The entire process is as follows: 1. Create a TLD file first, used to place the definition of the control Property, such as: 1.0 1.1 jspitioning> My Tag Library ShortName > Table name> tag.table tagclass> JSP bodycontent> Table Tag info> border name> false required> TRUE RTEXPRVALUE> TRUE RTEXPRVALUE> attribute> tag> taglib> defines a table tag, there is a property called Border
2. Then define the location of TLD in Web.xml tagliburl taglib-uri> /web-inf/tlds/mytag.tld taglib-location> Taglib>
3. Write the parsed code in the servlet
4. Use in JSP, such as: <% @ taglib prefix = "bluesky35" URI = "tagliburl"%> bluesky35: table> If the corresponding parsing code is written in servlet So that you can analyze what you can do, you can turn him into a textbox or checkbox or draw a Table, etc.