zhaozj2021-02-16  85

Culture? What creted?

This Is A Book About Unix Programming, But in It We're Going To Toss Around The Words 'Culture',

'Art', and 'philosophy' a lot. If you are not a programmer, or you are a programer Who Has Had Little

Contact with The Unix World, This May Seem Strange. But Unix Has A Culture; IT Has A DistINcTive Art

Of Programming; And It Carries with It a Powerful Design Philosophy. Understanding these Traditions

Will Help You Build Better Software, Even if You're Developing for a Non-UNIX Platform.

UNIX culture

Although this is a book about UNIX programming, but in this book, it is full of "culture", "art" and "philosophical". If you are not a programmer, or although it is a programmer

, But less known to the UNIX world, these words may look very strange. However, UNIX has its own culture, unique programming art and powerful design philosophy.

Understanding these traditions helps to write better software, even if you develop non-UNIX platforms, this will give you a great benefit.

EVERY BRANCH OF ENGINEERING AND Design Has Technical Cultures. In Most Kinds of Engineering,

The Unwritten Traditions of the Field Are Parts of a Working Practitioner's Education AS Important

AS (and, as extraience grows, offen more important thank the official handbooks and textbooks.

Senior Engineers Develop Hue Bodies of Implicit Knowledge, Which THEY Pass to their juniors by (as

ZEN BuddHists Put IT "A Special Transmission, Outside The Scriptures".

Each branch in the engineering and design field has its own technical culture. In most of the engineering field, unstextable traditions in this field is very important for the education of practitioners.

One aspect, its importance is not as a formal manual and textbook; and with experience in experience, these traditions will even be far more than the latter. Senior engineer established a Fengfeng

The rich knowledge system and teach them to the later perspective - according to Zen's view, this method is called "teaching outside."

Software Engineering Is Generally An Exception To this rule; Technology Has Changed So Rapidly,

Software Environments Have come and gone so quickly, That Technical Cultures Have Been Weak and

Ephemeral, Exceptions to this Exception. A Very Few Software Technology TECHNOLOGIES HAVE

Proved Durable Enough To Evolve Strong Technical Cultures, DistINcTive Arts, And An Associated Designphilosophy Transmitted Across Generations of Engineers.

For this rule, software engineering is usually an exception: technology development is so rapid, and the software environment has emerged and quickly disappeared, so technical culture has become very fragile.

And brief. However, there are exceptions in this exception. Some software technology has proven to survive enough to create strong technical culture, unique art and corresponding design

Learning, the industry has been widely circulated between generations.

The Unix Culture Is Another - OR, In The Twenty-First Century,

Arguably the Same One. The Two Have Grown Increasingly Diffic Rock Separate Since The Early 1980s,

And in this book we Won't try particularly hard.

Unix culture is such a culture; Internet culture is another example of such a culture - or more specifically, in the 21st century, Internet culture will inevitably form this.

A culture. Since the 1980s, these two cultures have become rapidly developed, and they are intertwined together, it is difficult to distinguish between the book; in this book, we will not try to distinguish this

Two cultures.

The durability of unix

UNIX WAS Born in 1969 and Has Been in Continuous Production Use Ever Since. That's Several Geology

ERAS by Computer-Industry Standards - Older Than The Pc or Workstations or Microprocessors OR

Even Video Display Terminals, And Contemporaneouis with The First Semiconductor Memories. Of All


UNIX Machines Have Provided Hundreds of Thousands of Times More Service Hours; Indeed, Unix HAS

PROBABLY Supported More Computing Than All Other TimeSharing Systems Put Together.

UNIX's persistence

The UNIX was born in 1969. From that, UNIX has been widely used in the industry. This is one of the era of the computer industry standard, and even the age, the workstation, micro

The processor even displays the terminal more long, and it is possible to compare with only the first generation of semiconductor memory. In all time-time operating systems, only IBM's VM / CMS can claim

It's longer than UNIX already exists. The service time of UNIX machines has exceeded several hundreds of hours; in fact, the computing power provided by UNIX platform is higher than any other three points.

The sum of the system is much more.

Unix Has Found Use ON A Wider Variety of Machines Than Any Other Operating System Claim. FromSuperComputers to Handhelds and Embedded Networking Hardware, Through Workstations and Servers

And PCS and MiniComputers, Unix Has Probably Seen More Architectures and more Odd Hardware Than

Any Three Other OPERATING Systems Combined.

UNIX is more wide than other operating systems: from supercomputers to handheld equipment, embedded network hardware, from workstations to servers, PCs, and mini-machines, UNIX has been driven

Move a variety of architecture and strange hardware, which is much more than the total number supported by any other three operating systems.

Unix Has Supported a Mind-Bogglingly Wide Spectrum of Uses. No Other Operating System Has Shone

SIMULTASLY AS A Research Vehicle, A Friendly Host For Technical Custom Applications, a Platform

For Commercial-Off-the-Shelf Business Software, And A Vital Component Technology of the Internet.

