Who is using FOOBAR? I have a few very cool Title Formatting! Original

zhaozj2021-02-08  565

The necessary condition for this TF is that there is a FOOBAR2000 latest V8.2 official English version.

Use method, advanced FOOBAR2000 menu Pereference item

Enter Display-> Default User Interface

Playlist font selection gulim body, small four, bold

Playlist Back Color selection RGB (40, 50, 80), if you don't understand this, you can pick a very brunette blue.

Playlist Selection Color selection RGB (100, 30, 100), is deeper purple.

Ok, prepare work is ready, now enter Display-> Title Formatting, you will see a few Tabs above, they are the TF in several different places in the interface, and you can replace it according to the grammatism, The FOOBAR2000 will be interpreted automatically.

Below is the code that can be replaced, and then press Save all after sticking in:

// main window title [% artist% -] $ IF (% title%, ['[$ IF (% album%,% album%,' unknow album ') [' - '# [% disc% /] $ Num (% tracknumber%, 2)] ']% title%,% _ filename_ext%)' ['% _foobar2000_version%'] '// status bar $ PUTS (A, $ mod (% _ time_elapsed_seconds%, 5) 0000FF $ CODEC () '' FF0000 $ IF (% __ bitrate_dynamic%, '('% __ bitrate_dynamic% 'Kbps)',% __ bitrate% 'Kbps') 'FF00FF [% __ SampleRate% HZ]' $ channels () 00fff [% __extrainfo%] '' $ BLEND (004000, 00,% _ TIME_TOTAL%) $ IF (% _ time_total%, [% _ Time_total%] '/' [% _time_total%], [% _ Time_ELAPSED%]) FF00FF ' '$ SELECT ($ GET (A), 1), CC00cc▂, CC00cc▂880088, CC00C▂880088 ▄440044 ▆, CC00cc▂880088 ▄440044 ▆000000█) // System TRAY $ IF (% Artist %,% Artist%, UNKNOWN ARTIST - $ IF (% title%,% title%, unknown title) // Playlist $ IF ($ Meta_test (Title, Artist, Album), $ IF ($ Strics) Album Artist%, VA), $ STRICMP ($ Left (% Album Artist%, 7), VARIOUS), $ PUTS (VA, 1), $ PUTS (Album, $ IFLONGER (% Album%, 28, ' '$ cut (% album%, 25) $ INSERT (% myalbum%,' ..., 17) [- CD $ NUM (% disc%, 1)] '],' ['% album%'] ')) $ IF (% album Artist%, $ IF ($ GET (VA), $ PUTS (Artist, Va), $ PUTS (Artist,% Album Artist%) $ IF ($ STRCMP (% Album Artist%,% Artist%), $ PUTS ( Title,% title%), $ PUTS (Title,% title% '//'% artist)), $ PUTS (Artist,% Artist%) $ PUTS (Title,% Title%) $ PUTS (Artist, $ IFLONGER (% artist%, 28, '[$ cut (% artist%, 25) $ INSERT (% myartist%,' ..., 17) ']', '['% artist% ']')) $ IF (% Title%, $ PUTS (Title,% Title%) $ IF (% Artist%, $ PUTS (Artist,% Artist%)), $ PUTS (Title, $ IF ($ Strics) _Path_RAW%, 7), 'http: //'

),% _ filename_ext%))) $ PUTS (A, $ mod (% _ time_elapsed_seconds%, 5)) $ IF (% _ isplaying%, fff00 | 44fff, 888800 | 4488ff) $ NUM (% _ playlist_number%, $ LEN (% _ playlist_total%)). '' [$ IF (% _ ISPLAYING%, 88FF00 | 44FFFF, 448800 | 4488FF) $ get (artist) -] [$ IF (% _ isplaying%, FF88FF | 44FFFF, 884488 | 4488FF) $ get (album)] [$ char (9) $ transition ($ get ($ get (% _ isplaying%, 00fff | 44fff, 008888 | 4488ff), $ IF (% _ isplaying%, fff00 | 44fff, cccc00 | 4488FF))] [$ char (9) $ IF (% _ isplaying%, 00ff88 | 440fff, 008844 | 4488ff)% _ length%] The world's most professional audio playback software: FooBar2000!


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