Google Search Cheats

zhaozj2021-02-16  90

Change the default search engine of IE to Google to directly modify the following registry value.

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Main] "Search Page" = "" "search bar" = "" [HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / SearchURL] "" = "" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Search] "Searchassist" = "http: // www. "

Original En Article: Default search engine of Microsoft Internet explorer is MSN But there are better search engines available I like and you may have your own preference Recently I came across article that indicated how to change the default search engine through... Registry. Open registry Editor by going to start-run and entering regedit and navigate to backing three key keys Separately and Change It as shown Below:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Main] "Search Page" = "" "search bar" = "" [HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / SearchURL] "" = "" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Search] "Searchassist" = "http: // www. "

Google Search Cheats 1, Google Introduction

Google ( is a search engine that is found in September 1998 by two Stanford University, in September 1998, Google Inc. founded in 1999. In July 2000, Google replaced INKTOMI became the search engine of Yahoo, in September of the same year, Google became the search engine of China Netease. Since 1998, Google has already received more than 30 industry awards.

Second, Google Features

Google supports up to 132 languages, including Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese; Google website only provides search engine function, no flowers in the flowers, the Google speed is extremely fast, it is said to have more than 8,000 servers, more than 200 T3 broadband; Web Level Technology PageRank can provide a high-rate search results; Google's search results are extracted from part of the specific content of the web page, not just the website introduction; Google intelligent "good luck" function, providing a website that may most meet the requirements; Google's "Web Snapshot" feature can remove the cached page from the Google server.

Third, Basic Search: , -, OR

Google does not need to express the logic " " with a plaintext, as long as spaces are available.

Example::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: There are about 726 query results, which is 1-10 items. Search for 0.13 seconds.

Note: The quotation marks outside the search syntax in the article only enters the reference role and cannot be brought into the search bar.

Google uses a minus "-" to represent the logic "non" operation.

Example: Search all Chinese webpages containing "Easy Rib" without "Labor Dafa": "Easy Rib" results: Search for the Chinese (Simplified) web page for easy-thorn . There are about 5,440 query results, which is 1-10. Search for 0.13 seconds.

Note: The " " and "-" here are English characters, rather than " " and "-" of Chinese characters. In addition, between the operator and the keyword, there is no space. For example, "Easy Rib", the search engine will be considered logic "with" operation, "-" is ignored.

Google uses uppercase "OR" represents logic "or" operation. However, the keyword is Chinese or query seems to have bugs, and the correct query result cannot be obtained.

Example: Search for Britney "Britney" or Beatles "Beatles", or Chinese webpage available. Search: "Britney or Beatles" Result: The Chinese (Simplified) web page for Britney or Beatles has been searched. There are about 14,600 query results, which is 1-10. Search for 0.08 seconds. Search: "Brandi Or Beatles" Results: Can't find with your query - Britney OR Beatles - matching web pages.

Note: Small-write "OR" will be ignored when query; so the above-described operations actually become a "and" query.

When the role of " " and "-" is the same, it is to narrow the range of search results and improve the hit rate of the query results.

Example: See which eight parts of Tianlong Babu.

Analysis: If you use "Tianlong Babu" to do keywords, you can search for 26,500 search results. You can reduce independent results with two methods.

1. If you know some of the eight parts, such as Ashura, add "Ashura" keyword, search results are only 995, you can find all eight, "Tianlong Babu Ashi Luo".

2, if you don't know any of the eight parts, I know that this is related to Buddhism, I can rule out the record related to Jin Yong's novels. The results of the query are 1,010, which can quickly find the information you need, "Tianlong eight Buddhism - Jin Yong ".

Fourth, auxiliary search: wildcard, uppercase, sentence, ignor character, and force search Google does not support wildcard, such as "*", "?", Etc., can only do accurate queries, "*" or "?" Ignore it.

Google is the same as the results of English characters, "god" and "god" search results.

Google's keywords can be phrase (there is no space in the middle), or may be sentences (there are spaces in the middle), however, use the sentence to make a keyword, you must add English quotation marks.

Example: Search page containing a "long, long AGO" string. Search: "Long, long Ago" Result: "Long, Long Ago" has been searched to the Internet. There are about 28,300 query results, which is 1-10. Search for 0.28 seconds.

