Conceptual map

zhaozj2021-02-16  89

Question learning column

Conceptual map: principle and role

Gu Xiaoqing Zheng Ying

1 Outline the influence of traditional teaching and behavioral learning theory, regarding teaching as a process of transmitting information from teachers to learners, thinking that the presentation method affects the results of learning. Therefore, the art of teaching has become the art of information presented. Cognitive Theory will regard learners as information processors that use various strategies to store and extract knowledge, learners help them handle information through various learning activities. These activities can help learners get better effectively, organize and memory knowledge. How to promote efficient, meaningful learning? One of the effective strategies is to establish a connection between the new concept and the learner existing cognitive structure. Studies have shown that the concept map is an excellent example of this strategy. Conceptual map uses nodes representing concepts, using line segments or arc representation concepts. The structure of the concept map is similar to the human cognitive structure, which shows how the learner organizes the concept. In fact, in the late 1960s, Ousbell's first organizers have embodied the idea of ​​such information presence. In general, the concept of conceptual map includes: exploring aware of a certain aspect of the subject; checking if the learner has understood the intention of teaching; check if the learner can establish a connection between various concepts; understand the learner Different understandings between the relationship between the concepts; what concepts are important; excitation learners' discussions. The study found that the use of concept maps for teaching design is another purpose of the concept map, and the process of this design may be more important than the final design results. 2 What is a conceptual map concept map is a graphical representation of knowledge, and a graphical role of thinking or thinking results. Conceptual map is constructed by nodes, links (connecting each node) and the expression nodes, and the nodes are represented by geometry or pattern. The concept of concept maps and their relationships have expressed their understanding of the knowledge of the field. Conceptual map can be manually drawn or made with specialized computer software such as Inspiration, CMAP, etc. We can understand the concept map from three different levels: From an abstract point of view, the concept map composed of the arrow links the various nodes can be seen as the characterization of the map; from the perspective of the visualization, the concept map can be seen as It is a chart, which is a picture drawn by a symbol that is easy to understand; from the perspective of discusses, the concept map can be seen as a way through visual language and exchange knowledge. From an abstract point of view, the basic structure of the concept map is a hierarchical diagram consisting of nodes, some of which link each other. Each node has its own type, unique identifier and content. A node may surround multiple nodes, a separate link may connect a series of nodes. The link may be direction, or may be no direction, with a node with arrows or lines without arrows. From a visual point of view, in order to establish a consistent connection between the visual features of the symbol, the visual features of the node and links, the visual features of the nodes, and links should be established. For example, the visual feature of the node includes the shape of the node, the color of the border, the color of the filled. The visual feature of the line includes a thickness, color, hatching or other modified format of the line. Visual features may also be used to emphasize other purposes, but this usage does not affect the main links in the concept map. From the perspective of discusses, conceptual map has knowledge characterization and communication, is a knowledge characterization and communication based on visual language. Figure 1 is an explanation of a conceptual map in the form of a conceptual map.

Chart 1 Concept Map of Concept Map

2.1 Concept Map The characteristics of the concept map shown in Figure 1, we can also recognize some important features of the concept map: the concepts in the form of level, that is, the most universal concept is located at the top of the map, The more you have the concept of the concept, the more it is below the map. The pedigree structure of the domain knowledge is closely related to its application scenarios, so the construction of the concept map must also consider the application context of the knowledge representation. Another feature of the concept map is that in the conceptual map, there will be a cross-linking link, which means the relationship between the concepts in different fields. Cross link helps us more clearly see what is related to the concept of knowledge in different domains, and in the process of constructing new knowledge, the crosslinks often represent the crosses of understanding. The two features of the concept map are particularly important in promoting creative thinking. 2.2 Extractical concepts and their propositions are the cornerstone of any knowledge in any field. The foundation of the concept map is the cognitive theory of Ousbel, and the cognitive theory of Ousbell believes that learning is to absorb new concepts based on the original concept framework. Because of its ability to gene in, human beings can get concepts before the age of 3: The baby recognizes some of the language symbols from some laws from the environment. After 3 years old, the learning of new concepts is more dependent on the language. The process of learning is to establish this: receiving new concepts, establishing relationships with the original concept, meaningful for new concepts. Ousbell also distinguishes on meaningful learning and death: learning materials must be clear, must be associated with learners' original knowledge, can be language or by examples. Conceptual map is very helpful in this regard: determine the pre-knowledge framework, sort the learning task according to the conceptual map, making the concept of the concept gradually entered. Learners must have relevant pre-knowledge. Obviously, this is related to the previous conditions, both are very important. Learners must choose meaningful learning. In this regard, teachers can only play an indirect impact, that is, stimulate students to connect the concept of learning and their original knowledge, rather than simply memorizing new concepts. This impact of teachers, mainly in the application of evaluation strategy, good evaluation strategy, students must integrate new knowledge and original knowledge, but in contrast, standardized tests are more encouraged to die hard. Conceptual Map This "concept" is originated from the constructivism learning. In the 1960s, Joseph D. Novak used a concept map for the first time. With the cognitive theory of Osubel, the constructists believe that the previous knowledge structure provides a framework for learning new knowledge, essentially, our experience determines how we learn and learn. Conceptual map shows how we think about the way we look at the relationship between knowledge. The concept map shows a personal point of view, helping us better understand how the learner explains the theme of the studies. The representative of constructivism has a Pisa, Vioski, Brua, Garda and Goodman, etc. of. The new knowledge is generated during the continuous integration of previous knowledge.

