Module design report

zhaozj2021-02-16  94

Module design report

From: http: // Author: Lin Rui Electronics Industry Publishing House

{ project name }

Module design

File status: [√] draft [] released [] being revised document identification: Company-Project-SD-DATABASE current version: X.Y Author: Date of completion: Year-Month-Day

Version history

Version / Status Author Participant Start Date Remarks

table of Contents

0. Documentation 0.1 Document Document Document 0.2 Document Range 0.3 Reader Objects 0.4 References 0.5 Terminology and Abbreviation Interpretation 1. Module Naming Rules 2. Module Summary 2.1 Module Summary Table 2.2 Module Relationship Figure 3. Module Design of Subsystem A 3. N module AN 4. Module Design of Subsystem B 4. Module BN 5. Others

0. Documentation

0.1 Document Document 0.2 Document Range 0.3 Reader Object 0.4 Reference Tips: List all references (can be a non-formal publication), the format is as follows: [Identifier] author, document name, publishing unit (or home unit), Date, for example: [AAA] Author, "Project Recommendation", institution name, date [spp-proc-sd] SEPG, system design specification, institution name, date 0.5 terminology and abbreviation explanation

Abbreviation, terminology interpretation SPP thin parallel process, Simplified Parallel Process SD system design, System Design ...

1. Module naming rule

Tip: Module Designers determine the module naming rules of this software (such as classes, functions, variables, etc.) to ensure that the style of the module design document is consistent with the style of the code. You can take or reference (if present) from the mechanism's programming specification. 2. Module Summary 2.1 Module Summary Table Table Table: Here the module refers to a relatively independent software design unit, such as an object class, a function package, and the like.

Subsystem A module name function brief introduction ... Subsystem B module name function brief details ...

2.2 Module Relationship Diagram

Tip: Reference Architecture Design Documentation 3. Module Design of Subsystem A 3. N Module A-N

Module Name Function Description Interface and Properties Tips: Use a professional design (development) tool to design this module interface and properties, description function, input parameters, output parameters, return value, etc. It is pasted here. Data Structure and Algorithm Tips: Whether it is a classic or dedicated data structure and algorithm, it should be described. Not only is the implementation of the instrument, but also makes people clearly understand how the object class is designed. Supplementary description

4. Module design of subsystem B

4. N module B-N

Module Name Function Description Interface and Properties Tips: Use a professional design (development) tool to design this module interface and properties, description function, input parameters, output parameters, return value, etc. It is pasted here. Data Structure and Algorithm Tips: Whether it is a classic or dedicated data structure and algorithm, it should be described. Not only is the implementation of the instrument, but also makes people clearly understand how the object class is designed. Supplementary description

5. Others