I have a hidden disk with a super bunny.
Features, choose hidden disks, then determine,
Restart, see the disk hide
Mainly by operating the registry to implement this function
Open registry
/ Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion
/ Policies / Explorer branch
Under this branch, the NODRIVES key value can be set.
The key value corresponding to the disk drive is as follows:
A drive: 0x00000001, B drive: 0x00000002,
C drive: 0x00000004, D drive: 0x00000008,
E drive: 0x00000010, F drive: 0x00000020.
That is, the English alphabetical order (A ~ Z) of the disk drive is incremented from the twice of hexadecimal. Points the key values corresponding to the disk drive you want to hide by hexadecimal assignment to "Nodrivers", if you want Hide a, c, d, assign 0x0000000D to "Nodrives"
The code is as follows: WinXP VB SP6
WinXP can be logged out of re-login to see
Add List control, Command control
Option expedition
Private Declare Function RegreateKey Lib "Advapi32.dll" Alias "RegcreateKeya" (Byval HKEY As String, PhkResult As Long) AS Long
Private Declare Function RegdeleTeKey Lib "Advapi32.dll" Alias "RegdeleteKeya" (Byval Lpsubkey As String) AS Long
Private Declare Function RegdeleteValue Lib "Advapi32.dll" Alias "Regdeletevaluea" (Byval HKEY As Long, BYVAL LPVALUENAME AS STRING) AS Long
Private Declare Function RegQueryValueEx Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegQueryValueExA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, ByVal lpReserved As Long, lpType As Long, lpData As Any, lpcbData As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function RegSetValueEx Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegSetValueExA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, ByVal Reserved As Long, ByVal dwType As Long, lpData As Any, ByVal cbData As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function Regopenkey Lib "Advapi32.dll" Alias "RegopenKeya" (BYVAL LPSUBKEY As String, PhkResult As long) As long
Private Declare Function RegcloseKey Lib "Advapi32.dll" (Byval HKEY As Long) (Byval HKEY AS Long) AS Longconst HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = & H800000000
Const hkey_current_user = & h80000001
Const hkey_local_machine = & h80000002
Private submmand3_click ()
DIM I as integer
Dim KeyValue As Long
Dim LregResult As Long
DIM Keyid As Long
Dim Subkey As String
Dim Regkey As String
For i = 0 to list1.listcount - 1
If List1.Selected (i) THEN
MSGBOX List1.list (i)
KeyValue = KeyValue List1.itemdata (i)
'If you don't choose, remove the NODRIVERS key value, cancel all disks hidden
Regkey = "Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer"
Subkey = "noDrives"
IF keyvalue = 0 THEN
LregResult = regopenkey (HKEY_CURRENT_USER, RegKey, Hcurkey)
LregResult = RegdeleteValue (Hcurkey, Subkey)
LregResult = regcloseKey (Hcurkey)
'Hidden according to the selected disk
RetValue = regReateKey (HKEY_CURRENT_USER, RegKey, KeyID)
Subkey = "noDrives"
'KeyValue = A1
RetValue = RegSetValueex (KeyID, Subkey, 0 &, 4, KeyValue, 4)
End Sub
Private sub fascist4_click ()
Unload me
End Sub
Private sub flow_load ()
List1.additem "A:"
List1.itemdata (0) = 1
List1.additem "B:"
List1.itemdata (1) = 2
List1.additem "C:"
List1.itemdata (2) = 4
List1.additem "D:"
List1.itemdata (3) = 8
List1.additem "E:"
List1.itemdata (4) = 16
List1.additem "f:"
List1.itemdata (5) = 32
List1.additem "g:"
List1.itemdata (6) = 64
List1.additem "h:"
List1.itemdata (7) = 128
List1.additem "i:"
List1.itemdata (8) = 256
List1.additem "J:" List1.itemdata (9) = 512
List1.additem "K:"
List1.itemdata (10) = 1024
List1.additem "l:"
List1.itemdata (11) = 2048
List1.additem "M:"
List1.itemdata (12) = 4096
List1.additem "N:"
List1.itemdata (13) = 8192
List1.additem "o:"
List1.itemdata (14) = 16384
List1.additem "P:"
List1.itemdata (15) = 32768
List1.additem "Q:"
List1.itemdata (16) = 65536
List1.additem "r:"
List1.itemdata (17) = 131072
List1.additem "S:"
List1.itemdata (18) = 262144
List1.additem "T:"
List1.itemdata (19) = 524288
List1.additem "u:"
List1.itemdata (20) = 1048576
List1.additem "V:"
List1.itemdata (21) = 2097152
List1.additem "W:"
List1.itemdata (22) = 4194304
List1.additem "x:"
List1.itemdata (23) = 8388608
List1.additem "Y:"
List1.itemdata (24) = 16777216
List1.additem "z:"
List1.itemdata (25) = 33554432
End Sub