The principles of educational principles include: ¨ Education's goal is a deep understanding of the concept, not just acquiring behavior and skills; The task of education is to provide students with opportunities for knowledge construct; ¨ Teachers must provide learners with meaningful, real activities to facilitate the meaning of learners; ¨¨ ¨ 反 ¨ 反 反 反 思;;;;; The form of learning of the group cooperates to inspect learners 'understanding of the problem, expand learners' understanding of special problems; ¨ Teachers should establish a dominant connection between new information and learners, and in the future experience, in units or courses At the end, the teacher should summarize, review and connect around a certain point. ¨ The understanding of the learner's concept is affected by its previous empirical. Conceptual map and constructivism learning methods (learners learn through active learning, constructing their own special understanding of the concept) is very energetic. Teachers can use conceptual map to verify that learners have a conjecture between the concepts. In fact, most teachers realize that students cannot remember all the facts and concepts in a course, and important students can understand some main concepts and understand the relationship between key concepts. Conceptual maps are helping teachers to organize concepts effectively and guide students to learn related concepts. 3 Conceptual Map The effect 3.1 Knowledge organization and representation concept maps have been used in a wide range of fields including education, providing visual representations of knowledge structures. As a means of communicating knowledge, the concept map provides complement to the text language. Compared with the form of text, the knowledge structure of the semantic network is easier to understand. In many disciplines, various forms of concept maps have been used as a regular knowledge characterization system, such as: a bonding map in semantic network, mechanical and electronic engineering in artificial intelligence (Bond Graph), and CPM in operation Figure, Patri Net in communication (Category Graph) in communication. Many discipline uses a concept map (or known map) as a visual language. Knowledge. In the management field, concept maps are used to organize decision, social system and policy empirical analysis. In the artificial intelligence field, conceptual map has developed into a terular semantic network, and is widely used in formal knowledge. In the linguistic field, a conceptual map with eight node types and four link types is used to analyze the structure of text. In the field of scientific history, conceptual maps are used to characterize the concept change process in the neutral scientific revolution. 3.2 Helping Studies on Brain Science tells us that human brains are not an empty container, but a fairly complex memory system. Figure 2 depicts three memory systems of the brain.

Chart 2 Memory System for Brain

The memory system is interrelated, interdependent (information flow is two-way), the most critical part of which is a short or "work memory" system integrating knowledge to long memory. All information is processed in work memory, through intersecting knowledge in long memory, which is treated, processed, absorbed. However, work memory can only handle few memory units (5 to 9 units) at the same time, so when processing a lot of knowledge, it is necessary to repeated exchange information between short-term memory and long-term memory. The concept map is a powerful learning and help tool, which is because the concept map can be used as a template that organizes knowledge when the memory system information is processed, and the memory system hierarchical, segmentally organizes information. Conceptual map This tool is simple, but for the concept of conceptual organization, the establishment of the conceptual framework, its role is unexpected. On the other hand, in the past few hundred years, people generally believe that human thinking is linear, or in the form of a list, this is based on speech and printing. Studies have shown that the brain is multi-dimensional, then how the brain is accepted and remembered internally? When talking, reading or listening, in the brain, a continuous, large and complex classification screening process will occur. The big brain not only can deal with linear information, but also accepts and deal with those nonlinear information. If the brain should be effectively associated with the information, then information should be as capped as much as possible, basically in accordance with the combination of brain understanding and memory information, then our records and vocabulary associations should also be similar. The concept map has played the role of effective organizational information, and the memory of the concept is very helpful. The main concept is defined clearer. ¨ Every concept is more clear. The more important concepts are more close to the center. ¨ The connection between the concept can be identified faster. ¨ Recalling and review will be more effective and rapid. ¨ Add new concepts more convenient. ¨ In the more flexible fields such as notes, the open performance of the map makes the brain are more happy to accept new connections.