Note: Different from searching English key strings is that Google's processing of Chinese strings is not very perfect. For example, search "" Ah, my sun "", we hope that the results contain this sentence, this is not the case. Many results in query, "Ah", "My", "The Sun" is completely separated, but it is not "ah my sun" such as inquiry. Obviously, Google's support for Chinese is still lacking.

Google has a high frequency of frequencies (mainly English words), such as "I", "COM", and some symbols such as "*", ".", Etc., if the user must ask keywords These common words are included, it is necessary to use forced syntax " ".

Example: Search for a web page containing "WHO AM I?". If you use "" WHO AM I? "," WHO "," I ","? "Will be omitted, the search will only use" AM "to make a keyword, so you should use forced search. Search: " WHO AM I" "Result:" WHO AM I "has been searched to the Internet. There are about 362,000 query results, which is 1-10. Search for 0.30 seconds.

Note: English symbols (such as question mark, number, comma, etc.) cannot be a search keyword, and it is not possible.

V. Advanced Search: Site, Link, Inur, AllinURL, Intitle, Allintitle

"Site" indicates that the search results are limited to a specific website or website channel, such as "", "", or a domain name, such as "", "COM "and many more. If you want to exclude a website or domain name, you only need to use "- Website / Domain".

Example: Search all pages containing "Jin Yong" on the Chinese Education Research Website ( Search: "Jin Yong Site:" Result: The Chinese (Simplified) page of Jin Yong Site: has been searched. There are about 2,680 query results, which is 1-10. Search for 0.31 seconds.

Example: Search: "Jin Yong" There are about 869 query results, which is 1-10. Search for 0.34 seconds.

Note: The colon after the Site is English characters, and, there is no space after the colon, otherwise, "Site:" will be used as a search key. In addition, the site domain name cannot have "http" and "WWW" prefix, and there is no "/" directory suffix; website channel is limited to "channel name. Domain name" mode, not "domain name / channel name" . The syntax such as "Jin Yong Site:" is wrong. "LINK" syntax returns all pages that link to a URL address.

Example: Search all web pages with links to Huajun Software Park "". Search: "Link:" Results: Search for web pages linked to There are about 695 query results, which is 1-10. Search for 0.23 seconds.

Note: "LINK" cannot be mixed with other grammar, so "Link:" will be ignored by Google even if there is space, it will be ignored by Google.

InURL syntax returned to the web link contains the first keyword, the next keyword appears in the link or in the web document. There are many websites to display a certain type of resource names in the directory name or web name, such as "MP3", "gallary", etc., so you can find these related resource links with Inout syntax, then use the second Key words determine if there is a specific information. The biggest difference between InURL syntax and basic search syntax is that the former can usually provide very accurate topic.

Example: Jeff Weiner. Midi "The Sea Laughing". Search: "InURL: MIDI" Results: Searched to INURL: MIDI Bohai Laughing Chinese (Simplified) web page. There are about 14 query results in total, this is 1-10. Search for 0.01 seconds.

Example: Find security issues on Windows2000 on Microsoft websites. Search: "InURL: Security Windows2000 Site:" Result: Search in Related to InURL: Security Windows2000's web page. There are about 198 query results, which is 1-10. Search for 0.37 seconds.

Note: "InURL:" There is no space behind, and Google does not search for the URL symbol such as "/". Google's "/" in "cgi-bin / pHf" is a space processing.

All Query keywords are included in the link to the web pages returned by the allinarch syntax. This query is only focused on the link string of the web page.

Example: Find a company website that may have a PHF security vulnerability. Usually the CGI-bin directory of these websites contains a PHF script (this script is unsafe), which is "domain / cgi-bin / pHf" in the link. Syntax: "AllinURL:" CGI-BIN "PHF COM" Search: "CGI-BIN" PHF COM. There are about 40 query results. This is 1-10 items. Search for 0.06 seconds.

Usage of allintitle and intitle is similar to the above AllinURL and Inout, just the latter queries the URL, and the former queries the title bar of the web page. The web page title is part of the HTML markup language Title. One principle of web design is to indicate the key content of the homepage in a simple language to the web header. Therefore, only the title bar is queried, and the high phase-related topic page can also be found.

Example: Jeff Weiner. Set of Japanese stars. Search: "Intitle: Fujiwara Summer Photo" Result: Searched to Intitle: Fujihara Jika Photo "Chinese (Simplified) page. There are about 284 query results, which is 1-10 items. Search for 0.03 seconds. Google's rare Advanced Search Syntax: Related, Cache, Info

Related webpage is used to search for structural content. Example: Search all pages similar to the Chinese (such as Netease Home, Sohu Home, China Net Home, etc.), "Related:".

