[Repost] 8088 assembly speed check manual

zhaozj2021-02-16  77

8088 assembly speed check manual

8088 assembly speed check brochure 1, data transfer instructions - ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ────── ─ ─ Transfer data between the memory and registers, registers, and input and output ports. 1. General Data Transfer Directive. MOV  Transfer word or word Festival. Movsx  First symbol extension, then transfer. Movzx  First zero extension, then transfer. Push  Press the word into the stack. Pop pull the word Pop up the stack. pusha  Press the AX, CX, DX, BX, SP, BP, SI, DI sequentially into the stack. Popa  Put Di, Si, BP, SP, BX, DX, CX, AX sequentially pops up. pushad  Press EAX, ECX, EDX, EBX, ESP, EBP, ESI, EDI sequentially into the stack. Popad  EDI, ESI, EBP, ESP, EBX , EDX, ECX, EAX sequentially pops up the stack. Bswap swaps the order of the 32-bit registers to exchange words or bytes. (At least one operand is the register, the segment register is not As an operand) cmpxchg compares and exchanges the operand. (The second operand must be accumulator Al / Ax / eax) xadd  First exchange recovery. (The result is in the first operation Miles) XLAT  byte check table conversion. ─- BX points to the starting point of a 256-byte table, Al is the index value of the table (0-255, ie 0-ffh); return Al is the results of the surfriend. ([BX Al] -> Al) 2. Enter the output port transfer command. ini / O port input. (Syntax: IN accumulator, {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {port number {语:: OUT {port number │DX}, accumulator)  When the input and output port is specified immediately, its range is 0-255; when the register DX is specified, the range is 0-65535. 3. Destination address transfer command. LEA Loading effective address.  Example: Lea DX, String ; Departing the offset address to DX. LDS  Transfer the target pointer, put the pointer content into the DS.  : LDS Si, String ; Put the section address: Offset Address to DS: Si. les Transfer the target pointer, put the pointer content into the ES. : Les D I, String ; Put the segment address: Offset address to ES: Di. LFS  Transfer the target pointer, put the pointer content into the FS.  Example: LFS Di, String ; Segment address: The offset address is deposited to FS: Di. lgs  Transfer the target pointer, put the pointer content into GS.  Example: LGS Di, String ; Put the segment address: Offset address Save to GS: Di. lss Transmit the target pointer to load the pointer content into SS. : LSS Di, String ;

Send the segment address: Offset Address to SS: DI. 4. Sign Transfer Instruction. lahf flag register transmits, load the flag into ah. SAHF flag register transfer, AH Content Load Sign Register. Pushf Sign in the Stack. Popf Sign Out Stack. pushd32 Bit Sign In Stack. Popd32 Bit Sign Out of the stack. Second, arithmetic operation instructions - ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Add  加 加. Adc  Belts carry the addition. c plus 1. AAA  add ASCII code adjustment. daa  add Ten etch adjustment. SUB  subtraction. SBB  Borrow subtraction. DEC  1. nec  reverse (with 0 minus). Comparison of cmp. (Two operations subtilion, only modify the flag, no return result). ASCII code adjustment of aas subtraction. Decimal adjustment of das subtraction mul  No symbol multiplication. imul integer multiplication.  Many of the two, the result is sent to AH and Al (byte operation), or DX and AX (word operation) ASCII code adjustment of the multiplication of Am . div  No symbol division. IDIV  integer division.   两, 结果 回 回 回:: 送:  商 回 送, the remainder return AH, (byte operation);  or  商 回 送 AX, the remainder return DX, (word operation). ASCII code adjustment of AAD CBW  byte converted to the word. (Extended the symbol of the AL to AH) CWD  word to double words. (Extend symbolic symbol in AX Go to DX) CWDE word converted to double words. (Extend the word symbol in the AX to Eax) CDQ  double word extension.  (Put the word in Eax) Symbol extension to EDX) three, logical operations - ──────────────────────────────── ─   or calculation.     或 或. NOT to reverse. Test   Test. (Two Operations and Operations, only modify the flag, no return results). SHL  logic left shims. SAL  arithmetic left shift. (= ShL)  SHR  logic right shift. SA R Algorithography right shift. (= Shr) rol  Cycle left shift. ror loop right shift. rcl  Transmission by the cycle of the company. rcr  Moves the right to relay.  The above eight shift instructions, the number of shifts can reach 255 times. When shifting once, you can use the opcode directly.  such as SHL AX, 1.  shift> 1 time, the number of shifts is given by the register CL.  such as MOV CL, 04  SHL AX, CL four, string instructions - ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ─ DS: Si source segment register : Source string address. ES: DI target serial register: Target String address. CX  Repeat number counter. al / AX scan value. D flag  0 indicates that Si and Di should be automatically incremented in repeated operation; 1 indicates automatic reduction. Z flag is used to control the end of scanning or comparison operations. Movs  String.  (Movsb Transfer Character. Movsw Transfer word. Movsd  Transfer double word.) cmps string comparison.  (CMPSB  Compare characters. cmpsw comparison word.) SCAS  String scan.  Compare the contents of Al or AX with the target string, the comparison results are reflected in the flag. lods  load strings.   Take the elements in the source string (word or bytes) Map of Al or AX one by one.  (LODSB  Transfer character. lodsw  ​​Transfer word. lodsd  Transfer double word.) stos  Save strings.  is the reverse process of LODS. rep is when CX / ECX <>


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