A variety of use skills of resource files in Visual Basic

zhaozj2021-02-16  79

A variety of use skills of resource files in Visual Basic

Wuhan Aijun

Abstract This article introduces a variety of use techniques in Visual Basic's resource files: 1 Develop a Chinese and English (Jane, Fan) Dual Version Tips; 2 Implement "Green" software; 3 direct playing sound files; 4 Save all kinds of icons, cursor pictures and many more.

Key words resource file

First, develop Chinese and English (Jane, Fan) Double Version

Nowadays, more popular software will have multiple versions of Chinese, English, traditional, etc., and can automatically display the adaptive version according to the system language, how this feature is implemented in VB:

1. First, Judgment the language of the system through the API function getSystemDefaultlcid

Option expedition

Dim Lang as string

Private Declare Function GetSystemDefaultlcid LIB "Kernel32" () AS Long

Private sub flow_load ()

Dim Localeid As Long

LocaleId = GetSystemDefaultlcid

Select Case LocaleID

Case & H404

Msgbox "Current System: Chinese Traditional", "Language"

Case & H804

Msgbox "Current System: Chinese Simplified", "Language"

LANG = "1"

Case & H409

MsgBox "The current system is: English", "language"

LANG = "2"


End Sub

2, then the program can load saved in the resource file (here we are using this method), registry, INI file, text file, or other string in other files to achieve the purpose of achieving a variety of languages.

(1) Launch VB6.0, load "Visual Basic 6 Resource Editor" in "Add Procedure → Add Program Manager"

(2) In the VB Resource Editor window, click on "Edit String Form" as follows:

Identification No. Chinese (China)

101 cases

"102" in Chinese

103 English


202 Chinese


(3) Save the resource file, write the following code: (Customize the function loadstring)

Sub loadstring ()

Me.caption = loading (int (LANG & "01"))))

Command1 (0) .caption = loading (Int (LANG & "02"))))

Command1 (1) .caption = loading (Int (LANG & "03"))

End Sub

⑷ How to make a simple Chinese and English version of the program, if the value of the LANG is set to 1, then Chinese, if the value of the LANG is set to 2, the English is displayed.

Second, achieve "green" software

Now very popular "green" software, you don't need any installer as long as an EXE file can run the program.

And in the programming in VB needs to call a third party's control (it is difficult to use the API function to get all the features), which requires a installer to pack the required controls, DLL files, or other files. Go in, then how to use the "green" software in the VB, please see: Example:

1, main program. EXE

Use the program written in VB6.0, call the Winsock control, if there is an error without running on the machine where VB5.0, 6.0 is installed, resulting in failure of the program, then if the general method is used, only this program uses VB5 .0, 6.0 installation procedures are packaged, otherwise only use 2 methods to solve.

2, registration program. EXE

With VB6.0, use the resource file method, encapsulate the Winsock control into this program, run this program before running the main program .exe, first run this program, get the system's Winddows / System Directory through the API function GetSystemDirectory, then Copy the Winsock control to this directory and use the shell to complete the registration of the control.

(1) Launch VB6.0, load "Visual Basic 6 Resource Editor" in "Add Procedure → Add Program Manager"

(2) In the VB Resource Editor window, click "Add Custom Information", add the Winsock Control (C: /WindDows/system/msWinsck.ocx), double-click the custom resource you just created, pop up the Edit Properties window, define as follows:

Type: "OCX"

Identification number: 101

Language: Chinese (China)

(3) Save the resource file, write the following code:

Option expedition

Private Declare Function GetSystemDirectory Lib "kernel32" Alias ​​"getsystemdirectorya" (Byval Nsize As long) As long

Const max_path = 260 Note: Define a sufficiently long string

Private sub flow_load ()

DIM Tempfile () as Byte

DIM Filenum as in

DIM Tempdir as string

Tempdir = getwinsysdir Note: Custom Function Getting System's Winddows / System Directory

