Oracle commonly used fool problem 1000 asked (2)

zhaozj2021-02-16  76

46. ​​How do I get a return in the string? SELECT 'WELCOME TO VIT' || CHR (10) || How does "in Chinese sorted? Before Oracle9i, Chinese is sorted according to binary coding. In Oracle9i, in accordance with Pinyin, Ministry, Sprinkler. Set NLS_SORT Value SCHINESE_RADICAL_M According to the first (first order), sort SCHINESE_STROKE_M Schinese_Stroke_m according to the stroke (first order), the first (second order) Sort Schinese_pinyin_m Follow the Pinyin 48. Oracle8i Object Name can be used in Chinese ? Can 49. How to change the SQL * PLUS boot option in WIN? SQL * Plus own option settings We can set in $ oracle_home / sqlplus / admin / glogin.sql. 50. How to modify the default date of the ORACEL database? ALTER session set nls_date_format = 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS'; or can be plus a line of NLS_DATE_FORMAT = 'YYYYMMDDH24MISS' 51. How to put a small table in the KEEP pool? Alter Table XXX Storage? (Buffer_pool Keep); 52. How to check if a Patch? Check That ORAINVENTORY 53 is installed? How to make the SELECT statement automatically generate a serial number? Select Rownum, colom table; 54. How to know a table in pattern ? the tablespace select tablespace_name from user_tables where table_name = 'TEST'; select * from user_tables there is a field tABLESPACE_NAME, (oracle); select * from dba_segments where ...; 55. how to quickly do the same original table and a backup table? CREATE TABLE NEW_TABLE AS (SELECT * OLD_TABLE); 55. How to modify ProCedure? Select Line, Trim (Text) t from User_Source where name = 'a' Order by line; 56. How to remove procedure is unlocked? ALter System Kill Session, kill the session, but you have to check that her session ID OR will re-change the name. 57. What is SQL Reference? It is a SQL manual, including grammar, functions, etc. Document Center for Oracle official website. 58. How to view the status of the database? UNIX PS-EF | GREP ORA Windows Whether the service is watched or not Database 59. How to modify the primary key of a table? AAA_KEY; ALTER TABLE AAA Add Constraint AAA_KEY PRIMARY Key (A1, B1); 60. Change the size of the data file? Use alter Database .... datafile. ...; manually changing the size of the data file, there is no damage to the original data file.

61. How do you check in Oracle in run? View V $ Sessions Table 62. How can I see how many TableSpace? Select * from DBA_TABLESPACES; 63. How do I modify the number of user connections to the Oracle database? Modify INITSID.ORA, increase the process, restart the database. 64. How do I find the last update time of a record? You can use the Logminer to view 65. How to read and write files in PL / SQL? The UTL_FILE package allows the user to read the operating system file via the PL / SQL. 66. How to put "&" in a record? INSERT INTO a VALUES (TRANSLATE ('at {}', 'at')); 67. How does EXP add Query parameter? Exp user / pass file = a.dmp tables (bsempms) query = '"where EMP_NO = /' s09394 / '/"; 68. About Oracle8i support Simplified and Traditional character sets? ZHS16GBK can support 69. What software is Data Guard? It is STANDBY's replacement product 70. How to create spfile? SQL> Connect / as sysdba sql> select * from v $ version; sql> create pfile from spfile; sql> create spfile from pfile = 'E: / ORA9I / Admin / Eygle / Pfile / init.ora '; files have been created. SQL> CREATE SPFILE = 'E: /ora9i/database/spfileeygle.ora' from pfile = 'e: /ora9i/admin/eygle/pfile/init.ora'; files have been created. 71. Application of kernel parameters? SHMMAX mean: This setting does not decide how much physical memory is used in Oracle database or operating system, only determines the number of memory available. This setting does not affect the kernel resources of the operating system. Setting method: 0.5 * Physical memory example: SHMINFO_SHMMAX = 10485760 shmmin meaning: Shared memory minimum size. Setting method: Usually set to 1. Example: set shmsys: shminfo_shmmin = 1: SHMMNI meaning: The maximum number of memory segments in the system. Example: set shmsys: shminfo_shmmni = 100 shmseg Meaning: The number of maximum shared memory segments per user process can be used. Example: set shmsys: shminfo_shmseg = 20: semmni meaning: The maximum number of Semaphore Identifierer in the system. Setting method: Set the value of this variable to all Oracle's instances of all Oracle's instances of the processes to add 10. Example: Set Semsys: seminfo_semmni = 100 SemMns Emnity: The maximum number of EMAPHORES in the system.

Setting method: This value can be calculated in the following manner: the sum of the value of the processes of each Oracle instance, the sum of the value (remove the largest processes parameter) the number of the maximum of the processes × 2 10 × Oracle instance. Example: Set Semsys: seminfo_semmns = 200 Semmsl: Meaning: The maximum number of Semaphore in a set. Setting method: Set the value of the largest processes in INITSID.ORA for 10 all Oracle instances.


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