Cache is used to search for a cache for a page on a Google server. This feature is used as "web snapshot", which is usually used to find some dead links that have been deleted, equivalent to using the "Web Snapshot" feature in the normal search results page.

INFO is used to display a series of searches related to a link, providing cache, link, relaty, and web pages that fully contain the link.

Example: Find some information related to Sina Home. Search: "Info:] Results: Web information about Sina Home Beijing Station Shanghai Station Guangdong Station. Game World, |, Video, |, CLUB, |, Man, Woman, |, Forum Chat, |, Fashion Trend, |, Wen Education, |, Car World, | Software download.. Google provides information about this URL: View the archive of Looking for web pages containing ''

Sixth, other important functions

Directory service

If you don't want to search for web, try to find some special websites, you can access Google's classification directory "" ... eSE_SIMPLIFIED / ". However, due to Google's directory by volunteer, Google is relatively small in domestic famous gas, so there are few hicked sites under the Chinese directory.


For the convenience of searchers, Google provides a toolbar, integrated into your browser, users can search for keywords in the toolbar without opening the Google home page. In addition, the toolbar provides many other features, such as displaying page PageRank, etc. The most convenient point is that users can quickly switch between Google Home, Directory Services, Newsgroup Search, Advanced Search, and Search Settings. To install Google's toolbar, you can access "", press the page prompt to download and install it.

News Section (USENET) search

There is a lot of valuable information in the newsgroup, and Deja has always been a leader in the newsgroup search engine. In February 2001, Google acquired DEJA and provided all DEJA functions. Now, in addition to the search, Google also supports the web way of the newsgroup and posts.

After entering "", enter the Google News Group interface. Unfortunately, there is no Chinese interface yet. Because the post in the newsgroup is much more, I click "Advaced Groups Search" to enter the advanced search interface Newsgroup Advanced Search Interface provides conditions for keywords, newsgroups, topics, authors, post serial numbers, languages, and release dates. The author is the only identifier electronic mailbox used by the author. For example, you can search for famous old-name networks in Alt.Chinese.Text, you can use the following instructions "Group: alt.chinese.text author:". However, in general, I recommend using graphic search interfaces, convenient and intuitive. Search results for translation

Has I worked for those who don't understand, my Spanish page is troubled? Now, Google supports a translation feature of search results, you can translate non-English search results into English! Although there is currently only limited Latin, French, Spanish, German and Portuguese, but I have to admit that this is a great improvement.

However, this function can only be implemented under English state Google. Enter the Google settings page,, there is a "Beta: Enable Translation Of Search Results INTO YOURIRS INTER INTERITLANGUAGE." To select it, it is OK.

Search resultsfiltration

The adult content on the Internet is like a smoke sea, and many sites have deception or other adverse attempts, and the viewers are easily felt into the traps. To this end, Google has set up an adult content filtering, see Google's Setup page,, there is an option SafeSearch Filtering. However, Google in Chinese is not available.

PDF document search

I am particularly appreciated by Google is that it provides retrieval of the PDF document. At present, Google retrieved PDF documents is about 25 million. This is really wonderful. PDF is the electronic document format developed by Adobe, and now has become an electronic publishing standard for the Internet. PDF documents are usually some graphic comprehensively documentation, providing information generally comprehensively comprehensively.

Example: Search for PDF documents about e-commerce. Search: "InURL: PDF ECOMMERCE" Result: INURL: PDF ECommerce has been searched for the Internet. There are about 19,200 query results, which is 1-10. Search for 0.11 seconds.

Here is a search result:

. [PDF] Outsourcing Electronic Commerce Business Case White Paper By: John P. Sahlin, Product Marketing Professonial (PMP) Implementation Manager, Web Engineering generic text files - Similar pages

It can be seen that Google adds a tag of [PDF] before the PDF file, and Google converts the PDF file into a text file, click "General Text", which can be roughly viewing the general content of the PDF document. Of course, the original picture of PDF and the format are not.