TempFile = loadResdata (101, "OCX") Note: To load a number of possible types of data from the resource (.res) file, and return a BYTE array

FILENUM = Freefile

Open Tempdir & "/mswinsck.ocx" for Binary Access Write as #filenum Note: New file (copy the Winsock control to the specified directory)

Put #filenum, Tempfile

Close #filenum

Note: Shell "Regsvr32" & Tempdir & "/mswinsck.ocx", VBNORMALFOCUS Note: Registered control, there is a pop-up dialog

Shell "Regsvr32" & Tempdir & "/mswinsck.ocx / s", VBNORMALFOCUS Note: Register control, no pop-up dialog msgbox "Successfully, now this program can run normally !!", vbokonly, "registration control"

Unload me

End Sub

Public function getwinsysdir () Note: Defines a function of the directory where you read Winddows / System

DIM S AS STRING, Length As Long

S = string (max_path, 0) Note: Assignment

Length = getSystemDirectory (s, max_path) Note: s is the acquisition directory, max_path is the length

S = Left (s, INSTR (S, CHR (0)) - 1) Note: Remove extra spaces

Getwinsysdir = S


Note: Supplement: The value of S and Max_Path is casual,

Note: such as: DIM S AS String * 20

Note: Length = GetSystemDirectory (s, 20)

3, supplementary description

After saving the above two programs with VB6.0, use VB5.0 to reopen these two programs and compile as the main program .exe, registration file .exe. (Compiled programs with VB5.0, do not need any DLL files under Win98, 2000)

The program runs

4, program operation

Both the main program .exe, registration file .exe, copy it to any machine, first run the registration file .EXE registration third party control, then run the main program .Exe, there will be no mistakes, one. The "green" software is complete.

Third, directly play the sound file in the exe file

With resource files, you can play a sound file (WAV file) directly in the EXE file to make the program more professional.

(1) Launch VB6.0, load "Visual Basic 6 Resource Editor" in "Add Procedure → Add Program Manager"

(2) In the VB Resource Editor window, click "Add Custom Data", add any WAV file, and double-click the custom resource you just created, pop up the Edit Properties window, defined as follows:

Type: "Wave"

Identification number: 102

Language: Chinese (China)

(3) Save the resource file, write the following code:

Option expedition

Private Declare Function GetSystemDefaultlcid LIB "Kernel32" () AS Long

Private Declare Function SndplaySoundFromMemory Lib "Winmm.dll" Alias ​​"SndPlaySounda" (LPSZSOUNDA AS ANY, BYVAL UFLAGS AS Long) AS Long

Public const SND_ASYNC = & H1 & H1 &

Public const SND_MEMORY = & H4 & H4 &

Private sub fascist5_click () Note: Play WAV files

DIM Barr () as Byte

Barr = loadingResdata (102, "Wave")


End Sub

⑷ Press F5 to run this program, click the Command button, you can hear the sound of your selected WAV file.

Fourth, directly call various icons, cursor pictures

In a program, we may need to call multiple icons, cursors, picture files. Generally, we are mainly using the imagelist control, but the use of resource files is the best way (you can use one control).

(1) Launch VB6.0, load "Visual Basic 6 Resource Editor" in "Add Procedure → Add Program Manager"

(2) In the VB Resource Editor window, click "Add Cursor", "Add Icons", "Add Bitmap" to load the required files.

(3) The program code is as follows:

Me.icon = loadRespicture (101, vbresicon) Note: Load icon

Picture1.Picture = LoadRespicture (101, vbresbitmap) Note: Load bitmap

Command1.mouseicon = LoadRespicture (101, vbrescursor) Note: Load cursor

5. If there are all the use skills of this resource file, I hope that these techniques are helpful to everyone's programming. All of the above programs are running in Win98, VB5.0 or 6.0. If you have any questions, Let us discuss with www.d1vb.com.


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