Network architecture for core mode drivers (1)

zhaozj2021-02-08  307

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2001-02-16 12:23:18

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2.1 Windows 2000 Network Architecture and OSI Model Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Architecture is based on the 7-layer network model developed by the International Standards Organization (ISO). ISO Open System Interconnected (OSI) Reference Model is introduced in 1978, used to describe the network is a series of protocol layers, and each protocol layer has its specific function. Each protocol layer provides specific services to the last layer to protect the services of each protocol layer. A interface that is designed to be in two adjacent layers define the next protocol layer to provide what services for the previous protocol layer and how to implement these services. 2.1 "OSI Reference Model WINDOWS 2000 The network driver implements the four protocol layers in the network architecture. Physical layer This is the lowest layer in OSI mode. This layer includes receiving and forwarding a structureless original bitstream through a physical medium. Such a physical medium such as electronic / optical, mechanical and functional interfaces. The physical layer transmits the signal to all higher levels. Under Windows 2000, the physical layer has a network interface card (NIC) to implement. Its receiver passes through the NIC. Since the network consists of serial ports, the physical layer can also include low-layer network software definition how to decompose serial bitstream into a packet. This layer defined by the data link layer OSI is two floors: LLC and Mac by IEEE. The LLC layer provides the transfer of data frames from one node to another node. The LLC layer establishes and terminates logical links, controls frame transfer, frame sorting, confirm frame, and re-transmitting non-confirmation frames. The LLC layer utilizes frame confirmation and re-transfer to provide the final unfair transmission through the chain. MAC layer management Access network media, checks frame errors, and manages the receiving frame address confirmation. In the Windows 2000 network architecture, the LLC sublayer is implemented by the transmission driver, while the MAC sublayer is implemented by the network interface card (NIC). The NIC is controlled by a software driver device called a NIC drive. Windows 2000 is equipped with a NIC drive that can be used in a variety of common NICs. Network layer This layer controls the operation of the subnet. It determines the path to which the data will be transmitted, which is based on the following: Network condition service priority, including path, flow control, frame decomposition, and restructuring, logic to physical address mapping, and reviewing the transfer layer to ensure that information transmission is correct. And in order, there is no reduction or repetition. It is freed from the upper protocol from the data transfer between them and the same level. A minimal transport layer requirements in the protocol stack include a reliable network or logical chain control layer that provides the final cycle. For example, since the Windows 2000 NetBeui transmission driver includes an LLC layer suitable for OSI, its transport layer function is minimal. If the protocol stack does not include an LLC layer, and if the network layer is unreliable, the independent data packet (such as TCP / IP IP layer or NWLink's IPX layer) is not supported, and the transport layer should include frame sorting and Confirm, and non-confirmed frames. In a Windows 2000 network architecture, logic control, network, and transport layers are implemented by the Transport Drivers software drive we are familiar with the TRANSPORT DRIVERS. Sometimes this drive also refers to an agreement, protocol drive, or protocol module. Windows 2000 has TCP / IP, IPX / SPX, NetBeui, and voice transmission drives.


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