Image document search

Google provides the search function of the image file on the Internet! This function is still in the B test stage, but it is very easy to use. The access address is "". You can enter keywords describing the image content in the keyword field, such as "Britney Spears, or enter keywords to describe image quality or other properties, such as" High Quality ". Google given search results with an intuitive thumbnail, as well as simple descriptions of this thumbnail, such as image file names, and size. Click on the thumbnail, the page is divided into two consequences. He is the thumbnail of the image, and the page link, which is a page where the image is located. There is a "Remove Frame" button in the upper right corner of the screen, which can quickly switch the frame page to the single result page, which is very convenient. Google also provides a restriction feature of adult content images that allows searches to avoid unnecessary harassment.

However, very unfortunately, the image search function does not support Chinese.

Seven, search skills talk

The choice of keywords play a decisive role in the search, all search skills, keyword selection is the most basic and most effective.

Example 1: Find the "Mirror Flower" book in the original text of the Shushi Bank.

Analysis: If the specific paragraph in a certain novel is found in accordance with the general ideas, you need to use the search engine to first find this book, then turn it back to this paragraph. This is Of course, but the efficiency is very low. If you understand the composition of the target information, you can find the information you want very quickly with some words unique to some target information. That is, the high-efficiency search keyword is not necessarily the subject of the target information. In the example above, the wine is talked about the thickness of the wine and the guys, it is also flying. Therefore, you can find target information with a specific word.

Search: "The wine", OK, found the first information is the paragraph of the mirror: "Mr. listener: Today, the wine and vine, the price is expensive. ? For a very expensive? Zhenzhi, in the taste of the taste, so the wine is light, so the vinegar is thick, so expensive. "

The above keyword selection techniques can be described as "specific words".

Example 2: What is the meaning of "yellow flower" in the word "yellow flower".

Analysis: "Huanghua Yue" is a conventional saying, if only "Huanghua Yellow Huanghua" is a keyword, the search results will be like smoke, there is no value, so there must be more keywords, constraints of search results. What is the key word to choose? There is "meaning", "meaning", "origin", "origin", "allusions", "done", "origin", etc., can guess, similar information, should include some folk introductory In the text, the probability of vocabulary such as "origin", "origin", "dialog" is higher.

Search: "The Yellow Flower Yellow Loss", I found that "Huanghua" originally established in the Taiping Overview, and the Shouyang Princess of the South Dynasty. If you want to get the first-hand information, you can search for the "Princess of the Taiping".

The above keyword selection techniques can be described as "synonym".

Example 3: What is the bust of Comrade Liu Dehua.

Analysis: First, declare that this is a Search for MM to do, I use it as a search case, no other meaning. Very direct search is, "Liu Dehua Bust", but in fact, such a search result, but some gossip news such as "Liu Dehua takes a smile Mo Wen Wei Bust too small", it is impossible to get the required information. It can be thought that the required information should be included in the comprehensive introductory text of Andy Lau, in addition to the bust, it should also include a series of related information such as height, weight, birthday. OK, this can further increase other constraint keywords to narrow the search range. Search: "Liu Dehua Bust High", there is no news, the online hot scorpion Cai "first intimate contact" contains such keywords, ATTA "Adapted from Liu Dehua" forgetting water "metamorphosis "" Number of high weight and birthday "is used." Good to do, remove this novel, "Liu Dehua's chest height - Antai", OK, the result came, Hua Tsai chest 84cm. Explain, why don't you use "Antai" without "first intimate contact"? This is because the name of the novel may change when the name is reproduced, but the name of the role is not changed.

The above keyword selection techniques can be described as "related words".

Other common search cases

Example 1: Looking for someone

Analysis: The information disclosed online usually: name, net name, gender, age, graduation school, work unit, external number, address, telephone, mailbox, BP, mobile number, ICQ number, OICQ number, etc. So, if you have to understand the classmates who haven't seen many years, I may wish to use the above information to query the keyword, may have a big gain.

Example 2: Find software

Analysis 1: The simplest search is of course directly inquiry directly with the software name and version number. However, just software names and target sites, obviously don't work, because search may be related news. You should add a keyword. Considering that there is a "click here to download" or "Download" on the download page, you can add "Download" or "Download" as the keyword. Search: "Winzip 8.0 Download" Result: The Chinese (Simplified) web page for WinZip 8.0 downloads has been searched. There are about 6,670 query results, which is 1-10. Search for 0.22 seconds.

Analysis 2: Many websites have a special download directory, and is named "Download", so you can search for these download directories directly with Inout. Search: "Winzip 8.0 InURL: Download" Result: Searched Chinese (Simplified) webpage for Winzip 8.0 Inurl: Download. There are about 358 query results, which is 1-10. Search for 0.44 seconds.