Confident Predictions That Unix Would Wither Away, or Be Crowded Out by Other Operating Systems,

Have Been Made Yearly Since ITS Infancy. And Yet UNIX, ITS Present-Day Avatars AS Linux and BSD

And Solaris and Macos X and Half A Dozen Other Variants, Seems Stronger Than Ever Today.

The Unix supported by users is surprising. No other operating system can flash in the following areas: powerful research tools, friendly interface

The mainframe environment of the technology special procedure, ready-to-reliable commercial software platform, the key technical components of the Internet. Starting from UNIX, it is full of prophesies: UNIX

Either gradually withered and terminating the dying, or it is squeezed out of the market by other operating systems. However, UNIX has now evolved as Linux, BSD, Solaris, Macos X and a lot.

Other variants, their vitality seems to be more than before.

Robert Metcalf [The Inventor of Ethernet] Says Thati Something Comes Along To

Replace Ethernet, IT Will Be Called "Ethernet", SO Therefore Ethernet Will Never Die.4

UNIX Has Already Undergone Several Such Transformations.



Rober Metcalf (inventors of Ethernet) have said that if there is a technology replaces Ethernet, then this technology will still be called "Ethernet", so Ethernet is not

Will die. UNIX has experienced this innovation several times. -


AT Least One of Unix's Central Technologies - The C Language - Has Been Wideness Naturalized

Elsewhere. Indeed it is now hard to imagine doing software engineering without c ask a ubiquitous

Common language of systems programming. UNIX Also Introducesd Both the now Now-Ubiquitous Treeshaped

File Namespace with Directory Nodes and The Pipeline for Connecting Programs.

At least a C language as one of the core technologies of UNIX, has been widely used in all parts. In fact, it is difficult to imagine whether C is not using C as a general language when system programming.

Implement software engineering. UNIX also introduces the current technology that is still very popular: using the tree file namespace of the directory node, the pipe used to connect the program.

UNIX's Durability and Adaptability Have Been Nothing Short of Astonishing. Other Technologies Have

Come and Gone Like Mayflies. Machines Have Increased A ThousandFold in Power, Languages ​​Have

Mutated, Industry Practice Has Gone Through Multiple Revolutions - And UNIX HANGS in There, Still

Producing, Still Paying the Bills, and Still Commanding Loyal From Many of The Best and BRIGHTEST

Software Technologists on the place.

Unix good persistence and adaptability are actually not enough. Other technologies are constantly emerging, and they are constantly dying, just like a flower. The machine's computing power has increased thousands of times

Long, language has been mature, the industry's implementation has also been revolutionized - and UNIX still stands: it is still working, paying bills, loyal to this star

The most outstanding and smartest software expert on the ball.

ONE OF THE MANY Consonces of The Exponential Power-Versus-Time Curve In Computing, and The

Corresponding Pace of Software Developments, IS That 50% of What One Knows Becomes Obsolete over

Every 18 Months. Unix Does Not Abolish this Phenomenon, But does do a good job of containing it.

There's a bedrock of unchanging basics-languages, system calls, and Tool Invocations-That One

CAN Actually Keep Using for Years, Even Decades. Elsewhere It Is Impossible to Predict What Will Be

STABLE; Even Entire Operating Systems Cycle Out of Use. Under UNIX, There IS A Fairly Sharp DistinctionBetween Transient Knowledge and Lasting Knowledge, and One Can Know Ahead of Time (with About

90% certainty) Which category Something is Likey to Fall in When Learns it. Thus the Loyalty

UNIX Commands.

There are many laws in the computer industry, one of which is applicable to computing power-time correlation curves (ie Moore Law, Translator Note), but also for software development,

It is now the knowledge we understand every 18 months. Although UNIX cannot illegally illegal, it can accommodate this technique innovation. There is a unrealable in UNIX

Corphite: language, system calls, and common tools - these things can be used for years, or even decades. Otherwise, we will not expect anything to remain stable;

The system will fall into this updated loop, which is not available at all. In UNIX, there is a significant difference in technology and technology that cannot be survived for a long time, so in us.

When learning these technologies, you can know (90% of grasp) which technology has no future. This allows users to continue to Unix.

Much of unix's stability and surcess Has to be attributed to its inherest strength, to design Decisions

Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, Brian Kernighan, Doug Mcilroy, Rob Pike and Other Early UNIX

Developers Made Back at The Beginning; Decisions That Have BEEN Proven Sound over and over. but

Just As Much Is Due To The Design Philosophy, Art of Programming, And Technical Culture That Grew Up

Around UNIX in the Early Days. This Tradition HAS Continuously and SuccessFully Propagated Itself in

Symbiosis with UNIX EVER SINCE.

Unix good reliability and great success, to a large extent, in its own advantage, attributable to the implied decisions made in the early days of developers, including: Ken

Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, Brian Kernighan, Doug Mcilroy, Rob Pike, and other early UNIX developers; these decisions continue

Ming is incomparable. However, this is also due to the early design philosophy, programming art, and technical culture with UNIX. From beginning to end, this tradition has been

UNIX has been co-contained and widely spread.


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