attribute rows as needed. There is also a "Custom Properties Editor" wizard, but be sure to save the template containing the master shape before using the editor. On the Tools menu, select Macro and click Custom Properties Editor.

Tip: You can also add a custom property using the following method: Simply select the shape and right-click it, then select "Custom Properties" in the Shape menu. Visio will prompt you if you want to add a custom property.

Right click operation

The "Operation" section of the Shapesheet adds some features displayed on the shape of the shortcut (mouse right or right-click) menu. If you want to add your own features, there is no "Operation" section, you need to insert one.

The following steps explain how to add an Actions section and a shortcut menu item to a shapesheet.

Add a shortcut menu item to display custom properties

Show shapesheet in the shape of the bidding process. Click this shapesheet. On the Insert menu, click "Some" and click Operation. Enter the following:

Operating Menu DOCMD (1312)% Display Custom Attribute Right-click this shape. The shortcut menu should contain the option "Display Custom Properties", which is the "Properties" dialog. The% symbol indicates that the prompt will appear at the bottom of the menu. Note: Visio Type Library (and Visconst.bas) declares the constant of DOCMD (Visio Command ID). They have a prefix Viscmd. They can also be found in the VisuicMDS class of the Visio type library. You can view the type library by opening the VBA editor, select "View", "Object Browser", then select "Visio Library". It is also possible to associate the macro or attachment with a shape, and the method is to enter a formula using the RunadDon function. Connect the text field with the formula

You can insert a field to display a custom formula in the shape of geometric information or shape of the shape. To create a custom formula, you can use the same functions and syntax as you create a Shapesheet formula.

The following steps explain how to add a "width" field to the shape.

Add a field to display shape information

Double-click a shape to open the shape of the shape to edit (or use the Text Tool Click on the text), and then click the location you want to insert into the field. Type "Width" and then on the Insert menu, select Field. In the Category section, select "Geometry". In the Field section, select Width, and then click OK. Figure 5 shows the Field screen. Figure 5. Add a field to display information

Multiple text blocks

It is useful to keep each text block separation in a shape. For example, if a user is required to enter text, it is also required to display geometric information, and this text block is protected and cannot be overwritten. Separated text blocks can also apply different text styles for each text block.

Other text blocks can be added to the shape by clicking the Text Tool in the Format menu, selects and uses the Text Block tool.

The following steps explain how to add another locked text box to the shape.

Add another text box to the shape using another format

Draw a shape, then double-click it to activate the text editing function. Type "Users to add text here". Use the Text Box tool to narrow down the default text block. Add a second text box above or below the first box. Select Text Tool and type "Default Text". Format these two text blocks using different text style. Select the second text block. In the Window menu, click ShowSheet and set the Protection field LockTextedit to 1 so that it cannot be overwritten. This protected text block can also contain a field or a calculation formula. Select the original shape and the second text block. Then select "Combine" in the "Shape" menu, and then click Combine to combine them together.

Note: In Visio 2000, the text is in the combined shape itself. When selecting, you will first type the combined text when you start typing.


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