3.3 Conceptual map of cooperation AC computers can use precise drawings and consistent colors, which can easily enhance the visual expressive force of the concept map. This also makes a conceptual map to support cooperative communication. On the one hand, there can be links and controls from other materials on the one hand. The partner can edit node type and content, attach information databases on nodes, pointing to other conceptual maps or files, which can be at local locations, or can be across the Internet. On the other hand, the semi-formal chart form of the concept map is itself, which also makes it a very attractive support tool for brainstorming and discussion. When we study discussions, especially when you brainstorm, don't just draw the same concept picture? Do a concept framework in collaboration? 3.4 Evaluation Concept Map is not only an effective learning tool. It is also a powerful evaluation tool: whether students have mastered the necessary concepts, the concept of mastery is correct, and there is a persuasion between the concept. The concept map acts as a knowledge of knowledge. In addition to teaching as a teacher's tool, it can show the knowledge obtained or mastered as a student tool. From this point of view, conceptual maps can be used as a tool for learning evaluation. In summary, the evaluation function of the concept map is reflected in:

¨ Evaluate students' original knowledge ¨ Learning evaluation, check the degree of learning and master, check if there is any error; ¨ Consolidate knowledge base Consolidation plays a role.

3.5 Maps for Teaching Design Concepts can be used as an excellent teaching design tool. When teaching design by concept maps, teachers must clearly recognize what they want to learn, teachers are no longer asking for "What do I want to teach?" I still need to consider "what I want to learn?", "How can I learn more?". Concept Map As a tool, help learners organize their own cognitive frameworks into a more effective integration mode. However, the role of computer-based conceptual map tool is still far more than this, conceptual map technology can make teachers think about effective teaching strategies, helping teachers organize their curriculum to become more effective integrated framework. Especially for new teachers, what kind of teaching methods should be used in what kind of teaching method, and the process of creating concept maps actually reflects the dialectical relationship between the two. Therefore, the process of creating a concept map can help teachers build effective connections between courses and appropriate teaching methods. When the teacher creates a concept map, first, they need to identify important related concepts, then, then display the connection between the concepts in graphical form. In this way, eventually producing a two-dimensional or three-dimensional conceptual map, this graphic manifestation is their understanding of the relationship between the curriculum content and teaching methods. When drawing a conceptual map, if you can mark it, you can fully describe it, then this concept map will also be more valuable. Researchers found that by creating conceptual maps, teachers can more profoundly understand what they want to teach, and can develop a truly discipline crossing course. The following is the advantage of multi-researchers summed up for teaching design: I found that some seemingly negligible, maybe Ignore from the course; I can find some topics you want to emphasize; understanding students and I have a difference in knowledge and organization knowledge, helping to develop more Close to the learner, truly challenge learner thinking; in the process of creating a concept map, some concepts will not only play an important role in one discipline, which helps to surpass the traditional in teaching design. The boundaries of the subject; the process of establishing a concept map can help teachers choose the appropriate teaching materials, and create a conceptual map integrating teaching strategy, teaching time and task assignment; can use conceptual map to visualize the relationship between any concept, and Convenient to reorganize the curriculum; can use the concept map summary course concept, provide a foundation for students' discussion; can provide learners with meaningful learning skills by integrated concepts; from the perspective of learners, from a variety of Way constructive significance; use concept maps to help teachers develop integrated, logical and coherent courses; can design some meaningful, related to each other, students interested in learning units.

1, Weinstein, CE & Mayer, Re (1986) The Teaching of Learning Strategies. In MC WitTrock Ed.), Handbook on Research in Teaching (3rd Edition. PP. 315-327). New York: Macmillan.2, Novak, JD, & GOWIN, DB (1984). Learning How To Learn. New York: Cambridge University Press.3, White, R., & Gunstone, R. (1992). Probing understanding. London: The Falmer Press.4, Reference Http:// Adapt 5, Eden, C., Jones, S. And SIMS, D. (1979). Thinking in Organizations. London, Macmillan6, Banathy, BH ( 1991) Cognitive mapping of educational systems for future generations World Futures 30 (1) 5-177, Thadgard, P. (1992) Conceptual Revolutions Princeton, New Jersey, Princeton University Press.8, refer to http:.... // cmap / info / fig2.gif9, Martin, DJ (1994). Concept mapping as an aid to lesson Planning: a longitudinal study. Journal of Elementary Science Education, 6 (2), 11-30.

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