Zeus + PHP + Zend Optimizer for Linux Installation Guide

zhaozj2021-02-16  76

This article is the first UNIX composition based on Linux. Zeus is a famous web server software, which is far from Apache1 / 2. It is the first choice for the entire server user running forum. It is a very large amount of traffic that is less than 1G, and Zeus will be doubled than Apache. Load capacity. This article provides the method in each version of Redhat Linux 7.3 and above, PHP 4.3.0 and above, Zend Optimizer 2.1.0 verification, configured parameters to accommodate more than 1,000 online every 15 minutes, use Discuz! 2.0 / 3.0 Large Forum Optimization Enter a directory such as CD / USR / local / src to find a Zeus 4.2 R3 for Linux crack version download wget


TAR XVZF ZEUS_LINUX.TGZ CD Zeus.web.server.v4.2r3.linux.x86 / tar xvzf Zeus_42r3_linux-glibc2.1.tgz CD Zeus_42R3_Linux-Glibc2.1 / Start Installation ./zinstall Press Ctrl C to Enter Accept Where Should THE PRODUCT BE INSTALLED? [/ usr / local / Zeus]: Enter INSTALLATION OPTIONS: 1. Full Install of Both Admin Server & Web Server 2. Stand-Alone Install of Admin Server 3. Clustered Install of Web Server H. Help Choose Installation option [1]: Enter the key filename, or Leave Blank for unlicensed mode: /usr/local/src/ze.Web.server.v4.2r3.linux.x86/license.key (Enter key position) Please choose a password for the admin server: ****** (Input administrator password) RE-ENTER: ****** (Re-enter password) Would you like zeus to start at boot time? Y / N [ Y]: (Enter) The above is easy to install the installation process. If there is Apache to stop him to avoid 80-port conflicts / usr / local / apache / bin / apachectl Stop If you have a prompt libdb.so .2 does not exist first-entered the zo.2 directory of RPM -IVH DB1-1.85-8.i386.rpm installation PHP CD / USR / LOCAL / SRC from Small Japan Website Download PHP Wget


TAR XVF PHP-4.3.4.TAR.GZ CD PHP-4.3.4 / ./configure --prefix = / usr / local / php --enable-fastcgi --enable-forward-cgi-redirect --with-config -file-path = / etc --with-zlib --with-mysql --with-xml make make install cp php.ini-dist /etc/php.ini installation Zend Optimizer CD / USR / local / src wget

http://download.discuz.net/zedoptimizer-2[1].1.0b-linux_glibc21-i386.tar.gztar XVZF Zendoptimizer-2% 5B1% 5D.1.0B-Linux_glibc21-i386.tar.gz CD Zendoptimizer 2.1.0b-linux_glibc21-i386 / ./install.sh, I will ask for the use of / etche, when I want you use, when I want, when I., when I want to you use, I.


(Your Domain Name Address or IP Address) User Name Admin Password: Just set the password to the Zeus Management Console, point CREATE A Virtual Server to fill in the relevant six options, there are many Virtual Server, which appears after the submission. FastCGI Enabling Support for FastCGI Programs option Enabled Restricting FastCGI locations selected Enable FastCGI programs to be located anywhere Configuring Directories for FastCGI Local Responders do not write him because we fastcgi Configuring FastCGI Remote Responders in connection with a remote way to fill the following configuration Directory name: / usr / local / php / bin / php Location: Machine name: localhost Port: 8002 additional methods supported:? None other do not have control, point Url Handling following Apply changes left point Handlers File Extension: php Specify the path and filename of the handler, relative to the document root: / usr / local / php / bin / php left of the dot point Url Handling Apply changes following Directory Requests Index Files added a comma-separated index.php Directory Listing and a point selected from the Disabled Apply changes then point above THIS Configuration Has Been Modified. Click Here for Details Or To Make It Take Effect. Out of page COMMIT Configure PHP-FASTCGI CD /USR/LOCAL/ZEUS/RC.D to create a file content for S05PHP: [Copy to Clipboard ] #! / bin / sh # Scrip t to start and stop the persistent PHP runner for FastCGI. # Please check paths before use. # FastCGI PHP binary FPHPBIN = / usr / local / php / bin / php # Location to place semaphore SEMFILE = / tmp / php.pid PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN = 200 PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS = 1000 export PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN export PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS # This is Linux - use / proc to increase the local (ephemeral) port range #echo 1024 65000> / proc / sys / net / ipv4 / ip_local_port_range if [-z "$ ZEUSHOME"] then CD `Dirname $ 0` / .. zeushome =` PWD` Export Zeushome Fi Case "$ 1" in 'start') IF [-e $ semfile] the echo fastcgi php error: Already Running.Restart Fastcgi PHP Now Kill `Cat $ SEMFILE `


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