The free download software on the Internet is unsafe, because the software for downloading is likely to have a virus or bundled Trojans, so it is a secure idea for downloading the website. This can be achieved with Site syntax.

After the shared software is downloaded, the software always jumps out of the warning box, or the function of the software is subject to certain restrictions. Since China's netizens are mostly poor sticks, I should find a registration code. Looking for the registration code, in addition to the software's name and version number, there is also a keyword such as "Serial Number", "SN", "Serial Number". Now let's search for the registration code of WinZip8.0. Search: "Winzip 8.0 SN" Result: Winzip 8.0 Sn has been searched to the Internet. There are about 777 query results, which is 1-10. Search for 0.30 seconds. Example 3: Find a picture

In addition to Google's special picture search function, you can also use some search syntax to meet the purpose of the picture search.

Analysis 1: Special picture collection, the website to provide pictures usually put the picture in a special directory, such as "Gallary", "Album", "Photo", "Image". This allows you to quickly find this type of directory using the Inull syntax. Now, try to find a photo of a small sweet burble. Search: "" Britney Spears "InURL: Photo" Result: "Britney Spears" INURL: Photo has been searched to the Internet. There are about 2,720 query results, which is 1-10. Search for 0.23 seconds.

Analysis 2: Provide a web page for the picture collection, usually in the title bar, which is the picture collection of who. So you can find such a web page with the intitle syntax. Search: "INTITLE:" BRITNEY SPEARS "Picture" Result: Intitle: "Britney Spears" Picture has been searched to the Internet. There are about 317 query results. This is 1-10. Search for 0.40 seconds.

Analysis 3: Stars' fans usually apply for free personal homepage to store their idols. So use the site syntax to specify a free home supply site, which is a good way to find a picture quickly. Search: "" Britney Spears "Site:" Results: Search for "Britney Spears" on There are about 5,020 query results, which is 1-10. Search for 0.47 seconds.

Example 4: Find MP3

Analysis 1: Provide an MP3 website, usually create a directory called MP3, and stores a variety of MP3 songs in the directory underground. So, you can quickly find this type of directory with the Inull syntax. Now use this method to find the old song "Say You Say ME". Search: "" "Say You Say Me" InURL: MP3 "Result: INURL: MP3" Say You Say ME "is already from the Internet. There are about 155 query results, which is 1-10. Search for 0.17 seconds.

Analysis 2: You can also find this type of web page to find MP3. Search: "" SAY You Say Me "Intitle: MP3" Result: "SAY You Say Me" INTITLE: MP3 has been searched to the Internet. There are about 178 query results, which is 1-10. Search for 0.73 seconds.

Of course, if you know if the download speed of a website is fast, and the music is full, you can use the site syntax to see if there is any target music.

Example 5: Find a book

Analysis 1: For me, the e-library website that is often visited is then such as the "" of the literary class. So you can use the Site syntax very simple to find a book (if you have something on the site). For example, "Old Tang Site:" can immediately find the book. If not, it is difficult to find on other websites. Therefore, the key to finding books is that you know a large number of famous library sites. Analysis 2: I have the first keyword selection skills, which is the first keyword, is extremely useful for rapid finding a book or article. Of course, this is based on the book, the content of the book is impressive. on. For example, if you understand the rough content of the Coose's book warfill, you can use the "Joshid Windmill Sang Jo" to quickly find the book.

Nine, Google Search FAQ

Q: How to comprehensively understand A: View the website related pages "".

Q: How to switch the initial language interface of A: Click "Preferences" in the right of the search bar, select the language you expect in "Interface Language", click on the bottom "Save preferences" button. What needs to be reminded is that Google records this preference with cookies, so if you turn off the browser's cookie function, you cannot set it.

Q: How do I set the number of search results per page? A: Same as above, enter the use of preferences, select the number of display results in this page, the larger the number, the longer the display result is required, and the default is 10 items.

Q: What should I do if the search link cannot be opened? A: The link cannot be opened, such as a website, or ISP filtering, etc. You can click on Google's "Web Snapshot" to view the web cache on the Google server.

Q: Open the link of the search results, but the page is too big, it is difficult to find what to find out the purpose of finding the purpose? A: Open the "Web Snapshot" directly, Google will mark the keywords with different colors, which is easy to find.


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