Crack Microsoft script encryption algorithm

zhaozj2021-02-16  68

I haven't worried about the web development version for a long time. I will come less, I will release a VBScript script that cracks Microsoft's script encryption algorithm. It is for 9CBS.

This is a quite exquisite script code for restoring the Script Encoder encrypted. People who have used ASP should know that Microsoft's script protection technology is weak, I have released AspDecoder in 9cbs, I have previously released several Version, recently get the source code (source is not remember), is written in VBScript; copy the following code to the TXT file, modify the suffix to .vbs before use.

Can be easily modified to ASP or visual basic program; option explicitDim oArgs, NomFichier'Optional argument: the encoded filenameNomFichier = "" Set oArgs = WScript.ArgumentsSelect Case oArgs.CountCase 0 'No Arg, popup a dialog box to choose the file NomFichier = BrowseForfolder ("Choose An Encoded File", & H4031, & H0011) Case 1 IF INSTR (OARGS (0), "?") = 0 THEN '-? OU /? => Aide nomfichier = OARGS (0) End ifcase else WScript .Echo "Too many parameters" End SelectSet oArgs = Nothing If NomFichier <> "" Then Dim fso Set fso = WScript.CreateObject ( "Scripting.FileSystemObject") If fso.FileExists (NomFichier) Then Dim fic, contenu Set fic = fso .OpENTextFile (Nomfichier, 1) Contenu = fic.readall fic.close set fic = Nothing const taginit = "# @ ~ ^" '# @ ~ ^ awqaaa == const tagfin = "== ^ # ~ @"' & chr (0) Dim debutcode, Fincode Do Fincode = 0 Debutcode = IF debutcode> 0 Then IF (Instr (debutcode, conten, "==") - debutcode) = 10 TEN 'IF "==" FOLLOWS The Tag Fincode = Instr (Debutcode, Contenu, Tagfin) IF Fincode> 0 THEN Contenu = Left (Contenu, Debutcode-1) & _ Decode (MID (Conten, Debutcode 12, Fincode-Debutcode-12-6)) & _ MID (Contenu, Fincode 6) end if endiffs = 0 WScript.Echo contenu Else WScript.Echo Nomfichier & "not found" End If Set fso = NothingElse WScript.Echo "Please give a filename" WScript.Echo "Usage:" & wscript.fullname & "" & WScript.ScriptFullName & "

filename> "End If Function Decode (Chaine) Dim se, i, c, j, index, ChaineTemp Dim tDecode (127) Const Combinaison =" 1231232332321323132311233213233211323231311231321323112331123132 "Set se = WSCript.CreateObject (" Scripting.Encoder ") For i = 9 To 127 TDECode (I) = "JLA" next for i = 9 to 127 chainetemp = MID (SE.Encodescriptfile (". VBS", String (3, i), 0, "", 13, 3) for j = 1 TO 3 C = ASC (MID (ChaineTemp, J, 1)) TDECode (C) = Left (TDECode (C), J-1) & CHR (I) & MID (TDECode (C), J 1) NEXT Next 'Next Line We Correct A Bug, Otherwise A ")" Could Be Decoded to A ">" TDECode (42) = Left (TDECode (42), 1) & ")" & Right (TDECode (42), 1) SET SE = Nothing Chaine = Replace (Replace, "@ &", chr (10)), "@ #", chr (13))) Chaine = Replace (Replace (Chaine, "@ *", ">") , "@!", "<") CHAINE = Replace (Chaine, "@ $", "@") INDEX = -1 for i = 1 to len (chaine) c = ASC (MID (Chaine, I, 1) ) IF C <128 THEN INDEX = INDEX 1 IF (C> 31) AND (C <128)) THEN IF (C <> 60) AND (C <> 62) AND (C <> 62) > 64) THEN CHAINE = Left (Chaine, I-1) & MID (TDECode (C), MID (Combinaison, (INDEX MOD 64) 1, 1), 1) & Mid (Chaine, i 1) End If End If Next Decode = ChaineEnd Function Function BrowseForFolder (ByVal pstrPrompt, ByVal pintBrowseType, ByVal pintLocation) Dim ShellObject, pstrTempFolder, x Set ShellObject = WScript.CreateObject ( "Shell.Application") On Error Resume next set pstrtempfolder = shellobject.browseforfolder (& H0, PSTRPROMPT, PINTBROWSETYPE, PINTLOCATION) BrowseForFolder =


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